My coursework for the [Nand2Tetris Course](, including a 2048 clone written in the Jack language and Haskell implementation of the Hack assembler, Jack Compiler and VM Translator Of these files my work is licensed under GPLv3+. File descriptions: - `asms`: The Hack assembly programs in [Project 4]( - `chips`: The hdl files implementing the Hack Computer in Project [1](, [2](, [3](, and [5]( - `jackos`: The jack files implementing the Jack OS in [Project 12]( - `K`: A 2048 clone written in the Jack language, to complete [Project 9]( - `Assembler.hs`: A Haskell implementation of the Hack Assembler, to complete [Project 6]( - `JackCompiler.hs`: A Haskell implementation of the JackCompiler, for Project [10]( and [11]( - `VMTranslator.hs`: A Haskell implementation of the VMTranslator for Project [7]( and [8](