-- -- Haddock - A Haskell Documentation Tool -- -- (c) Simon Marlow 2003 -- module HaddockHtml ( ppHtml, copyHtmlBits, ppHtmlIndex, ppHtmlContents, ppHtmlHelpFiles ) where import Prelude hiding (div) import Binary2 ( openBinaryFile ) import HaddockDevHelp import HaddockHH import HaddockHH2 import HaddockModuleTree import HaddockTypes import HaddockUtil import HaddockVersion import Html import qualified Html import Map ( Map ) import qualified Map hiding ( Map ) import Control.Exception ( bracket ) import Control.Monad ( when, unless ) import Data.Char ( isUpper, toUpper ) import Data.List ( sortBy ) import Data.Maybe ( fromJust, isJust, mapMaybe, fromMaybe ) import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc ( allocaBytes ) import System.IO ( IOMode(..), hClose, hGetBuf, hPutBuf ) import GHC import Name import Module import RdrName hiding ( Qual ) import SrcLoc import FastString ( unpackFS ) import BasicTypes ( IPName(..), Boxity(..) ) import Kind --import Outputable ( ppr, defaultUserStyle ) -- the base, module and entity URLs for the source code and wiki links. type SourceURLs = (Maybe String, Maybe String, Maybe String) type WikiURLs = (Maybe String, Maybe String, Maybe String) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generating HTML documentation ppHtml :: String -> Maybe String -- package -> [HaddockModule] -> FilePath -- destination directory -> Maybe (GHC.HsDoc GHC.RdrName) -- prologue text, maybe -> Maybe String -- the Html Help format (--html-help) -> SourceURLs -- the source URL (--source) -> WikiURLs -- the wiki URL (--wiki) -> Maybe String -- the contents URL (--use-contents) -> Maybe String -- the index URL (--use-index) -> IO () ppHtml doctitle maybe_package hmods odir prologue maybe_html_help_format maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url = do let visible_hmods = filter visible hmods visible i = OptHide `notElem` hmod_options i when (not (isJust maybe_contents_url)) $ ppHtmlContents odir doctitle maybe_package maybe_html_help_format maybe_index_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url [ hmod { hmod_package = Nothing } | hmod <- visible_hmods ] -- we don't want to display the packages in a single-package contents prologue when (not (isJust maybe_index_url)) $ ppHtmlIndex odir doctitle maybe_package maybe_html_help_format maybe_contents_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url visible_hmods when (not (isJust maybe_contents_url && isJust maybe_index_url)) $ ppHtmlHelpFiles doctitle maybe_package hmods odir maybe_html_help_format [] mapM_ (ppHtmlModule odir doctitle maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url) visible_hmods ppHtmlHelpFiles :: String -- doctitle -> Maybe String -- package -> [HaddockModule] -> FilePath -- destination directory -> Maybe String -- the Html Help format (--html-help) -> [FilePath] -- external packages paths -> IO () ppHtmlHelpFiles doctitle maybe_package hmods odir maybe_html_help_format pkg_paths = do let visible_hmods = filter visible hmods visible i = OptHide `notElem` hmod_options i -- Generate index and contents page for Html Help if requested case maybe_html_help_format of Nothing -> return () Just "mshelp" -> ppHHProject odir doctitle maybe_package visible_hmods pkg_paths Just "mshelp2" -> do ppHH2Files odir maybe_package visible_hmods pkg_paths ppHH2Collection odir doctitle maybe_package Just "devhelp" -> ppDevHelpFile odir doctitle maybe_package visible_hmods Just format -> fail ("The "++format++" format is not implemented") copyFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () copyFile fromFPath toFPath = (bracket (openBinaryFile fromFPath ReadMode) hClose $ \hFrom -> bracket (openBinaryFile toFPath WriteMode) hClose $ \hTo -> allocaBytes bufferSize $ \buffer -> copyContents hFrom hTo buffer) where bufferSize = 1024 copyContents hFrom hTo buffer = do count <- hGetBuf hFrom buffer bufferSize when (count > 0) $ do hPutBuf hTo buffer count copyContents hFrom hTo buffer copyHtmlBits :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> IO () copyHtmlBits odir libdir maybe_css = do let libhtmldir = pathJoin [libdir, "html"] css_file = case maybe_css of Nothing -> pathJoin [libhtmldir, cssFile] Just f -> f css_destination = pathJoin [odir, cssFile] copyLibFile f = do copyFile (pathJoin [libhtmldir, f]) (pathJoin [odir, f]) copyFile css_file css_destination mapM_ copyLibFile [ iconFile, plusFile, minusFile, jsFile ] footer :: HtmlTable footer = tda [theclass "botbar"] << ( toHtml "Produced by" <+> (anchor ! [href projectUrl] << toHtml projectName) <+> toHtml ("version " ++ projectVersion) ) srcButton :: SourceURLs -> Maybe HaddockModule -> HtmlTable srcButton (Just src_base_url, _, _) Nothing = topButBox (anchor ! [href src_base_url] << toHtml "Source code") srcButton (_, Just src_module_url, _) (Just hmod) = let url = spliceURL (Just $ hmod_orig_filename hmod) (Just $ hmod_mod hmod) Nothing src_module_url in topButBox (anchor ! [href url] << toHtml "Source code") srcButton _ _ = Html.emptyTable spliceURL :: Maybe FilePath -> Maybe Module -> Maybe GHC.Name -> String -> String spliceURL maybe_file maybe_mod maybe_name url = run url where file = fromMaybe "" maybe_file mod = case maybe_mod of Nothing -> "" Just mod -> moduleString mod (name, kind) = case maybe_name of Nothing -> ("","") Just n | isValOcc (nameOccName n) -> (escapeStr (getOccString n), "v") | otherwise -> (escapeStr (getOccString n), "t") run "" = "" run ('%':'M':rest) = mod ++ run rest run ('%':'F':rest) = file ++ run rest run ('%':'N':rest) = name ++ run rest run ('%':'K':rest) = kind ++ run rest run ('%':'{':'M':'O':'D':'U':'L':'E':'}':rest) = mod ++ run rest run ('%':'{':'F':'I':'L':'E':'}':rest) = file ++ run rest run ('%':'{':'N':'A':'M':'E':'}':rest) = name ++ run rest run ('%':'{':'K':'I':'N':'D':'}':rest) = kind ++ run rest run ('%':'{':'M':'O':'D':'U':'L':'E':'/':'.':'/':c:'}':rest) = map (\x -> if x == '.' then c else x) mod ++ run rest run (c:rest) = c : run rest wikiButton :: WikiURLs -> Maybe Module -> HtmlTable wikiButton (Just wiki_base_url, _, _) Nothing = topButBox (anchor ! [href wiki_base_url] << toHtml "User Comments") wikiButton (_, Just wiki_module_url, _) (Just mod) = let url = spliceURL Nothing (Just mod) Nothing wiki_module_url in topButBox (anchor ! [href url] << toHtml "User Comments") wikiButton _ _ = Html.emptyTable contentsButton :: Maybe String -> HtmlTable contentsButton maybe_contents_url = topButBox (anchor ! [href url] << toHtml "Contents") where url = case maybe_contents_url of Nothing -> contentsHtmlFile Just url -> url indexButton :: Maybe String -> HtmlTable indexButton maybe_index_url = topButBox (anchor ! [href url] << toHtml "Index") where url = case maybe_index_url of Nothing -> indexHtmlFile Just url -> url simpleHeader :: String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> SourceURLs -> WikiURLs -> HtmlTable simpleHeader doctitle maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url = (tda [theclass "topbar"] << vanillaTable << ( (td << image ! [src "haskell_icon.gif", width "16", height 16, alt " " ] ) <-> (tda [theclass "title"] << toHtml doctitle) <-> srcButton maybe_source_url Nothing <-> wikiButton maybe_wiki_url Nothing <-> contentsButton maybe_contents_url <-> indexButton maybe_index_url )) pageHeader :: String -> HaddockModule -> String -> SourceURLs -> WikiURLs -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> HtmlTable pageHeader mdl hmod doctitle maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url = (tda [theclass "topbar"] << vanillaTable << ( (td << image ! [src "haskell_icon.gif", width "16", height 16, alt " "] ) <-> (tda [theclass "title"] << toHtml doctitle) <-> srcButton maybe_source_url (Just hmod) <-> wikiButton maybe_wiki_url (Just $ hmod_mod hmod) <-> contentsButton maybe_contents_url <-> indexButton maybe_index_url ) ) tda [theclass "modulebar"] << (vanillaTable << ( (td << font ! [size "6"] << toHtml mdl) <-> moduleInfo hmod ) ) moduleInfo :: HaddockModule -> HtmlTable moduleInfo hmod = let info = hmod_info hmod doOneEntry :: (String, (GHC.HaddockModInfo GHC.Name) -> Maybe String) -> Maybe HtmlTable doOneEntry (fieldName,field) = case field info of Nothing -> Nothing Just fieldValue -> Just ((tda [theclass "infohead"] << toHtml fieldName) <-> (tda [theclass "infoval"]) << toHtml fieldValue) entries :: [HtmlTable] entries = mapMaybe doOneEntry [ ("Portability",GHC.hmi_portability), ("Stability",GHC.hmi_stability), ("Maintainer",GHC.hmi_maintainer) ] in case entries of [] -> Html.emptyTable _ -> tda [align "right"] << narrowTable << (foldl1 () entries) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate the module contents ppHtmlContents :: FilePath -> String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> SourceURLs -> WikiURLs -> [HaddockModule] -> Maybe (GHC.HsDoc GHC.RdrName) -> IO () ppHtmlContents odir doctitle maybe_package maybe_html_help_format maybe_index_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url modules prologue = do let tree = mkModuleTree [(hmod_mod mod, hmod_package mod, toDescription mod) | mod <- modules] html = header (documentCharacterEncoding +++ thetitle (toHtml doctitle) +++ styleSheet +++ (script ! [src jsFile, thetype "text/javascript"] $ noHtml)) +++ body << vanillaTable << ( simpleHeader doctitle Nothing maybe_index_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url ppPrologue doctitle prologue ppModuleTree doctitle tree s15 footer ) writeFile (pathJoin [odir, contentsHtmlFile]) (renderHtml html) -- Generate contents page for Html Help if requested case maybe_html_help_format of Nothing -> return () Just "mshelp" -> ppHHContents odir doctitle maybe_package tree Just "mshelp2" -> ppHH2Contents odir doctitle maybe_package tree Just "devhelp" -> return () Just format -> fail ("The "++format++" format is not implemented") ppPrologue :: String -> Maybe (GHC.HsDoc GHC.RdrName) -> HtmlTable ppPrologue title Nothing = Html.emptyTable ppPrologue title (Just doc) = (tda [theclass "section1"] << toHtml title) docBox (rdrDocToHtml doc) ppModuleTree :: String -> [ModuleTree] -> HtmlTable ppModuleTree _ ts = tda [theclass "section1"] << toHtml "Modules" td << vanillaTable2 << htmlTable where genTable htmlTable id [] = (htmlTable,id) genTable htmlTable id (x:xs) = genTable (htmlTable u) id' xs where (u,id') = mkNode [] x 0 id (htmlTable,_) = genTable emptyTable 0 ts mkNode :: [String] -> ModuleTree -> Int -> Int -> (HtmlTable,Int) mkNode ss (Node s leaf pkg short ts) depth id = htmlNode where htmlNode = case ts of [] -> (td_pad_w 1.25 depth << htmlModule <-> shortDescr <-> htmlPkg,id) _ -> (td_w depth << (collapsebutton id_s +++ htmlModule) <-> shortDescr <-> htmlPkg (td_subtree << sub_tree), id') mod_width = 50::Int {-em-} td_pad_w pad depth = tda [thestyle ("padding-left: " ++ show pad ++ "em;" ++ "width: " ++ show (mod_width - depth*2) ++ "em")] td_w depth = tda [thestyle ("width: " ++ show (mod_width - depth*2) ++ "em")] td_subtree = tda [thestyle ("padding: 0; padding-left: 2em")] shortDescr :: HtmlTable shortDescr = case short of Nothing -> td empty Just doc -> tda [theclass "rdoc"] (origDocToHtml doc) htmlModule | leaf = ppModule mdl | otherwise = toHtml s htmlPkg = case pkg of Nothing -> td << empty Just p -> td << toHtml p mdl = foldr (++) "" (s' : map ('.':) ss') (s':ss') = reverse (s:ss) -- reconstruct the module name id_s = "n:" ++ show id (sub_tree,id') = genSubTree emptyTable (id+1) ts genSubTree :: HtmlTable -> Int -> [ModuleTree] -> (Html,Int) genSubTree htmlTable id [] = (sub_tree,id) where sub_tree = collapsed vanillaTable2 id_s htmlTable genSubTree htmlTable id (x:xs) = genSubTree (htmlTable u) id' xs where (u,id') = mkNode (s:ss) x (depth+1) id -- The URL for source and wiki links, and the current module type LinksInfo = (SourceURLs, WikiURLs, HaddockModule) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate the index ppHtmlIndex :: FilePath -> String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> SourceURLs -> WikiURLs -> [HaddockModule] -> IO () ppHtmlIndex odir doctitle maybe_package maybe_html_help_format maybe_contents_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url modules = do let html = header (documentCharacterEncoding +++ thetitle (toHtml (doctitle ++ " (Index)")) +++ styleSheet) +++ body << vanillaTable << ( simpleHeader doctitle maybe_contents_url Nothing maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url index_html ) when split_indices $ mapM_ (do_sub_index index) initialChars writeFile (pathJoin [odir, indexHtmlFile]) (renderHtml html) -- Generate index and contents page for Html Help if requested case maybe_html_help_format of Nothing -> return () Just "mshelp" -> ppHHIndex odir maybe_package modules Just "mshelp2" -> ppHH2Index odir maybe_package modules Just "devhelp" -> return () Just format -> fail ("The "++format++" format is not implemented") where split_indices = length index > 50 index_html | split_indices = tda [theclass "section1"] << toHtml ("Index") indexInitialLetterLinks | otherwise = td << table ! [cellpadding 0, cellspacing 5] << aboves (map indexElt index) indexInitialLetterLinks = td << table ! [cellpadding 0, cellspacing 5] << besides [ td << anchor ! [href (subIndexHtmlFile c)] << toHtml [c] | c <- initialChars , any ((==c) . toUpper . head . fst) index ] do_sub_index this_ix c = unless (null index_part) $ writeFile (pathJoin [odir, subIndexHtmlFile c]) (renderHtml html) where html = header (documentCharacterEncoding +++ thetitle (toHtml (doctitle ++ " (Index)")) +++ styleSheet) +++ body << vanillaTable << ( simpleHeader doctitle maybe_contents_url Nothing maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url indexInitialLetterLinks tda [theclass "section1"] << toHtml ("Index (" ++ c:")") td << table ! [cellpadding 0, cellspacing 5] << aboves (map indexElt index_part) ) index_part = [(n,stuff) | (n,stuff) <- this_ix, toUpper (head n) == c] index :: [(String, Map GHC.Name [(Module,Bool)])] index = sortBy cmp (Map.toAscList full_index) where cmp (n1,_) (n2,_) = n1 `compare` n2 -- for each name (a plain string), we have a number of original HsNames that -- it can refer to, and for each of those we have a list of modules -- that export that entity. Each of the modules exports the entity -- in a visible or invisible way (hence the Bool). full_index :: Map String (Map GHC.Name [(Module,Bool)]) full_index = Map.fromListWith (flip (Map.unionWith (++))) (concat (map getHModIndex modules)) getHModIndex hmod = [ (getOccString name, Map.fromList [(name, [(mdl, name `elem` hmod_visible_exports hmod)])]) | name <- hmod_exports hmod ] where mdl = hmod_mod hmod indexElt :: (String, Map GHC.Name [(Module,Bool)]) -> HtmlTable indexElt (str, entities) = case Map.toAscList entities of [(nm,entries)] -> tda [ theclass "indexentry" ] << toHtml str <-> indexLinks nm entries many_entities -> tda [ theclass "indexentry" ] << toHtml str aboves (map doAnnotatedEntity (zip [1..] many_entities)) doAnnotatedEntity (j,(nm,entries)) = tda [ theclass "indexannot" ] << toHtml (show j) <+> parens (ppAnnot (nameOccName nm)) <-> indexLinks nm entries ppAnnot n | not (isValOcc n) = toHtml "Type/Class" | isDataOcc n = toHtml "Data Constructor" | otherwise = toHtml "Function" indexLinks nm entries = tda [ theclass "indexlinks" ] << hsep (punctuate comma [ if visible then linkId mod (Just nm) << toHtml (moduleString mod) else toHtml (moduleString mod) | (mod, visible) <- entries ]) initialChars = [ 'A'..'Z' ] ++ ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate the HTML page for a module ppHtmlModule :: FilePath -> String -> SourceURLs -> WikiURLs -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> HaddockModule -> IO () ppHtmlModule odir doctitle maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url hmod = do let mod = hmod_mod hmod mdl = moduleString mod html = header (documentCharacterEncoding +++ thetitle (toHtml mdl) +++ styleSheet +++ (script ! [src jsFile, thetype "text/javascript"] $ noHtml)) +++ body << vanillaTable << ( pageHeader mdl hmod doctitle maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url s15 hmodToHtml maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url hmod s15 footer ) writeFile (pathJoin [odir, moduleHtmlFile mdl]) (renderHtml html) hmodToHtml :: SourceURLs -> WikiURLs -> HaddockModule -> HtmlTable hmodToHtml maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url hmod = abovesSep s15 (contents: description: synopsis: maybe_doc_hdr: bdy) where docMap = hmod_rn_doc_map hmod exports = numberSectionHeadings (hmod_rn_export_items hmod) has_doc (ExportDecl2 _ _ doc _) = isJust doc has_doc (ExportNoDecl2 _ _ _) = False has_doc (ExportModule2 _) = False has_doc _ = True no_doc_at_all = not (any has_doc exports) contents = td << vanillaTable << ppModuleContents exports description = case hmod_rn_doc hmod of Nothing -> Html.emptyTable Just doc -> (tda [theclass "section1"] << toHtml "Description") docBox (docToHtml doc) -- omit the synopsis if there are no documentation annotations at all synopsis | no_doc_at_all = Html.emptyTable | otherwise = (tda [theclass "section1"] << toHtml "Synopsis") s15 (tda [theclass "body"] << vanillaTable << abovesSep s8 (map (processExport True linksInfo docMap) (filter forSummary exports)) ) -- if the documentation doesn't begin with a section header, then -- add one ("Documentation"). maybe_doc_hdr = case exports of [] -> Html.emptyTable ExportGroup2 _ _ _ : _ -> Html.emptyTable _ -> tda [ theclass "section1" ] << toHtml "Documentation" bdy = map (processExport False linksInfo docMap) exports linksInfo = (maybe_source_url, maybe_wiki_url, hmod) ppModuleContents :: [ExportItem2 DocName] -> HtmlTable ppModuleContents exports | length sections == 0 = Html.emptyTable | otherwise = tda [theclass "section4"] << bold << toHtml "Contents" td << dlist << concatHtml sections where (sections, _leftovers{-should be []-}) = process 0 exports process :: Int -> [ExportItem2 DocName] -> ([Html],[ExportItem2 DocName]) process _ [] = ([], []) process n items@(ExportGroup2 lev id0 doc : rest) | lev <= n = ( [], items ) | otherwise = ( html:secs, rest2 ) where html = (dterm << linkedAnchor id0 << docToHtml doc) +++ mk_subsections ssecs (ssecs, rest1) = process lev rest (secs, rest2) = process n rest1 process n (_ : rest) = process n rest mk_subsections [] = noHtml mk_subsections ss = ddef << dlist << concatHtml ss -- we need to assign a unique id to each section heading so we can hyperlink -- them from the contents: numberSectionHeadings :: [ExportItem2 DocName] -> [ExportItem2 DocName] numberSectionHeadings exports = go 1 exports where go :: Int -> [ExportItem2 DocName] -> [ExportItem2 DocName] go _ [] = [] go n (ExportGroup2 lev _ doc : es) = ExportGroup2 lev (show n) doc : go (n+1) es go n (other:es) = other : go n es processExport :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> DocMap -> (ExportItem2 DocName) -> HtmlTable processExport _ _ _ (ExportGroup2 lev id0 doc) = ppDocGroup lev (namedAnchor id0 << docToHtml doc) processExport summary links docMap (ExportDecl2 x decl doc insts) = doDecl summary links x decl doc insts docMap processExport summmary _ _ (ExportNoDecl2 _ y []) = declBox (ppDocName y) processExport summmary _ _ (ExportNoDecl2 _ y subs) = declBox (ppDocName y <+> parenList (map ppDocName subs)) processExport _ _ _ (ExportDoc2 doc) = docBox (docToHtml doc) processExport _ _ _ (ExportModule2 mod) = declBox (toHtml "module" <+> ppModule (moduleString mod)) forSummary :: (ExportItem2 DocName) -> Bool forSummary (ExportGroup2 _ _ _) = False forSummary (ExportDoc2 _) = False forSummary _ = True ppDocGroup :: Int -> Html -> HtmlTable ppDocGroup lev doc | lev == 1 = tda [ theclass "section1" ] << doc | lev == 2 = tda [ theclass "section2" ] << doc | lev == 3 = tda [ theclass "section3" ] << doc | otherwise = tda [ theclass "section4" ] << doc declWithDoc :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> Name -> Maybe (HsDoc DocName) -> Html -> HtmlTable declWithDoc True _ _ _ _ html_decl = declBox html_decl declWithDoc False links loc nm Nothing html_decl = topDeclBox links loc nm html_decl declWithDoc False links loc nm (Just doc) html_decl = topDeclBox links loc nm html_decl docBox (docToHtml doc) doDecl :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> Name -> LHsDecl DocName -> Maybe (HsDoc DocName) -> [InstHead2 DocName] -> DocMap -> HtmlTable doDecl summary links x (L loc d) mbDoc instances docMap = doDecl d where doDecl (TyClD d) = doTyClD d doDecl (SigD s) = ppSig summary links loc mbDoc s doDecl (ForD d) = ppFor summary links loc mbDoc d doTyClD d0@(TyData {}) = ppDataDecl summary links instances x mbDoc d0 doTyClD d0@(TySynonym {}) = ppTySyn summary links loc mbDoc d0 doTyClD d0@(ClassDecl {}) = ppClassDecl summary links instances x loc mbDoc docMap d0 ppSig :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> Maybe (HsDoc DocName) -> Sig DocName -> HtmlTable ppSig summary links loc mbDoc (TypeSig lname ltype) | summary || noArgDocs t = declWithDoc summary links loc n mbDoc (ppTypeSig summary n t) | otherwise = topDeclBox links loc n (ppHsBinder False n) (tda [theclass "body"] << vanillaTable << ( do_args dcolon t (case mbDoc of Just doc -> ndocBox (docToHtml doc) Nothing -> Html.emptyTable) )) where t = unLoc ltype NoLink n = unLoc lname noLArgDocs (L _ t) = noArgDocs t noArgDocs (HsForAllTy _ _ _ t) = noLArgDocs t noArgDocs (HsFunTy (L _ (HsDocTy _ _)) _) = False noArgDocs (HsFunTy _ r) = noLArgDocs r noArgDocs (HsDocTy _ _) = False noArgDocs _ = True do_largs leader (L _ t) = do_args leader t do_args :: Html -> (HsType DocName) -> HtmlTable do_args leader (HsForAllTy Explicit tvs lctxt ltype) = (argBox ( leader <+> hsep (keyword "forall" : ppTyVars tvs ++ [toHtml "."]) <+> ppLContext lctxt) <-> rdocBox noHtml) do_largs darrow ltype do_args leader (HsForAllTy Implicit _ lctxt ltype) = (argBox (leader <+> ppLContext lctxt) <-> rdocBox noHtml) do_largs darrow ltype do_args leader (HsFunTy (L _ (HsDocTy lt ldoc)) r) = (argBox (leader <+> ppLType lt) <-> rdocBox (docToHtml (unLoc ldoc))) do_largs arrow r do_args leader (HsFunTy lt r) = (argBox (leader <+> ppLType lt) <-> rdocBox noHtml) do_largs arrow r do_args leader (HsDocTy lt ldoc) = (argBox (leader <+> ppLType lt) <-> rdocBox (docToHtml (unLoc ldoc))) do_args leader t = argBox (leader <+> ppType t) <-> rdocBox (noHtml) ppTyVars tvs = map ppName (tyvarNames tvs) tyvarNames = map f where f x = let NoLink n = hsTyVarName (unLoc x) in n ppFor = undefined ppDataDecl = undefined ppTySyn summary links loc mbDoc (TySynonym lname ltyvars ltype) = declWithDoc summary links loc n mbDoc ( hsep ([keyword "type", ppHsBinder summary n] ++ ppTyVars ltyvars) <+> equals <+> ppLType ltype) where NoLink n = unLoc lname ppLType (L _ t) = ppType t ppLContext (L _ c) = ppContext c ppContext = ppPreds . (map unLoc) ppPreds [] = empty ppPreds [pred] = ppPred pred ppPreds preds = parenList (map ppPred preds) ppPred (HsClassP n ts) = ppDocName n <+> hsep (map ppLType ts) ppPred (HsIParam (Dupable n) t) = toHtml "?" +++ ppDocName n <+> dcolon <+> ppLType t ppPred (HsIParam (Linear n) t) = toHtml "%" +++ ppDocName n <+> dcolon <+> ppLType t ppTypeSig :: Bool -> Name -> (HsType DocName) -> Html ppTypeSig summary nm ty = ppHsBinder summary nm <+> dcolon <+> ppType ty -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Class declarations --ppClassHdr :: Bool -> HsContext -> HsName -> [HsName] -> [HsFunDep] -> Html ppClassHdr summ (L _ []) n tvs fds = keyword "class" <+> ppHsBinder summ n <+> hsep (ppTyVars tvs) <+> ppFds fds ppClassHdr summ lctxt n tvs fds = keyword "class" <+> ppLContext lctxt <+> darrow <+> ppHsBinder summ n <+> hsep (ppTyVars tvs) <+> ppFds fds --ppFds :: [HsFunDep] -> Html ppFds fds = if null fds then noHtml else char '|' <+> hsep (punctuate comma (map (fundep . unLoc) fds)) where fundep (vars1,vars2) = hsep (map ppDocName vars1) <+> toHtml "->" <+> hsep (map ppDocName vars2) ppShortClassDecl :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> TyClDecl DocName -> SrcSpan -> DocMap -> HtmlTable ppShortClassDecl summary links (ClassDecl lctxt lname tvs fds sigs _ _) loc docMap = if null sigs then (if summary then declBox else topDeclBox links loc nm) hdr else (if summary then declBox else topDeclBox links loc nm) (hdr <+> keyword "where") (tda [theclass "body"] << vanillaTable << aboves [ ppSig summary links loc mbDoc sig | L _ sig@(TypeSig (L _ (NoLink n)) ty) <- sigs, let mbDoc = Map.lookup n docMap ] ) where hdr = ppClassHdr summary lctxt nm tvs fds NoLink nm = unLoc lname ppClassDecl :: Ord key => Bool -> LinksInfo -> [InstHead2 DocName] -> key -> SrcSpan -> Maybe (HsDoc DocName) -> DocMap -> TyClDecl DocName -> HtmlTable ppClassDecl summary links instances orig_c loc mbDoc docMap decl@(ClassDecl lctxt lname ltyvars lfds lsigs _ _) | summary = ppShortClassDecl summary links decl loc docMap | otherwise = classheader tda [theclass "body"] << vanillaTable << ( classdoc methods_bit instances_bit ) where classheader | null lsigs = topDeclBox links loc nm hdr | otherwise = topDeclBox links loc nm (hdr <+> keyword "where") NoLink nm = unLoc lname ctxt = unLoc lctxt hdr = ppClassHdr summary lctxt nm ltyvars lfds classdoc = case mbDoc of Nothing -> Html.emptyTable Just d -> ndocBox (docToHtml d) methods_bit | null lsigs = Html.emptyTable | otherwise = s8 meth_hdr tda [theclass "body"] << vanillaTable << ( abovesSep s8 [ ppSig summary links loc mbDoc sig | L _ sig@(TypeSig (L _ (NoLink n)) t) <- lsigs, let mbDoc = Map.lookup n docMap ] ) inst_id = collapseId nm instances_bit | null instances = Html.emptyTable | otherwise = s8 inst_hdr inst_id tda [theclass "body"] << collapsed thediv inst_id ( spacedTable1 << ( aboves (map (declBox.ppInstHead) instances) )) ppInstHead :: InstHead2 DocName -> Html ppInstHead ([], n, ts) = ppAsst n ts ppInstHead (ctxt, n, ts) = ppPreds ctxt <+> ppAsst n ts ppAsst n ts = ppDocName n <+> hsep (map ppType ts) {- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Converting declarations to HTML declWithDoc :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcLoc -> HsName -> Maybe Doc -> Html -> HtmlTable declWithDoc True _ _ _ _ html_decl = declBox html_decl declWithDoc False links loc nm Nothing html_decl = topDeclBox links loc nm html_decl declWithDoc False links loc nm (Just doc) html_decl = topDeclBox links loc nm html_decl docBox (docToHtml doc) doDecl :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> HsQName -> HsDecl -> [InstHead] -> HtmlTable doDecl summary links x d instances = do_decl d where do_decl (HsTypeSig loc [nm] ty doc) = ppFunSig summary links loc nm ty doc do_decl (HsForeignImport loc _ _ _ n ty doc) = ppFunSig summary links loc n ty doc do_decl (HsTypeDecl loc nm args ty doc) = declWithDoc summary links loc nm doc ( hsep ([keyword "type", ppHsBinder summary nm] ++ map ppHsName args) <+> equals <+> ppHsType ty) do_decl (HsNewTypeDecl loc ctx nm args con drv doc) = ppHsDataDecl summary links instances True{-is newtype-} x (HsDataDecl loc ctx nm args [con] drv doc) -- print it as a single-constructor datatype do_decl d0@(HsDataDecl{}) = ppHsDataDecl summary links instances False{-not newtype-} x d0 do_decl d0@(HsClassDecl{}) = ppHsClassDecl summary links instances x d0 do_decl (HsDocGroup _ lev str) = if summary then Html.emptyTable else ppDocGroup lev (docToHtml str) do_decl _ = nrror ("do_decl: " ++ show d) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Data & newtype declarations ppShortDataDecl :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> Bool -> HsDecl -> Html ppShortDataDecl summary _ is_newty (HsDataDecl _ _ nm args [con] _ _doc) = ppHsDataHeader summary is_newty nm args <+> equals <+> ppShortConstr summary con ppShortDataDecl summary _ is_newty (HsDataDecl _ _ nm args [] _ _doc) = ppHsDataHeader summary is_newty nm args ppShortDataDecl summary links is_newty (HsDataDecl loc _ nm args cons _ _doc) = vanillaTable << ( (if summary then declBox else topDeclBox links loc nm) (ppHsDataHeader summary is_newty nm args) tda [theclass "body"] << vanillaTable << ( aboves (zipWith do_constr ('=':repeat '|') cons) ) ) where do_constr c con = declBox (toHtml [c] <+> ppShortConstr summary con) ppShortDataDecl _ _ _ d = error $ "HaddockHtml.ppShortDataDecl: unexpected decl " ++ show d -- The rest of the cases: ppHsDataDecl :: Ord key => Bool -> LinksInfo -> [InstHead] -> Bool -> key -> HsDecl -> HtmlTable ppHsDataDecl summary links instances is_newty x decl@(HsDataDecl loc _ nm args cons _ doc) | summary = declWithDoc summary links loc nm doc (ppShortDataDecl summary links is_newty decl) | otherwise = dataheader tda [theclass "body"] << vanillaTable << ( datadoc constr_bit instances_bit ) where dataheader = topDeclBox links loc nm (ppHsDataHeader False is_newty nm args) constr_table | any isRecDecl cons = spacedTable5 | otherwise = spacedTable1 datadoc | isJust doc = ndocBox (docToHtml (fromJust doc)) | otherwise = Html.emptyTable constr_bit | null cons = Html.emptyTable | otherwise = constr_hdr (tda [theclass "body"] << constr_table << aboves (map ppSideBySideConstr cons) ) inst_id = collapseId nm instances_bit | null instances = Html.emptyTable | otherwise = inst_hdr inst_id tda [theclass "body"] << collapsed thediv inst_id ( spacedTable1 << ( aboves (map (declBox.ppInstHead) instances) ) ) ppHsDataDecl _ _ _ _ _ d = error $ "HaddockHtml.ppHsDataDecl: unexpected decl " ++ show d isRecDecl :: HsConDecl -> Bool isRecDecl (HsRecDecl{}) = True isRecDecl _ = False ppShortConstr :: Bool -> HsConDecl -> Html ppShortConstr summary (HsConDecl _ nm tvs ctxt typeList _maybe_doc) = ppHsConstrHdr tvs ctxt +++ hsep (ppHsBinder summary nm : map ppHsBangType typeList) ppShortConstr summary (HsRecDecl _ nm tvs ctxt fields _) = ppHsConstrHdr tvs ctxt +++ ppHsBinder summary nm <+> braces (vanillaTable << aboves (map (ppShortField summary) fields)) ppHsConstrHdr :: [HsName] -> HsContext -> Html ppHsConstrHdr tvs ctxt = (if null tvs then noHtml else keyword "forall" <+> hsep (map ppHsName tvs) <+> toHtml ". ") +++ (if null ctxt then noHtml else ppContext ctxt <+> toHtml "=> ") ppSideBySideConstr :: HsConDecl -> HtmlTable ppSideBySideConstr (HsConDecl _ nm tvs ctxt typeList doc) = argBox (hsep ((ppHsConstrHdr tvs ctxt +++ ppHsBinder False nm) : map ppHsBangType typeList)) <-> maybeRDocBox doc ppSideBySideConstr (HsRecDecl _ nm tvs ctxt fields doc) = argBox (ppHsConstrHdr tvs ctxt +++ ppHsBinder False nm) <-> maybeRDocBox doc (tda [theclass "body"] << spacedTable1 << aboves (map ppSideBySideField fields)) ppSideBySideField :: HsFieldDecl -> HtmlTable ppSideBySideField (HsFieldDecl ns ty doc) = argBox (hsep (punctuate comma (map (ppHsBinder False) ns)) <+> dcolon <+> ppHsBangType ty) <-> maybeRDocBox doc {- ppHsFullConstr :: HsConDecl -> Html ppHsFullConstr (HsConDecl _ nm tvs ctxt typeList doc) = declWithDoc False doc ( hsep ((ppHsConstrHdr tvs ctxt +++ ppHsBinder False nm) : map ppHsBangType typeList) ) ppHsFullConstr (HsRecDecl _ nm tvs ctxt fields doc) = td << vanillaTable << ( case doc of Nothing -> aboves [hdr, fields_html] Just _ -> aboves [hdr, constr_doc, fields_html] ) where hdr = declBox (ppHsConstrHdr tvs ctxt +++ ppHsBinder False nm) constr_doc | isJust doc = docBox (docToHtml (fromJust doc)) | otherwise = Html.emptyTable fields_html = td << table ! [width "100%", cellpadding 0, cellspacing 8] << ( aboves (map ppFullField (concat (map expandField fields))) ) -} ppShortField :: Bool -> HsFieldDecl -> HtmlTable ppShortField summary (HsFieldDecl ns ty _doc) = tda [theclass "recfield"] << ( hsep (punctuate comma (map (ppHsBinder summary) ns)) <+> dcolon <+> ppHsBangType ty ) {- ppFullField :: HsFieldDecl -> Html ppFullField (HsFieldDecl [n] ty doc) = declWithDoc False doc ( ppHsBinder False n <+> dcolon <+> ppHsBangType ty ) ppFullField _ = error "ppFullField" expandField :: HsFieldDecl -> [HsFieldDecl] expandField (HsFieldDecl ns ty doc) = [ HsFieldDecl [n] ty doc | n <- ns ] -} ppHsDataHeader :: Bool -> Bool -> HsName -> [HsName] -> Html ppHsDataHeader summary is_newty nm args = (if is_newty then keyword "newtype" else keyword "data") <+> ppHsBinder summary nm <+> hsep (map ppHsName args) ppHsBangType :: HsBangType -> Html ppHsBangType (HsBangedTy ty) = char '!' +++ ppHsAType ty ppHsBangType (HsUnBangedTy ty) = ppHsAType ty -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Type signatures ppFunSig :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcLoc -> HsName -> HsType -> Maybe Doc -> HtmlTable ppFunSig summary links loc nm ty0 doc | summary || no_arg_docs ty0 = declWithDoc summary links loc nm doc (ppTypeSig summary nm ty0) | otherwise = topDeclBox links loc nm (ppHsBinder False nm) (tda [theclass "body"] << vanillaTable << ( do_args dcolon ty0 (if (isJust doc) then ndocBox (docToHtml (fromJust doc)) else Html.emptyTable) )) where no_arg_docs (HsForAllType _ _ ty) = no_arg_docs ty no_arg_docs (HsTyFun (HsTyDoc _ _) _) = False no_arg_docs (HsTyFun _ r) = no_arg_docs r no_arg_docs (HsTyDoc _ _) = False no_arg_docs _ = True do_args :: Html -> HsType -> HtmlTable do_args leader (HsForAllType (Just tvs) ctxt ty) = (argBox ( leader <+> hsep (keyword "forall" : map ppHsName tvs ++ [toHtml "."]) <+> ppHsIPContext ctxt) <-> rdocBox noHtml) do_args darrow ty do_args leader (HsForAllType Nothing ctxt ty) = (argBox (leader <+> ppHsIPContext ctxt) <-> rdocBox noHtml) do_args darrow ty do_args leader (HsTyFun (HsTyDoc ty doc0) r) = (argBox (leader <+> ppHsBType ty) <-> rdocBox (docToHtml doc0)) do_args arrow r do_args leader (HsTyFun ty r) = (argBox (leader <+> ppHsBType ty) <-> rdocBox noHtml) do_args arrow r do_args leader (HsTyDoc ty doc0) = (argBox (leader <+> ppHsBType ty) <-> rdocBox (docToHtml doc0)) do_args leader ty = argBox (leader <+> ppHsBType ty) <-> rdocBox (noHtml) -} -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Types and contexts ppKind kind = case kind of LiftedTypeKind -> char '*' OpenTypeKind -> char '?' UnboxedTypeKind -> char '#' UnliftedTypeKind -> char '!' UbxTupleKind -> toHtml "(##)" ArgTypeKind -> toHtml "??" FunKind k1 k2 -> hsep [ppKind k1, toHtml "->", ppKind k2] KindVar v -> ppOccName (kindVarOcc v) ppCtxtPart (L _ ctxt) | null ctxt = empty | otherwise = hsep [ppContext ctxt, darrow] ppForAll (HsForAllTy Implicit _ lctxt _) = ppCtxtPart lctxt ppForAll (HsForAllTy Explicit ltvs lctxt _) = hsep (keyword "forall" : ppTyVars ltvs ++ [toHtml "."]) <+> ppCtxtPart lctxt ppType :: HsType DocName -> Html ppType t = case t of t@(HsForAllTy expl ltvs lcontext ltype) -> ppForAll t <+> ppLType ltype HsTyVar n -> ppDocName n HsBangTy HsStrict lt -> toHtml "!" <+> ppLType lt HsBangTy HsUnbox lt -> toHtml "!!" <+> ppLType lt HsAppTy a b -> ppLType a <+> ppLType b HsFunTy a b -> hsep [ppLType a, toHtml "->", ppLType b] HsListTy t -> brackets $ ppLType t HsPArrTy t -> toHtml "[:" +++ ppLType t +++ toHtml ":]" HsTupleTy Boxed ts -> parenList $ map ppLType ts HsTupleTy Unboxed ts -> ubxParenList $ map ppLType ts HsOpTy a n b -> ppLType a <+> ppLDocName n <+> ppLType b HsParTy t -> parens $ ppLType t HsNumTy n -> toHtml (show n) HsPredTy p -> ppPred p HsKindSig t k -> hsep [ppLType t, dcolon, ppKind k] HsSpliceTy _ -> error "ppType" HsDocTy t _ -> ppLType t -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Names ppOccName :: OccName -> Html ppOccName name = toHtml $ occNameString name ppRdrName :: RdrName -> Html ppRdrName = ppOccName . rdrNameOcc ppLDocName (L _ d) = ppDocName d ppDocName :: DocName -> Html ppDocName (Link name) = linkId (nameModule name) (Just name) << ppName name ppDocName (NoLink name) = toHtml (getOccString name) linkTarget :: Name -> Html linkTarget name = namedAnchor (anchorNameStr name) << toHtml "" ppName :: Name -> Html ppName name = toHtml (getOccString name) ppHsBinder :: Bool -> Name -> Html -- The Bool indicates whether we are generating the summary, in which case -- the binder will be a link to the full definition. ppHsBinder True nm = linkedAnchor (anchorNameStr nm) << ppHsBinder' nm ppHsBinder False nm = linkTarget nm +++ bold << ppHsBinder' nm ppHsBinder' :: Name -> Html ppHsBinder' name = toHtml (getOccString name) {- ppHsBinder' :: HsName -> Html ppHsBinder' (HsTyClsName id0) = ppHsBindIdent id0 ppHsBinder' (HsVarName id0) = ppHsBindIdent id0 ppHsBindIdent :: HsIdentifier -> Html ppHsBindIdent (HsIdent str) = toHtml str ppHsBindIdent (HsSymbol str) = parens (toHtml str) ppHsBindIdent (HsSpecial str) = toHtml str -} linkId :: GHC.Module -> Maybe Name -> Html -> Html linkId mod mbName = anchor ! [href hr] where hr = case mbName of Nothing -> moduleHtmlFile modName Just name -> nameHtmlRef modName name modName = moduleString mod ppModule :: String -> Html ppModule mdl = anchor ! [href ((moduleHtmlFile modname) ++ ref)] << toHtml mdl where (modname,ref) = break (== '#') mdl -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Doc Markup parHtmlMarkup :: (a -> Html) -> DocMarkup a Html parHtmlMarkup ppId = Markup { markupParagraph = paragraph, markupEmpty = toHtml "", markupString = toHtml, markupAppend = (+++), markupIdentifier = tt . ppId . head, markupModule = ppModule, markupEmphasis = emphasize . toHtml, markupMonospaced = tt . toHtml, markupUnorderedList = ulist . concatHtml . map (li <<), markupOrderedList = olist . concatHtml . map (li <<), markupDefList = dlist . concatHtml . map markupDef, markupCodeBlock = pre, markupURL = \url -> anchor ! [href url] << toHtml url, markupAName = \aname -> namedAnchor aname << toHtml "" } markupDef (a,b) = dterm << a +++ ddef << b htmlMarkup = parHtmlMarkup ppDocName htmlOrigMarkup = parHtmlMarkup ppName htmlRdrMarkup = parHtmlMarkup ppRdrName -- If the doc is a single paragraph, don't surround it with

(this causes -- ugly extra whitespace with some browsers). {-docToHtml :: Doc -> Html docToHtml doc = markup htmlMarkup (unParagraph (markup htmlCleanup doc)) -} docToHtml :: GHC.HsDoc DocName -> Html docToHtml doc = markup htmlMarkup (unParagraph (markup htmlCleanup doc)) origDocToHtml :: GHC.HsDoc GHC.Name -> Html origDocToHtml doc = markup htmlOrigMarkup (unParagraph (markup htmlCleanup doc)) rdrDocToHtml doc = markup htmlRdrMarkup (unParagraph (markup htmlCleanup doc)) -- If there is a single paragraph, then surrounding it with


-- can add too much whitespace in some browsers (eg. IE). However if -- we have multiple paragraphs, then we want the extra whitespace to -- separate them. So we catch the single paragraph case and transform it -- here. unParagraph (GHC.DocParagraph d) = d --NO: This eliminates line breaks in the code block: (SDM, 6/5/2003) --unParagraph (DocCodeBlock d) = (DocMonospaced d) unParagraph doc = doc htmlCleanup :: DocMarkup a (GHC.HsDoc a) htmlCleanup = idMarkup { markupUnorderedList = GHC.DocUnorderedList . map unParagraph, markupOrderedList = GHC.DocOrderedList . map unParagraph } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Misc hsep :: [Html] -> Html hsep [] = noHtml hsep htmls = foldr1 (\a b -> a+++" "+++b) htmls infixr 8 <+> (<+>) :: Html -> Html -> Html a <+> b = Html (getHtmlElements (toHtml a) ++ HtmlString " ": getHtmlElements (toHtml b)) keyword :: String -> Html keyword s = thespan ! [theclass "keyword"] << toHtml s equals, comma :: Html equals = char '=' comma = char ',' char :: Char -> Html char c = toHtml [c] empty :: Html empty = noHtml parens, brackets, braces :: Html -> Html parens h = char '(' +++ h +++ char ')' brackets h = char '[' +++ h +++ char ']' braces h = char '{' +++ h +++ char '}' punctuate :: Html -> [Html] -> [Html] punctuate _ [] = [] punctuate h (d0:ds) = go d0 ds where go d [] = [d] go d (e:es) = (d +++ h) : go e es abovesSep :: HtmlTable -> [HtmlTable] -> HtmlTable abovesSep _ [] = Html.emptyTable abovesSep h (d0:ds) = go d0 ds where go d [] = d go d (e:es) = d h go e es parenList :: [Html] -> Html parenList = parens . hsep . punctuate comma ubxParenList :: [Html] -> Html ubxParenList = ubxparens . hsep . punctuate comma ubxparens :: Html -> Html ubxparens h = toHtml "(#" +++ h +++ toHtml "#)" {- text :: Html text = strAttr "TEXT" -} -- a box for displaying code declBox :: Html -> HtmlTable declBox html = tda [theclass "decl"] << html -- a box for top level documented names -- it adds a source and wiki link at the right hand side of the box topDeclBox :: LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> Name -> Html -> HtmlTable topDeclBox ((_,_,Nothing), (_,_,Nothing), _) _ _ html = declBox html topDeclBox ((_,_,maybe_source_url), (_,_,maybe_wiki_url), hmod) loc name html = tda [theclass "topdecl"] << ( table ! [theclass "declbar"] << ((tda [theclass "declname"] << html) <-> srcLink <-> wikiLink) ) where srcLink = case maybe_source_url of Nothing -> Html.emptyTable Just url -> tda [theclass "declbut"] << let url' = spliceURL (Just fname) (Just mod) (Just name) url in anchor ! [href url'] << toHtml "Source" wikiLink = case maybe_wiki_url of Nothing -> Html.emptyTable Just url -> tda [theclass "declbut"] << let url' = spliceURL (Just fname) (Just mod) (Just name) url in anchor ! [href url'] << toHtml "Comments" mod = hmod_mod hmod fname = unpackFS (srcSpanFile loc) -- a box for displaying an 'argument' (some code which has text to the -- right of it). Wrapping is not allowed in these boxes, whereas it is -- in a declBox. argBox :: Html -> HtmlTable argBox html = tda [theclass "arg"] << html -- a box for displaying documentation, -- indented and with a little padding at the top docBox :: Html -> HtmlTable docBox html = tda [theclass "doc"] << html -- a box for displaying documentation, not indented. ndocBox :: Html -> HtmlTable ndocBox html = tda [theclass "ndoc"] << html -- a box for displaying documentation, padded on the left a little rdocBox :: Html -> HtmlTable rdocBox html = tda [theclass "rdoc"] << html maybeRDocBox :: Maybe (GHC.HsDoc DocName) -> HtmlTable maybeRDocBox Nothing = rdocBox (noHtml) maybeRDocBox (Just doc) = rdocBox (docToHtml doc) -- a box for the buttons at the top of the page topButBox :: Html -> HtmlTable topButBox html = tda [theclass "topbut"] << html -- a vanilla table has width 100%, no border, no padding, no spacing -- a narrow table is the same but without width 100%. vanillaTable, narrowTable :: Html -> Html vanillaTable = table ! [theclass "vanilla", cellspacing 0, cellpadding 0] vanillaTable2 = table ! [theclass "vanilla2", cellspacing 0, cellpadding 0] narrowTable = table ! [theclass "narrow", cellspacing 0, cellpadding 0] spacedTable1, spacedTable5 :: Html -> Html spacedTable1 = table ! [theclass "vanilla", cellspacing 1, cellpadding 0] spacedTable5 = table ! [theclass "vanilla", cellspacing 5, cellpadding 0] constr_hdr, meth_hdr :: HtmlTable constr_hdr = tda [ theclass "section4" ] << toHtml "Constructors" meth_hdr = tda [ theclass "section4" ] << toHtml "Methods" inst_hdr :: String -> HtmlTable inst_hdr id = tda [ theclass "section4" ] << (collapsebutton id +++ toHtml " Instances") dcolon, arrow, darrow :: Html dcolon = toHtml "::" arrow = toHtml "->" darrow = toHtml "=>" s8, s15 :: HtmlTable s8 = tda [ theclass "s8" ] << noHtml s15 = tda [ theclass "s15" ] << noHtml namedAnchor :: String -> Html -> Html namedAnchor n = anchor ! [name (escapeStr n)] -- -- A section of HTML which is collapsible via a +/- button. -- -- TODO: Currently the initial state is non-collapsed. Change the 'minusFile' -- below to a 'plusFile' and the 'display:block;' to a 'display:none;' when we -- use cookies from JavaScript to have a more persistent state. collapsebutton :: String -> Html collapsebutton id = image ! [ src minusFile, theclass "coll", onclick ("toggle(this,'" ++ id ++ "')"), alt "show/hide" ] collapsed :: (HTML a) => (Html -> Html) -> String -> a -> Html collapsed fn id html = fn ! [identifier id, thestyle "display:block;"] << html -- A quote is a valid part of a Haskell identifier, but it would interfere with -- the ECMA script string delimiter used in collapsebutton above. collapseId :: Name -> String collapseId nm = "i:" ++ escapeStr (getOccString nm) linkedAnchor :: String -> Html -> Html linkedAnchor frag = anchor ! [href hr] where hr | null frag = "" | otherwise = '#': escapeStr frag documentCharacterEncoding :: Html documentCharacterEncoding = meta ! [httpequiv "Content-Type", content "text/html; charset=UTF-8"] styleSheet :: Html styleSheet = thelink ! [href cssFile, rel "stylesheet", thetype "text/css"]