module HaddockDevHelp(ppDevHelpFile) where import HaddockModuleTree import HaddockTypes import HaddockUtil import HsSyn hiding(Doc) import qualified Map import PrettyPrint import Maybe ( fromMaybe ) ppDevHelpFile :: FilePath -> String -> Maybe String -> [(Module,Interface)] -> IO () ppDevHelpFile odir doctitle maybe_package ifaces = do let devHelpFile = package++".devhelp" tree = mkModuleTree [ (mod, iface_package iface, toDescription iface) | (mod, iface) <- ifaces ] doc = text "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>" $$ (text "<book xmlns=\"\" title=\""<>text doctitle<> text "\" link=\""<>text contentsHtmlFile<>text"\" author=\"\" name=\""<>text package<>text "\">") $$ text "<chapters>" $$ nest 4 (ppModuleTree [] tree) $+$ text "</chapters>" $$ text "<functions>" $$ nest 4 (ppList index) $+$ text "</functions>" $$ text "</book>" writeFile (pathJoin [odir, devHelpFile]) (render doc) where package = fromMaybe "pkg" maybe_package ppModuleTree :: [String] -> [ModuleTree] -> Doc ppModuleTree ss [x] = ppNode ss x ppModuleTree ss (x:xs) = ppNode ss x $$ ppModuleTree ss xs ppModuleTree _ [] = error "HaddockHH.ppHHContents.fn: no module trees given" ppNode :: [String] -> ModuleTree -> Doc ppNode ss (Node s leaf _pkg _short ts) = case ts of [] -> text "<sub"<+>ppAttribs<>text "/>" ts -> text "<sub"<+>ppAttribs<>text ">" $$ nest 4 (ppModuleTree (s:ss) ts) $+$ text "</sub>" where ppLink | leaf = text (moduleHtmlFile mdl) | otherwise = empty ppAttribs = text "name="<>doubleQuotes (text s)<+>text "link="<>doubleQuotes ppLink mdl = foldr (++) "" (s' : map ('.':) ss') (s':ss') = reverse (s:ss) -- reconstruct the module name index :: [(HsName, [Module])] index = Map.toAscList (foldr getIfaceIndex Map.empty ifaces) getIfaceIndex (mdl,iface) fm = Map.unionWith (++) (Map.fromListWith (flip (++)) [(name, [mdl]) | (name, Qual mdl' _) <- Map.toAscList (iface_env iface), mdl == mdl']) fm ppList [] = empty ppList ((name,refs):mdls) = ppReference name refs $$ ppList mdls ppReference name [] = empty ppReference name (Module mdl:refs) = text "<function name=\""<>text (escapeStr (show name))<>text"\" link=\""<>text (nameHtmlRef mdl name)<>text"\"/>" $$ ppReference name refs