import System.Cmd
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath
import System.Exit
import System.Directory
import System.Process
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Text.Printf
import Text.Regex
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
import Distribution.Simple.Program
import Distribution.Verbosity
import Data.Maybe
main = do
putStrLn "All tests passed!"
haddockEq file1 file2 = stripLinks file1 == stripLinks file2
stripLinks f = subRegex (mkRegexWithOpts "]*>" False False) f ""
programOnPath p = do
result <- findProgramLocation silent p
return (isJust result)
check modules strict = do
forM_ modules $ \mod -> do
let outfile = "output" > (dropExtension mod ++ ".html")
let reffile = "tests" > dropExtension mod ++ ".html.ref"
b <- doesFileExist reffile
if b
then do
copyFile reffile ("output" > takeFileName reffile)
out <- readFile outfile
ref <- readFile reffile
if not $ haddockEq out ref
then do
putStrLn $ "Output for " ++ mod ++ " has changed! Exiting with diff:"
let ref' = stripLinks ref
out' = stripLinks out
let reffile' = "output" > takeFileName reffile ++ ".nolinks"
outfile' = "output" > takeFileName outfile ++ ".nolinks"
writeFile reffile' ref'
writeFile outfile' out'
b <- programOnPath "colordiff"
if b
then system $ "colordiff " ++ reffile' ++ " " ++ outfile'
else system $ "diff " ++ reffile' ++ " " ++ outfile'
if strict then exitFailure else return ()
else do
putStrLn $ "Pass: " ++ mod
else do
putStrLn $ "Pass: " ++ mod ++ " (no .ref file)"
test = do
x <- doesFileExist (".." > "dist" > "build" > "haddock" > "haddock")
when (not x) $ die "you need to run 'cabal build' successfully first"
contents <- getDirectoryContents "tests"
args <- getArgs
let (opts, spec) = span ("-" `isPrefixOf`) args
let mods =
case spec of
x:_ | x /= "all" -> [x ++ ".hs"]
_ -> filter ((==) ".hs" . takeExtension) contents
let outdir = "output"
let mods' = map ("tests" >) mods
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "Haddock version: "
h1 <- runProcess "../dist/build/haddock/haddock" ["--version"] Nothing (Just [("haddock_datadir", "../.")]) Nothing Nothing Nothing
waitForProcess h1
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "GHC version: "
h2 <- runProcess "../dist/build/haddock/haddock" ["--ghc-version"] Nothing (Just [("haddock_datadir", "../.")]) Nothing Nothing Nothing
waitForProcess h2
putStrLn ""
libdir <- rawSystemStdout normal "../dist/build/haddock/haddock" ["--print-ghc-libdir"]
let basepath = init libdir ++ "/../../share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
let base = "-i " ++ basepath ++ "," ++ basepath ++ "base.haddock"
let processpath = init libdir ++ "/../../share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/process-"
let process = "-i " ++ processpath ++ "," ++ processpath ++ "process.haddock"
putStrLn "Running tests..."
handle <- runProcess "../dist/build/haddock/haddock" (["-w", "-o", outdir, "-h", "--optghc=-fglasgow-exts", "--optghc=-w", base, process] ++ opts ++ mods') Nothing (Just [("haddock_datadir", "../.")]) Nothing Nothing Nothing
code <- waitForProcess handle
when (code /= ExitSuccess) $ error "Haddock run failed! Exiting."
check mods (if not (null args) && args !! 0 == "all" then False else True)