{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module HaskellCodeExplorer.Preprocessor ( createSourceCodeTransformation ) where import Control.Applicative ( (<|>) ) import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as AT import Data.Foldable ( foldl' ) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Text as T import HaskellCodeExplorer.Types ( FileLocation(..) , HaskellFilePath(..) , HaskellModulePath(..) , LinePragma(..) , SourceCodeTransformation(..) , haskellPreprocessorExtensions ) import System.FilePath ( normalise , takeExtension , takeFileName ) -- | Finds locations of line pragmas and creates an index createSourceCodeTransformation :: HaskellModulePath -> T.Text -> T.Text -> (SourceCodeTransformation, T.Text) createSourceCodeTransformation currentModulePath originalSourceCode sourceCodeAfterPreprocessing = let sourceCodeLines = T.splitOn "\n" sourceCodeAfterPreprocessing numberedLines = zip [1 :: Int ..] sourceCodeLines currentFilePath = HaskellFilePath . getHaskellModulePath $ currentModulePath addPragma :: [LinePragma] -> (Int, T.Text) -> [LinePragma] addPragma acc (lineNumber, line) = case AT.parseOnly linePragmaParser line of Right (originalLineNumber, mbFileName) -> LinePragma (maybe currentFilePath (HaskellFilePath . T.pack . normalise . T.unpack) mbFileName ) lineNumber originalLineNumber : acc Left _ -> acc totalLines = length numberedLines pragmas = L.reverse . L.foldl' addPragma [] $ numberedLines pragmaPath = filePath :: LinePragma -> HaskellFilePath currentFileExtension = takeExtension . T.unpack . getHaskellFilePath $ currentFilePath standardHeaderFiles = [ "stdc-predef.h" , "cabal_macros.h" , "ghcversion.h" , "HsVersions.h" , "ghc_boot_platform.h" , "ghcautoconf.h" ] hasIncludedFiles = L.any ( (\path -> let fileName = takeFileName . T.unpack . getHaskellFilePath $ path in (path /= currentFilePath) && (path /= HaskellFilePath "") && (path /= HaskellFilePath "") && not ("ghc_" `L.isPrefixOf` fileName) && (fileName `notElem` standardHeaderFiles) ) . pragmaPath ) pragmas in if hasIncludedFiles || currentFileExtension `elem` haskellPreprocessorExtensions then ( SourceCodeTransformation totalLines currentModulePath (S.fromList pragmas) (indexLocations totalLines currentFilePath pragmas) , sourceCodeAfterPreprocessing ) else ( SourceCodeTransformation (length $ T.splitOn "\n" originalSourceCode) currentModulePath S.empty HM.empty , originalSourceCode ) -- | Parses line pragma linePragmaParser :: AT.Parser (Int, Maybe T.Text) linePragmaParser = pragma1 <|> pragma2 where pragma1 :: AT.Parser (Int, Maybe T.Text) pragma1 = parser "#" "line" pragma2 :: AT.Parser (Int, Maybe T.Text) pragma2 = parser "{-#" "LINE" parser :: T.Text -> T.Text -> AT.Parser (Int, Maybe T.Text) parser start line = do _ <- AT.string start _ <- AT.takeWhile (== ' ') _ <- AT.string line <|> return "" _ <- AT.takeWhile (== ' ') num <- AT.decimal _ <- AT.takeWhile (== ' ') mbName <- (Just <$> fileName) <|> return Nothing return (num, mbName) fileName :: AT.Parser T.Text fileName = AT.string "\"" *> AT.takeTill (== '\"') <* AT.string "\"" data Line = FirstLine | LastLine Int | Pragma LinePragma deriving (Show,Eq) -- | Creates a HashMap whose keys are filenames and values are locations in a -- preprocessed source code indexLocations :: Int -> HaskellFilePath -> [LinePragma] -> HM.HashMap HaskellFilePath (S.Set FileLocation) indexLocations totalLines preprocessedFilePath pragmas = foldl' add HM.empty . (zip <*> tail) $ (FirstLine : map Pragma pragmas) ++ [LastLine totalLines] where add :: HM.HashMap HaskellFilePath (S.Set FileLocation) -> (Line, Line) -> HM.HashMap HaskellFilePath (S.Set FileLocation) -- Interval between the first line and the first pragma add hMap (FirstLine, Pragma LinePragma {..}) | lineNumberPreprocessed > 1 = HM.insertWith S.union preprocessedFilePath (S.singleton (FileLocation 1 lineNumberPreprocessed 0)) hMap | otherwise = hMap -- Interval between two pragmas add hMap (Pragma (LinePragma fileName lineNumberPreprocessed1 lineNumberOriginal1), Pragma (LinePragma _ lineNumberPreprocessed2 _)) | lineNumberPreprocessed2 - lineNumberPreprocessed1 > 1 = HM.insertWith S.union fileName (S.singleton (FileLocation lineNumberOriginal1 ( lineNumberOriginal1 + (lineNumberPreprocessed2 - lineNumberPreprocessed1 - 2) ) (lineNumberPreprocessed1 - lineNumberOriginal1 + 1) ) ) hMap | otherwise = hMap -- Interval between the last pragma and the last line add hMap (Pragma (LinePragma fileName lineNumberPreprocessed lineNumberOriginal), LastLine lastLineNumberPreprocessed) | lastLineNumberPreprocessed - lineNumberPreprocessed > 1 = HM.insertWith S.union fileName (S.singleton (FileLocation lineNumberOriginal ( lineNumberOriginal + (lastLineNumberPreprocessed - lineNumberPreprocessed - 2) ) (lineNumberPreprocessed - lineNumberOriginal + 1) ) ) hMap | otherwise = hMap add hMap _ = hMap