// TO TEST THE CONTACT FINDER: // - open the manifest.json // - add a comma after the closing bracket of the key "background" // - Copy and paste this after it: /* "content_scripts": [{"matches": [""],"js": ["contact_finder.js"]}] */ // Now, the contact finder will load on every page and you can test it where ever you want. //********************************************************************************************* //Regexes taken from "contact_regex.js" in the current LibreJS //Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2014 Loic J. Duros //Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Nik Nyby console.log("contact_finder.js"); // email address regexp var reEmail = /^mailto\:(admin|feedback|webmaster|info|contact|support|comments|team|help)\@[a-z0-9.\-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/i; var reAnyEmail = /^mailto\:.*?\@[a-z0-9\.\-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/i; // twitter address regexp var reTwitter = /twitter\.com\/(\!?#\/)?[a-z0-9]*/i; // identi.ca address regexp var reIdentiCa = /identi\.ca\/(?!notice\/)[a-z0-9]*/i; /** * contactSearchStrings * Contains arrays of strings classified by language * and by degree of certainty. */ var contactStr = { 'da': { 'certain': [ '^[\\s]*Kontakt os[\\s]*$', '^[\\s]*Email Os[\\s]*$', '^[\\s]*Kontakt[\\s]*$' ], 'probable': ['^[\\s]Kontakt', '^[\\s]*Email'], 'uncertain': [ '^[\\s]*Om Us', '^[\\s]*Om', 'Hvem vi er' ] }, 'en': { 'certain': [ '^[\\s]*Contact Us[\\s]*$', '^[\\s]*Email Us[\\s]*$', '^[\\s]*Contact[\\s]*$', '^[\\s]*Feedback[\\s]*$', '^[\\s]*Web.?site Feedback[\\s]*$' ], 'probable': ['^[\\s]Contact', '^[\\s]*Email'], 'uncertain': [ '^[\\s]*About Us', '^[\\s]*About', 'Who we are', 'Who I am', 'Company Info', 'Customer Service' ] }, 'es': { 'certain': [ '^[\\s]*contáctenos[\\s]*$', '^[\\s]*Email[\\s]*$' ], 'probable': ['^[\\s]contáctenos', '^[\\s]*Email'], 'uncertain': [ 'Acerca de nosotros' ] }, 'fr': { 'certain': [ '^[\\s]*Contactez nous[\\s]*$', '^[\\s]*(Nous )?contacter[\\s]*$', '^[\\s]*Email[\\s]*$', '^[\\s]*Contact[\\s]*$', '^[\\s]*Commentaires[\\s]*$' ], 'probable': ['^[\\s]Contact', '^[\\s]*Email'], 'uncertain': [ '^[\\s]*(A|À) propos', 'Qui nous sommes', 'Qui suis(-| )?je', 'Info', 'Service Client(e|è)le' ] } }; var usaPhoneNumber = new RegExp(/(?:\+ ?1 ?)?\(?[2-9]{1}[0-9]{2}\)?(?:\-|\.| )?[0-9]{3}(?:\-|\.| )[0-9]{4}(?:[^0-9])/mg); //********************************************************************************************* /** * * Creates a transparent floating button from a name string and a callback * * */ var button_i = 0; function new_debug_button(name_text,callback){ if(document.getElementById("abc123_main_div") === null){ var to_insert = '
'; document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', to_insert); } if(document.getElementById("abc123_button_"+button_i) === undefined){ var button_html = '
'; document.getElementById("abc123_main_div").insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', button_html); document.getElementById("abc123_button_"+button_i).addEventListener("click",callback); button_i = button_i + 1; } } /** * returns input with all elements not of type string removed */ function remove_not_str(a){ var new_a = []; for(var i in a){ if(typeof(a[i]) == "string"){ new_a.push(a[i]) } } return new_a; } /** * Tests all links on the page for regexes under a certain certainty level. * * Will return either the first regex match from the selected certainty level or all regexes that * match on that certainty level. * * certainty_lvl can be "certain" > "probable" > "uncertain" */ function attempt(certainty_lvl, first=true){ // There needs to be some kind of max so that people can't troll by for example leaving a comment with a bunch of emails // to cause LibreJS users to slow down. var fail_flag = true; var flag; var matches = []; var result = []; var str_under_test = ""; for(var i in document.links){ if( typeof(document.links[i].innerText) != "string" || typeof(document.links[i].href) != "string"){ continue; } str_under_test = document.links[i].innerText + " " + document.links[i].href; flag = true; for(var j in contactStr){ for(var k in contactStr[j][certainty_lvl]){ if(flag){ result = []; result = str_under_test.match(new RegExp(contactStr[j][certainty_lvl][k],"g")); result = remove_not_str(result); if(result !== undefined && typeof(result[0]) == "string" ){ if(first){ return {"fail":false,"result":document.links[i]}; } else{ //console.log(document.links[i].href + " matched " + contactStr[j][certainty_lvl][k]); matches.push(document.links[i]); fail_flag = false; flag = false; } } } } } } return {"fail":fail_flag,"result":matches}; } /** * "LibreJS detects contact pages, email addresses that are likely to be owned by the * maintainer of the site, Twitter and identi.ca links, and phone numbers." */ function find_contacts(){ var all = document.documentElement.innerText; var phone_num = []; var twitlinks = []; var identi = []; var contact_pages = []; var res = attempt("certain"); var flag = true; var type = ""; if(res["fail"] == false){ type = "certain"; res = res["result"]; flag = false; } if(flag){ res = attempt("probable"); if(res["fail"] == false){ type = "probable"; res = res["result"]; flag = false; } } if(flag){ res = attempt("uncertain"); if(res["fail"] == false){ type = "uncertain"; res = res["result"]; flag = false; } } if(flag){ return res; } return [type,res]; } // need to have this so the handler doesn't take too long function handler(){ var res = find_contacts(); if(document.getElementById("librejs_contactfinder") != null){ document.getElementById("librejs_contactfinder").remove(); } var to_insert; if("fail" in res){ to_insert = '
'+ "Contact finder failed." '
'; } else{ if(typeof(res[1]) == "string"){ to_insert = '
'+ res[0] + ": " + 'Result:
'+ res[0]+": "+res[1].outerHTML + '
'; } } setTimeout(function(){document.getElementById("librejs_contactfinder").remove()}, 7500); document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin",to_insert); return 0; } new_debug_button("Complain to website",handler);