defaults: &defaults docker: - image: fpco/stack-build:lts steps: - checkout - run: name: Copy provided stack.yaml to stack-build.txt command: cp ${STACK_FILE} stack-build.txt - restore_cache: name: Restore Cached Dependencies keys: - haskell-code-explorer-{{ checksum "stack-build.txt" }} - run: name: Resolve/Update Dependencies command: stack --stack-yaml=${STACK_FILE} setup - run: name: Build command: stack --stack-yaml=${STACK_FILE} -j 2 build --test --no-run-tests - run: name: Install cabal-install command: stack --stack-yaml=${STACK_FILE} -j 2 install cabal-install - run: name: Update list of packages command: stack --stack-yaml=${STACK_FILE} exec --no-ghc-package-path cabal -- update - run: name: Run tests command: stack --stack-yaml=${STACK_FILE} test || stack --stack-yaml=${STACK_FILE} exec --no-ghc-package-path $(stack --stack-yaml=${STACK_FILE} path --dist-dir)/build/test/test - save_cache: name: Cache Dependencies key: haskell-code-explorer-{{ checksum "stack-build.txt" }} paths: - "/root/.stack" - "/root/.cache" - "/root/.cabal" - ".stack-work" version: 2 jobs: ghc-8.0.2: environment: - STACK_FILE: "stack-8.0.2.yaml" <<: *defaults ghc-8.2.2: environment: - STACK_FILE: "stack-8.2.2.yaml" <<: *defaults ghc-8.4.3: environment: - STACK_FILE: "stack-8.4.3.yaml" <<: *defaults ghc-8.4.4: environment: - STACK_FILE: "stack-8.4.4.yaml" <<: *defaults ghc-8.6.3: environment: - STACK_FILE: "stack-8.6.3.yaml" <<: *defaults ghc-8.6.4: environment: - STACK_FILE: "stack-8.6.4.yaml" <<: *defaults workflows: version: 2 build_and_test: jobs: - ghc-8.0.2 - ghc-8.2.2 - ghc-8.4.3 - ghc-8.4.4 - ghc-8.6.3 - ghc-8.6.4