import Ember from 'ember'; export default Ember.Component.extend({ store : Ember.inject.service('store'), highlightedItemIndex: -1, items : [], query: null, didInsertElement() { const $input = Ember.$(this.element).find(".search-input"); const $autocompleteContainer = Ember.$(this.element).find(".autocomplete-container"); this.$input = $input; this.$autocompleteContainer = $autocompleteContainer; const width = $input.width() + 300; $autocompleteContainer.css({ "width" : width+"px", "top" : $input.outerHeight() }); $input.keyup((e) => { if(e.which === 13) { this.onEnter(); } else if(e.which === 27) { this.onEsc(); } else if(e.which === 40) { this.onDown(); } else if(e.which === 38) { this.onUp(); } }); $input.focusin(() => { this.showAutocompleteList(); }); $input.focusout(() => { //Timeout is needed to make sure that click event fires => { this.hideAutocompleteList(); }), 100); }); }, willDestroyElement() { this._super(...arguments); this.$'keyup'); this.$'focusin'); this.$'focusout'); }, onEnter() { if(this.get('highlightedItemIndex') !== -1) { const item = this.get('items')[this.get('highlightedItemIndex')]; if(item) { this.hideAutocompleteList(); this.get('selectItem')(item); } } else { this.hideAutocompleteList(); this.get('onSubmit')(this.get('query')); } }, onEsc() { this.hideAutocompleteList(); }, onDown() { this.showAutocompleteList(); const index = this.get('highlightedItemIndex'); const items = this.get('items'); const itemsCount = items.length; if(itemsCount > 0) { if(index !== -1) { if(index === itemsCount - 1) { this.set('highlightedItemIndex',0); } else { this.set('highlightedItemIndex',index+1); } } else { this.set('highlightedItemIndex',0); } } }, onUp() { this.showAutocompleteList(); const index = this.get('highlightedItemIndex'); const items = this.get('items'); const itemsCount = items.length; if(itemsCount > 0) { if(index !== -1) { if(index === 0) { this.set('highlightedItemIndex',itemsCount - 1); } else { this.set('highlightedItemIndex',index - 1); } } else { this.set('highlightedItemIndex',itemsCount - 1); } } }, hideAutocompleteList() { this.set('highlightedItemIndex',-1); this.$autocompleteContainer.css({ "display":"none", }); }, showAutocompleteList() { if(this.get('query') !== "") { this.$autocompleteContainer.css({ "display":"block" }); } }, searchUrlObserver :'createSearchUrlFunction',function() { this.notifyPropertyChange('query'); }), queryObserver :"query",function() { if(this.get('query')) { const perPage = this.get('maxItems') ? this.get('maxItems') : 10; const url = this.get('createSearchUrlFunction')(this.get('query')) + "?per_page=" + perPage;, () => { this.get('store').loadFromUrlPaginated(url).then((result) => { => { this.set('items',result.items); }); }); }, 400); this.showAutocompleteList(); } else { this.hideAutocompleteList(); this.set('items',[]); } }), actions : { onSubmit() { this.hideAutocompleteList(); this.get('onSubmit')(this.get('query')); }, goToDefinition (item) { this.hideAutocompleteList(); this.get('selectItem')(item); } } });