% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % $Id: HsSyn.lhs,v 1.4 2002/04/25 14:40:05 simonmar Exp $ % % (c) The GHC Team, 1997-2002 % % A suite of datatypes describing the abstract syntax of Haskell 98. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{code} module HsSyn ( SrcLoc(..), Module(..), HsQName(..), HsName(..), HsIdentifier(..), HsModule(..), HsExportSpec(..), HsImportDecl(..), HsImportSpec(..), HsAssoc(..), HsDecl(..), HsMatch(..), HsConDecl(..), HsFieldDecl(..), HsBangType(..), HsRhs(..), HsGuardedRhs(..), HsType(..), HsContext, HsAsst, HsLiteral(..), HsExp(..), HsPat(..), HsPatField(..), HsStmt(..), HsFieldUpdate(..), HsAlt(..), HsGuardedAlts(..), HsGuardedAlt(..), HsCallConv(..), HsFISafety(..), mkHsForAllType, prelude_mod, main_mod, unit_con_name, tuple_con_name, nil_con_name, as_name, qualified_name, hiding_name, minus_name, pling_name, dot_name, forall_name, unsafe_name, safe_name, threadsafe_name, export_name, stdcall_name, ccall_name, dotnet_name, unit_tycon_name, fun_tycon_name, list_tycon_name, tuple_tycon_name, unit_tycon, fun_tycon, list_tycon, tuple_tycon, ) where data SrcLoc = SrcLoc Int Int -- (Line, Indentation) deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) newtype Module = Module String deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) data HsQName = Qual Module HsName | UnQual HsName deriving (Eq,Ord) instance Show HsQName where showsPrec _ (Qual (Module m) s) = showString m . showString "." . shows s showsPrec _ (UnQual s) = shows s data HsName = HsTyClsName HsIdentifier | HsVarName HsIdentifier deriving (Eq,Ord) instance Show HsName where showsPrec p (HsTyClsName i) = showsPrec p i showsPrec p (HsVarName i) = showsPrec p i data HsIdentifier = HsIdent String | HsSymbol String | HsSpecial String deriving (Eq,Ord) instance Show HsIdentifier where showsPrec _ (HsIdent s) = showString s showsPrec _ (HsSymbol s) = showString s showsPrec _ (HsSpecial s) = showString s data HsModule = HsModule Module (Maybe [HsExportSpec]) [HsImportDecl] [HsDecl] (Maybe String) deriving Show -- Export/Import Specifications data HsExportSpec = HsEVar HsQName -- variable | HsEAbs HsQName -- T | HsEThingAll HsQName -- T(..) | HsEThingWith HsQName [HsQName] -- T(C_1,...,C_n) | HsEModuleContents Module -- module M (not for imports) | HsEGroup Int String -- a doc section heading | HsEDoc String -- some documentation | HsEDocNamed String -- a reference to named doc deriving (Eq,Show) data HsImportDecl = HsImportDecl SrcLoc Module Bool (Maybe Module) (Maybe (Bool,[HsImportSpec])) deriving (Eq,Show) data HsImportSpec = HsIVar HsName -- variable | HsIAbs HsName -- T | HsIThingAll HsName -- T(..) | HsIThingWith HsName [HsName] -- T(C_1,...,C_n) deriving (Eq,Show) data HsAssoc = HsAssocNone | HsAssocLeft | HsAssocRight deriving (Eq,Show) data HsFISafety = HsFIUnsafe | HsFISafe | HsFIThreadSafe deriving (Eq,Show) data HsCallConv = HsCCall | HsStdCall | HsDotNetCall deriving (Eq,Show) data HsDecl = HsTypeDecl SrcLoc HsName [HsName] HsType | HsDataDecl SrcLoc HsContext HsName [HsName] [HsConDecl] [HsQName] | HsInfixDecl SrcLoc HsAssoc Int [HsName] | HsNewTypeDecl SrcLoc HsContext HsName [HsName] HsConDecl [HsQName] | HsClassDecl SrcLoc HsType [HsDecl] | HsInstDecl SrcLoc HsType [HsDecl] | HsDefaultDecl SrcLoc [HsType] | HsTypeSig SrcLoc [HsName] HsType | HsFunBind [HsMatch] | HsPatBind SrcLoc HsPat HsRhs {-where-} [HsDecl] | HsForeignImport SrcLoc HsCallConv HsFISafety String HsName HsType | HsForeignExport SrcLoc HsCallConv String HsName HsType | HsDocCommentNext String -- a documentation annotation | HsDocCommentPrev String -- a documentation annotation | HsDocCommentNamed String -- a documentation annotation | HsDocGroup Int String -- a documentation group deriving (Eq,Show) data HsMatch = HsMatch SrcLoc HsQName [HsPat] HsRhs {-where-} [HsDecl] deriving (Eq,Show) data HsConDecl = HsConDecl SrcLoc HsName [HsBangType] (Maybe String) | HsRecDecl SrcLoc HsName [HsFieldDecl] (Maybe String) deriving (Eq,Show) data HsFieldDecl = HsFieldDecl [HsName] HsBangType (Maybe String) deriving (Eq,Show) data HsBangType = HsBangedTy HsType | HsUnBangedTy HsType deriving (Eq,Show) data HsRhs = HsUnGuardedRhs HsExp | HsGuardedRhss [HsGuardedRhs] deriving (Eq,Show) data HsGuardedRhs = HsGuardedRhs SrcLoc [HsStmt] HsExp deriving (Eq,Show) data HsType = HsForAllType (Maybe [HsName]) HsContext HsType | HsTyFun HsType HsType | HsTyTuple Bool{-boxed-} [HsType] | HsTyApp HsType HsType | HsTyVar HsName | HsTyCon HsQName deriving (Eq,Show) type HsContext = [HsAsst] type HsAsst = (HsQName,[HsType]) -- for multi-parameter type classes data HsLiteral = HsInt Integer | HsChar Char | HsString String | HsFrac Rational -- GHC unboxed literals: | HsCharPrim Char | HsStringPrim String | HsIntPrim Integer | HsFloatPrim Rational | HsDoublePrim Rational deriving (Eq, Show) data HsExp = HsVar HsQName | HsCon HsQName | HsLit HsLiteral | HsInfixApp HsExp HsExp HsExp | HsApp HsExp HsExp | HsNegApp HsExp | HsLambda [HsPat] HsExp | HsLet [HsDecl] HsExp | HsIf HsExp HsExp HsExp | HsCase HsExp [HsAlt] | HsDo [HsStmt] | HsTuple Bool{-boxed-} [HsExp] | HsList [HsExp] | HsParen HsExp | HsLeftSection HsExp HsExp | HsRightSection HsExp HsExp | HsRecConstr HsQName [HsFieldUpdate] | HsRecUpdate HsExp [HsFieldUpdate] | HsEnumFrom HsExp | HsEnumFromTo HsExp HsExp | HsEnumFromThen HsExp HsExp | HsEnumFromThenTo HsExp HsExp HsExp | HsListComp HsExp [HsStmt] | HsExpTypeSig SrcLoc HsExp HsType | HsAsPat HsName HsExp -- pattern only | HsWildCard -- ditto | HsIrrPat HsExp -- ditto -- HsCCall (ghc extension) -- HsSCC (ghc extension) deriving (Eq,Show) data HsPat = HsPVar HsName | HsPLit HsLiteral | HsPNeg HsPat | HsPInfixApp HsPat HsQName HsPat | HsPApp HsQName [HsPat] | HsPTuple Bool{-boxed-} [HsPat] | HsPList [HsPat] | HsPParen HsPat | HsPRec HsQName [HsPatField] | HsPAsPat HsName HsPat | HsPWildCard | HsPIrrPat HsPat | HsPTypeSig HsPat HsType deriving (Eq,Show) data HsPatField = HsPFieldPat HsQName HsPat deriving (Eq,Show) data HsStmt = HsGenerator HsPat HsExp | HsQualifier HsExp | HsLetStmt [HsDecl] deriving (Eq,Show) data HsFieldUpdate = HsFieldUpdate HsQName HsExp deriving (Eq,Show) data HsAlt = HsAlt SrcLoc HsPat HsGuardedAlts [HsDecl] deriving (Eq,Show) data HsGuardedAlts = HsUnGuardedAlt HsExp | HsGuardedAlts [HsGuardedAlt] deriving (Eq,Show) data HsGuardedAlt = HsGuardedAlt SrcLoc [HsStmt] HsExp deriving (Eq,Show) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Smart constructors -- pinched from GHC mkHsForAllType (Just []) [] ty = ty -- Explicit for-all with no tyvars mkHsForAllType mtvs1 [] (HsForAllType mtvs2 ctxt ty) = mkHsForAllType (mtvs1 `plus` mtvs2) ctxt ty where mtvs1 `plus` Nothing = mtvs1 Nothing `plus` mtvs2 = mtvs2 (Just tvs1) `plus` (Just tvs2) = Just (tvs1 ++ tvs2) mkHsForAllType tvs ctxt ty = HsForAllType tvs ctxt ty ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Builtin names. prelude_mod = Module "Prelude" main_mod = Module "Main" unit_ident = HsSpecial "()" tuple_ident i = HsSpecial ("("++replicate i ','++")") nil_ident = HsSpecial "[]" unit_con_name = Qual prelude_mod (HsVarName unit_ident) tuple_con_name i = Qual prelude_mod (HsVarName (tuple_ident i)) nil_con_name = Qual prelude_mod (HsVarName nil_ident) as_name = HsVarName (HsIdent "as") qualified_name = HsVarName (HsIdent "qualified") hiding_name = HsVarName (HsIdent "hiding") unsafe_name = HsVarName (HsIdent "unsafe") safe_name = HsVarName (HsIdent "safe") forall_name = HsVarName (HsIdent "threadsafe") threadsafe_name = HsVarName (HsIdent "threadsafe") export_name = HsVarName (HsIdent "export") ccall_name = HsVarName (HsIdent "ccall") stdcall_name = HsVarName (HsIdent "stdcall") dotnet_name = HsVarName (HsIdent "dotnet") minus_name = HsVarName (HsSymbol "-") pling_name = HsVarName (HsSymbol "!") dot_name = HsVarName (HsSymbol ".") unit_tycon_name = Qual prelude_mod (HsTyClsName unit_ident) fun_tycon_name = Qual prelude_mod (HsTyClsName (HsSpecial "->")) list_tycon_name = Qual prelude_mod (HsTyClsName (HsSpecial "[]")) tuple_tycon_name i = Qual prelude_mod (HsTyClsName (tuple_ident i)) unit_tycon = HsTyCon unit_tycon_name fun_tycon = HsTyCon fun_tycon_name list_tycon = HsTyCon list_tycon_name tuple_tycon i = HsTyCon (tuple_tycon_name i) \end{code}