/** * GNU LibreJS - A browser add-on to block nonfree nontrivial JavaScript. * * * Copyright (C) 2017, 2018 Nathan Nichols * Copyright (C) 2018 Ruben Rodriguez * Copyright (C) 2022 Yuchen Pei * * This file is part of GNU LibreJS. * * GNU LibreJS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GNU LibreJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU LibreJS. If not, see . */ const checkLib = require('./common/checks.js'); const { ResponseProcessor, BLOCKING_RESPONSES } = require('./bg/ResponseProcessor'); const { Storage, ListStore, hash } = require('./common/Storage'); const { ListManager } = require('./bg/ListManager'); const { ExternalLicenses } = require('./bg/ExternalLicenses'); const { makeDebugLogger } = require('./common/debug.js'); const PRINT_DEBUG = false; const dbgPrint = makeDebugLogger('main_background.js', PRINT_DEBUG, Date.now()); const appPort = browser.runtime.connectNative("librejs"); appPort.onMessage.addListener((response) => { console.log(`Received: ${response}`); }); /* * * Called when something changes the persistent data of the add-on. * * The only things that should need to change this data are: * a) The "Whitelist this page" button * b) The options screen * * When the actual blocking is implemented, this will need to comminicate * with its code to update accordingly * */ function optionsListener(changes, area) { dbgPrint('Items updated in area' + area + ': '); dbgPrint(Object.keys(changes).join(',')); } const activeMessagePorts = {}; const activityReports = {}; async function createReport(initializer) { if (!(initializer && (initializer.url || initializer.tabId))) { throw new Error('createReport() needs an URL or a tabId at least'); } let template = { 'accepted': [], 'blocked': [], 'blacklisted': [], 'whitelisted': [], 'unknown': [], }; template = Object.assign(template, initializer); let [url] = (template.url || (await browser.tabs.get(initializer.tabId)).url).split('#'); template.url = url; template.site = ListStore.siteItem(url); template.siteStatus = listManager.getStatus(template.site); const list = { 'whitelisted': whitelist, 'blacklisted': blacklist }[template.siteStatus]; if (list) { template.listedSite = ListManager.siteMatch(template.site, list); } return template; } /** * Executes the "Display this report in new tab" function * by opening a new tab with whatever HTML is in the popup * at the moment. */ async function openReportInTab(data) { const popupURL = await browser.browserAction.getPopup({}); const tab = await browser.tabs.create({ url: `${popupURL}#fromTab=${data.tabId}` }); activityReports[tab.id] = await createReport(data); } /** * Clears local storage (the persistent data) */ function debugDeleteLocal() { browser.storage.local.clear(); dbgPrint('Local storage cleared'); } /** * * Prints local storage (the persistent data) as well as the temporary popup object * */ function debugPrintLocal() { function storageGot(items) { console.log('%c Local storage: ', 'color: red;'); for (const i in items) { console.log('%c ' + i + ' = ' + items[i], 'color: blue;'); } } console.log('%c Variable \'activityReports\': ', 'color: red;'); console.log(activityReports); browser.storage.local.get(storageGot); } /** * * * Sends a message to the content script that sets the popup entries for a tab. * * var example_blocked_info = { * "accepted": [["REASON 1","SOURCE 1"],["REASON 2","SOURCE 2"]], * "blocked": [["REASON 1","SOURCE 1"],["REASON 2","SOURCE 2"]], * "url": "example.com" * } * * NOTE: This WILL break if you provide inconsistent URLs to it. * Make sure it will use the right URL when refering to a certain script. * */ async function updateReport(tabId, oldReport, updateUI = false) { const { url } = oldReport; const newReport = await createReport({ url, tabId }); for (const property of Object.keys(oldReport)) { const entries = oldReport[property]; if (!Array.isArray(entries)) continue; const defValue = property === 'accepted' || property === 'blocked' ? property : 'unknown'; for (const script of entries) { const status = listManager.getStatus(script[0], defValue); if (Array.isArray(newReport[status])) newReport[status].push(script); } } activityReports[tabId] = newReport; if (browser.sessions) browser.sessions.setTabValue(tabId, url, newReport); dbgPrint(newReport); if (updateUI && activeMessagePorts[tabId]) { dbgPrint(`[TABID: ${tabId}] Sending script blocking report directly to browser action.`); activeMessagePorts[tabId].postMessage({ show_info: newReport }); } } /** Updates the report for tab with tabId with action. * * This is what you call when a page gets changed to update the info * box. * * Sends a message to the content script that adds a popup entry for * a tab. * * The action argument is an object with two properties: one named of * "accepted","blocked", "whitelisted", "blacklisted", whose value is * the array [scriptName, reason], and another named "url". Example: * action = * { * "accepted": ["jquery.js (someHash)", "Whitelisted by user"], * "url": "https://example.com/js/jquery.js" * } * * Overrides the action type with the white/blacklist status for * scriptName, if any. Then add the entry if scriptName is not * already in the entries associated with the action type. * * Returns one of "whitelisted", "blacklisted", "blocked", "accepted" * or "unknown" * * NOTE: This WILL break if you provide inconsistent URLs to it. * Make sure it will use the right URL when refering to a certain * script. * */ async function addReportEntry(tabId, action) { const actionPair = Object.entries(action).find( ([k, _]) => ['accepted', 'blocked', 'whitelisted', 'blacklisted'].indexOf(k) != -1); if (!actionPair) { console.debug('Wrong action', action); return 'unknown'; } const [actionType, actionValue] = actionPair; const scriptName = actionValue[0]; const report = activityReports[tabId] || (activityReports[tabId] = await createReport({ tabId })); let entryType; // Update the report if the scriptName is new for the entryType. try { entryType = listManager.getStatus(scriptName, actionType); const entries = report[entryType]; if (!entries.find(e => e[0] === scriptName)) { dbgPrint(activityReports); dbgPrint(activityReports[tabId]); dbgPrint(entryType); entries.push(actionValue); } } catch (e) { console.error('action %o, type %s, entryType %s', action, actionType, entryType, e); entryType = 'unknown'; } // Refresh the main panel script list. if (activeMessagePorts[tabId]) { activeMessagePorts[tabId].postMessage({ show_info: report }); } if (browser.sessions) browser.sessions.setTabValue(tabId, report.url, report); updateBadge(tabId, report); return entryType; } function getDomain(url) { let domain = url.replace('http://', '').replace('https://', '').split(/[/?#]/)[0]; if (url.indexOf('http://') == 0) { domain = 'http://' + domain; } else if (url.indexOf('https://') == 0) { domain = 'https://' + domain; } domain = domain + '/'; domain = domain.replace(/ /g, ''); return domain; } /** * * This is the callback where the content scripts of the browser action * will contact the background script. * */ async function connected(p) { if (p.name === 'contact_finder') { // style the contact finder panel await browser.tabs.insertCSS(p.sender.tab.id, { file: '/content/dialog.css', cssOrigin: 'user', matchAboutBlank: true, allFrames: true }); // Send a message back with the relevant settings p.postMessage(await browser.storage.local.get(['pref_subject', 'pref_body'])); return; } p.onMessage.addListener(async function(m) { let update = false; let contactFinder = false; for (const action of ['whitelist', 'blacklist', 'forget']) { if (m[action]) { let [key] = m[action]; if (m.site) { key = ListStore.siteItem(m.site); } else { key = ListStore.inlineItem(key) || key; } await listManager[action](key); update = true; } } if (m.report_tab) { openReportInTab(m.report_tab); } // a debug feature if (m['printlocalstorage'] !== undefined) { console.log('Print local storage'); debugPrintLocal(); } // invoke_contact_finder if (m['invoke_contact_finder'] !== undefined) { contactFinder = true; await injectContactFinder(); } // a debug feature (maybe give the user an option to do this?) if (m['deletelocalstorage'] !== undefined) { console.log('Delete local storage'); debugDeleteLocal(); } const tabs = await browser.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }); if (contactFinder) { const tab = tabs.pop(); dbgPrint(`[TABID:${tab.id}] Injecting contact finder`); } if (update || m.update && activityReports[m.tabId]) { const tabId = 'tabId' in m ? m.tabId : tabs.pop().id; dbgPrint(`%c updating tab ${tabId}`, 'color: red;'); activeMessagePorts[tabId] = p; await updateReport(tabId, activityReports[tabId], true); } else { for (const tab of tabs) { if (activityReports[tab.id]) { // If we have some data stored here for this tabID, send it dbgPrint(`[TABID: ${tab.id}] Sending stored data associated with browser action'`); p.postMessage({ 'show_info': activityReports[tab.id] }); } else { // create a new entry const report = activityReports[tab.id] = await createReport({ 'url': tab.url, tabId: tab.id }); p.postMessage({ show_info: report }); dbgPrint(`[TABID: ${tab.id}] No data found, creating a new entry for this window.`); } } } }); } /** * Loads the contact finder on the given tab ID. */ async function injectContactFinder(tabId) { await Promise.all([ browser.tabs.insertCSS(tabId, { file: '/content/overlay.css', cssOrigin: 'user' }), browser.tabs.executeScript(tabId, { file: '/content/contactFinder.js' }), ]); } /** * The callback for tab closings. * * Delete the info we are storing about this tab if there is any. * */ function deleteRemovedTabInfo(tab_id, _) { dbgPrint('[TABID:' + tab_id + ']' + 'Deleting stored info about closed tab'); if (activityReports[tab_id] !== undefined) { delete activityReports[tab_id]; } if (activeMessagePorts[tab_id] !== undefined) { delete activeMessagePorts[tab_id]; } ExternalLicenses.purgeCache(tab_id); } /** * Called when the tab gets updated / activated * * Here we check if new tab's url matches activityReports[tabId].url, and if * it doesn't we use the session cached value (if any). * */ async function onTabUpdated(tabId, _, tab) { const [url] = tab.url.split('#'); const report = activityReports[tabId]; if (!(report && report.url === url)) { const cache = browser.sessions && await browser.sessions.getTabValue(tabId, url) || null; // on session restore tabIds may change if (cache && cache.tabId !== tabId) cache.tabId = tabId; updateBadge(tabId, activityReports[tabId] = cache); } } async function onTabActivated({ tabId }) { await onTabUpdated(tabId, {}, await browser.tabs.get(tabId)); } /* *********************************************************************************************** */ // TODO: Test if this script is being loaded from another domain compared to activityReports[tabid]["url"] /** * Checks script and updates the report entry accordingly. * * Asynchronous function, returns the final edited script as a string, * or unedited script if passAccWlist is true and the script is * accepted or whitelisted. */ async function checkScriptAndUpdateReport(scriptSrc, url, tabId, whitelisted, isExternal = false, passAccWlist = false) { const scriptName = url.split('/').pop(); if (whitelisted) { if (tabId !== -1) { const site = ListManager.siteMatch(url, whitelist); // Accept without reading script, it was explicitly whitelisted const reason = site ? `All ${site} whitelisted by user` : 'Address whitelisted by user'; addReportEntry(tabId, { 'whitelisted': [site || url, reason], url }); } if (scriptSrc.startsWith('javascript:') || passAccWlist) return scriptSrc; else return `/* LibreJS: script whitelisted by user preference. */\n${scriptSrc}`; } const [accepted, editedSource, reason] = listManager.builtInHashes.has(hash(scriptSrc)) ? [true, scriptSrc, 'Common script known to be free software.'] : checkLib.checkScriptSource(scriptSrc, scriptName, isExternal); if (tabId < 0) { return editedSource; } const domain = getDomain(url); const report = activityReports[tabId] || (activityReports[tabId] = await createReport({ tabId })); updateBadge(tabId, report, !accepted); const actionType = await addReportEntry(tabId, { 'url': domain, [accepted ? 'accepted' : 'blocked']: [url, reason] }); switch (actionType) { case 'blacklisted': { const edited = `/* LibreJS: script ${actionType} by user. */`; return scriptSrc.startsWith('javascript:') ? `javascript:void(${encodeURIComponent(edited)})` : edited; } case 'whitelisted': case 'accepted': { return (scriptSrc.startsWith('javascript:') || passAccWlist) ? scriptSrc : `/* LibreJS: script ${actionType} by user. */\n${scriptSrc}`; } // blocked default: { return scriptSrc.startsWith('javascript:') ? `javascript:void(/* ${editedSource} */)` : `/* LibreJS: script ${actionType}. */\n${editedSource}`; } } } // Updates the extension icon in the toolbar. function updateBadge(tabId, report = null, forceRed = false) { if (report) appPort.postMessage(report); const blockedCount = report ? report.blocked.length + report.blacklisted.length : 0; const [text, color] = blockedCount > 0 || forceRed ? [blockedCount && blockedCount.toString() || '!', 'red'] : ['✓', 'green'] const { browserAction } = browser; if ('setBadgeText' in browserAction) { browserAction.setBadgeText({ text, tabId }); browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({ color, tabId }); } else { // Mobile browserAction.setTitle({ title: `LibreJS (${text})`, tabId }); } } // TODO: is this the only way google analytics can show up? function blockGoogleAnalytics(request) { const { url } = request; const res = {}; if (url === 'https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js' || /^https:\/\/www\.google\.com\/analytics\/[^#]/.test(url) ) { res.cancel = true; } return res; } async function blockBlacklistedScripts(request) { const { tabId, documentUrl } = request; const url = ListStore.urlItem(request.url); const status = listManager.getStatus(url); if (status !== 'blacklisted') return {}; const blacklistedSite = ListManager.siteMatch(url, blacklist); await addReportEntry(tabId, { url: documentUrl, 'blacklisted': [url, /\*/.test(blacklistedSite) ? `User blacklisted ${blacklistedSite}` : 'Blacklisted by user'] }); return BLOCKING_RESPONSES.REJECT; } /** * An onHeadersReceived handler. See bg/ResponseProcessor.js for how * it is used. * * This listener gets called as soon as we've got all the HTTP * headers, can guess content type and encoding, and therefore * correctly parse HTML documents and external script inclusions in * search of non-free JavaScript */ const ResponseHandler = { /** * Checks black/whitelists and web labels. Returns a * BlockingResponse (if we can determine) or null (if further work * is needed). * * Enforce white/black lists for url/site early (hashes will be * handled later) */ async pre(response) { const { request } = response; const { type, tabId, frameId, documentUrl } = request; const fullUrl = request.url; const url = ListStore.urlItem(fullUrl); const site = ListStore.siteItem(url); const blacklistedSite = ListManager.siteMatch(site, blacklist); const blacklisted = blacklistedSite || blacklist.contains(url); const topUrl = type === 'sub_frame' && request.frameAncestors && request.frameAncestors.pop() || documentUrl; if (blacklisted) { if (type === 'script') { // this shouldn't happen, because we intercept earlier in blockBlacklistedScripts() return BLOCKING_RESPONSES.REJECT; } // we handle the page change here too, since we won't call editHtml() if (type === 'main_frame') { activityReports[tabId] = await createReport({ url: fullUrl, tabId }); // Go on without parsing the page: it was explicitly blacklisted const reason = blacklistedSite ? `All ${blacklistedSite} blacklisted by user` : 'Address blacklisted by user'; await addReportEntry(tabId, { 'blacklisted': [blacklistedSite || url, reason], url: fullUrl }); } // use CSP to restrict JavaScript execution in the page request.responseHeaders.unshift({ name: 'Content-security-policy', value: 'script-src \'none\';' }); // let's skip the inline script parsing, since we block by CSP return { responseHeaders: request.responseHeaders }; } else { const whitelistedSite = ListManager.siteMatch(site, whitelist); const whitelisted = response.whitelisted = whitelistedSite || whitelist.contains(url); if (type === 'script') { if (whitelisted) { // accept the script and stop processing addReportEntry(tabId, { url: topUrl, 'whitelisted': [url, whitelistedSite ? `User whitelisted ${whitelistedSite}` : 'Whitelisted by user'] }); return BLOCKING_RESPONSES.ACCEPT; } else { // Check the web labels const scriptInfo = await ExternalLicenses.check({ url: fullUrl, tabId, frameId, documentUrl }); if (scriptInfo) { const [verdict, ret] = scriptInfo.free ? ['accepted', BLOCKING_RESPONSES.ACCEPT] : ['blocked', BLOCKING_RESPONSES.REJECT]; const licenseIds = [...scriptInfo.licenses].map(l => l.identifier).sort().join(', '); const msg = licenseIds ? `Free license${scriptInfo.licenses.size > 1 ? 's' : ''} (${licenseIds})` : 'Unknown license(s)'; addReportEntry(tabId, { url, [verdict]: [url, msg] }); return ret; } } } } // it's a page (it's too early to report) or an unknown script: // let's keep processing return null; }, /** * Here we do the heavylifting, analyzing unknown scripts */ async post(response) { const { type } = response.request; const handler = type === 'script' ? handleScript : handleHtml; return await handler(response, response.whitelisted); } } /** * Here we handle external script requests */ async function handleScript(response, whitelisted) { const { text, request } = response; const { url, tabId } = request; return await checkScriptAndUpdateReport(text, ListStore.urlItem(url), tabId, whitelisted, isExternal = true, passAccWlist = true); } /** * Serializes HTMLDocument objects including the root element and * the DOCTYPE declaration */ function doc2HTML(doc) { let s = doc.documentElement.outerHTML; if (doc.doctype) { const dt = doc.doctype; let sDoctype = `\n${s}`; } return s; } /** * Shortcut to create a correctly namespaced DOM HTML elements */ function createHTMLElement(doc, name) { return doc.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', name); } /** * Replace any element with a span having the same content (useful to force * NOSCRIPT elements to visible the same way as NoScript and uBlock do) */ function forceElement(doc, element) { const replacement = createHTMLElement(doc, 'span'); replacement.innerHTML = element.innerHTML; element.replaceWith(replacement); return replacement; } /** * Forces displaying any noscript element not having the "data-librejs-nodisplay" attribute on pages. * returns number of elements forced, mutates doc. */ function forceNoscriptElements(doc) { let shown = 0; // inspired by NoScript's onScriptDisabled.js for (const noscript of doc.querySelectorAll('noscript:not([data-librejs-nodisplay])')) { const replacement = forceElement(doc, noscript); // emulate meta-refresh const meta = replacement.querySelector('meta[http-equiv="refresh"]'); if (meta) { doc.head.appendChild(meta); } shown++; } return shown; } /** * Forces displaying any element having the "data-librejs-display" attribute. */ function showConditionalElements(doc) { let shown = 0; for (const element of document.querySelectorAll('[data-librejs-display]')) { forceElement(doc, element); shown++; } return shown; } /** * Tests to see if the intrinsic events on the page are free or not. * returns true if they are, false if they're not */ function readMetadata(metaElement) { if (metaElement === undefined || metaElement === null) { return false; } console.log('metadata found'); let metadata = {}; try { metadata = JSON.parse(metaElement.innerHTML); } catch (error) { console.log('Could not parse metadata on page.') return false; } const licenseStr = metadata['intrinsic-events']; if (licenseStr === undefined) { console.log('No intrinsic events license'); return false; } console.log(licenseStr); const parts = licenseStr.split(' '); if (parts.length != 2) { console.log('invalid (>2 tokens)'); return false; } if (checkLib.checkMagnet(parts[0])) { return true; } else { console.log('invalid (doesn\'t match licenses or key didn\'t exist)'); return false; } } /** * Reads/changes the HTML of a page and the scripts within it. * Returns string or null. */ async function editHtml(html, documentUrl, tabId, frameId, whitelisted) { const htmlDoc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, 'text/html'); // moves external licenses reference, if any, before any