(require 'mastodon) (defun mastodon--api-for (endpoint) "Returns Mastondon API URL for ENDPOINT." (concat mastodon-instance-url "/api/" mastodon--api-version "/" endpoint)) (defun mastodon--http-post (url callback args &optional headers) "Sends ARGS to URL as a POST request. Response buffer is passed to the CALLBACK function." (let ((url-request-method "POST") (url-request-extra-headers (append '(("Content-Type" . "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) headers)) (url-request-data (mapconcat (lambda (arg) (concat (url-hexify-string (car arg)) "=" (url-hexify-string (cdr arg)))) args "&"))) (url-retrieve url callback))) (defun mastodon--response-buffer () "Capture response buffer content as string." (with-current-buffer (current-buffer) (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))) (defun mastodon--response-body-substring (pattern) "Returns substring matching PATTERN from `mastodon--response-buffer'." (let ((resp (mastodon--response-buffer))) (progn (string-match pattern resp) (match-string 0 resp)))) (defun mastodon--response-match-p (pattern) "Returns non-nil if `mastodon--response-buffer' matches PATTERN." (let ((resp (mastodon--response-buffer))) (string-match-p pattern resp))) (defun mastodon--response-status-p () "Returns non-nil if `mastodon--response-buffer' has an HTTP Response Status-Line." (when (mastodon--response-match-p "^HTTP/1.*$") t)) (defun mastodon--response-json () "Returns string of JSON response body from `mastodon--response-buffer'." (mastodon--response-body-substring "\{.*\}")) (defun mastodon--response-code () "Returns HTTP Response Status Code from `mastodon--response-buffer'." (let* ((status-line (mastodon--response-body-substring "^HTTP/1.*$"))) (progn (string-match "[0-9][0-9][0-9]" status-line) (match-string 0 status-line)))) (defun mastodon--json-hash-table () "Reads JSON from `mastodon--response-json' into a hash table." (let ((json-object-type 'hash-table) (json-array-type 'list) (json-key-type 'string)) (json-read-from-string (mastodon--response-json)))) (defun mastodon--http-response-triage (status success) "Callback function to triage an HTTP response. Recursively waits for `mastodon--response-buffer' to contain a Status-Line. STATUS is passed by `url-retrieve'. SUCCESS is a function called on a 2XX level response code. If response code is not 2XX, switches to the response buffer created by `url-retrieve'." (when (not (mastodon--response-status-p)) (mastodon--http-response-triage status)) (if (string-prefix-p "2" (mastodon--response-code)) (funcall success) (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer)))) (provide 'mastodon-http)