#+title: Upcoming Events - LibreAustralia * Upcoming events :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: title :END: Here you can find a list of upcoming events of [[file:index.org][LibreAustralia]]. There is [[file:past.org][a separate page listing past events]]. ** 20th Sep 2021: Weekly virtual meeting :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: 2021-09-20 :END: - When :: 20:00-21:00 Monday 20th Sep 2021 UTC+10 ([[file:index.org::#timezone-conversion][what time in my timezone?]]) - Where :: [[https://j.libreau.org/la][Jitsi]] - What :: [[file:index.org][LibreAustralia]] meets virtually every Monday, unless otherwise specified. This time we are going to use a self-hosted jitsi instance, which hopefully can get rid of the connection problem. In the meeting we generally have free flow discussions, to share discoveries, experiences, resources, tips and issues related to free software. Sometimes we will watch a video about free software like a conference talk together. And sometimes we also try to be like a normal tech meetup group and host talks, workshops and what-have-you. Everyone is welcome to join, whether you reside in Australia or not. ** Yawn :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: yawn :END: Feel like the events and activities listed here could be more exciting? You can [[file:index.org::#cfcp][help]]!