* GNU LibreJS - A browser add-on to block nonfree nontrivial JavaScript.
* *
* Copyright (C) 2017 Nathan Nichols
* This file is part of GNU LibreJS.
* GNU LibreJS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GNU LibreJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNU LibreJS. If not, see .
var acorn_base = require("acorn");
var acorn = require('acorn/dist/acorn_loose');
var jssha = require('jssha');
var walk = require("acorn/dist/walk");
var legacy_license_lib = require("./legacy_license_check.js");
* If this is true, it evaluates entire scripts instead of returning as soon as it encounters a violation.
* Also, it controls whether or not this part of the code logs to the console.
var DEBUG = false; // debug the JS evaluation
var PRINT_DEBUG = false; // Everything else
function dbg_print(a,b){
if(PRINT_DEBUG == true){
if(b === undefined){
} else{
* Wrapper around crypto lib
function hash(source){
var shaObj = new jssha("SHA-256","TEXT")
return shaObj.getHash("HEX");
// the list of all available event attributes
var intrinsic_events = [
- Fetch
- XMLhttpRequest
- eval()
- ?
- Event handlers (onclick, onload, onsubmit, etc.)
- "// @license [magnet link] [identifier]" then "// @license-end" (may also use /* comments)
- Automatic whitelist: (http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/lh/librejs/dev/annotate/head:/data/script_libraries/script-libraries.json_
var licenses = require("./licenses.json").licenses;
// These are objects that it will search for in an initial regex pass over non-free scripts.
var reserved_objects = [
"chrome", // only on chrome
"browser", // only on firefox
// Default whitelist, comes from the script in hash_script
var wl_data = require("./hash_script/whitelist").whitelist.jquery;
var default_whitelist = {};
for(var i = 0; i < wl_data.length; i++){
default_whitelist[wl_data[i].hash] = true;
* Sets global variable "webex" to either "chrome" or "browser" for
* use on Chrome or a Firefox variant.
* Change this to support a new browser that isn't Chrome or Firefox,
* given that it supports webExtensions.
* (Use the variable "webex" for all API calls after calling this)
var webex;
function set_webex(){
if(typeof(browser) == "object"){
webex = browser;
if(typeof(chrome) == "object"){
webex = chrome;
// Generates JSON key for local storage
function get_storage_key(script_name,src_hash){
return script_name;
* Called when something changes the persistent data of the add-on.
* The only things that should need to change this data are:
* a) The "Whitelist this page" button
* b) The options screen
* When the actual blocking is implemented, this will need to comminicate
* with its code to update accordingly
function options_listener(changes, area){
// The cache must be flushed when settings are changed
// TODO: See if this can be minimized
function flushed(){
dbg_print("cache flushed");
//var flushingCache = webex.webRequest.handlerBehaviorChanged(flushed);
dbg_print("Items updated in area" + area +": ");
var changedItems = Object.keys(changes);
var changed_items = "";
for (var i = 0; i < changedItems.length; i++){
var item = changedItems[i];
changed_items += item + ",";
* Executes the "Display this report in new tab" function
* by opening a new tab with whatever HTML is in the popup
* at the moment.
var active_connections = {};
var unused_data = {};
function open_popup_tab(data){
function gotPopup(popupURL){
var creating = webex.tabs.create({"url":popupURL},function(a){
dbg_print("[TABID:"+a["id"]+"] creating unused data entry from parent window's content");
unused_data[a["id"]] = data;
var gettingPopup = webex.browserAction.getPopup({},gotPopup);
* Clears local storage (the persistent data)
function debug_delete_local(){
dbg_print("Local storage cleared");
* Prints local storage (the persistent data) as well as the temporary popup object
function debug_print_local(){
function storage_got(items){
console.log("%c Local storage: ", 'color: red;');
for(var i in items){
console.log("%c "+i+" = "+items[i], 'color: blue;');
console.log("%c Variable 'unused_data': ", 'color: red;');
* Sends a message to the content script that sets the popup entries for a tab.
* var example_blocked_info = {
* "accepted": [["REASON 1","SOURCE 1"],["REASON 2","SOURCE 2"]],
* "blocked": [["REASON 1","SOURCE 1"],["REASON 2","SOURCE 2"]],
* "url": "example.com"
* }
* NOTE: This WILL break if you provide inconsistent URLs to it.
* Make sure it will use the right URL when refering to a certain script.
function update_popup(tab_id,blocked_info,update=false){
var new_blocked_data;
function get_sto(items){
// Move scripts that are accepted/blocked but whitelisted to "whitelisted" category
// (Ideally, they just would not be tested in the first place because that would be faster)
var url = blocked_info["url"];
if(url === undefined){
console.error("No url passed to update_popup");
return 1;
function get_status(script_name){
var temp = script_name.match(/\(.*?\)/g);
if(temp == null){
return "none"
var src_hash = temp[temp.length-1].substr(1,temp[0].length-2);
for(var i in items){
var res = i.match(/\(.*?\)/g);
if(res != null){
var test_hash = res[res.length-1].substr(1,res[0].length-2);
if(test_hash == src_hash){
return items[i];
if(default_whitelist[src_hash] !== undefined){
//console.log("Found script in default whitelist: "+default_whitelist[src_hash]);
return "whitelist";
} else{
//console.log("script " + script_name + " not in default whitelist.");
return "none";
function is_bl(script_name){
if(get_status(script_name) == "blacklist"){
return true;
else return false;
function is_wl(script_name){
if(get_status(script_name) == "whitelist"){
return true;
else return false;
new_blocked_data = {
"url": url
for(var type in blocked_info){
for(var script_arr in blocked_info[type]){
//console.log("Script " + blocked_info[type][script_arr][0] + " is blacklisted");
//console.log("Script " + blocked_info[type][script_arr][0] + " is whitelisted");
if(type == "url"){
// either "blocked" or "accepted"
//console.log("Script " + blocked_info[type][script_arr][0] + " isn't whitelisted or blacklisted");
// store the blocked info until it is opened and needed
if(update == false && active_connections[tab_id] === undefined){
dbg_print("[TABID:"+tab_id+"]"+"Storing blocked_info for when the browser action is opened or asks for it.");
if(tab_id == undefined){
dbg_print("UNDEFINED TAB_ID");
unused_data[tab_id] = new_blocked_data;
} else{
if(tab_id == undefined){
dbg_print("UNDEFINED TAB_ID");
unused_data[tab_id] = new_blocked_data;
dbg_print("[TABID:"+tab_id+"]"+"Sending blocked_info directly to browser action");
delete active_connections[tab_id];
return 0;
* This is what you call when a page gets changed to update the info box.
* Sends a message to the content script that adds a popup entry for a tab.
* var example_blocked_info = {
* "accepted"or "blocked": ["name","reason"],
* "url": "example.com"
* }
* Returns true/false based on if script should be accepted/denied respectively
* NOTE: This WILL break if you provide inconsistent URLs to it.
* Make sure it will use the right URL when refering to a certain script.
function add_popup_entry(tab_id,src_hash,blocked_info,update=false){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var new_blocked_data;
// Make sure the entry in unused_data exists
var url = blocked_info["url"];
if(url === undefined){
console.error("No url passed to update_popup");
return 1;
if(unused_data[tab_id] === undefined){
unused_data[tab_id] = {
"url": url
if(unused_data[tab_id]["accepted"] === undefined){unused_data[tab_id]["accepted"] = [];}
if(unused_data[tab_id]["blocked"] === undefined){unused_data[tab_id]["blocked"] = [];}
if(unused_data[tab_id]["blacklisted"] === undefined){unused_data[tab_id]["blacklisted"] = [];}
if(unused_data[tab_id]["whitelisted"] === undefined){unused_data[tab_id]["whitelisted"] = [];}
var type = "";
if(blocked_info["accepted"] !== undefined){
type = "accepted";
if(blocked_info["blocked"] !== undefined){
type = "blocked";
function get_sto(items){
function get_status(script_name,src_hash){
var temp = script_name.match(/\(.*?\)/g);
if(temp == null){
return "none"
var src_hash = temp[temp.length-1].substr(1,temp[0].length-2);
for(var i in items){
var res = i.match(/\(.*?\)/g);
if(res != null){
var test_hash = res[res.length-1].substr(1,res[0].length-2);
if(test_hash == src_hash){
return items[i];
if(default_whitelist[src_hash] !== undefined){
//console.log("Found script in default whitelist: "+default_whitelist[src_hash]);
return "whitelist";
} else{
//console.log("script " + script_name + " not in default whitelist.");
return "none";
function is_bl(script_name){
if(get_status(script_name) == "blacklist"){
return true;
return false;
function is_wl(script_name){
if(get_status(script_name) == "whitelist"){
return true;
return false;
// Search unused data for the given entry
function not_duplicate(entry,key){
var flag = true;
for(var i = 0; i < unused_data[tab_id][entry].length; i++){
if(unused_data[tab_id][entry][i][0] == key[0]){
flag = false;
return flag;
var type_key = "";
var res = "";
type_key = "blacklisted";
res = "bl";
//console.log("Script " + blocked_info[type][0] + " is blacklisted");
else if(is_wl(blocked_info[type][0])){
type_key = "whitelisted";
res = "wl";
//console.log("Script " + blocked_info[type][0] + " is whitelisted");
} else{
type_key = type;
res = "none";
//console.log("Script " + blocked_info[type][0] + " isn't whitelisted or blacklisted");
} else{
return 0;
function get_domain(url){
var domain = url.replace('http://','').replace('https://','').split(/[/?#]/)[0];
if(url.indexOf("http://") == 0){
domain = "http://" + domain;
else if(url.indexOf("https://") == 0){
domain = "https://" + domain;
domain = domain + "/";
domain = domain.replace(/ /g,"");
return domain;
* This is the callback where the content scripts of the browser action will contact the background script.
var portFromCS;
function connected(p) {
if(p["name"] == "contact_finder"){
// Send a message back with the relevant settings
function cb(items){
p.onMessage.addListener(function(m) {
* Updates the entry of the current URL in storage
function set_script(script,val){
if(val != "whitelist" && val != "forget" && val != "blacklist"){
console.error("Key must be either 'whitelist', 'blacklist' or 'forget'");
// (Remember that we do not trust the names of scripts.)
var current_url = "";
function geturl(tabs) {
current_url = tabs[0]["url"];
var domain = get_domain(current_url);
var scriptkey = m[val][0];
if(val == "forget"){
// TODO: This should produce a "Refresh the page for this change to take effect" message
var prom = webex.storage.local.remove(scriptkey);
} else{
var newitem = {};
newitem[scriptkey] = val;
var querying = webex.tabs.query({active: true,currentWindow: true},geturl);
var update = false;
var contact_finder = false;
if(m["whitelist"] !== undefined){
update = true;
if(m["blacklist"] !== undefined){
update = true;
if(m["forget"] !== undefined){
update = true;
if(m["open_popup_tab"] !== undefined){
// a debug feature
if(m["printlocalstorage"] !== undefined){
console.log("Print local storage");
// invoke_contact_finder
if(m["invoke_contact_finder"] !== undefined){
contact_finder = true;
// a debug feature (maybe give the user an option to do this?)
if(m["deletelocalstorage"] !== undefined){
console.log("Delete local storage");
// Add this domain to the whitelist
if(m["allow_all"] !== undefined){
var domain = get_domain(m["allow_all"]["url"]);
// Remote this domain from the whitelist
if(m["block_all"] !== undefined){
var domain = get_domain(m["block_all"]["url"]);
function logTabs(tabs) {
dbg_print("[TABID:"+tab_id+"] Injecting contact finder");
dbg_print("%c updating tab "+tabs[0]["id"],"color: red;");
active_connections[tabs[0]["id"]] = p;
for(var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
var tab = tabs[i];
var tab_id = tab["id"];
if(unused_data[tab_id] !== undefined){
// If we have some data stored here for this tabID, send it
dbg_print("[TABID:"+tab_id+"]"+"Sending stored data associated with browser action");
} else{
// create a new entry
unused_data[tab_id] = {"url":tab["url"],"blocked":"","accepted":""};
dbg_print("[TABID:"+tab_id+"]"+"No data found, creating a new entry for this window.");
var querying = webex.tabs.query({active: true,currentWindow: true},logTabs);
* The callback for tab closings.
* Delete the info we are storing about this tab if there is any.
function delete_removed_tab_info(tab_id, remove_info){
dbg_print("[TABID:"+tab_id+"]"+"Deleting stored info about closed tab");
if(unused_data[tab_id] !== undefined){
delete unused_data[tab_id];
if(active_connections[tab_id] !== undefined){
delete active_connections[tab_id];
* Check whitelisted by hash
function blocked_status(hash){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
function cb(items){
var wl = items["pref_whitelist"];
for(var i in items){
var res = i.match(/\(.*?\)/g);
if(res != null){
var test_hash = res[res.length-1].substr(1,res[0].length-2);
if(test_hash == hash){
/* *********************************************************************************************** */
var fname_data = require("./fname_data.json").fname_data;
//************************this part can be tested in the HTML file index.html's script test.js****************************
function full_evaluate(script){
var res = true;
if(script === undefined || script == ""){
return [true,"Harmless null script"];
var ast = acorn.parse_dammit(script).body[0];
var flag = false;
var amtloops = 0;
var loopkeys = {"for":true,"if":true,"while":true,"switch":true};
var operators = {"||":true,"&&":true,"=":true,"==":true,"++":true,"--":true,"+=":true,"-=":true,"*":true};
var tokens = acorn_base.tokenizer(script);
console.warn("Tokenizer could not be initiated (probably invalid code)");
return [false,"Tokenizer could not be initiated (probably invalid code)"];
var toke = tokens.getToken();
console.warn("couldn't get first token (probably invalid code)");
console.warn("Continuing evaluation");
* Given the end of an identifer token, it tests for bracket suffix notation
function being_called(end){
var i = 0;
while(script.charAt(end+i).match(/\s/g) !== null){
if(i >= script.length-1){
return false;
return script.charAt(end+i) == "(";
* Given the end of an identifer token, it tests for parentheses
function is_bsn(end){
var i = 0;
while(script.charAt(end+i).match(/\s/g) !== null){
if(i >= script.length-1){
return false;
return script.charAt(end+i) == "[";
var error_count = 0;
while(toke !== undefined && toke.type != acorn_base.tokTypes.eof){
if(toke.type.keyword !== undefined){
// This type of loop detection ignores functional loop alternatives and ternary operators
if(toke.type.keyword == "function"){
dbg_print("%c NONTRIVIAL: Function declaration.","color:red");
if(DEBUG == false){
return [false,"NONTRIVIAL: Function declaration."];
if(loopkeys[toke.type.keyword] !== undefined){
if(amtloops > 3){
dbg_print("%c NONTRIVIAL: Too many loops/conditionals.","color:red");
if(DEBUG == false){
return [false,"NONTRIVIAL: Too many loops/conditionals."];
}else if(toke.value !== undefined && operators[toke.value] !== undefined){
// It's just an operator. Javascript doesn't have operator overloading so it must be some
// kind of primitive (I.e. a number)
}else if(toke.value !== undefined){
var status = fname_data[toke.value];
if(status === true){ // is the identifier banned?
dbg_print("%c NONTRIVIAL: nontrivial token: '"+toke.value+"'","color:red");
if(DEBUG == false){
return [false,"NONTRIVIAL: nontrivial token: '"+toke.value+"'"];
}else if(status === false){// is the identifier not banned?
// Is there bracket suffix notation?
dbg_print("%c NONTRIVIAL: Bracket suffix notation on variable '"+toke.value+"'","color:red");
if(DEBUG == false){
return [false,"%c NONTRIVIAL: Bracket suffix notation on variable '"+toke.value+"'"];
}else if(status === undefined){// is the identifier user defined?
// Are arguments being passed to a user defined variable?
dbg_print("%c NONTRIVIAL: User defined variable '"+toke.value+"' called as function","color:red");
if(DEBUG == false){
return [false,"NONTRIVIAL: User defined variable '"+toke.value+"' called as function"];
// Is there bracket suffix notation?
dbg_print("%c NONTRIVIAL: Bracket suffix notation on variable '"+toke.value+"'","color:red");
if(DEBUG == false){
return [false,"NONTRIVIAL: Bracket suffix notation on variable '"+toke.value+"'"];
dbg_print("trivial token:"+toke.value);
// If not a keyword or an identifier it's some kind of operator, field parenthesis, brackets
toke = tokens.getToken();
dbg_print("Denied script because it cannot be parsed.");
return [false,"NONTRIVIAL: Cannot be parsed. This could mean it is a 404 error."];
dbg_print("%cAppears to be trivial.","color:green;");
return [true,"Script appears to be trivial."];
* This is the entry point for full code evaluation.
* Performs the initial pass on code to see if it needs to be completely parsed
* This can only determine if a script is bad, not if it's good
* If it passes the intitial pass, it runs the full pass and returns the result
function evaluate(script,name){
function reserved_object_regex(object){
var arith_operators = "\\+\\-\\*\\/\\%\\=";
var scope_chars = "\{\}\]\[\(\)\,";
var trailing_chars = "\s*"+"\(\.\[";
return new RegExp("(?:[^\\w\\d]|^|(?:"+arith_operators+"))"+object+'(?:\\s*?(?:[\\;\\,\\.\\(\\[])\\s*?)',"g");
var all_strings = new RegExp('".*?"'+"|'.*?'","gm");
var ml_comment = /\/\*([\s\S]+?)\*\//g;
var il_comment = /\/\/.+/gm;
var bracket_pairs = /\[.+?\]/g;
var temp = script.replace(/'.+?'+/gm,"'string'");
temp = temp.replace(/".+?"+/gm,'"string"');
temp = temp.replace(ml_comment,"");
temp = temp.replace(il_comment,"");
dbg_print("%c ------evaluation results for "+ name +"------","color:white");
dbg_print("Script accesses reserved objects?");
var flag = true;
var reason = ""
// This is where individual "passes" are made over the code
for(var i = 0; i < reserved_objects.length; i++){
var res = reserved_object_regex(reserved_objects[i]).exec(temp);
if(res != null){
dbg_print("%c fail","color:red;");
flag = false;
reason = "Script uses a reserved object (" + reserved_objects[i] + ")";
dbg_print("%c pass","color:green;");
} else{
return [flag,reason+"
var final = full_evaluate(temp);
final[1] = final[1] + "
return final;
function license_valid(matches){
if(matches.length != 4){
return [false, "malformed or unrecognized license tag"];
if(matches[1] != "@license"){
return [false, "malformed or unrecognized license tag"];
if(licenses[matches[3]] === undefined){
return [false, "malformed or unrecognized license tag"];
if(licenses[matches[3]]["Magnet link"] != matches[2]){
return [false, "malformed or unrecognized license tag"];
return [true,"Recognized license as '"+matches[3]+"'
* Evaluates the content of a script (license, if it is non-trivial)
* Returns
* [
* true (accepted) or false (denied),
* edited content,
* reason text
* ]
function license_read(script_src, name){
var reason_text = "";
var edited_src = "";
var unedited_src = script_src;
var nontrivial_status;
var parts_denied = false;
var parts_accepted = false;
while(true){ // TODO: refactor me
// TODO: support multiline comments
var matches = /\/\/\s*?(@license)\s([\S]+)\s([\S]+$)/gm.exec(unedited_src);
if(matches == null){
nontrivial_status = evaluate(unedited_src,name);
if(nontrivial_status[0] == true){
parts_accepted = true;
edited_src += unedited_src;
} else{
parts_denied = true;
edited_src += "\n/*\nLIBREJS BLOCKED:"+nontrivial_status[1]+"\n*/\n";
reason_text += "\n" + nontrivial_status[1];
if(parts_denied == true && parts_accepted == true){
reason_text = "Script was determined partly non-trivial after editing. (check source for details)\n"+reason_text;
if(parts_denied == true && parts_accepted == false){
return [false,edited_src,reason_text];
else return [true,edited_src,reason_text];
// sponge
console.log("chopping at " + matches["index"] + ".");
var before = unedited_src.substring(0,matches["index"]);
// sponge
nontrivial_status = evaluate(before,name);
if(nontrivial_status[0] == true){
parts_accepted = true;
edited_src += before;
} else{
parts_denied = true;
edited_src += "\n/*\nLIBREJS BLOCKED:"+nontrivial_status[1]+"\n*/\n";
unedited_src = unedited_src.substr(matches["index"],unedited_src.length);
// TODO: support multiline comments
var matches_end = /\/\/\s*?(@license-end)/gm.exec(unedited_src);
if(matches_end == null){
dbg_print("ERROR: @license with no @license-end");
return [false,"\n/*\n ERROR: @license with no @license-end \n*/\n","ERROR: @license with no @license-end"];
var endtag_end_index = matches_end["index"]+matches_end[0].length;
var license_res = license_valid(matches);
if(license_res[0] == true){
edited_src = edited_src + unedited_src.substr(0,endtag_end_index);
reason_text += "\n" + license_res[1];
} else{
edited_src = edited_src + "\n/*\n"+license_res[1]+"\n*/\n";
reason_text += "\n" + license_res[1];
// trim off everything we just evaluated
unedited_src = unedited_src.substr(endtag_end_index,unedited_src.length);
/* *********************************************************************************************** */
// TODO: Test if this script is being loaded from another domain compared to unused_data[tabid]["url"]
* Returns a promise that resolves with the final edited script as a string.
function get_script(response,url,tabid,wl,index=-1){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(unused_data[tabid] === undefined){
unused_data[tabid] = {"url":url,"accepted":[],"blocked":[]};
var tok_index = url.split("/").length;
var scriptname = url.split("/")[tok_index-1];
if(wl == true){
// Accept without reading script, it was explicitly whitelisted
if(typeof(unused_data[tabid]["accepted"].push) != "function"){
unused_data[tabid]["accepted"] = [[scriptname,"Page is whitelisted in preferences"]];
} else{
unused_data[tabid]["accepted"].push([scriptname,"Page is whitelisted in preferences"]);
resolve("\n/*\n LibreJS: Script whitelisted by user (From a URL found in comma seperated whitelist)\n*/\n"+response);
if(index != -1){
resolve(["\n/*\n LibreJS: Script whitelisted by user (From a URL found in comma seperated whitelist)\n*/\n"+response,index]);
} else{
resolve("\n/*\n LibreJS: Script whitelisted by user (From a URL found in comma seperated whitelist)\n*/\n"+response);
var src_hash = hash(response);
var edited = license_read(response,scriptname);
var verdict = edited[0];
var popup_res;
var domain = get_domain(url);
var badge_str = 0;
if(unused_data[tabid]["blocked"] !== undefined){
badge_str += unused_data[tabid]["blocked"].length;
if(unused_data[tabid]["blacklisted"] !== undefined){
badge_str += unused_data[tabid]["blacklisted"].length;
dbg_print("amt. blocked on page:"+badge_str);
if(badge_str > 0 || verdict == false){
text: "GRR",
tabId: tabid
color: "red",
tabId: tabid
} else{
text: "OK",
tabId: tabid
color: "green",
tabId: tabid
if(verdict == true){
popup_res = add_popup_entry(tabid,src_hash,{"url":domain,"accepted":[scriptname+" ("+src_hash+")",edited[2]]});
} else{
popup_res = add_popup_entry(tabid,src_hash,{"url":domain,"blocked":[scriptname+" ("+src_hash+")",edited[2]]});
var blob;
if(list_verdict == "wl"){
// redirect to the unedited version
if(index != -1){
resolve(["/* LibreJS: Script whitelisted by user */\n"+response,index]);
} else{
resolve("/* LibreJS: Script whitelisted by user */\n"+response);
}else if(list_verdict == "bl"){
// Blank the entire script
if(index != -1){
resolve(["/* LibreJS: Script blacklisted by user */\n",index]);
} else{
resolve("/* LibreJS: Script blacklisted by user */\n");
} else{
// Return the edited (normal) version
if(index != -1){
resolve(["/* LibreJS: Script acknowledged */\n"+edited[1],index]);
} else{
resolve("/* LibreJS: Script acknowledged */\n"+edited[1]);
* Tests if a request is google analytics or not
function test_GA(a){ // TODO: DRY me
// This is just an HTML page
if(a.url == 'https://www.google.com/analytics/#?modal_active=none'){
return false;
else if(a.url.match(/https:\/\/www\.google\.com\/analytics\//g)){
dbg_print("%c Google analytics (1)","color:red");
return {cancel: true};
else if(a.url == 'https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js'){
dbg_print("%c Google analytics (2)","color:red");
return {cancel: true};
else if(a.url == 'https://www.google.com/analytics/js/analytics.min.js'){
dbg_print("%c Google analytics (3)","color:red");
return {cancel: true};
else return false;
* A callback that every type of request invokes.
function block_ga(a){
var GA = test_GA(a);
if(GA != false){
return GA;
else return {};
* This is a callback trigged from requests caused by script tags with the src="" attribute.
function read_script(a){
var GA = test_GA(a);
if(GA !== false){
return GA;
var filter = webex.webRequest.filterResponseData(a.requestId);
var decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
var encoder = new TextEncoder();
filter.ondata = event => {
var str = decoder.decode(event.data, {stream: true});
var res = test_url_whitelisted(a.url);
var edit_script;
if(whitelisted == true){
// Doesn't matter if this is accepted or blocked, it will still be whitelisted
edit_script = get_script(str,a.url,a["tabId"],true);
} else{
edit_script = get_script(str,a.url,a["tabId"],false);
return {};
* Removes noscript tags with name "librejs-path" leaving the inner content to load.
function remove_noscripts(html_doc){
for(var i = 0; i < html_doc.getElementsByName("librejs-path").length; i++){
if(html_doc.getElementsByName("librejs-path")[i].tagName == "NOSCRIPT"){
html_doc.getElementsByName("librejs-path")[i].outerHTML = html_doc.getElementsByName("librejs-path")[i].innerHTML;
return html_doc.documentElement.innerHTML;
* Tests to see if the intrinsic events on the page are free or not.
* returns true if they are, false if they're not
function read_metadata(meta_element){
if(meta_element === undefined || meta_element === null){
console.log("metadata found");
var metadata = {};
metadata = JSON.parse(meta_element.innerHTML);
console.log("Could not parse metadata on page.")
return false;
var license_str = metadata["intrinsic-events"];
if(license_str === undefined){
console.log("No intrinsic events license");
return false;
var parts = license_str.split(" ");
if(parts.length != 2){
console.log("invalid (>2 tokens)");
return false;
// this should be adequete to escape the HTML escaping
parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/&/g, '&');
if(licenses[parts[1]]["Magnet link"] == parts[0]){
return true;
console.log("invalid (doesn't match licenses)");
return false;
} catch(error){
console.log("invalid (threw error, key didn't exist)");
return false;
* Reads/changes the HTML of a page and the scripts within it.
function edit_html(html,url,tabid,wl){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(wl == true){
// Don't bother, page is whitelisted
var parser = new DOMParser();
var html_doc = parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html");
var amt_scripts = 0;
var total_scripts = 0;
var scripts = html_doc.scripts;
var meta_element = html_doc.getElementById("LibreJS-info");
var first_scipt_src = "";
// get the potential inline source that can contain a license
for(var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++){
// The script must be in-line and exist
if(scripts[i] !== undefined && scripts[i].src == ""){
first_script_src = scripts[i].innerHTML;
if(read_metadata(meta_element) || legacy_license_lib.check(first_script_src)){
console.log("Valid license for intrinsic events found");
// Deal with intrinsic events
var has_intrinsic_events = [];
for(var i = 0; i < html_doc.all.length; i++){
for(var j = 0; j < intrinsic_events.length; j++){
if(intrinsic_events[j] in html_doc.all[i].attributes){
// "i" is an index in html_doc.all
// "j" is an index in intrinsic_events
function edit_event(src,i,j,name){
var edited = get_script(src,name);
html_doc.all[i].attributes[intrinsic_events[j]].value = edited[0];
// Find all the document's elements with intrinsic events
for(var i = 0; i < has_intrinsic_events.length; i++){
var s_name = "Intrinsic event ["+has_intrinsic_events[i][0]+"]";
// Deal with inline scripts
for(var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++){
if(scripts[i].src == ""){
dbg_print("Analyzing "+total_scripts+" inline scripts...");
for(var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++){
if(scripts[i].src == ""){
var edit_script = get_script(scripts[i].innerHTML,url,tabid,wl,i);
var edited_source = edited[0];
var unedited_source = html_doc.scripts[edited[1]].innerHTML.trim();
html_doc.scripts[edited[1]].innerHTML = edited_source;
if(amt_scripts >= total_scripts){
if(total_scripts == 0){
dbg_print("Nothing to analyze.");
* Callback for main frame requests
function read_document(a){
var GA = test_GA(a);
if(GA != false){
return GA;
if(unused_data[a["tabId"]] !== undefined && unused_data[a["tabId"]]["url"] != get_domain(a["url"])){
delete unused_data[a["tabId"]];
dbg_print("Page Changed!!!");
var str = "";
var filter = webex.webRequest.filterResponseData(a.requestId);
var decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
var encoder = new TextEncoder();
filter.onerror = event => {
dbg_print("%c Error in getting document","color:red");
filter.onstop = event => {
var test = new ArrayBuffer();
var res = test_url_whitelisted(a.url);
var edit_page;
if(whitelisted == true){
// Doesn't matter if this is accepted or blocked, it will still be whitelisted
} else{
edit_page = edit_html(str,a.url,a["tabId"],false);
filter.ondata = event => {
str += decoder.decode(event.data, {stream: true});
return {};
* Initializes various add-on functions
* only meant to be called once when the script starts
function init_addon(){
// Prevents Google Analytics from being loaded from Google servers
var all_types = [
"beacon", "csp_report", "font", "image", "imageset", "main_frame", "media",
"object", "object_subrequest", "ping", "script", "stylesheet", "sub_frame",
"web_manifest", "websocket", "xbl", "xml_dtd", "xmlhttprequest", "xslt",
// Analyzes remote scripts
{urls:[""], types:all_types},
// Analyzes remote scripts
{urls:[""], types:["script"]},
// Analyzes the scripts inside of HTML
{urls:[""], types:["main_frame"]},
* Test if a page is whitelisted/blacklisted.
* The input here is tested against the comma seperated string found in the options.
* It does NOT test against the individual entries created by hitting the "whitelist"
* button for a script in the browser action.
function test_url_whitelisted(url){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
function cb(items){
var wl = items["pref_whitelist"];
if(wl !== undefined && wl !== ""){
wl = wl.split(",");
} else{
var regex;
for(var i in wl){
var s = wl[i].replace(/\*/g,"\\S*");
s = s.replace(/\./g,"\\.");
regex = new RegExp(s, "g");
//console.log("%c" + wl[i] + " matched " + url,"color: purple;");
} else{
//console.log("%c" + wl[i] + " didn't match " + url,"color: #dd0000;");
* Loads the contact finder on the given tab ID.
function inject_contact_finder(tab_id){
function executed(result) {
dbg_print("[TABID:"+tab_id+"]"+"finished executing contact finder: " + result);
var executing = webex.tabs.executeScript(tab_id, {file: "/contact_finder.js"}, executed);
* Adds given domain to the whitelist in options
function add_csv_whitelist(domain){
function storage_got(items){
if(items["pref_whitelist"] == ""){
items["pref_whitelist"] = domain + "*";
} else if(items["pref_whitelist"] == "undefined"){
items["pref_whitelist"] = domain + "*";
} else{
items["pref_whitelist"] += "," + domain + "*";
dbg_print("New CSV whitelist:");
* removes given domain from the whitelist in options
function remove_csv_whitelist(domain){
function storage_got(items){
if(items["pref_whitelist"] != ""){
domain = domain + "\\*";
// remove domain
dbg_print(new RegExp(domain,"g"));
items["pref_whitelist"] = items["pref_whitelist"].replace(new RegExp(domain,"g"),"")
// if an entry was deleted, it will leave an extra comma
items["pref_whitelist"] = items["pref_whitelist"].replace(/,+/g,",");
// remove trailing comma if the last one was deleted
if(items["pref_whitelist"].charAt(items["pref_whitelist"].length-1) == ","){
items["pref_whitelist"] = items["pref_whitelist"].substr(0,items["pref_whitelist"].length-2);
dbg_print("New CSV whitelist:");