-- Jack Compiler, as the coursework of Project 11 of Nand2Tetris course. -- Author: Yuchen Pei (me@ypei.me) -- Date: 2018-01-12 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} import Text.Parsec.Prim import Text.Parsec.Char import Text.Parsec.Combinator import Data.Functor.Identity import Data.Either import Data.Maybe import Data.List import System.Environment import System.Directory import Control.Monad import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map data JClass = JClass JIdentifier [JClassVarDec] [JSubroutineDec] deriving (Show, Eq) data JClassVarDec = JClassVarDec JClassVarScope JTypeAndId deriving (Show, Eq) data JSubroutineDec = JSubroutineDec JSubroutineHeader JSubroutineBody deriving (Show, Eq) data JSubroutineHeader = JSubroutineHeader JSubroutineType JTypeAndId [JTypeAndId] deriving (Show, Eq) data JSubroutineBody = JSubroutineBody [JTypeAndId] [JStatement] deriving (Show, Eq) data JStatement = JLetStatment JVarId JExpression | JIfStatement JExpression [JStatement] (Maybe [JStatement]) | JWhileStatment JExpression [JStatement] | JDoStatement JSubroutineCall | JReturnStatement (Maybe JExpression) deriving (Show, Eq) data JExpression = JIntConst Int | JStrConst [Char] | JKeywordConst [Char] -- can only be true, false, null or this | JExpVar JVarId | JExpCall JSubroutineCall | JExpUna JUOp JExpression -- JOp can only be - or ~ here | JExpBin JExpression [(JBOp, JExpression)] deriving (Show, Eq) data JVarId = JVarId JIdentifier (Maybe JExpression) deriving (Show, Eq) data JSubroutineCall = JSubroutineCall JIdentifier (Maybe JIdentifier) [JExpression] deriving (Show, Eq) data ClassTable = C [Char] Table Int deriving (Show, Eq) type JBOp = Char type JUOp = Char type JIdentifier = [Char] type JTypeAndId = (JType, JIdentifier) type JClassVarScope = [Char] type JType = [Char] type JSubroutineType = [Char] type JackParser = Parsec [Char] () type Table = Map [Char] ([Char], [Char], Int) binaryOpChars = "+-*/&|<>=" unaryOpChars = "-~" keywordConstStrs = ["true", "false", "null", "this"] primTypeStrs = ["int", "char", "boolean"] primTypeStrs' = primTypeStrs ++ ["void"] classVarScopeStrs = ["static", "field"] subroutineTypeStrs = ["constructor", "function", "method"] alphaUnderscore = ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['_'] alphaNumUnderscore = alphaUnderscore ++ ['0'..'9'] parse' parser = parse parser "" --jack xs = parse' (many jSpace >> jClass) (replCrWithNl xs) jack = parse' (many jSpace >> jClass) jClass :: JackParser JClass jClass = do string "class" >> many1 jSpace id <- jIdentifier many jSpace >> char '{' classVarDecs <- many $ try (many jSpace >> jClassVarDecs) subroutineDecs <- many $ try (many jSpace >> jSubroutineDec) many jSpace >> char '}' return $ JClass id (mconcat classVarDecs) subroutineDecs jClassType :: JackParser [Char] jClassType = do x <- oneOf ['A' .. 'Z'] xs <- many $ oneOf alphaNumUnderscore return $ x:xs jBOp :: JackParser JBOp jBOp = oneOf binaryOpChars jUOp :: JackParser JUOp jUOp = oneOf unaryOpChars jComment :: JackParser () jComment = jInlineComment <|> jBlockComment jInlineComment :: JackParser () jInlineComment = return () <* try (string "//" >> manyTill (noneOf "\n\r") endOfLine) --try (string "//" >> manyTill (noneOf "\n") newline) jSpace :: JackParser () jSpace = (return () <* space) <|> jComment jBlockComment :: JackParser () jBlockComment = return () <* try (string "/*" >> manyTill anyChar (try $ string "*/")) jPrimType :: JackParser JType jPrimType = choice $ string <$> primTypeStrs jType :: JackParser JType jType = choice [jPrimType, jClassType] jPrimType' :: JackParser JType jPrimType' = choice $ string <$> primTypeStrs' jType' :: JackParser JType jType' = choice [jPrimType', jClassType] jClassVarScope :: JackParser JClassVarScope jClassVarScope = choice $ string <$> classVarScopeStrs jSubroutineType :: JackParser JSubroutineType jSubroutineType = choice $ string <$> subroutineTypeStrs jIdentifier :: JackParser [Char] jIdentifier = do x <- oneOf alphaUnderscore xs <- many $ oneOf alphaNumUnderscore return $ x:xs jClassVarDecs :: JackParser [JClassVarDec] jClassVarDecs = do scope <- jClassVarScope many1 jSpace typeAndIds <- jTypeAndIds many jSpace >> char ';' return $ JClassVarDec scope <$> typeAndIds jVarDecs :: JackParser [JTypeAndId] jVarDecs = (string "var" >> many1 jSpace) >> jTypeAndIds <* (many jSpace >> char ';') jTypeAndId :: JackParser JType -> JackParser JTypeAndId jTypeAndId p = do type_ <- p many1 jSpace id <- jIdentifier return (type_, id) jTypeAndIds :: JackParser [JTypeAndId] jTypeAndIds = do type_ <- jType many1 jSpace ids <- sepBy jIdentifier (try $ many jSpace >> char ',' >> many jSpace) return $ (\x -> (type_, x)) <$> ids jParameters :: JackParser [JTypeAndId] jParameters = do char '(' >> many jSpace params <- sepBy (jTypeAndId jType) (try $ many jSpace >> char ',' >> many jSpace) many jSpace >> char ')' return params jSubroutineHeader :: JackParser JSubroutineHeader jSubroutineHeader = do subtype <- jSubroutineType many1 jSpace typeAndId <- jTypeAndId jType' params <- jParameters return $ JSubroutineHeader subtype typeAndId params jExpression :: JackParser JExpression jExpression = jExpBin <|> jTerm jTerm :: JackParser JExpression jTerm = choice [jIntConst, jStrConst, jKeywordConst, jExpCall, jExpVar, jExpUna, jExpInBraces] jIntConst :: JackParser JExpression jIntConst = JIntConst <$> (read <$> many1 digit) jStrConst :: JackParser JExpression jStrConst = JStrConst <$> between (char '"') (char '"') (many $ noneOf "\"") jKeywordConst :: JackParser JExpression jKeywordConst = JKeywordConst <$> (choice $ try <$> string <$> keywordConstStrs) jExpVar :: JackParser JExpression jExpVar = JExpVar <$> jVarId jVarId :: JackParser JVarId jVarId = do id <- jIdentifier maybeArray <- optionMaybe $ try (char '[' >> jExpression <* char ']') return $ JVarId id maybeArray jExpCall :: JackParser JExpression jExpCall = JExpCall <$> jSubroutineCall jExpUna :: JackParser JExpression jExpUna = do op <- oneOf unaryOpChars many jSpace x <- jTerm return $ JExpUna op x jExpInBraces :: JackParser JExpression jExpInBraces = between (char '(') (char ')') jExpression -- expressions like a + () is not allowed jExpBin :: JackParser JExpression jExpBin = try $ do x <- jTerm xs <- many1 jOpAndTerm return $ JExpBin x xs jOpAndTerm :: JackParser (JBOp, JExpression) jOpAndTerm = do op <- many jSpace >> jBOp x <- many jSpace >> jTerm return (op, x) jSubroutineDec :: JackParser JSubroutineDec jSubroutineDec = do header <- jSubroutineHeader many jSpace body <- jSubroutineBody return $ JSubroutineDec header body jSubroutineBody :: JackParser JSubroutineBody jSubroutineBody = do char '{' varDecs <- many $ try (many jSpace >> jVarDecs) stmts <- many $ try (many jSpace >> jStatement) many jSpace >> char '}' return $ JSubroutineBody (mconcat varDecs) stmts jStatement :: JackParser JStatement jStatement = choice [jLetStatement, jIfStatement, jWhileStatement, jDoStatement, jReturnStatement] jLetStatement :: JackParser JStatement jLetStatement = do string "let" >> many1 jSpace leftVarId <- jVarId many jSpace >> char '=' >> many jSpace exp <- jExpression many jSpace >> char ';' return $ JLetStatment leftVarId exp jIfStatement = do string "if" >> many jSpace >> char '(' >> many jSpace exp <- jExpression many jSpace >> char ')' >> many jSpace >> char '{' >> many jSpace stmts <- many (try $ many jSpace >> jStatement) many jSpace >> char '}' stmts' <- optionMaybe $ try jElseBlock return $ JIfStatement exp stmts stmts' jElseBlock :: JackParser [JStatement] jElseBlock = do many jSpace >> string "else" >> many jSpace >> char '{' >> many jSpace stmts <- many (try $ many jSpace >> jStatement) many jSpace >> char '}' return stmts jWhileStatement :: JackParser JStatement jWhileStatement = do string "while" >> many jSpace >> char '(' >> many jSpace exp <- jExpression many jSpace >> char ')' >> many jSpace >> char '{' stmts <- many (try $ many jSpace >> jStatement) many jSpace >> char '}' return $ JWhileStatment exp stmts jDoStatement :: JackParser JStatement jDoStatement = do jCall <- string "do" >> many jSpace >> jSubroutineCall many jSpace >> char ';' return $ JDoStatement jCall jReturnStatement :: JackParser JStatement jReturnStatement = do string "return" >> many jSpace res <- optionMaybe $ try jExpression many jSpace >> char ';' return $ JReturnStatement res jSubroutineCall :: JackParser JSubroutineCall jSubroutineCall = try $ do callee <- jIdentifier method <- optionMaybe $ try (char '.' >> jIdentifier) args <- emptyArgs <|> someArgs return $ JSubroutineCall callee method args emptyArgs :: JackParser [JExpression] emptyArgs = return [] <* (try $ char '(' >> many jSpace >> char ')') someArgs :: JackParser [JExpression] someArgs = do char '(' >> many jSpace exps <- sepBy jExpression (many jSpace >> char ',' >> many jSpace) many jSpace >> char ')' return exps -- vm writer starts from here buildCTable :: [Char] -> [JClassVarDec] -> ClassTable buildCTable name xs = go 0 0 Map.empty xs where go n _ t [] = C name t n go nField nStatic t ((JClassVarDec "field" (ty, jId)):ys) = go (nField + 1) nStatic (Map.insert jId (ty, "this", nField) t) ys go nField nStatic t ((JClassVarDec "static" (ty, jId)):ys) = go nField (nStatic + 1) (Map.insert jId (ty, "static", nStatic) t) ys --data JClass = JClass JIdentifier [JClassVarDec] [JSubroutineDec] deriving (Show, Eq) buildSRTable :: [JClass] -> Table buildSRTable xs = Map.fromList $ mconcat $ go <$> xs where go (JClass cName _ subs) = go' <$> subs where go' (JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader kind (ty, sName) args) _) = (cName ++ "." ++ sName, (ty, kind, length args)) buildLTable :: [JTypeAndId] -> [JTypeAndId] -> Table buildLTable args lcls = (go "argument" args 0 Map.empty) `Map.union` (go "local" lcls 0 Map.empty) where go _ [] _ t = t go kind ((ty, name):xs) n t = go kind xs (n + 1) $ Map.insert name (ty, kind, n) t --data JSubroutineDec = JSubroutineDec JSubroutineHeader JSubroutineBody deriving (Show, Eq) --data JSubroutineHeader = JSubroutineHeader JSubroutineType JTypeAndId [JTypeAndId] deriving (Show, Eq) --data JSubroutineBody = JSubroutineBody [JTypeAndId] [JStatement] deriving (Show, Eq) vSubroutine :: ClassTable -> JSubroutineDec -> [Char] vSubroutine cTable sub = vFunction (cName ++ "." ++ sName) nLcls ++ (if sType == "constructor" vNew n else "") ++ mconcat $ vStmts where C cName t n = cTable JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader _ (_, sName) args) (JSubroutineBody lcls stmts) = sub nLcls = length lcls s = buildLTable args lcls vStmts = vStatement t s sName 0 stmts -- data JStatement = JLetStatment JVarId JExpression -- | JIfStatement JExpression [JStatement] (Maybe [JStatement]) -- | JWhileStatment JExpression [JStatement] -- | JDoStatement JSubroutineCall -- | JReturnStatement (Maybe JExpression) vStatement _ _ _ _ [] = "" vStatement t s name n ((JLetStatment var exp):stmts) = -- vExpression: push the result of exp; vPopToVar: pop to the var addr vExpression t s name exp ++ vPopToVar t s var ++ vStatement t s name n stmts vStatement t s name n ((JIfStatement cond thenStmts elseStmts):stmts) = vExpression t s name cond ++ vNot ++ vThen thenStmts ++ maybe (vLabel labelElse) vElse elseStmts ++ vStatement t s name (n + 1) stmts where labelElse = name ++ ".Else" ++ show n labelEndIf = name ++ ".Endif" ++ show n vThen xs = vIfGoto labelElse ++ vStatement t s labelElse 0 xs vElse xs = vGoto labelEndIf ++ vLabel labelElse ++ vStatement t s labelIf 0 xs ++ vLabel labelEndIf vStatement t s name n ((JWhileStatment cond loopStmts):stmts) = vLabel labelWhile ++ vExpression t s name cond ++ vNot ++ vIfGoto labelEndWhile ++ vStatement t s labelWhile 0 loopStmts ++ vGoto labelWhile ++ vLabel labelEndWhile ++ vStatement t s name (n + 1) stmts where labelWhile = name ++ ".While" ++ show n labelEndWhile = name ++ ".EndWhile" ++ show n vStatement t s name n ((JDoStatement subCall):stmts) = vSubroutineCall t s name subCall ++ vPop "temp" 0 ++ vStatement t s name n stmts vStatement t s name n ((JReturnStatement ret):stmts) = maybe (vPush "constant" 0) (vExpression t s name) ret ++ vReturn ++ vStatement t s name n stmts -- data JExpression = JIntConst Int -- | JStrConst [Char] -- | JKeywordConst [Char] -- can only be true, false, null or this -- | JExpVar JVarId -- | JExpCall JSubroutineCall -- | JExpUna JUOp JExpression -- JOp can only be - or ~ here -- | JExpBin JExpression [(JBOp, JExpression)] vExpression t s _ (JIntConst n) = push "constant" n vExpression t s _ (JStrConst xs) = vPush "constant" (length xs) ++ vCall "String.new" 1 ++ mconcat (go <$> xs) where go x = vPush "constant" (ord x) ++ vCall "String.appendChar" 2 vExpression t s cName (JExpVar (JVarId name idx)) | idx == Nothing = vPush seg n | idx == Maybe exp = vPush seg n ++ vExpression t s cName exp ++ vAdd ++ vPop "pointer" 1 ++ vPush "that" 0 where (seg, n) = getSegN t s name vPopToVar t s cName (JVarId name idx)) | idx == Nothing = vPop seg n | idx == Maybe Exp = vPush seg n ++ vExpression t s cName exp ++ vAdd ++ vPop "pointer" 1 ++ vPop "that" 0 where (seg, n) = getSegN t s name vExpression t s cName (JExpCall subCall) = vSubroutineCall t s cName subCall vExpression t s cName (JExpUna op exp) = vExpression t s cName exp ++ vOp op where vOp '~' = vNot; vOp '-' = vNeg; vExpression t s cName (JExpBin exp xs) = vExpression t s cName exp ++ mconcat (go <$> xs) where go (op, exp) = vExpression t s cName exp ++ vOp op vOp '+' = vAdd; vOp '-' = vSub; vOp '*' = vMul; vOp '/' = vDiv; vOp '&' = vAnd; vOp '|' = vOr; vOp '<' = vLt; vOp '>' = vGt; vOp '=' = vEq; getSegN :: Table -> Table -> [Char] -> ([Char], Int) getSegN t s name = case Map.lookup name s of Just (_, seg, n) -> (seg, n) Nothing -> let (_, seg, n) = t Map.! name in (seg, n) -- data JSubroutineCall = JSubroutineCall JIdentifier (Maybe JIdentifier) [JExpression] deriving (Show, Eq) vSubroutineCall t s cName (JSubroutineCall name name' args) = mconcat (vExpression t s cName <$> args) ++ vCall name'' nArgs vNew n = vPush "constant" n ++ vCall "Memory.alloc" 1 ++ vPop "pointer" 0 vAdd = "add\n" vNot = "not\n" vNeg = "neg\n" vSub = "sub\n" vMul = "call Math.multiply 2\n" vDiv = "call Math.division 2\n" vAnd = "and\n" vOr = "or\n" vLt = "lt\n" vGt = "gt\n" vEq = "eq\n" vReturn = "return\n" vLabel xs = "label " ++ xs ++ "\n" vGoto xs = "goto " ++ xs ++ "\n" vIfGoto xs = "if-goto " ++ xs ++ "\n" vFunction xs n = "function " ++ xs ++ " " ++ show n ++ "\n" vCall xs n = "call " ++ xs ++ " " ++ show n ++ "\n" vPush xs n = "push " ++ xs ++ " " ++ show n ++ "\n" vPop xs n = "pop " ++ xs ++ " " ++ show n ++ "\n" --vClass :: JClass -> [Char] --vClass (JClass cName cVars subs) = --vSubroutine (table cName cVars) <$> subs fst3 (x, y, z) = x snd3 (x, y, z) = y trd3 (x, y, z) = z {-- replCrWithNl :: [Char] -> [Char] replCrWithNl = fmap cr2nl where cr2nl '\r' = '\n' cr2nl c = c --} -- IO {-- main = do dir <- head <$> getArgs filesWODir <- filter isJackFile <$> listDirectory dir let jackFiles = (dir++) <$> filesWODir codes <- sequence $ readFile <$> jackFiles zipWithM writeFile (chExt <$> jackFiles) (show . jack <$> codes) where isJackFile xs = drop (length xs - 5) xs == ".jack" chExt xs = take (length xs - 4) xs ++ "ast" --}