import Ember from 'ember'; import {goToDefinition} from '../utils/go-to-definition'; export default Ember.Component.extend({ store : Ember.inject.service('store'), tagName : 'span', classNames: ["type-component"], contextMenu() {//right mouse button click to show kind of a type constructor or type variable if(this.get('identifiers') && this.get('internalId')) { this.set('expanded',true); } return false; }, linkClass : Ember.computed('identifierInfo',function() { return this.get('identifierInfo') ? "link" : ""; }), identifierInfo : Ember.computed('internalId',function() { return this.get('internalId') ? this.get('identifiers')[this.get('internalId')] : null; }), actions : { onmouseup (event) { if(this.get('identifierInfo') && (event.which !== 3 )) { const locationInfo = this.get('identifierInfo').locationInfo; goToDefinition(this.get('store'),locationInfo,event.which,this.get('currentLineNumber')); return false; } } } });