var acorn = require('acorn/dist/acorn_loose'); var walk = require("acorn/dist/walk"); var acorn_base = require("acorn"); /** * Loop over a function and get a list of things being called. * * Tests to see if the function calls itself. * * Note: If it is an anonmyous function, recursion isn't possible. * */ function get_function_names(input_node_src,scope){ var func_name = ""; var flag = true; // The name of the function can't appear anywhere. // No bracket suffix notation either. console.log("Searching for identifier '"+scope+"' in this code:"); console.log(input_node_src); var tokens = acorn_base.tokenizer(input_node_src); var toke = tokens.getToken(); while(toke.type != acorn_base.tokTypes.eof){ if(toke.type.label == "name" && scope == toke.value){ return true; } toke = tokens.getToken(); } return false; } window.onload = function () { document.getElementById("parse").addEventListener("click",function(){ var res = true; var script = document.getElementById("input").value; var ast = acorn.parse_dammit(script).body[0]; document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(ast, null, "\t"); // Indented with tab var flag = false; var amtloops = 0; // COUNTS LOOPS AND CONDITIONALS walk.simple(ast, { ForInStatement(node){ if(amtloops > 3){return;} console.log("ForInStatement"); amtloops++; }, ForStatement(node){ if(amtloops > 3){return;} console.log("ForStatement"); amtloops++; }, DoWhileStatement(node){ if(amtloops > 3){return;} console.log("DoWhileStatement"); amtloops++; }, WhileStatement(node){ if(amtloops > 3){return;} console.log("WhileStatement"); amtloops++; }, IfStatement(node){ if(amtloops > 3){return;} console.log("IfStatement"); amtloops++; }, SwitchStatement(node){ if(amtloops > 3){return;} console.log("SwitchStatement"); amtloops++; } }); if(amtloops > 3){ console.log("%c NONTRIVIAL: Too many loops/conditionals.","color:red"); // TODO: return here } // DETECT RECURSION var nontrivial = false; walk.simple(ast, { CallExpression(node){ if(nontrivial == true){ return; } test_function_name(; } }); if(nontrivial == true){ console.log("%c NONTRIVIAL: Recursion detected.","color:red"); res = false;// TODO: return here } document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = res + "\n\n" + document.getElementById("output").innerHTML; }); }