// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org // and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" // by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press. // File name: projects/12/ScreenTest/Main.jack /** Test program for the OS Screen class. */ class Main { /** Draws a sample pictue on the screen using lines and circles. */ function void main() { do Screen.drawLine(0,220,511,220); // base line do Screen.drawRectangle(280,90,410,220); // house do Screen.setColor(false); do Screen.drawRectangle(350,120,390,219); // door do Screen.drawRectangle(292,120,332,150); // window do Screen.setColor(true); do Screen.drawCircle(360,170,3); // door handle do Screen.drawLine(280,90,345,35); // roof do Screen.drawLine(345,35,410,90); // roof do Screen.drawCircle(140,60,30); // sun do Screen.drawLine(140,26, 140, 6); do Screen.drawLine(163,35,178,20); do Screen.drawLine(174,60,194,60); do Screen.drawLine(163,85,178,100); do Screen.drawLine(140,94,140,114); do Screen.drawLine(117,85,102,100); do Screen.drawLine(106,60,86,60); do Screen.drawLine(117,35,102,20); return; } }