import System.Cmd import System.Environment import System.FilePath import System.Exit import System.Directory import Data.List import Control.Monad import Text.Printf import Text.Regex main = do args <- getArgs when (null args) $ error "You must give the path to the GHC lib dir as an argument" putStrLn "Running tests..." let libdir = head args walkDirs libdir "." putStrLn "All tests passed!" haddockEq file1 file2 = (stripLinks file1) == (stripLinks file2) where stripLinks f = subRegex (mkRegexWithOpts "<A HREF=[^>]*>" False False) f "<A HREF=\"\">" allModules dir = do contents <- getDirectoryContents dir return $ filter ((==) ".hs" . takeExtension) contents check modules = do forM_ modules $ \mod -> do let outfile = "output" </> (dropExtension mod ++ ".html") let reffile = dropExtension mod ++ ".html.ref" b <- doesFileExist reffile if b then do copyFile reffile ("output" </> reffile) out <- readFile outfile ref <- readFile reffile if not $ haddockEq out ref then do putStrLn $ "Output for " ++ mod ++ " has changed! Exiting with diff:" system $ "diff " ++ reffile ++ " " ++ outfile exitFailure else do putStrLn $ "Pass: " ++ mod else do putStrLn $ "Pass: " ++ mod ++ " (no .ref file)" walkDirs libdir basedir = do contents <- getDirectoryContents basedir dirs <- filterM doesDirectoryExist . map (basedir </>) . filter (`notElem` [".", "..", "output"]) $ contents mapM_ (testDir libdir) dirs testDir libdir dir = do mods <- allModules dir let mods' = map (dir </>) mods let outdir = "output" </> dir createDirectoryIfMissing True outdir code <- system $ printf "haddock -B %s -o %s -h --optghc=-fglasgow-exts %s" libdir outdir (unwords mods') unless (code == ExitSuccess) $ error "Haddock run failed! Exiting." check mods' walkDirs libdir dir