{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module HaskellCodeExplorer.Types where import Control.DeepSeq ( NFData ) import qualified Data.Aeson as A import Data.Aeson.Types ( Options , defaultOptions , omitNothingFields ) import Data.Generics ( Constr , Data(..) , DataType , Fixity(..) , constrIndex , mkConstr , mkDataType ) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.Hashable ( Hashable ) import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM import qualified Data.IntervalMap.Strict as IVM import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe , isJust ) import Data.Serialize ( Get , Serialize(..) ) import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Encoding ( decodeUtf8 , encodeUtf8 ) import Data.Text.Lazy ( toStrict ) import qualified Data.Vector as V import Data.Version ( Version(..) , showVersion ) import Documentation.Haddock.Types ( DocH(..) , Example(..) , Header(..) , Hyperlink(..) , ModLink(..) , Picture(..) , Table(..) , TableCell(..) , TableRow(..) ) import GHC.Generics ( Generic ) import Prelude hiding ( id ) import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text ( renderHtml ) import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as Html import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as Attr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Package info -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data PackageInfo modInfo = PackageInfo { id :: PackageId , moduleMap :: HM.HashMap HaskellModulePath modInfo , moduleNameMap :: HM.HashMap HaskellModuleName (HM.HashMap ComponentId HaskellModulePath) , directoryTree :: DirTree , externalIdInfoMap :: Trie Char ExternalIdentifierInfo -- ^ All external identifiers defined in the package , externalIdOccMap :: HM.HashMap ExternalId (S.Set IdentifierSrcSpan) -- ^ All occurrences of each external identifier in the package } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) data PackageId = PackageId { name :: T.Text , version :: Data.Version.Version } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data) packageIdToText :: PackageId -> T.Text packageIdToText (PackageId name version) = T.concat [name, "-", T.pack $ showVersion version] packageName :: PackageInfo a -> T.Text packageName (PackageInfo { id = PackageId name _ }) = name data IdentifierSrcSpan = IdentifierSrcSpan { modulePath :: HaskellModulePath , line :: Int , startColumn :: Int , endColumn :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data) data DirTree = Dir { name :: FilePath , contents :: [DirTree] } | File { name :: FilePath , path :: FilePath , isHaskellModule :: Bool } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) newtype ComponentId = ComponentId { getComponentId :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, A.ToJSONKey, Data, Hashable) data ComponentType = Setup | Lib | SubLib T.Text | FLib T.Text | Exe T.Text | Test T.Text | Bench T.Text deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) isLibrary :: ComponentType -> Bool isLibrary Lib = True isLibrary (SubLib _) = True isLibrary (FLib _) = True isLibrary _ = False packageInfoBinaryFileName :: FilePath packageInfoBinaryFileName = "packageInfo" packageInfoJsonFileName :: FilePath packageInfoJsonFileName = "packageInfo.json" defaultOutputDirectoryName :: FilePath defaultOutputDirectoryName = ".haskell-code-explorer" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A simple Trie implementation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Trie k v = Trie { values :: S.Set v , children :: HM.HashMap k (Trie k v) } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) emptyTrie :: Trie k v emptyTrie = Trie S.empty HM.empty insertToTrie :: (Hashable k, Eq k, Ord v) => (v -> S.Set v -> S.Set v) -> [k] -> v -> Trie k v -> Trie k v insertToTrie f [] v (Trie vals children) = Trie (f v vals) children insertToTrie f word@(first : rest) val (Trie vals children) = case HM.lookup first children of Just trie -> Trie vals (HM.insert first (insertToTrie f rest val trie) children) Nothing -> insertToTrie f word val (Trie vals (HM.insert first emptyTrie children)) match :: (Hashable k, Eq k, Ord v) => [k] -> Trie k v -> S.Set v match (first : rest) (Trie _ children) = maybe S.empty (match rest) (HM.lookup first children) match [] (Trie val children) = S.union val $ S.unions [ S.union v $ match [] trie | (_, trie@(Trie v _)) <- HM.toList children ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Module info -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo { id :: HaskellModulePath , name :: HaskellModuleName , source :: V.Vector T.Text -- ^ Source code of the module , transformation :: SourceCodeTransformation , exprInfoMap :: ExpressionInfoMap -- ^ Type of each expression in the module , idOccMap :: IdentifierOccurrenceMap -- ^ All occurrences of each identifier in the module , idInfoMap :: IdentifierInfoMap -- ^ Information about each identifier in the module , declarations :: [Declaration] , definitionSiteMap :: DefinitionSiteMap -- ^ Definition site of each top-level value, type, and type class instance , externalIds :: [ExternalIdentifierInfo] } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) type ExpressionInfoMap = IVM.IntervalMap (Int, Int) ExpressionInfo type IdentifierOccurrenceMap = IM.IntMap [((Int, Int), IdentifierOccurrence)] type IdentifierInfoMap = HM.HashMap InternalId IdentifierInfo data DefinitionSiteMap = DefinitionSiteMap { values :: HM.HashMap OccName DefinitionSite , types :: HM.HashMap OccName DefinitionSite , instances :: HM.HashMap T.Text DefinitionSite } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) data DefinitionSite = DefinitionSite { location :: LocationInfo , documentation :: Maybe HTML } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) type HTML = T.Text newtype OccName = OccName { getOccName :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, A.ToJSONKey, Data, Hashable) -- | 'CompactModuleInfo' contains a subset of fields of 'ModuleInfo'. data CompactModuleInfo = CompactModuleInfo { id :: HaskellModulePath , name :: HaskellModuleName , exprInfoMap :: ExpressionInfoMap , definitionSiteMap :: DefinitionSiteMap , source :: V.Vector T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) haskellPreprocessorExtensions :: [FilePath] haskellPreprocessorExtensions = [".hsc", ".chs", ".cpphs", ".gc", ".x", ".y", ".ly"] toCompactPackageInfo :: PackageInfo ModuleInfo -> PackageInfo CompactModuleInfo toCompactPackageInfo PackageInfo {..} = PackageInfo { id = id , moduleMap = HM.map toCompactModuleInfo moduleMap , moduleNameMap = moduleNameMap , directoryTree = directoryTree , externalIdOccMap = externalIdOccMap , externalIdInfoMap = externalIdInfoMap } toCompactModuleInfo :: ModuleInfo -> CompactModuleInfo toCompactModuleInfo ModuleInfo {..} = CompactModuleInfo { id = id , name = name , exprInfoMap = exprInfoMap , definitionSiteMap = definitionSiteMap , source = source } newtype HaskellModuleName = HaskellModuleName { getHaskellModuleName :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, A.ToJSONKey, Data) newtype HaskellModulePath = HaskellModulePath { getHaskellModulePath :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, A.ToJSONKey, Data) newtype HaskellFilePath = HaskellFilePath { getHaskellFilePath :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, A.ToJSONKey, Data) -- | Haskell identifier (value or type) data IdentifierInfo = IdentifierInfo { sort :: NameSort , occName :: OccName , demangledOccName :: T.Text , nameSpace :: NameSpace , locationInfo :: LocationInfo , idType :: Type , details :: Maybe IdDetails , doc :: Maybe HTML , internalId :: InternalId , externalId :: Maybe ExternalId , isExported :: Bool } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data) data NameSort = External | Internal deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data) data NameSpace = VarName | DataName | TvName | TcClsName deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data) data IdDetails = VanillaId | RecSelId | RecSelIdNaughty | DataConWorkId | DataConWrapId | ClassOpId | PrimOpId | FCallId | TickBoxOpId | DFunId | CoVarId | JoinId deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data) -- | Each Haskell identifier has an 'InternalId' that is unique within a single module newtype InternalId = InternalId { getInternalId :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data, Hashable, A.ToJSONKey) newtype ExternalId = ExternalId { getExternalId :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data, Hashable, A.ToJSONKey) newtype ExternalIdentifierInfo = ExternalIdentifierInfo { getIdentifierInfo :: IdentifierInfo } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data) instance Ord ExternalIdentifierInfo where compare (ExternalIdentifierInfo (IdentifierInfo { demangledOccName = d1, internalId = i1 })) (ExternalIdentifierInfo (IdentifierInfo { demangledOccName = d2, internalId = i2 })) = case compare (T.length d1) (T.length d2) of GT -> GT LT -> LT EQ -> case compare d1 d2 of GT -> GT LT -> LT EQ -> compare i1 i2 data ExpressionInfo = ExpressionInfo { description :: T.Text , exprType :: Maybe Type } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) -- | Occurrence of an identifier in a source code data IdentifierOccurrence = IdentifierOccurrence { internalId :: Maybe InternalId , internalIdFromRenamedSource :: Maybe InternalId , isBinder :: Bool , instanceResolution :: Maybe InstanceResolution , idOccType :: Maybe Type -- ^ Instantiated type of an identifier , typeArguments :: Maybe [Type] , description :: T.Text , sort :: IdentifierOccurrenceSort } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data) data IdentifierOccurrenceSort = ValueId | TypeId | ModuleId LocationInfo deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data) data Type = Type { components :: [TypeComponent] , componentsExpanded :: Maybe [TypeComponent] -- ^ Components of a type with all type synonyms expanded } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data) data TypeComponent = Text T.Text | TyCon { internalId :: InternalId , name :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data) -- | Tree of instances data InstanceResolution = Instance { name :: T.Text -- ^ Type of an instance, e.g., "instance Show a => ClassName a" , instanceType :: Type , types :: [Type] -- ^ Types at which type variables of a class are instantiated , location :: LocationInfo , instances :: [InstanceResolution] } | Stop deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Generic,Data) data SourceCodeTransformation = SourceCodeTransformation { totalLines :: Int , filePath :: HaskellModulePath , linePragmas :: S.Set LinePragma , fileIndex :: HM.HashMap HaskellFilePath (S.Set FileLocation) -- ^ Map from an original filename to its locations in a preprocessed source code } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) -- | Location of a file included by a preprocessor data FileLocation = FileLocation { lineStart :: Int , lineEnd :: Int , offset :: Int -- ^ (line number in a preprocessed file) - (line number in an original file) + 1 } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) -- | Line pragma inserted by a preprocessor data LinePragma = LinePragma { filePath :: HaskellFilePath , lineNumberPreprocessed :: Int , lineNumberOriginal :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) fromOriginalLineNumber :: SourceCodeTransformation -> (HaskellFilePath, Int) -> Either T.Text Int fromOriginalLineNumber SourceCodeTransformation { linePragmas = pragmas } (_originalFileName, originalLineNumber) | S.null pragmas = Right originalLineNumber fromOriginalLineNumber SourceCodeTransformation { fileIndex = index } (originalFileName, originalLineNumber) = case HM.lookup originalFileName index of Just set -> -- lookupGE finds smallest element greater or equal to the given one case S.lookupGE (FileLocation 1 originalLineNumber 1) set of Just FileLocation {..} -> Right $ originalLineNumber + offset Nothing -> Left $ T.concat [ "Cannot find " , T.pack . show $ (originalFileName, originalLineNumber) , " in " , T.pack $ show index ] Nothing -> Left $ T.concat [ "Cannot find file " , T.pack . show $ originalFileName , " in " , T.pack $ show index ] data Declaration = Declaration { sort :: DeclarationSort , name :: T.Text , declType :: Maybe Type , isExported :: Bool , lineNumber :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data) data DeclarationSort = TyClD | InstD | ValD | ForD deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data) data LocationInfo = ExactLocation { packageId :: PackageId , modulePath :: HaskellModulePath , moduleName :: HaskellModuleName , startLine :: Int , endLine :: Int , startColumn :: Int , endColumn :: Int } | ApproximateLocation { packageId :: PackageId , moduleName :: HaskellModuleName , entity :: LocatableEntity , name :: T.Text , haddockAnchorId :: Maybe T.Text , componentId :: ComponentId } | UnknownLocation T.Text deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data) data LocatableEntity = Typ | Val | Inst | Mod deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Data) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instances -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- deriving instance (Data k) => Data (IVM.Interval k) instance (Data k, Data v, Eq k, Ord k, Data (IVM.Interval k)) => Data (IVM.IntervalMap k v) where gfoldl f z m = z IVM.fromList `f` IVM.toList m toConstr _ = fromListConstr gunfold k z c = case constrIndex c of 1 -> k (z IVM.fromList) _ -> error "gunfold" dataTypeOf _ = intervalMapDataType -- dataCast2 = gcast2 fromListConstr :: Constr fromListConstr = mkConstr intervalMapDataType "fromList" [] Prefix intervalMapDataType :: DataType intervalMapDataType = mkDataType "Data.IntervalMap" [fromListConstr] deriving instance Generic (IVM.Interval k) instance Hashable HaskellModuleName instance Serialize HaskellModuleName instance Hashable HaskellModulePath instance Serialize HaskellModulePath instance Hashable HaskellFilePath instance Serialize HaskellFilePath instance (Serialize k, Serialize v, Ord k) => Serialize (IVM.IntervalMap k v) where put = put . IVM.toAscList get = IVM.fromAscList <$> Data.Serialize.get instance Ord LinePragma where compare p1 p2 = compare (lineNumberPreprocessed (p1 :: LinePragma)) (lineNumberPreprocessed (p2 :: LinePragma)) instance Ord FileLocation where compare l1 l2 = compare (lineEnd l1) (lineEnd l2) instance Serialize LinePragma instance Serialize FileLocation instance Serialize SourceCodeTransformation instance Serialize IdentifierInfo instance Serialize InternalId instance Serialize ExternalId instance Serialize ExternalIdentifierInfo where put (ExternalIdentifierInfo info) = put info get = ExternalIdentifierInfo <$> (get :: Get IdentifierInfo) instance Serialize InstanceResolution instance Serialize OccName instance Serialize IdDetails instance Serialize NameSpace instance Serialize DefinitionSiteMap instance Serialize DefinitionSite instance Serialize Declaration instance Serialize NameSort instance Serialize DeclarationSort instance Serialize PackageId instance Serialize Data.Version.Version instance Serialize (PackageInfo ModuleInfo) instance Serialize (PackageInfo CompactModuleInfo) instance Serialize IdentifierSrcSpan instance Serialize DirTree instance Serialize ComponentId instance Serialize ComponentType instance Serialize T.Text where put = put . encodeUtf8 get = decodeUtf8 <$> Data.Serialize.get instance (Serialize k, Serialize v, Eq k,Hashable k) => Serialize (HM.HashMap k v) where put = put . HM.toList get = HM.fromList <$> get instance Serialize ModuleInfo instance Serialize CompactModuleInfo instance (Serialize k) => Serialize (IVM.Interval k) instance Serialize LocationInfo instance Serialize IdentifierOccurrence instance Serialize IdentifierOccurrenceSort instance Serialize TypeComponent instance (Serialize a) => Serialize (V.Vector a) where put = put . V.toList get = (\l -> V.fromListN (L.length l) l) <$> get instance Serialize Type instance Serialize ExpressionInfo instance Serialize LocatableEntity instance (Serialize k,Ord k,Serialize v,Ord v,Hashable k) => Serialize (Trie k v) instance NFData HaskellModuleName instance NFData HaskellModulePath instance NFData HaskellFilePath instance NFData LinePragma instance NFData FileLocation instance NFData SourceCodeTransformation instance NFData IdentifierInfo instance NFData InternalId instance NFData ExternalId instance NFData ExternalIdentifierInfo instance NFData InstanceResolution instance NFData IdDetails instance NFData NameSpace instance NFData OccName instance NFData DefinitionSiteMap instance NFData DefinitionSite instance NFData Declaration instance NFData NameSort instance NFData DeclarationSort instance NFData PackageId instance NFData (PackageInfo ModuleInfo) instance NFData (PackageInfo CompactModuleInfo) instance NFData IdentifierSrcSpan instance NFData DirTree instance NFData ComponentId instance NFData ComponentType instance NFData ModuleInfo instance NFData CompactModuleInfo instance NFData LocationInfo instance NFData IdentifierOccurrence instance NFData IdentifierOccurrenceSort instance NFData TypeComponent instance NFData Type instance NFData ExpressionInfo instance NFData LocatableEntity instance (NFData k, Ord k, NFData v, Ord v, Hashable k) => NFData (Trie k v) omitNothingOptions :: Options omitNothingOptions = defaultOptions { omitNothingFields = True } instance A.ToJSON (PackageInfo a) where toJSON PackageInfo {..} = A.object [ ("id" , A.toJSON $ packageIdToText id) , ("directoryTree", A.toJSON directoryTree) , ("modules" , A.toJSON . HM.map (const ()) $ moduleMap) ] instance A.ToJSON ModuleInfo where toJSON ModuleInfo {..} = let sourceCodeLines = zip [1 ..] $ V.toList source tokenizedLines = L.map (\(lineNumber, lineText) -> case IM.lookup lineNumber idOccMap of Just identifiers -> (lineNumber, tokenize lineText identifiers) Nothing -> (lineNumber, [(lineText, (1, T.length lineText + 1), Nothing)]) ) sourceCodeLines html = Html.table Html.! Attr.class_ "source-code" $ Html.tbody $ mapM_ (uncurry lineToHtml) tokenizedLines in A.object [ ("id" , A.toJSON id) , ("name" , A.toJSON name) , ("sourceCodeHtml", A.toJSON . renderHtml $ html) , ("tokenizedLines", A.toJSON $ map toTokenizedLine tokenizedLines) , ("identifiers" , A.toJSON idInfoMap) , ("occurrences" , A.toJSON $ idOccurrencesHashMap idOccMap) , ("declarations" , A.toJSON declarations) ] toTokenizedLine :: (Int, [(T.Text, (Int, Int), Maybe IdentifierOccurrence)]) -> TokenizedLine toTokenizedLine (lineNumber, tokens) = TokenizedLine lineNumber contents where contents = map (\(content, (start, end), mbIdOcc) -> TokenizedContent start end content ( (\IdentifierOccurrence {..} -> TokenizedIdInfo (maybe "" getInternalId internalIdFromRenamedSource) (occurrenceLocationToText lineNumber start end) (maybe "" getInternalId internalId) ) <$> mbIdOcc ) ) tokens data TokenizedLine = TokenizedLine { lineNumber :: Int , lineContents :: [TokenizedContent] } deriving (Show, Generic) instance A.ToJSON TokenizedLine data TokenizedContent = TokenizedContent { start :: Int , end :: Int , content :: T.Text , idInfo :: Maybe TokenizedIdInfo } deriving (Show, Generic) instance A.ToJSON TokenizedContent data TokenizedIdInfo = TokenizedIdInfo { id :: T.Text , occurrence :: T.Text , identifier :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Generic) instance A.ToJSON TokenizedIdInfo idOccurrencesHashMap :: IM.IntMap [((Int, Int), IdentifierOccurrence)] -> HM.HashMap T.Text IdentifierOccurrence idOccurrencesHashMap = HM.fromList . concatMap (\(lineNum, occs) -> L.map (\((startCol, endCol), occ) -> (occurrenceLocationToText lineNum startCol endCol, occ) ) occs ) . IM.toList idOccurrenceList :: IM.IntMap [((Int, Int), IdentifierOccurrence)] -> HM.HashMap T.Text IdentifierOccurrence idOccurrenceList = HM.fromList . concatMap (\(lineNum, occs) -> L.map (\((startCol, endCol), occ) -> (occurrenceLocationToText lineNum startCol endCol, occ) ) occs ) . IM.toList occurrenceLocationToText :: Int -> Int -> Int -> T.Text occurrenceLocationToText lineNum startCol endCol = T.concat [ T.pack . show $ lineNum , "-" , T.pack . show $ startCol , "-" , T.pack . show $ endCol ] lineToHtml :: Int -> [(T.Text, (Int, Int), Maybe IdentifierOccurrence)] -> Html.Html lineToHtml lineNumber tokens = Html.tr $ do Html.td Html.! Attr.class_ "line-number" Html.! Attr.id (Html.textValue . T.append "LN" . T.pack $ show lineNumber) $ Html.toHtml (T.pack $ show lineNumber) Html.td Html.! Attr.class_ "line-content" Html.! Html.dataAttribute "line" (Html.textValue $ T.pack . show $ lineNumber) Html.! Attr.id (Html.textValue . T.append "LC" . T.pack $ show lineNumber) $ mapM_ (\(content, (start, end), mbIdOcc) -> let addPositionAttrs :: Html.Html -> Html.Html addPositionAttrs htmlElement = htmlElement Html.! Html.dataAttribute "start" (Html.textValue $ T.pack . show $ start) Html.! Html.dataAttribute "end" (Html.textValue $ T.pack . show $ end) in case mbIdOcc of Just (IdentifierOccurrence {..}) -> addPositionAttrs $ Html.span Html.! Attr.class_ "identifier" Html.! Attr.id ( Html.textValue . maybe "" getInternalId $ internalIdFromRenamedSource ) Html.! Html.dataAttribute "occurrence" ( Html.textValue $ occurrenceLocationToText lineNumber start end ) Html.! Html.dataAttribute "identifier" (Html.textValue $ maybe "" getInternalId $ internalId ) $ Html.toHtml content Nothing -> addPositionAttrs . Html.span . Html.toHtml $ content ) tokens tokenize :: forall a . T.Text -- ^ Source code -> [((Int, Int), a)] -- ^ Identifier locations -- The end position is defined to be the column /after/ the end of the -- span. That is, a span of (1,1)-(1,2) is one character long, and a -- span of (1,1)-(1,1) is zero characters long. -> [(T.Text, (Int, Int), Maybe a)] tokenize line = L.reverse . (\(remainingLine, currentIndex, c) -> if T.null remainingLine then c else (remainingLine, (currentIndex, T.length line + 1), Nothing) : c ) . L.foldl' split (line, 1, []) where split :: (T.Text, Int, [(T.Text, (Int, Int), Maybe a)]) -> ((Int, Int), a) -> (T.Text, Int, [(T.Text, (Int, Int), Maybe a)]) split (remainingLine, currentIndex, chunks) ((start, end), a) | start == currentIndex = let (chunk, remainingLine') = T.splitAt (end - start) remainingLine chunks' = (chunk, (start, end), Just a) : chunks in (remainingLine', end, chunks') | otherwise = let (chunkNoId, remainingLine') = T.splitAt (start - currentIndex) remainingLine (chunk, remainingLine'') = T.splitAt (end - start) remainingLine' in ( remainingLine'' , end , (chunk, (start, end), Just a) : (chunkNoId, (currentIndex, start), Nothing) : chunks ) docToHtml :: forall mod id . (mod -> Html.Html) -> (id -> Html.Html) -> DocH mod id -> HTML docToHtml modToHtml idToHtml = toStrict . renderHtml . toH where toH :: DocH mod id -> Html.Html toH (DocAppend doc1 doc2 ) = toH doc1 >> toH doc2 toH (DocParagraph doc ) = Html.p $ toH doc toH (DocIdentifier identifier) = Html.span $ idToHtml identifier toH (DocWarning doc) = Html.div Html.! Attr.class_ "warning" $ toH doc toH (DocEmphasis doc ) = Html.em $ toH doc toH DocEmpty = mempty toH (DocBold doc) = Html.b $ toH doc toH (DocMonospaced doc) = Html.span Html.! Attr.class_ "source-code-font" $ toH doc toH (DocUnorderedList docs) = Html.ul $ mapM_ (Html.li . toH) docs toH (DocOrderedList docs) = Html.ol $ mapM_ (Html.li . toH) docs toH (DocDefList docs) = Html.dl $ mapM_ (\(doc1, doc2) -> Html.dt (toH doc1) >> Html.dd (toH doc2)) docs toH (DocCodeBlock doc) = Html.div Html.! Attr.class_ "source-code" $ toH doc toH (DocIdentifierUnchecked modName) = modToHtml modName toH (DocModule (ModLink url label)) = -- Html.span . Html.toHtml . T.pack $ str Html.a Html.! (Attr.href . Html.textValue . T.pack $ url) $ fromMaybe (Html.toHtml url) $ toH <$> label toH (DocHyperlink (Hyperlink url label)) = Html.a Html.! (Attr.href . Html.textValue . T.pack $ url) $ fromMaybe (Html.toHtml url) $ toH <$> label toH (DocPic (Picture uri mbTitle)) = Html.img Html.! (Attr.src . Html.textValue . T.pack $ uri) Html.! (Attr.title . Html.textValue . T.pack $ fromMaybe "" mbTitle) toH (DocMathInline str) = Html.span . Html.toHtml $ T.pack ("\\(" ++ str ++ "\\)") toH (DocMathDisplay str) = Html.div . Html.toHtml $ T.pack ("\\[" ++ str ++ "\\]") toH (DocAName str) = Html.a Html.! (Attr.id . Html.textValue . T.pack $ str) $ mempty toH (DocProperty str) = Html.div Html.! Attr.class_ "source-code" $ Html.toHtml $ T.pack str toH (DocExamples examples) = Html.div Html.! Attr.class_ "source-code" $ mapM_ (\(Example expr results) -> let htmlPrompt = Html.span $ Html.toHtml (">>> " :: String) htmlExpression = Html.span $ Html.toHtml (expr ++ "\n") in htmlPrompt >> htmlExpression >> mapM_ (Html.span . Html.toHtml) (unlines results) ) examples toH (DocString str ) = Html.span . Html.toHtml $ T.pack str toH (DocHeader (Header level doc)) = toHeader level $ toH doc where toHeader 1 = Html.h1 toHeader 2 = Html.h2 toHeader 3 = Html.h3 toHeader 4 = Html.h4 toHeader 5 = Html.h5 toHeader _ = Html.h6 toH (DocTable (Table hs bs)) = let tableRowToH tdOrTh (TableRow cells) = Html.tr $ mapM_ (tableCellToH tdOrTh) cells tableCellToH tdOrTh (TableCell colspan rowspan doc) = (tdOrTh $ toH doc) Html.!? ( colspan /= 1 , (Attr.colspan (Html.stringValue $ show colspan)) ) Html.!? ( rowspan /= 1 , (Attr.rowspan (Html.stringValue $ show rowspan)) ) in Html.table $ Html.thead (mapM_ (tableRowToH Html.th) hs) >> Html.tbody (mapM_ (tableRowToH Html.td) bs) instance A.ToJSON HaskellModuleName where toJSON (HaskellModuleName name) = A.String name instance A.ToJSON HaskellModulePath where toJSON (HaskellModulePath path) = A.String path instance A.ToJSON HaskellFilePath where toJSON (HaskellFilePath path) = A.String path instance A.ToJSON LinePragma where toJSON = A.genericToJSON omitNothingOptions instance A.ToJSON FileLocation where toJSON = A.genericToJSON omitNothingOptions instance A.ToJSON IdentifierInfo where toJSON = A.genericToJSON omitNothingOptions instance A.ToJSON InternalId where toJSON (InternalId text) = A.toJSON text instance A.ToJSON ExternalId where toJSON (ExternalId text) = A.toJSON text instance A.ToJSON ExternalIdentifierInfo where toJSON (ExternalIdentifierInfo info) = A.toJSON info instance A.ToJSON InstanceResolution where toJSON (Instance name typ types location instances) = A.object [ "name" A..= A.toJSON name , "types" A..= A.toJSON types , "location" A..= A.toJSON location , "instanceType" A..= A.toJSON typ , "instances" A..= (A.Array . V.fromList . Prelude.map A.toJSON $ instances) ] toJSON Stop = A.Null instance A.ToJSON IdDetails where toJSON = A.genericToJSON omitNothingOptions instance A.ToJSON NameSpace where toJSON = A.genericToJSON omitNothingOptions instance A.ToJSON Declaration instance A.ToJSON NameSort instance A.ToJSON OccName where toJSON (OccName name) = A.String name instance A.ToJSON DeclarationSort instance A.ToJSON PackageId instance A.ToJSON ComponentId where toJSON (ComponentId id) = A.toJSON id instance A.ToJSON ComponentType instance A.ToJSON LocationInfo where toJSON = A.genericToJSON omitNothingOptions instance A.ToJSON LocatableEntity instance A.ToJSON IdentifierOccurrence where toJSON IdentifierOccurrence {..} = A.object $ [("sort", A.toJSON sort)] ++ [("description", A.toJSON description)] ++ [ ("internalId", A.toJSON internalId) | isJust internalId ] ++ [ ("isBinder", A.toJSON isBinder) | isBinder ] ++ [ ("instanceResolution", A.toJSON instanceResolution) | isJust instanceResolution ] ++ [ ("idOccType", A.toJSON idOccType) | isJust idOccType ] instance A.ToJSON IdentifierOccurrenceSort instance A.ToJSON TypeComponent where toJSON = A.genericToJSON omitNothingOptions instance A.ToJSON Type where toJSON = A.genericToJSON omitNothingOptions instance A.ToJSON ExpressionInfo where toJSON = A.genericToJSON omitNothingOptions instance A.ToJSON DirTree instance A.ToJSON DefinitionSite where toJSON = A.genericToJSON omitNothingOptions instance A.ToJSON IdentifierSrcSpan instance A.ToJSON (IVM.Interval (Int, Int)) where toJSON (IVM.IntervalCO a b) = intervalToValue a b toJSON (IVM.ClosedInterval a b) = intervalToValue a b toJSON (IVM.OpenInterval a b) = intervalToValue a b toJSON (IVM.IntervalOC a b) = intervalToValue a b intervalToValue :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> A.Value intervalToValue (l1, c1) (l2, c2) = A.object [ ("start", A.object [("line", A.toJSON l1), ("column", A.toJSON c1)]) , ("end" , A.object [("line", A.toJSON l2), ("column", A.toJSON c2)]) ] data SourceCodePreprocessing = AfterPreprocessing | BeforePreprocessing deriving (Show, Eq) data Log = StdOut | ToFile FilePath deriving (Show, Eq)