-- -- Haddock - A Haskell Documentation Tool -- -- (c) Simon Marlow 2003 -- module Haddock.Types where import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Control.Monad.Writer import GHC hiding (NoLink) import Outputable data DocOption = OptHide -- ^ This module should not appear in the docs | OptPrune | OptIgnoreExports -- ^ Pretend everything is exported | OptNotHome -- ^ Not the best place to get docs for things -- exported by this module. deriving (Eq, Show) data ExportItem name = ExportDecl { -- | The original name expItemName :: Name, -- | A declaration expItemDecl :: LHsDecl name, -- | Maybe a doc comment expItemMbDoc :: Maybe (HsDoc name), -- | Instances relevant to this declaration expItemInstances :: [InstHead name] } -- ^ An exported declaration | ExportNoDecl { -- | The original name expItemName :: Name, -- | Where to link to expItemLinkTarget :: name, -- | Subordinate names expItemSubs :: [name] } -- ^ An exported entity for which we have no -- documentation (perhaps because it resides in -- another package) | ExportGroup { -- | Section level (1, 2, 3, ... ) expItemSectionLevel :: Int, -- | Section id (for hyperlinks) expItemSectionId :: String, -- | Section heading text expItemSectionText :: HsDoc name } -- ^ A section heading | ExportDoc (HsDoc name) -- ^ Some documentation | ExportModule Module -- ^ A cross-reference to another module type InstHead name = ([HsPred name], name, [HsType name]) type ModuleMap = Map Module Interface type DocMap = Map Name (HsDoc DocName) type LinkEnv = Map Name Name data DocName = Link Name | NoLink Name instance Outputable DocName where ppr (Link n) = ppr n ppr (NoLink n) = ppr n instance NamedThing DocName where getName (Link n) = n getName (NoLink n) = n -- | This structure holds the module information we get from GHC's -- type checking phase data GhcModule = GhcModule { ghcModule :: Module, ghcFilename :: FilePath, ghcMbDocOpts :: Maybe String, ghcHaddockModInfo :: HaddockModInfo Name, ghcMbDoc :: Maybe (HsDoc Name), ghcGroup :: HsGroup Name, ghcMbExports :: Maybe [LIE Name], ghcExportedNames :: [Name], ghcNamesInScope :: [Name], ghcInstances :: [Instance] } -- | This is the data structure used to render a Haddock page for a module - it -- is the "interface" of the module. The core of Haddock lies in creating this -- structure (see Haddock.Interface). The structure also holds intermediate -- data needed during its creation. data Interface = Interface { -- | The documented module ifaceMod :: Module, -- | The original filename for this module ifaceOrigFilename :: FilePath, -- | Textual information about the module ifaceInfo :: HaddockModInfo Name, -- | The documentation header for this module ifaceDoc :: Maybe (HsDoc Name), -- | The renamed documentation header for this module ifaceRnDoc :: Maybe (HsDoc DocName), -- | The Haddock options for this module (prune, ignore-exports, etc) ifaceOptions :: [DocOption], ifaceExportedDeclMap :: Map Name (LHsDecl Name), ifaceDocMap :: Map Name (HsDoc Name), ifaceRnDocMap :: Map Name (HsDoc DocName), ifaceExportItems :: [ExportItem Name], ifaceRnExportItems :: [ExportItem DocName], -- | All the names that are defined in this module ifaceLocals :: [Name], -- | All the names that are exported by this module ifaceExports :: [Name], -- | All the visible names exported by this module -- For a name to be visible, it has to: -- - be exported normally, and not via a full module re-exportation. -- - have a declaration in this module or any of it's imports, with the -- exception that it can't be from another package. -- Basically, a visible name is a name that will show up in the documentation -- for this module. ifaceVisibleExports :: [Name], ifaceSubMap :: Map Name [Name], -- | The instances exported by this module ifaceInstances :: [Instance] } -- | A smaller version of 'Interface' that we can get from the Haddock -- interface files. data InstalledInterface = InstalledInterface { instMod :: Module, instInfo :: HaddockModInfo Name, instDocMap :: Map Name (HsDoc DocName), instExports :: [Name], instVisibleExports :: [Name] } -- | Convert an 'Interface' to an 'InstalledInterface' toInstalledIface :: Interface -> InstalledInterface toInstalledIface interface = InstalledInterface { instMod = ifaceMod interface, instInfo = ifaceInfo interface, instDocMap = ifaceRnDocMap interface, instExports = ifaceExports interface, instVisibleExports = ifaceVisibleExports interface } data DocMarkup id a = Markup { markupEmpty :: a, markupString :: String -> a, markupParagraph :: a -> a, markupAppend :: a -> a -> a, markupIdentifier :: [id] -> a, markupModule :: String -> a, markupEmphasis :: a -> a, markupMonospaced :: a -> a, markupUnorderedList :: [a] -> a, markupOrderedList :: [a] -> a, markupDefList :: [(a,a)] -> a, markupCodeBlock :: a -> a, markupURL :: String -> a, markupAName :: String -> a } -- A monad which collects error messages type ErrMsg = String type ErrMsgM a = Writer [ErrMsg] a