---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Haddock.Interface.Rename -- Copyright : (c) Simon Marlow 2003-2006, -- David Waern 2006-2009 -- License : BSD-like -- -- Maintainer : haddock@projects.haskell.org -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Haddock.Interface.Rename (renameInterface) where import Haddock.Types import Haddock.GhcUtils import GHC hiding (NoLink) import Name import BasicTypes import Bag (emptyBag) import Data.List import qualified Data.Map as Map hiding ( Map ) import Prelude hiding (mapM) import Data.Traversable (mapM) import Control.Monad hiding (mapM) renameInterface :: LinkEnv -> Bool -> Interface -> ErrMsgM Interface renameInterface renamingEnv warnings iface = -- first create the local env, where every name exported by this module -- is mapped to itself, and everything else comes from the global renaming -- env let localEnv = foldl fn renamingEnv (ifaceVisibleExports iface) where fn env name = Map.insert name (ifaceMod iface) env docMap = Map.map (\(_,x,_) -> x) (ifaceDeclMap iface) -- make instance docs into 'docForDecls' instDocs = [ (name, (Just doc, Map.empty)) | (name, doc) <- Map.toList (ifaceInstanceDocMap iface) ] docs = Map.toList docMap ++ instDocs renameMapElem (k,d) = do d' <- renameDocForDecl d; return (k, d') -- rename names in the exported declarations to point to things that -- are closer to, or maybe even exported by, the current module. (renamedExportItems, missingNames1) = runRnFM localEnv (renameExportItems (ifaceExportItems iface)) (rnDocMap, missingNames2) = runRnFM localEnv (liftM Map.fromList (mapM renameMapElem docs)) (finalModuleDoc, missingNames3) = runRnFM localEnv (renameMaybeDoc (ifaceDoc iface)) -- combine the missing names and filter out the built-ins, which would -- otherwise allways be missing. missingNames = nub $ filter isExternalName (missingNames1 ++ missingNames2 ++ missingNames3) -- filter out certain built in type constructors using their string -- representation. TODO: use the Name constants from the GHC API. -- strings = filter (`notElem` ["()", "[]", "(->)"]) -- (map pretty missingNames) strings = map pretty . filter (\n -> not (isSystemName n || isBuiltInSyntax n)) $ missingNames in do -- report things that we couldn't link to. Only do this for non-hidden -- modules. unless (OptHide `elem` ifaceOptions iface || null strings || not warnings) $ tell ["Warning: " ++ moduleString (ifaceMod iface) ++ ": could not find link destinations for:\n"++ unwords (" " : strings) ] return $ iface { ifaceRnDoc = finalModuleDoc, ifaceRnDocMap = rnDocMap, ifaceRnExportItems = renamedExportItems } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Monad for renaming -- -- The monad does two things for us: it passes around the environment for -- renaming, and it returns a list of names which couldn't be found in -- the environment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype GenRnM n a = RnM { unRn :: (n -> (Bool, DocName)) -- name lookup function -> (a,[n]) } type RnM a = GenRnM Name a instance Monad (GenRnM n) where (>>=) = thenRn return = returnRn returnRn :: a -> GenRnM n a returnRn a = RnM (const (a,[])) thenRn :: GenRnM n a -> (a -> GenRnM n b) -> GenRnM n b m `thenRn` k = RnM (\lkp -> case unRn m lkp of (a,out1) -> case unRn (k a) lkp of (b,out2) -> (b,out1++out2)) getLookupRn :: RnM (Name -> (Bool, DocName)) getLookupRn = RnM (\lkp -> (lkp,[])) outRn :: Name -> RnM () outRn name = RnM (const ((),[name])) lookupRn :: (DocName -> a) -> Name -> RnM a lookupRn and_then name = do lkp <- getLookupRn case lkp name of (False,maps_to) -> do outRn name; return (and_then maps_to) (True, maps_to) -> return (and_then maps_to) runRnFM :: LinkEnv -> RnM a -> (a,[Name]) runRnFM env rn = unRn rn lkp where lkp n = case Map.lookup n env of Nothing -> (False, Undocumented n) Just mdl -> (True, Documented n mdl) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Renaming -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rename :: Name -> RnM DocName rename = lookupRn id renameL :: Located Name -> RnM (Located DocName) renameL = mapM rename renameExportItems :: [ExportItem Name] -> RnM [ExportItem DocName] renameExportItems = mapM renameExportItem renameDocForDecl :: (Maybe (Doc Name), FnArgsDoc Name) -> RnM (Maybe (Doc DocName), FnArgsDoc DocName) renameDocForDecl (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) = do mbDoc' <- renameMaybeDoc mbDoc fnArgsDoc' <- renameFnArgsDoc fnArgsDoc return (mbDoc', fnArgsDoc') renameMaybeDoc :: Maybe (Doc Name) -> RnM (Maybe (Doc DocName)) renameMaybeDoc = mapM renameDoc renameLDocHsSyn :: LHsDocString -> RnM LHsDocString renameLDocHsSyn = return renameDoc :: Doc Name -> RnM (Doc DocName) renameDoc d = case d of DocEmpty -> return DocEmpty DocAppend a b -> do a' <- renameDoc a b' <- renameDoc b return (DocAppend a' b') DocString str -> return (DocString str) DocParagraph doc -> do doc' <- renameDoc doc return (DocParagraph doc') DocIdentifier ids -> do lkp <- getLookupRn case [ n | (True, n) <- map lkp ids ] of ids'@(_:_) -> return (DocIdentifier ids') [] -> return (DocIdentifier (map Undocumented ids)) DocModule str -> return (DocModule str) DocEmphasis doc -> do doc' <- renameDoc doc return (DocEmphasis doc') DocMonospaced doc -> do doc' <- renameDoc doc return (DocMonospaced doc') DocUnorderedList docs -> do docs' <- mapM renameDoc docs return (DocUnorderedList docs') DocOrderedList docs -> do docs' <- mapM renameDoc docs return (DocOrderedList docs') DocDefList docs -> do docs' <- mapM (\(a,b) -> do a' <- renameDoc a b' <- renameDoc b return (a',b')) docs return (DocDefList docs') DocCodeBlock doc -> do doc' <- renameDoc doc return (DocCodeBlock doc') DocURL str -> return (DocURL str) DocPic str -> return (DocPic str) DocAName str -> return (DocAName str) DocExamples e -> return (DocExamples e) renameFnArgsDoc :: FnArgsDoc Name -> RnM (FnArgsDoc DocName) renameFnArgsDoc = mapM renameDoc renameLPred :: LHsPred Name -> RnM (LHsPred DocName) renameLPred = mapM renamePred renamePred :: HsPred Name -> RnM (HsPred DocName) renamePred (HsClassP name types) = do name' <- rename name types' <- mapM renameLType types return (HsClassP name' types') renamePred (HsEqualP type1 type2) = do type1' <- renameLType type1 type2' <- renameLType type2 return (HsEqualP type1' type2') renamePred (HsIParam (IPName name) t) = do name' <- rename name t' <- renameLType t return (HsIParam (IPName name') t') renameLType :: LHsType Name -> RnM (LHsType DocName) renameLType = mapM renameType renameType :: HsType Name -> RnM (HsType DocName) renameType t = case t of HsForAllTy expl tyvars lcontext ltype -> do tyvars' <- mapM renameLTyVarBndr tyvars lcontext' <- renameLContext lcontext ltype' <- renameLType ltype return (HsForAllTy expl tyvars' lcontext' ltype') HsTyVar n -> return . HsTyVar =<< rename n HsBangTy b ltype -> return . HsBangTy b =<< renameLType ltype HsAppTy a b -> do a' <- renameLType a b' <- renameLType b return (HsAppTy a' b') HsFunTy a b -> do a' <- renameLType a b' <- renameLType b return (HsFunTy a' b') HsListTy ty -> return . HsListTy =<< renameLType ty HsPArrTy ty -> return . HsPArrTy =<< renameLType ty HsTupleTy b ts -> return . HsTupleTy b =<< mapM renameLType ts HsOpTy a (L loc op) b -> do op' <- rename op a' <- renameLType a b' <- renameLType b return (HsOpTy a' (L loc op') b') HsParTy ty -> return . HsParTy =<< renameLType ty HsPredTy p -> return . HsPredTy =<< renamePred p HsKindSig ty k -> do ty' <- renameLType ty return (HsKindSig ty' k) HsDocTy ty doc -> do ty' <- renameLType ty doc' <- renameLDocHsSyn doc return (HsDocTy ty' doc') _ -> error "renameType" renameLTyVarBndr :: LHsTyVarBndr Name -> RnM (LHsTyVarBndr DocName) renameLTyVarBndr (L loc tv) = do name' <- rename (hsTyVarName tv) return $ L loc (replaceTyVarName tv name') renameLContext :: Located [LHsPred Name] -> RnM (Located [LHsPred DocName]) renameLContext (L loc context) = do context' <- mapM renameLPred context return (L loc context') renameInstHead :: InstHead Name -> RnM (InstHead DocName) renameInstHead (preds, className, types) = do preds' <- mapM renamePred preds className' <- rename className types' <- mapM renameType types return (preds', className', types') renameLDecl :: LHsDecl Name -> RnM (LHsDecl DocName) renameLDecl (L loc d) = return . L loc =<< renameDecl d renameDecl :: HsDecl Name -> RnM (HsDecl DocName) renameDecl decl = case decl of TyClD d -> do d' <- renameTyClD d return (TyClD d') SigD s -> do s' <- renameSig s return (SigD s') ForD d -> do d' <- renameForD d return (ForD d') InstD d -> do d' <- renameInstD d return (InstD d') _ -> error "renameDecl" renameLTyClD :: LTyClDecl Name -> RnM (LTyClDecl DocName) renameLTyClD (L loc d) = return . L loc =<< renameTyClD d renameTyClD :: TyClDecl Name -> RnM (TyClDecl DocName) renameTyClD d = case d of ForeignType lname b -> do lname' <- renameL lname return (ForeignType lname' b) TyFamily flav lname ltyvars kind -> do lname' <- renameL lname ltyvars' <- mapM renameLTyVarBndr ltyvars return (TyFamily flav lname' ltyvars' kind) TyData x lcontext lname ltyvars typats k cons _ -> do lcontext' <- renameLContext lcontext lname' <- renameL lname ltyvars' <- mapM renameLTyVarBndr ltyvars typats' <- mapM (mapM renameLType) typats cons' <- mapM renameLCon cons -- I don't think we need the derivings, so we return Nothing return (TyData x lcontext' lname' ltyvars' typats' k cons' Nothing) TySynonym lname ltyvars typats ltype -> do lname' <- renameL lname ltyvars' <- mapM renameLTyVarBndr ltyvars ltype' <- renameLType ltype typats' <- mapM (mapM renameLType) typats return (TySynonym lname' ltyvars' typats' ltype') ClassDecl lcontext lname ltyvars lfundeps lsigs _ ats at_defs _ -> do lcontext' <- renameLContext lcontext lname' <- renameL lname ltyvars' <- mapM renameLTyVarBndr ltyvars lfundeps' <- mapM renameLFunDep lfundeps lsigs' <- mapM renameLSig lsigs ats' <- mapM renameLTyClD ats at_defs' <- mapM renameLTyClD at_defs -- we don't need the default methods or the already collected doc entities return (ClassDecl lcontext' lname' ltyvars' lfundeps' lsigs' emptyBag ats' at_defs' []) where renameLCon (L loc con) = return . L loc =<< renameCon con renameCon decl@(ConDecl { con_name = lname, con_qvars = ltyvars , con_cxt = lcontext, con_details = details , con_res = restype, con_doc = mbldoc }) = do lname' <- renameL lname ltyvars' <- mapM renameLTyVarBndr ltyvars lcontext' <- renameLContext lcontext details' <- renameDetails details restype' <- renameResType restype mbldoc' <- mapM renameLDocHsSyn mbldoc return (decl { con_name = lname', con_qvars = ltyvars', con_cxt = lcontext' , con_details = details', con_res = restype', con_doc = mbldoc' }) renameDetails (RecCon fields) = return . RecCon =<< mapM renameField fields renameDetails (PrefixCon ps) = return . PrefixCon =<< mapM renameLType ps renameDetails (InfixCon a b) = do a' <- renameLType a b' <- renameLType b return (InfixCon a' b') renameField (ConDeclField name t doc) = do name' <- renameL name t' <- renameLType t doc' <- mapM renameLDocHsSyn doc return (ConDeclField name' t' doc') renameResType (ResTyH98) = return ResTyH98 renameResType (ResTyGADT t) = return . ResTyGADT =<< renameLType t renameLFunDep (L loc (xs, ys)) = do xs' <- mapM rename xs ys' <- mapM rename ys return (L loc (xs', ys')) renameLSig (L loc sig) = return . L loc =<< renameSig sig renameSig :: Sig Name -> RnM (Sig DocName) renameSig sig = case sig of TypeSig lnames ltype -> do lnames' <- mapM renameL lnames ltype' <- renameLType ltype return (TypeSig lnames' ltype') -- we have filtered out all other kinds of signatures in Interface.Create _ -> error "expected TypeSig" renameForD :: ForeignDecl Name -> RnM (ForeignDecl DocName) renameForD (ForeignImport lname ltype x) = do lname' <- renameL lname ltype' <- renameLType ltype return (ForeignImport lname' ltype' x) renameForD (ForeignExport lname ltype x) = do lname' <- renameL lname ltype' <- renameLType ltype return (ForeignExport lname' ltype' x) renameInstD :: InstDecl Name -> RnM (InstDecl DocName) renameInstD (InstDecl ltype _ _ lATs) = do ltype' <- renameLType ltype lATs' <- mapM renameLTyClD lATs return (InstDecl ltype' emptyBag [] lATs') renameExportItem :: ExportItem Name -> RnM (ExportItem DocName) renameExportItem item = case item of ExportModule mdl -> return (ExportModule mdl) ExportGroup lev id_ doc -> do doc' <- renameDoc doc return (ExportGroup lev id_ doc') ExportDecl decl doc subs instances -> do decl' <- renameLDecl decl doc' <- renameDocForDecl doc subs' <- mapM renameSub subs instances' <- forM instances $ \(inst, idoc) -> do inst' <- renameInstHead inst idoc' <- mapM renameDoc idoc return (inst', idoc') return (ExportDecl decl' doc' subs' instances') ExportNoDecl x subs -> do x' <- lookupRn id x subs' <- mapM (lookupRn id) subs return (ExportNoDecl x' subs') ExportDoc doc -> do doc' <- renameDoc doc return (ExportDoc doc') renameSub :: (Name, DocForDecl Name) -> RnM (DocName, DocForDecl DocName) renameSub (n,doc) = do n' <- rename n doc' <- renameDocForDecl doc return (n', doc')