(defconst mastodon-search--single-account-query '((id . "242971") (username . "mousebot") (acct . "mousebot") (display_name . ": ( ) { : | : & } ; :") (locked . t) (bot . :json-false) (discoverable . t) (group . :json-false) (created_at . "2020-04-14T00:00:00.000Z") (note . "

poetry, writing, dmt, desertion, trash, black metal, translation, hegel, language, autonomia....

IG: https://bibliogram.snopyta.org/u/martianhiatus
photos alt: @goosebot
git: https://git.blast.noho.st/mouse

want to trade chapbooks or zines? hmu!

he/him or they/them

") (url . "https://todon.nl/@mousebot") (avatar . "https://todon.nl/system/accounts/avatars/000/242/971/original/0a5e801576af597b.jpg") (avatar_static . "https://todon.nl/system/accounts/avatars/000/242/971/original/0a5e801576af597b.jpg") (header . "https://todon.nl/system/accounts/headers/000/242/971/original/f85f7f1048237fd4.jpg") (header_static . "https://todon.nl/system/accounts/headers/000/242/971/original/f85f7f1048237fd4.jpg") (followers_count . 226) (following_count . 634) (statuses_count . 3807) (last_status_at . "2021-11-05") (emojis . []) (fields . [((name . "dark to") (value . "themselves") (verified_at)) ((name . "its raining") (value . "plastic") (verified_at)) ((name . "dis") (value . "integration") (verified_at)) ((name . "ungleichzeitigkeit und") (value . "gleichzeitigkeit, philosophisch") (verified_at))])) "A sample mastodon account search result (parsed json)") (defconst mastodon-search-test-single-tag '((name . "TeamBringBackVisibleScrollbars") (url . "https://todon.nl/tags/TeamBringBackVisibleScrollbars") (history . [((day . "1636156800") (uses . "0") (accounts . "0")) ((day . "1636070400") (uses . "0") (accounts . "0")) ((day . "1635984000") (uses . "0") (accounts . "0")) ((day . "1635897600") (uses . "0") (accounts . "0")) ((day . "1635811200") (uses . "0") (accounts . "0")) ((day . "1635724800") (uses . "0") (accounts . "0")) ((day . "1635638400") (uses . "0") (accounts . "0"))]))) (defconst mastodon-search-test-single-status '((id . "107230316503209282") (created_at . "2021-11-06T13:19:40.628Z") (in_reply_to_id) (in_reply_to_account_id) (sensitive . :json-false) (spoiler_text . "") (visibility . "direct") (language . "en") (uri . "https://todon.nl/users/mousebot/statuses/107230316503209282") (url . "https://todon.nl/@mousebot/107230316503209282") (replies_count . 0) (reblogs_count . 0) (favourites_count . 0) (favourited . :json-false) (reblogged . :json-false) (muted . :json-false) (bookmarked . :json-false) (content . "

This is a nice test toot, for testing purposes. Thank you.

") (reblog) (application (name . "mastodon.el") (website . "https://github.com/jdenen/mastodon.el")) (account (id . "242971") (username . "mousebot") (acct . "mousebot") (display_name . ": ( ) { : | : & } ; :") (locked . t) (bot . :json-false) (discoverable . t) (group . :json-false) (created_at . "2020-04-14T00:00:00.000Z") (note . "

poetry, writing, dmt, desertion, trash, black metal, translation, hegel, language, autonomia....

IG: https://bibliogram.snopyta.org/u/martianhiatus
photos alt: @goosebot
git: https://git.blast.noho.st/mouse

want to trade chapbooks or zines? hmu!

he/him or they/them

") (url . "https://todon.nl/@mousebot") (avatar . "https://todon.nl/system/accounts/avatars/000/242/971/original/0a5e801576af597b.jpg") (avatar_static . "https://todon.nl/system/accounts/avatars/000/242/971/original/0a5e801576af597b.jpg") (header . "https://todon.nl/system/accounts/headers/000/242/971/original/f85f7f1048237fd4.jpg") (header_static . "https://todon.nl/system/accounts/headers/000/242/971/original/f85f7f1048237fd4.jpg") (followers_count . 226) (following_count . 634) (statuses_count . 3807) (last_status_at . "2021-11-05") (emojis . []) (fields . [((name . "dark to") (value . "themselves") (verified_at)) ((name . "its raining") (value . "plastic") (verified_at)) ((name . "dis") (value . "integration") (verified_at)) ((name . "ungleichzeitigkeit und") (value . "gleichzeitigkeit, philosophisch") (verified_at))])) (media_attachments . []) (mentions . [((id . "242971") (username . "mousebot") (url . "https://todon.nl/@mousebot") (acct . "mousebot"))]) (tags . []) (emojis . []) (card) (poll))) (ert-deftest mastodon-search-test-get-user-info-@ () "Should build a list from a single account for company completion." (let ((account mastodon-search--single-account-query)) (should (equal (mastodon-search--get-user-info-@ account) '(": ( ) { : | : & } ; :" "@mousebot" "https://todon.nl/@mousebot"))))) (ert-deftest mastodon-search-test-get-user-info () "Should build a list from a single account for company completion." (let ((account mastodon-search--single-account-query)) (should (equal (mastodon-search--get-user-info account) '(": ( ) { : | : & } ; :" "mousebot" "https://todon.nl/@mousebot"))))) (ert-deftest mastodon-search-test-get-hashtag-info () "Should build a list of hashtag name and URL." (let ((tag mastodon-search-test-single-tag)) (should (equal (mastodon-search--get-hashtag-info tag) '("TeamBringBackVisibleScrollbars" "https://todon.nl/tags/TeamBringBackVisibleScrollbars"))))) (ert-deftest mastodon-search-test-get-status-info () "Should return a list of ID, timestamp, content, and spoiler." (let ((status mastodon-search-test-single-status)) (should (equal (mastodon-search--get-status-info status) '("107230316503209282" "2021-11-06T13:19:40.628Z" "" "

This is a nice test toot, for testing purposes. Thank you.
