-- Copyright (c) Yuchen Pei, 2017. (Added positive roots and highest elements etc.) -- Copyright (c) David Amos, 2008-2015. All rights reserved. module Math.Projects.RootSystem where import Prelude hiding ( (*>) ) import Data.Ratio import Data.List import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Set as S import Math.Algebra.LinearAlgebra import Math.Algebra.Group.PermutationGroup hiding (elts, order, closure) --import Math.Algebra.Group.SchreierSims as SS --import Math.Algebra.Group.StringRewriting as SG import Math.Algebra.Field.Base (Q)-- for Q data Type = A | B | C | D | E | F | G deriving Show type SimpleSystem = [[Q]] -- Humphreys, Reflection Groups and Coxeter Groups -- SIMPLE SYSTEMS -- sometimes called fundamental systems -- The ith basis vector in K^n basisElt :: Int -> Int -> [Q] -- this type signature determines all the rest basisElt n i = replicate (i-1) 0 ++ 1 : replicate (n-i) 0 --basisElt' :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -- this type signature determines all the rest --basisElt' n i = replicate (i-1) 0 ++ 1 : replicate (n-i) 0 -- We need to work over the rationals to ensure that arithmetic is exact -- So long as our simple systems are rational, then reflection matrices are rational -- A simple system is like a basis for the root system (see Humphreys p8 for full definition) simpleSystem :: Type -> Int -> SimpleSystem simpleSystem A n | n >= 1 = [e i <-> e (i+1) | i <- [1..n]] where e = basisElt (n+1) simpleSystem B n | n >= 2 = [e i <-> e (i+1) | i <- [1..n-1]] ++ [e n] where e = basisElt n simpleSystem B 1 = simpleSystem A 1 simpleSystem C n | n >= 2 = [e i <-> e (i+1) | i <- [1..n-1]] ++ [2 *> e n] where e = basisElt n simpleSystem C 1 = simpleSystem A 1 simpleSystem D n | n >= 4 = [e i <-> e (i+1) | i <- [1..n-1]] ++ [e (n-1) <+> e n] where e = basisElt n simpleSystem D 3 = simpleSystem A 3 simpleSystem E n | n `elem` [6,7,8] = take n simpleroots where e = basisElt 8 simpleroots = ((1/2) *> (e 1 <-> e 2 <-> e 3 <-> e 4 <-> e 5 <-> e 6 <-> e 7 <+> e 8)) : (e 1 <+> e 2) : [e (i-1) <-> e (i-2) | i <- [3..8]] simpleSystem F 4 = [e 2 <-> e 3, e 3 <-> e 4, e 4, (1/2) *> (e 1 <-> e 2 <-> e 3 <-> e 4)] where e = basisElt 4 simpleSystem G 2 = [e 1 <-> e 2, ((-2) *> e 1) <+> e 2 <+> e 3] where e = basisElt 3 simpleSystem t n = error $ "Invalid root system of type " ++ (show t) ++ " and rank " ++ (show n) ++ "." -- ROOT SYSTEMS -- Calculating the full root system from the fundamental roots -- Humphreys p3 -- Weyl group element corresponding to a root -- s alpha beta = s_\alpha \beta s :: [Q] -> [Q] -> [Q] s alpha beta = beta <-> (dynkinIndex alpha beta) *> alpha longestElementIndex :: SimpleSystem -> [Int] longestElementIndex ss = (+1) <$> fromJust <$> flip elemIndex ss <$> longestElement ss longestElement :: SimpleSystem -> [[Q]] longestElement ss = longestElement' [] posRoots where posRoots = positiveRoots ss longestElement' :: [[Q]] -> [[Q]] -> [[Q]] longestElement' xs rs = let ys = (S.fromList ss) `S.intersection` (S.fromList rs) in if S.null ys then xs else let alpha = (head (S.toList ys)) in longestElement' (alpha:xs) (s alpha <$> rs) --negateM :: Num a => [[a]] -> [[a]] --negateM = fmap (fmap negate) -- |all positive roots positiveRoots :: SimpleSystem -> [[Q]] positiveRoots ss = (positiveRoots' $ cartanMatrix' ss) <<*>> ss -- |return root indices of all positive roots positiveRoots' :: [[Q]] -> [[Q]] positiveRoots' cm = positiveRoots'' [] (iMx $ length cm) where positiveRoots'' :: [[Q]] -> [[Q]] -> [[Q]] positiveRoots'' pr npr | null npr = pr | otherwise = positiveRoots'' (pr ++ npr) (S.toList . S.fromList $ mconcat $ zipWith newRootIndices npr (pIndex pr cm <$> npr)) newRootIndices :: [Q] -> [Q] -> [[Q]] newRootIndices ri pi = (ri <+>) <$> (go pi [] 1) where go :: [Q] -> [Int] -> Int -> [[Q]] go [] ys n = basisElt n <$> ys go (x:xs) ys k = go xs (if x == 0 then ys else ys ++ [k]) (k + 1) pIndex :: [[Q]] -> [[Q]] -> [Q] -> [Q] pIndex allRootIndices cm rootIndex = (mIndex rootIndex allRootIndices) <-> (dynkinIndex' rootIndex cm) mIndex :: [Q] -> [[Q]] -> [Q] mIndex rootIndex allRootIndices = if isMultBasis rootIndex then 2 *> rootIndex else maxV $ filter isMultBasis [rootIndex <-> r | r <- allRootIndices] maxV :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [a] maxV xs = maximum <$> (transpose xs) sumV :: Num a => [[a]] -> [a] sumV = foldl1 (<+>) cartanMatrix :: SimpleSystem -> [[Q]] cartanMatrix ss = [dynkinIndex r <$> ss | r <- ss] cartanMatrix' :: SimpleSystem -> [[Q]] cartanMatrix' ss = transpose $ cartanMatrix ss isMultBasis :: [Q] -> Bool isMultBasis v = (length $ filter (/=0) v) == 1 dynkinRow :: [Q] -> SimpleSystem -> [Q] dynkinRow r ss = dynkinIndex r <$> ss dynkinIndex :: [Q] -> [Q] -> Q dynkinIndex r s = 2 * (r <.> s) / (r <.> r) dynkinIndex' :: [Q] -> [[Q]] -> [Q] dynkinIndex' ri cm = ri <*>> cm -- numRoots t n == length (closure $ simpleSystem t n) numRoots A n = n*(n+1) numRoots B n = 2*n*n numRoots C n = 2*n*n numRoots D n = 2*n*(n-1) numRoots E 6 = 72 numRoots E 7 = 126 numRoots E 8 = 240 numRoots F 4 = 48 numRoots G 2 = 12 positiveRoots_transform :: Int -> (Type, Int) positiveRoots_transform n | n > 108 = positiveRoots_transform (n `mod` 108 + 1) | n > 105 = (E, n - 100) | n > 96 = (G, 2) | n > 88 = (F, 4) | n > 85 = (E, n - 80) | n > 62 = (D, n - 60) | n > 40 = (C, n - 40) | n > 20 = (B, n - 20) | n > 0 = (A, n) | otherwise = positiveRoots_transform (n `mod` 108 + 1) -- | test the number of positive roots is half that of all roots prop_positiveRoots :: Int -> Bool prop_positiveRoots n = prop_positiveRoots' t m where (t, m) = positiveRoots_transform n prop_positiveRoots' :: Type -> Int -> Bool prop_positiveRoots' t n = (length $ positiveRoots (simpleSystem t n)) * 2 == numRoots t n -- | test the positive roots and negative roots form all the roots prop_positiveRoots1 :: Int -> Bool prop_positiveRoots1 n = prop_positiveRoots1' t m where (t, m) = positiveRoots_transform n prop_positiveRoots1' :: Type -> Int -> Bool prop_positiveRoots1' t n = let pr = positiveRoots (simpleSystem t n) in (S.fromList $ pr ++ ((-1) *>> pr)) == (S.fromList $ allRoots (simpleSystem t n)) -- Given a simple system, return the full root system -- The closure of a set of roots under reflection allRoots :: SimpleSystem -> [[Q]] allRoots ss = S.toList $ closure S.empty (S.fromList ss) where closure interior boundary | S.null boundary = interior | otherwise = let interior' = S.union interior boundary boundary' = S.fromList [s alpha beta | alpha <- ss, beta <- S.toList boundary] S.\\ interior' in closure interior' boundary' {-- -- WEYL GROUP -- The finite reflection group generated by the root system -- Generators of the Weyl group as permutation group on the roots weylPerms t n = let rs = simpleSystem t n xs = closure rs toPerm r = fromPairs [(x, w r x) | x <- xs] in map toPerm rs -- Generators of the Weyl group as a matrix group weylMatrices t n = map wMx (simpleSystem t n) -- The Weyl group element corresponding to a root, represented as a matrix wMx r = map (w r) [e i | i <- [1..d]] -- matrix for reflection in hyperplane orthogonal to r where d = length r -- dimension of the space e = basisElt d -- the images of the basis elts form the columns of the matrix -- however, reflection matrices are symmetric, so they also form the rows -- CARTAN MATRIX, DYNKIN DIAGRAM, COXETER SYSTEM cartanMatrix t n = [[2 * (ai <.> aj) / (ai <.> ai) | aj <- roots] | ai <- roots] where roots = simpleSystem t n -- Note: The Cartan matrices for A, D, E systems are symmetric. -- Those of B, C, F, G are not -- Carter, Simple Groups of Lie Type, p44-5 gives the expected answers -- They agree with our answers except for G2, which is the transpose -- (So probably Carter defines the roots of G2 the other way round to Humphreys) -- set the diagonal entries of (square) matrix mx to constant c setDiag c mx@((x:xs):rs) = (c:xs) : zipWith (:) (map head rs) (setDiag c $ map tail rs) setDiag _ [[]] = [[]] -- Carter, Segal, Macdonald p17-18 -- given a Cartan matrix, derive the corresponding matrix describing the Dynkin diagram -- nij = Aij * Aji, nii = 0 dynkinFromCartan aij = setDiag 0 $ (zipWith . zipWith) (*) aij (L.transpose aij) dynkinDiagram t n = dynkinFromCartan $ cartanMatrix t n -- given the Dynkin diagram nij, derive the coefficients mij of the Coxeter group (so mii == 1) -- using nij = 4 cos^2 theta_ij -- nij == 0 <=> theta = pi/2 -- nij == 1 <=> theta = pi/3 -- nij == 2 <=> theta = pi/4 -- nij == 3 <=> theta = pi/6 coxeterFromDynkin nij = setDiag 1 $ (map . map) f nij where f 0 = 2; f 1 = 3; f 2 = 4; f 3 = 6 -- The mij coefficients of the Coxeter group , as a matrix coxeterMatrix t n = coxeterFromDynkin $ dynkinDiagram t n -- Given the matrix of coefficients mij, return the Coxeter group -- We assume but don't check that mii == 1 and mij == mji fromCoxeterMatrix mx = (gs,rs) where n = length mx gs = map s_ [1..n] rs = rules mx 1 rules [] _ = [] rules ((1:xs):rs) i = ([s_ i, s_ i],[]) : [powerRelation i j m | (j,m) <- zip [i+1..] xs] ++ rules (map tail rs) (i+1) powerRelation i j m = (concat $ replicate m [s_ i, s_ j],[]) -- Another presentation for the Coxeter group, using braid relations fromCoxeterMatrix2 mx = (gs,rs) where n = length mx gs = map s_ [1..n] rs = rules mx 1 rules [] _ = [] rules ((1:xs):rs) i = ([s_ i, s_ i],[]) : [braidRelation i j m | (j,m) <- zip [i+1..] xs] ++ rules (map tail rs) (i+1) braidRelation i j m = (take m $ cycle [s_ j, s_ i], take m $ cycle [s_ i, s_ j]) coxeterPresentation t n = fromCoxeterMatrix $ coxeterMatrix t n eltsCoxeter t n = SG.elts $ fromCoxeterMatrix2 $ coxeterMatrix t n -- it's just slightly faster to use the braid presentation poincarePoly t n = map length $ L.group $ map length $ eltsCoxeter t n -- LIE ALGEBRAS elemMx n i j = replicate (i-1) z ++ e j : replicate (n-i) z where z = replicate n 0 e = basisElt n lieMult x y = x*y - y*x -- for gluing matrices together (+|+) = zipWith (++) -- glue two matrices together side by side (+-+) = (++) -- glue two matrices together above and below form D n = (zMx n +|+ idMx n) +-+ (idMx n +|+ zMx n) form C n = (2 : replicate (2*n) 0) : (map (0:) (form D n)) form B n = let id' = (-1) *>> idMx n in (zMx n +|+ idMx n) +-+ (id' +|+ zMx n) -- TESTING -- The expected values of the root system, number of roots, order of Weyl group -- for comparison against the calculated values -- !! Not yet got root systems for E6,7,8, F4 -- Humphreys p41ff -- The full root system -- L.sort (rootSystem t n) == closure (simpleSystem t n) -- rootSystem :: Type -> Int -> [[QQ]] rootSystem A n | n >= 1 = [e i <-> e j | i <- [1..n+1], j <- [1..n+1], i /= j] where e = basisElt (n+1) rootSystem B n | n >= 2 = shortRoots ++ longRoots where e = basisElt n shortRoots = [e i | i <- [1..n]] ++ [[] <-> e i | i <- [1..n]] longRoots = [e i <+> e j | i <- [1..n], j <- [i+1..n]] ++ [e i <-> e j | i <- [1..n], j <- [i+1..n]] ++ [[] <-> e i <+> e j | i <- [1..n], j <- [i+1..n]] ++ [[] <-> e i <-> e j | i <- [1..n], j <- [i+1..n]] rootSystem C n | n >= 2 = longRoots ++ shortRoots where e = basisElt n longRoots = [2 *> e i | i <- [1..n]] ++ [[] <-> (2 *> e i) | i <- [1..n]] shortRoots = [e i <+> e j | i <- [1..n], j <- [i+1..n]] ++ [e i <-> e j | i <- [1..n], j <- [i+1..n]] ++ [[] <-> e i <+> e j | i <- [1..n], j <- [i+1..n]] ++ [[] <-> e i <-> e j | i <- [1..n], j <- [i+1..n]] rootSystem D n | n >= 4 = [e i <+> e j | i <- [1..n], j <- [i+1..n]] ++ [e i <-> e j | i <- [1..n], j <- [i+1..n]] ++ [[] <-> e i <+> e j | i <- [1..n], j <- [i+1..n]] ++ [[] <-> e i <-> e j | i <- [1..n], j <- [i+1..n]] where e = basisElt n rootSystem G 2 = shortRoots ++ longRoots where e = basisElt 3 shortRoots = [e i <-> e j | i <- [1..3], j <- [1..3], i /= j] longRoots = concatMap (\r-> [r,[] <-> r]) [2 *> e i <-> e j <-> e k | i <- [1..3], [j,k] <- [[1..3] L.\\ [i]] ] -- The order of the Weyl group -- orderWeyl t n == S.order (weylPerms t n) orderWeyl A n = factorial (n+1) orderWeyl B n = 2^n * factorial n orderWeyl C n = 2^n * factorial n orderWeyl D n = 2^(n-1) * factorial n orderWeyl E 6 = 2^7 * 3^4 * 5 orderWeyl E 7 = 2^10 * 3^4 * 5 * 7 orderWeyl E 8 = 2^14 * 3^5 * 5^2 * 7 orderWeyl F 4 = 2^7 * 3^2 orderWeyl G 2 = 12 factorial n = product [1..toInteger n] {- -- now moved to TRootSystem test1 = all (\(t,n) -> orderWeyl t n == L.genericLength (eltsCoxeter t n)) [(A,3),(A,4),(A,5),(B,3),(B,4),(B,5),(C,3),(C,4),(C,5),(D,4),(D,5),(F,4),(G,2)] test2 = all (\(t,n) -> orderWeyl t n == SS.order (weylPerms t n)) [(A,3),(A,4),(A,5),(B,3),(B,4),(B,5),(C,3),(C,4),(C,5),(D,4),(D,5),(E,6),(F,4),(G,2)] -} --}