-- -- Haddock - A Haskell Documentation Tool -- -- (c) Simon Marlow 2002 -- module HaddockTypes ( -- * Module interfaces NameEnv, Interface(..), ExportItem(..), ModuleMap, -- * User documentation strings DocString, GenDoc(..), Doc, ParsedDoc, DocMarkup(..), markup, mapIdent, docAppend, docParagraph, -- * Misc utilities nameOfQName, collectNames, declBinders, declMainBinder, splitTyConApp, restrictTo, ) where import FiniteMap import HsSyn import List (intersect) import Char (isSpace) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Describing a module interface type NameEnv = FiniteMap HsName HsQName data Interface = Interface { iface_filename :: FilePath, -- ^ the filename that contains the source code for this module iface_env :: NameEnv, -- ^ environment mapping names to *original* names iface_exports :: [ExportItem], -- ^ the exports used to construct the documentation iface_decls :: FiniteMap HsName HsDecl, -- ^ decls from this module (only) -- restricted to only those bits exported. -- the map key is the "main name" of the decl. iface_name_docs :: FiniteMap HsName Doc, -- ^ maps names exported by this module to documentation. -- Includes not just "main names" but names of constructors, -- record fields, etc. iface_portability :: String, iface_stability :: String, iface_maintainer :: String, -- ^ information from the module header iface_doc :: Maybe Doc -- ^ documentation from the module header } type DocString = String data ExportItem = ExportDecl HsDecl -- a declaration | ExportGroup Int Doc -- a section heading type ModuleMap = FiniteMap Module Interface -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Some Utilities nameOfQName (Qual _ n) = n nameOfQName (UnQual n) = n collectNames :: [HsDecl] -> [HsName] collectNames ds = concat (map declBinders ds) declMainBinder :: HsDecl -> Maybe HsName declMainBinder d = case d of HsTypeDecl _ n _ _ -> Just n HsDataDecl _ _ n _ cons _ -> Just n HsNewTypeDecl _ _ n _ _ _ -> Just n HsClassDecl _ qt decls -> Just (exQtNm qt) HsTypeSig _ [n] _ -> Just n HsTypeSig _ ns _ -> error "declMainBinder" HsForeignImport _ _ _ _ n _ -> Just n _ -> Nothing declBinders :: HsDecl -> [HsName] declBinders d = case d of HsTypeDecl _ n _ _ -> [n] HsDataDecl _ _ n _ cons _ -> n : concat (map conDeclBinders cons) HsNewTypeDecl _ _ n _ _ _ -> [n] HsClassDecl _ qt decls -> exQtNm qt : collectNames decls HsTypeSig _ ns _ -> ns HsForeignImport _ _ _ _ n _ -> [n] _ -> [] conDeclBinders (HsConDecl _ n _ _) = [n] conDeclBinders (HsRecDecl _ n fields _) = n : concat (map fieldDeclBinders fields) fieldDeclBinders (HsFieldDecl ns _ _) = ns exQtNm (HsForAllType _ _ t) = nameOfQName (fst (splitTyConApp t)) exQtNm t = nameOfQName (fst (splitTyConApp t)) splitTyConApp :: HsType -> (HsQName,[HsType]) splitTyConApp t = split t [] where split :: HsType -> [HsType] -> (HsQName,[HsType]) split (HsTyApp t u) ts = split t (u:ts) split (HsTyCon t) ts = (t,ts) split _ _ = error "splitTyConApp" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Making abstract declarations restrictTo :: [HsName] -> HsDecl -> HsDecl restrictTo names decl = case decl of HsDataDecl loc ctxt n xs cons drv -> HsDataDecl loc ctxt n xs (restrictCons names cons) drv HsNewTypeDecl loc ctxt n xs con drv -> HsDataDecl loc ctxt n xs (restrictCons names [con]) drv HsClassDecl loc qt decls -> HsClassDecl loc qt (restrictDecls names decls) _ -> decl restrictCons :: [HsName] -> [HsConDecl] -> [HsConDecl] restrictCons names decls = filter keep decls where keep (HsConDecl _ n _ _) = n `elem` names keep (HsRecDecl _ n _ _) = n `elem` names -- ToDo: records not right restrictDecls :: [HsName] -> [HsDecl] -> [HsDecl] restrictDecls names decls = filter keep decls where keep d = not (null (declBinders d `intersect` names)) -- ToDo: not really correct -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Doc strings and formatting data GenDoc id = DocEmpty | DocAppend (GenDoc id) (GenDoc id) | DocString String | DocParagraph (GenDoc id) | DocIdentifier id | DocModule String | DocEmphasis (GenDoc id) | DocMonospaced (GenDoc id) | DocUnorderedList [GenDoc id] | DocOrderedList [GenDoc id] | DocCodeBlock (GenDoc id) type Doc = GenDoc HsQName type ParsedDoc = GenDoc String data DocMarkup id a = Markup { markupEmpty :: a, markupString :: String -> a, markupParagraph :: a -> a, markupAppend :: a -> a -> a, markupIdentifier :: id -> a, markupModule :: String -> a, markupEmphasis :: a -> a, markupMonospaced :: a -> a, markupUnorderedList :: [a] -> a, markupOrderedList :: [a] -> a, markupCodeBlock :: a -> a } mapIdent f = Markup { markupEmpty = DocEmpty, markupString = DocString, markupParagraph = DocParagraph, markupAppend = DocAppend, markupIdentifier = f, markupModule = DocModule, markupEmphasis = DocEmphasis, markupMonospaced = DocMonospaced, markupUnorderedList = DocUnorderedList, markupOrderedList = DocOrderedList, markupCodeBlock = DocCodeBlock } markup :: DocMarkup id a -> GenDoc id -> a markup m DocEmpty = markupEmpty m markup m (DocAppend d1 d2) = markupAppend m (markup m d1) (markup m d2) markup m (DocString s) = markupString m s markup m (DocParagraph d) = markupParagraph m (markup m d) markup m (DocIdentifier i) = markupIdentifier m i markup m (DocModule mod) = markupModule m mod markup m (DocEmphasis d) = markupEmphasis m (markup m d) markup m (DocMonospaced d) = markupMonospaced m (markup m d) markup m (DocUnorderedList ds) = markupUnorderedList m (map (markup m) ds) markup m (DocOrderedList ds) = markupOrderedList m (map (markup m) ds) markup m (DocCodeBlock d) = markupCodeBlock m (markup m d) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ** Smart constructors -- used to make parsing easier; we group the list items later docAppend (DocUnorderedList ds1) (DocUnorderedList ds2) = DocUnorderedList (ds1++ds2) docAppend (DocUnorderedList ds1) (DocAppend (DocUnorderedList ds2) d) = DocAppend (DocUnorderedList (ds1++ds2)) d docAppend (DocOrderedList ds1) (DocOrderedList ds2) = DocOrderedList (ds1++ds2) docAppend (DocOrderedList ds1) (DocAppend (DocOrderedList ds2) d) = DocAppend (DocOrderedList (ds1++ds2)) d docAppend d1 d2 = DocAppend d1 d2 -- again to make parsing easier - we spot a paragraph whose only item -- is a DocMonospaced and make it into a DocCodeBlock docParagraph (DocMonospaced p) = DocCodeBlock p docParagraph (DocAppend (DocString s1) (DocMonospaced p)) | all isSpace s1 = DocCodeBlock p docParagraph (DocAppend (DocString s1) (DocAppend (DocMonospaced p) (DocString s2))) | all isSpace s1 && all isSpace s2 = DocCodeBlock p docParagraph p = DocParagraph p