// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org // and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" // by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press. // File name: projects/12/Sys.jack /** * A library that supports various program execution services. */ class Sys { /** Performs all the initializations required by the OS. */ function void init() { do Keyboard.init(); do Math.init(); do Memory.init(); do Output.init(); do Screen.init(); do Main.main(); do Sys.halt(); return; } /** Halts the program execution. */ function void halt() { while (true){ } return; } /** Waits approximately duration milliseconds and returns. */ function void wait(int duration) { var int i, j; let i = 0; while (i < duration){ let i = i + 1; let j = 0; while (j < 318){ let j = j + 1; } } return; } /** Displays the given error code in the form "ERR<errorCode>", * and halts the program's execution. */ function void error(int errorCode) { do Output.printString("ERR"); do Output.printInt(errorCode); return; } }