;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2022 Yuchen Pei. ;; ;; This file is part of luwak. ;; ;; luwak is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ;; the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; luwak is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General ;; Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public ;; License along with luwak. If not, see . (defvar luwak-buffer "*luwak*") (defvar-local luwak-data (:url nil :dump nil :history-pos nil :no-tor nil)) (defvar-local luwak-history nil) (defvar luwak-history-file "~/.emacs.d/luwak-history") (defun luwak-lynx-buffer (url) (format "*luwak-lynx %s*" url)) (defcustom luwak-search-engine "https://html.duckduckgo.com/html?q=%s" "Default search engine for use in 'luwak-search'." :group 'luwak :type '(string)) (defcustom luwak-url-rewrite-function 'identity "Function to rewrite url before loading." :group 'luwak :type '(function)) (defcustom luwak-tor-switch nil "Switch behaviour of prefix arg concerning the use of tor. When nil, use tor by default, and not use it with a prefix arg. When non-nill, swap the tor-switch in prefix-arg effect." :group 'luwak :type '(boolean)) (defcustom luwak-max-history-length 100 "Maximum history length." :group 'luwak :type '(natnum)) (defcustom luwak-render-link-function 'luwak-render-link-id "Function to render a link." :group 'luwak :type '(choice (const luwak-render-link-id) (const luwak-render-link-forward-sexp) (const luwak-render-link-hide-link))) (defcustom luwak-keep-history t "If non-nil, will keep history in 'luwak-history-file'." :group 'luwak :type '(boolean)) (defcustom luwak-use-history t "If non-nil, will use history from the 'luwak-history-file' when running 'luwak-open'." :group 'luwak :type '(boolean)) (put luwak-history 'history-length luwak-max-history-length) (defun luwak-toggle-tor-switch () (interactive) (setq luwak-tor-switch (not luwak-tor-switch))) (defun luwak-mode-name () (concat "luwak " (cond ((null luwak-data) "Tor unknown") ((plist-get luwak-data :no-tor) "Tor off") (t "Tor on")))) (defvar luwak-mode-map (let ((kmap (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key kmap "\t" 'forward-button) (define-key kmap [backtab] 'backward-button) (define-key kmap "g" 'luwak-reload) (define-key kmap "l" 'luwak-history-backward) (define-key kmap "r" 'luwak-history-forward) (define-key kmap "w" 'luwak-copy-url) (define-key kmap "o" 'luwak-open) (define-key kmap "s" 'luwak-search) (define-key kmap "d" 'luwak-save-dump) (define-key kmap "j" 'imenu) (define-key kmap "t" 'luwak-toggle-links) (define-key kmap "a" 'luwak-follow-numbered-link) kmap)) (define-derived-mode luwak-mode special-mode (luwak-mode-name) "Major mode for browsing the web using lynx -dump." (setq-local imenu-create-index-function #'luwak-imenu-create-index imenu-space-replacement " " imenu-max-item-length nil imenu-auto-rescan t)) (defun luwak-imenu-create-index () (goto-char (point-min)) (let ((index) (position)) (while (re-search-forward "^[^[:space:]]" nil t) (push (cons (buffer-substring-no-properties (setq position (1- (point))) (progn (end-of-line 1) (point))) position) index)) (reverse index))) (defun luwak-guess-title () (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward "^[^[:space:]]" nil t) (buffer-substring-no-properties (1- (point)) (progn (end-of-line 1) (point))))) (defun luwak-org-store-link () (when (derived-mode-p 'luwak-mode) (org-link-store-props :type "luwak" :link (plist-get luwak-data :url) :description (luwak-guess-title)))) (org-link-set-parameters "luwak" :follow #'luwak-open :store #'luwak-org-store-link) (defun luwak-open (url) "Open URL in luwak." (interactive (list (if luwak-use-history (completing-read "Url to open: " (luwak-history-collection-from-file)) (read-string "Url to open: ")))) (luwak-open-url (car (split-string url)) (xor luwak-tor-switch current-prefix-arg) 'luwak-add-to-history)) (defun luwak-history-collection-from-file () (split-string (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents luwak-history-file) (buffer-string)) "\n" t)) (defun luwak-copy-url () (interactive) (when-let ((url (or (get-text-property (point) 'url) (plist-get luwak-data :url)))) (kill-new url) (message "Copied: %s" url))) (defun luwak-search (query) "Search QUERY using 'luwak-search-engine'." (interactive "sLuwak search query: ") (luwak-open (format luwak-search-engine query))) (defun luwak-open-url (url no-tor &optional cb) (setq url (funcall luwak-url-rewrite-function url)) (message "Loading %s..." url) (set-process-sentinel (luwak-start-process-with-torsocks no-tor "luwak-lynx" (luwak-lynx-buffer url) "lynx" "-dump" "--display_charset" "utf-8" url) (lambda (process _) (message "Loading %s... Done." url) (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create luwak-buffer) (luwak-open-internal url (with-current-buffer (process-buffer process) (buffer-string)) (or (plist-get luwak-data :history-pos) 0) no-tor) (kill-buffer (process-buffer process)) (when cb (funcall cb)) (goto-char (point-min))) (display-buffer luwak-buffer)))) (defun luwak-open-internal (url dump history-pos no-tor) (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create luwak-buffer) (unless (derived-mode-p 'luwak-mode) (luwak-mode)) (setq luwak-data (list :url url :no-tor no-tor :history-pos history-pos :dump dump)) (luwak-insert-and-render) (setq mode-name (luwak-mode-name)) (goto-char (point-min)))) (defun luwak-toggle-links () (interactive) (pcase luwak-render-link-function ('luwak-render-link-id (setq luwak-render-link-function 'luwak-render-link-hide-link)) ('luwak-render-link-hide-link (setq luwak-render-link-function 'luwak-render-link-forward-sexp)) (_ (setq luwak-render-link-function 'luwak-render-link-id))) (save-excursion (luwak-insert-and-render))) (defun luwak-insert-and-render () (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (erase-buffer) (insert (plist-get luwak-data :dump)) (luwak-render-links (luwak-get-links)))) (defun luwak-add-to-history () (let ((history-delete-duplicates nil)) (setq luwak-history (nthcdr (plist-get luwak-data :history-pos) luwak-history)) (add-to-history 'luwak-history (cons (plist-get luwak-data :url) (plist-get luwak-data :dump))) (when luwak-keep-history (luwak-add-to-history-file)) (plist-put luwak-data :history-pos 0))) (defun luwak-add-to-history-file () (let ((url (plist-get luwak-data :url)) (title (luwak-guess-title))) (append-to-file (concat url " " title "\n") nil luwak-history-file))) (defun luwak-history-backward () (interactive) (let ((history-pos (1+ (plist-get luwak-data :history-pos)))) (when (<= (length luwak-history) history-pos) (error "Already at the earliest history.")) (luwak-history-open history-pos))) (defun luwak-history-forward () (interactive) (let ((history-pos (1- (plist-get luwak-data :history-pos)))) (when (< history-pos 0) (error "Already at the latest history.")) (luwak-history-open history-pos))) (defun luwak-history-open (history-pos) (let ((pair (nth history-pos luwak-history)) (len (length luwak-history))) (luwak-open-internal (car pair) (cdr pair) history-pos (plist-get luwak-data :no-tor)) (message "Loaded history %d/%d: %s" (- len history-pos) len (car pair)))) (defun luwak-reload () (interactive) (let ((url (plist-get luwak-data :url))) (unless url (error "The current buffer is not associated with any url.")) (luwak-open-url url (plist-get luwak-data :no-tor)))) (defun luwak-follow-link (marker) (let ((url (get-text-property marker 'url))) (luwak-open-url url (plist-get luwak-data :no-tor) 'luwak-add-to-history))) (defun luwak-render-links (urls) (with-current-buffer luwak-buffer (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (let ((i 1)) (dolist (url urls) (funcall luwak-render-link-function i url) (setq i (1+ i))))))) (defun luwak-render-buffer () "Render the current buffer in luwak mode." (interactive) (let ((dump (buffer-string))) (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create luwak-buffer) (luwak-open-internal nil dump (or (plist-get luwak-data :history-pos) 0) (or (plist-get luwak-data :no-tor) (xor luwak-tor-switch current-prefix-arg))) (luwak-add-to-history)) (display-buffer luwak-buffer))) (defun luwak-render-link-forward-sexp (idx url) "Render a link using forward-sexp." (when (re-search-forward (format "\\[%d\\]" idx) nil t) (replace-match "") (make-text-button (point) (progn (forward-sexp) (point)) 'url url 'help-echo url 'action 'luwak-follow-link 'face 'button))) (defun luwak-render-link-id (idx url) "Render a link by its id." (when (re-search-forward (format "\\[%d\\]" idx) nil t) (make-text-button (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) 'url url 'help-echo url 'action 'luwak-follow-link 'face 'button))) (defun luwak-render-link-hide-link (idx _) (when (re-search-forward (format "\\[%d\\]" idx) nil t) (replace-match ""))) (defun luwak-get-links () "Get links and remove the reference section if any." (with-current-buffer luwak-buffer (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (when (re-search-forward "^References\n\n\\(\\ *Visible links:\n\\)?" nil t) (let ((ref-beg (match-beginning 0)) (results)) (while (re-search-forward "^\\ *\\([0-9]+\\)\\.\\ *\\(.*\\)$" nil t) (push (match-string 2) results)) (delete-region ref-beg (point-max)) (reverse results)))))) (defun luwak-collect-links () "Collect links into a list." (let ((dump (plist-get luwak-data :dump))) (with-temp-buffer (insert dump) (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward "^References\n\n\\(\\ *Visible links:\n\\)?" nil t) (delete-region (point-min) (match-end 0)) (seq-filter 'identity (mapcar (lambda (s) (when (string-match "^\\ *\\([0-9]+\\)\\. \\(.*\\)" s) (concat (match-string 1 s) " " (match-string 2 s)))) (split-string (buffer-string) "\n")))))) (defun luwak-follow-numbered-link (link) "Follow a link." (interactive (list (completing-read "Select link: " (luwak-collect-links) nil t))) (luwak-open (cadr (split-string link)))) (defun luwak-start-process-with-torsocks (no-tor name buffer program &rest program-args) (if no-tor (apply 'start-process (append (list name buffer program) program-args)) (apply 'start-process (append (list name buffer "torsocks" program) program-args)))) (defun luwak-save-dump (file-name) (interactive (list (read-file-name (format "Write dump of %s to: " (plist-get luwak-data :url)) default-directory))) (let ((dump (plist-get luwak-data :dump))) (with-temp-buffer (insert dump) (write-file file-name))) (message "Wrote %s." file-name)) (provide 'luwak)