;;; rt-liberation.el --- Emacs interface to RT -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2008-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Yoni Rabkin ;; Authors: Aaron S. Hawley , John Sullivan ;; Maintainer: Yoni Rabkin ;; Version: 1.31 ;; Keywords: rt, tickets ;; Package-Type: multi ;; url: http://www.nongnu.org/rtliber/ ;; This file is a part of rt-liberation. ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public ;; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, ;; MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Installation and Use: ;; ;; Detailed instructions for installation and use can be found in the ;; rt-liberation manual, in the doc/ directory of the distribution. ;;; History: ;; ;; Started near the end of 2008. ;;; Code: (require 'browse-url) (require 'time-date) (require 'cl-lib) (require 'rt-liberation-rest) (declare-function rt-liber-get-ancillary-text "rt-liberation-storage.el") (declare-function rt-liber-ticket-marked-p "rt-liberation-multi.el") (declare-function rt-liber-set-ancillary-text "rt-liberation-storage.el") (defgroup rt-liber nil "*rt-liberation, the Emacs interface to RT" :prefix "rt-liber-" :group 'rt-liber) (defcustom rt-liber-directory "~/.emacs.d/rt-liber" "*Directory to store persistent information." :type 'string :group 'rt-liber) (defvar rt-liber-viewer-section-header-regexp "^# [0-9]+/[0-9]+ (id/[0-9]+/total)") (defvar rt-liber-viewer-section-field-regexp "^\\(.+\\): \\(.+\\)$") (defconst rt-liber-viewer-font-lock-keywords (let ((header-regexp (regexp-opt '("id: " "Ticket: " "TimeTaken: " "Type: " "Field: " "OldValue: " "NewValue: " "Data: " "Description: " "Created: " "Creator: " "Attachments: ") t))) (list (list (concat "^" header-regexp ".*$") 0 'font-lock-comment-face))) "Expressions to font-lock for RT ticket viewer.") (defvar rt-liber-created-string "Created" "String representation of \"created\" query tag.") (defvar rt-liber-resolved-string "Resolved" "String representation of \"resolved\" query tag.") (defvar rt-liber-base-url "" "Base url for ticket display.") (defvar rt-liber-lastupdated-string "LastUpdated" "String representation of \"lastupdated\" query tag.") (defvar rt-liber-resolved-string "Resolved" "String representation of \"resolved\" query tag.") (defvar rt-liber-content-string "Content LIKE" "String representation of \"content\" query tag.") (defvar rt-liber-subject-string "Subject LIKE" "String representation of \"subject\" query tag.") (defvar rt-liber-email-address-string "Requestor.EmailAddress LIKE" "String representation of \"Requestor.EmailAddress\" query tag.") (defvar rt-liber-content-not-string "Content NOT LIKE" "String representation of \"content\" query tag.") (defvar rt-liber-subject-not-string "Subject NOT LIKE" "String representation of \"subject\" query tag.") (defvar rt-liber-email-address-not-string "Requestor.EmailAddress NOT LIKE" "String representation of \"Requestor.EmailAddress\" query tag.") (defvar rt-liber-content-regexp "^Content:.*$" "Regular expression for section headers.") (defvar rt-liber-correspondence-regexp "^Type: \\(EmailRecord\\|CommentEmailRecord\\|Correspond\\)" "Regular expression for correspondence sections.") (defvar rt-liber-username nil "Username for assigning ownership on the RT server.") (defvar rt-liber-browser-buffer-name "*ticket-browser*" "Name of ticket browser buffer.") (defvar rt-liber-browser-buffer nil "Ticket browser buffer.") (defvar rt-liber-browser-default-sorting-function 'rt-liber-sort-by-time-created "Default sorting function.") (defvar rt-liber-browser-default-filter-function 'rt-liber-default-filter-f "Default filtering function. This is a function which accepts the ticket alist as a single argument and returns nil if the ticket needs to be filtered out, dropped or ignored (however you wish to put it.), otherwise the function returns a truth value.") (defvar rt-liber-custom-ticket-redraw-function 'rt-liber-ticketlist-browser-redraw-f "Default ticket redraw function.") (defvar rt-liber-ticket-old-threshold 30 "Age in days before a ticket is considered old.") (defvar rt-liber-jump-to-latest nil "jump to the latest correspondence when viewing a ticket.") (defvar rt-liber-anc-p nil "Display ancillary data for tickets.") (defvar rt-liber-ticket-list nil "Ticket-list structure (becomes ticket-browser buffer local).") (defvar rt-liber-query nil "Query structure (becomes ticket-browser buffer local).") (defvar rt-liber-browser-time-format-string "%b %d %Y %H:%M" "String passed to `format-time-string' in the ticket browser.") (defvar rt-liber-browser-priority-cutoff 0 "Tickets with a priority higher than this are high priority.") (defface rt-liber-ticket-face '((((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "DarkSeaGreen")) (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "Blue")) (((type tty) (class mono)) (:inverse-video t)) (t (:background "Blue"))) "Face for tickets in browser buffer.") (defface rt-liber-priority-ticket-face '((((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "Orange")) (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "Orange")) (((type tty) (class mono)) (:inverse-video t)) (t (:background "Black"))) "Face for high priority tickets in browser buffer.") (defvar rt-liber-browser-do-refresh t "When t, run `rt-liber-browser-refresh' otherwise disable it.") (defvar rt-liber-command-dictionary '((comment . "comment") (edit . "edit")) "Mapping between command symbols and command strings. The command symbols provide the programmer with a consistent way of referring to certain commands. The command strings are the specific strings which would produce the desired effect in the server.") (defvar rt-liber-field-dictionary '((owner . "Owner") (queue . "Queue") (status . "Status") (priority . "Priority")) "Mapping between field symbols and RT field strings. The field symbols provide the programmer with a consistent way of referring to RT fields.") (defvar rt-liber-status-dictionary '((deleted . "deleted") (resolved . "resolved") (open . "open") (new . "new")) "Mapping between status symbols and status strings. The status symbols provide the programmer with a consistent way of referring to certain statuses. The status strings are the server specific strings.") (defvar rt-liber-debug-log-enable nil "If t then enable logging of communication to a buffer. Careful! This might create a sizable buffer.") (defvar rt-liber-debug-log-buffer-name "*rt-liber debug log*" "Name of debug log buffer.") (defvar rt-liber-ticket-local nil "Buffer local storage for a ticket. This variable is made buffer local for the ticket history") (defvar rt-liber-assoc-browser nil "Browser associated with a ticket history. This variable is made buffer local for the ticket history") ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Debug log ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- (defun rt-liber-debug-log-write (str) "Write STR to debug log." (when (not (stringp str)) (error "must be a string")) (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create rt-liber-debug-log-buffer-name) (goto-char (point-max)) (insert str))) ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- ;;; TicketSQL compiler ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- (defun rt-liber-bool-p (sym) "Return t if SYM is a boolean operator, otherwise nil." (member sym '(and or))) (defun rt-liber-attrib-p (sym) "Return t if SYM is a ticket attribute, otherwise nil." (member sym '(id owner status subject content queue lastupdatedby email-address))) (defun rt-liber-time-p (sym) "Return t if SYM is a temporal attribute, otherwise nil." (member sym '(created lastupdated resolved))) (defun rt-liber-negation-p (sym) (member sym '(not))) (defun rt-liber-reduce (op seq) "Reduce-OP with SEQ to a string of \"s0 op s1 op s2..\"." (if seq (cl-reduce #'(lambda (a b) (format "%s %s %s" a op b)) seq) "")) (defun rt-liber-make-interval (pred before after) "Return a formatted TicketSQL interval. PRED temporal attribute predicate. BEFORE date before predicate. AFTER date after predicate." (when (string= before "") (setq before nil)) (when (string= after "") (setq after nil)) (concat (if before (format "%s < '%s'" pred before) "") (if (and before after) (format " AND ") "") (if after (format "%s > '%s'" pred after) ""))) (defmacro rt-liber-compile-query (query &optional n) "Compile sexp-based QUERY into TicketSQL." (cond ((null query) `"") ((stringp query) `,query) ((rt-liber-bool-p query) `,(upcase (format "%s" query))) ;; attribute (positive) ((and (rt-liber-attrib-p query) (not n)) `,(cond ((equal query 'content) rt-liber-content-string) ((equal query 'subject) rt-liber-subject-string) ((equal query 'email-address) rt-liber-email-address-string) (t (capitalize (format "%s =" query))))) ;; attribute (negation) ((and (rt-liber-attrib-p query) n) `,(cond ((equal query 'content) rt-liber-content-not-string) ((equal query 'subject) rt-liber-subject-not-string) ((equal query 'email-address) rt-liber-email-address-not-string) (t (capitalize (format "%s !=" query))))) ;; time ((rt-liber-time-p query) `,(cond ((equal query 'created) rt-liber-created-string) ((equal query 'lastupdated) rt-liber-lastupdated-string) ((equal query 'resolved) rt-liber-resolved-string))) ((and (listp query) (rt-liber-time-p (car query))) `(rt-liber-make-interval (rt-liber-compile-query ,(car query)) (rt-liber-compile-query ,(cadr query)) (rt-liber-compile-query ,(caddr query)))) ;; function (known at compile time?) ((and query (listp query) (not (rt-liber-bool-p (car query))) (not (rt-liber-negation-p (car query))) (functionp (car query))) `(format "%s" ,query)) ;; negation attribute pairs ((and (listp query) (rt-liber-negation-p (car query)) (rt-liber-attrib-p (caadr query))) `(format "%s '%s'" (rt-liber-compile-query ,(caadr query) t) ; negate (rt-liber-compile-query ,(cadadr query)))) ;; attribute pairs ((and (listp query) (rt-liber-attrib-p (car query))) `(format "%s '%s'" (rt-liber-compile-query ,(car query)) (rt-liber-compile-query ,(cadr query)))) ;; splice boolean operators ((and (listp query) (rt-liber-bool-p (car query))) `(rt-liber-reduce (rt-liber-compile-query ,(car query)) (rt-liber-compile-query ,(cdr query)))) ;; compound statements ((and (listp query) (not (cdr query))) `(list (rt-liber-compile-query ,(car query)))) ((listp query) `(append (list (rt-liber-compile-query ,(car query))) (rt-liber-compile-query ,(cdr query)))) ;; free variable ((and query (symbolp query)) `(format "%s" ,query)) (t (error "cannot compile query %s" query)))) ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Parse Answer ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- (defun rt-liber-parse-answer (answer-string parser-f) "Operate on ANSWER-STRING with PARSER-F." (with-temp-buffer (insert answer-string) (goto-char (point-min)) (when rt-liber-debug-log-enable (rt-liber-debug-log-write (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))) (funcall parser-f))) ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Ticket list retriever ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- (put 'rt-liber-no-result-from-query-error 'error-conditions '(error rt-liber-errors rt-liber-no-result-from-query-error)) (put 'rt-liber-no-result-from-query-error 'error-message "No results from query") (defun rt-liber-ticket-base-retriever-parser-f () "Parser function for ticket list." (let (ticketbase-list ticketbase (continue t)) (while (save-excursion (re-search-forward "^id:" (point-max) t)) (while (and continue (re-search-forward "^\\(\\([.{} #[:alpha:]]+\\): \\(.*\\)\\)$\\|^--$" (point-max) t)) (if (string= (match-string-no-properties 0) "--") (setq continue nil) (push (cons (match-string-no-properties 2) (match-string-no-properties 3)) ticketbase))) (push (copy-sequence ticketbase) ticketbase-list) (setq ticketbase nil continue t)) ticketbase-list)) (defun rt-liber-rest-ticketsql-runner-parser-f () "Parser function for a textual list of tickets." (let (idsub-list) (rt-liber-rest-parse-http-header) (while (re-search-forward "ticket/\\([0-9].+\\)" (point-max) t) (push (list (match-string-no-properties 1) ".") idsub-list)) idsub-list)) (defun rt-liber-rest-run-ls-query (query) "Run an \"ls\" type query against the server with QUERY." (rt-liber-parse-answer (rt-liber-rest-query-runner "ls" query) 'rt-liber-rest-ticketsql-runner-parser-f)) (defun rt-liber-rest-run-show-base-query (idsublist) "Run \"show\" type query against the server with IDSUBLIST." (rt-liber-parse-answer (rt-liber-rest-show-query-runner idsublist) #'rt-liber-ticket-base-retriever-parser-f)) (defun rt-liber-rest-run-ticket-history-base-query (ticket-id) "Run history query against server for TICKET-ID." (rt-liber-parse-answer (rt-liber-rest-query-runner "history" ticket-id) #'(lambda () (rt-liber-rest-parse-http-header) (buffer-substring (point) (point-max))))) (defun rt-liber-rest-command-set (id field status) "Set ticket ID status to be STATUS." (rt-liber-parse-answer (rt-liber-rest-edit-runner id field status) 'rt-liber-command-runner-parser-f)) ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Ticket utilities ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- (defun rt-liber-ticket-days-old (ticket-alist) "Return the age of the ticket in positive days." (days-between (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%dT%T%z" (current-time)) (cdr (assoc "Created" ticket-alist)))) (defun rt-liber-ticket-old-p (ticket-alist) (<= rt-liber-ticket-old-threshold (rt-liber-ticket-days-old ticket-alist))) (defun rt-liber-ticket-id-only (ticket-alist) "Return numerical portion of ticket number from TICKET-ALIST." (if ticket-alist (substring (cdr (assoc "id" ticket-alist)) 7) nil)) (defun rt-liber-ticket-priority-only (ticket-alist) "Return an integer value priority or NIL." (if ticket-alist (let ((p-str (cdr (assoc "Priority" ticket-alist)))) (if p-str (string-to-number p-str) nil)) nil)) (defun rt-liber-ticket-owner-only (ticket-alist) "Return the string value of the ticket owner." (when (not ticket-alist) (error "null ticket-alist")) (cdr (assoc (rt-liber-get-field-string 'owner) ticket-alist))) (defun rt-liber-get-field-string (field-symbol) (when (not field-symbol) (error "null field symbol")) (cdr (assoc field-symbol rt-liber-field-dictionary))) ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Ticket browser ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- ;; accept a ticket-alist object and return an alist mapping ticket ;; properties to format characters for use in `rt-liber-format'. (defun rt-liber-format-function (ticket-alist) "Return a pairing of TICKET-ALIST values to %-sequences." (let* ((id (rt-liber-ticket-id-only ticket-alist)) (subject (cdr (assoc "Subject" ticket-alist))) (status (cdr (assoc "Status" ticket-alist))) (created (format-time-string rt-liber-browser-time-format-string (date-to-time (cdr (assoc "Created" ticket-alist))))) (resolved (cdr (assoc "Resolved" ticket-alist))) (requestors (cdr (assoc "Requestors" ticket-alist))) (creator (cdr (assoc "Creator" ticket-alist))) (owner (rt-liber-ticket-owner-only ticket-alist)) (queue (cdr (assoc "Queue" ticket-alist))) (anc (if rt-liber-anc-p (rt-liber-get-ancillary-text (rt-liber-ticket-id-only ticket-alist)) "")) (priority (cdr (assoc "Priority" ticket-alist)))) (list (cons ?i (or id "N/A")) (cons ?s (or subject "N/A")) (cons ?c (or created "N/A")) (cons ?S (or status "N/A")) (cons ?r (or resolved "N/A")) (cons ?R (or requestors "N/A")) (cons ?C (or creator "N/A")) (cons ?o (or owner "N/A")) (cons ?q (or queue "N/A")) (cons ?A (or anc "")) (cons ?p (or priority "N/A"))))) (defun rt-liber-browser-assoc (char alist) "Process the %-sequence association." (let ((v (cdr (assoc char alist)))) (cond ((eq char ?%) "%") ;; escape sequence for % (t (or v ""))))) (defun rt-liber-high-priority-p (ticket-alist) "Return t if TICKET-ALIST is high priority. The ticket's priority is compared to the variable `rt-liber-browser-priority-cutoff'." (let ((p (rt-liber-ticket-priority-only ticket-alist))) (if p (< rt-liber-browser-priority-cutoff p) nil))) (defun rt-liber-format (format ticket-alist) "Substitute %-sequences in FORMAT." (let ((alist (rt-liber-format-function ticket-alist))) (replace-regexp-in-string "%." (lambda (str) (rt-liber-browser-assoc (aref str 1) alist)) format t t))) (defun rt-liber-ticketlist-browser-redraw-f (ticket) "Display TICKET." (insert (rt-liber-format "[%c %i %S]" ticket)) (add-text-properties (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) '(face rt-liber-ticket-face)) (when (rt-liber-high-priority-p ticket) (let ((p (point))) (insert (format " HIGH PRIORITY (%d)" (rt-liber-ticket-priority-only ticket))) (add-text-properties p (point-at-eol) '(face rt-liber-priority-ticket-face)))) (newline) (insert (rt-liber-format " [%o] %R: %s" ticket)) (let ((p (point))) (insert (rt-liber-format " %A" ticket)) (add-text-properties p (point) '(face font-lock-comment-face))) (newline)) (defun rt-liber-ticketlist-browser-redraw (ticketlist &optional query) "Display TICKETLIST. Optionally display QUERY as well." (erase-buffer) (when query (insert (format "Query: %s" query)) (newline) (insert (format "%d tickets" (length ticketlist))) (newline)) (when ticketlist (let ((filtered-count 0)) (newline 2) (dolist (ticket (funcall rt-liber-browser-default-sorting-function ticketlist)) ;; skip filtered tickets, but count how many have been skipped (if (funcall rt-liber-browser-default-filter-function ticket) (progn ;; assumes that rt-liber-ticketlist-browser-redraw-f leaves ;; point at the end of the ticket drawn (let ((start (point))) (funcall rt-liber-custom-ticket-redraw-function ticket) (add-text-properties start (point) (list 'rt-ticket ticket)) (when (and (featurep 'rt-liberation-multi) (rt-liber-ticket-marked-p ticket)) (add-text-properties start (point) '(face rt-liber-marked-ticket-face)))) (newline)) (setq filtered-count (1+ filtered-count)))) (when (< 0 filtered-count) (insert (format "%d tickets not shown (filtered)" filtered-count)))))) (defun rt-liber-browser-refresh (&optional _ignore-auto noconfirm) (interactive) (if rt-liber-query (when (or rt-liber-browser-do-refresh noconfirm) ;; explicitly pass nil NEW to `rt-liber-browse-query' (rt-liber-browse-query rt-liber-query nil)) (error "no buffer-local query"))) (defun rt-liber-browser-refresh-and-return () (interactive) (let ((id (rt-liber-browser-ticket-id-at-point))) (rt-liber-browser-refresh) (rt-liber-browser-move-point-to-ticket id))) ;; This is just a special case of ;; `rt-liber-browser-ticket--at-point' (defun rt-liber-browser-ticket-id-at-point (&optional point) "Return the ticket id for the ticket at buffer position. If POINT is nil then called on (point)." (when (not point) (setq point (point))) (let ((value (rt-liber-ticket-id-only (get-text-property point 'rt-ticket)))) (if value value (error "no such ticket property at point")))) (defun rt-liber-ticket-taken-p (ticket-alist) "Return t if TICKET-ALIST is owned by Nobody." (when (not ticket-alist) (error "null argument")) (let ((owner (rt-liber-ticket-owner-only ticket-alist))) (if (string= owner "Nobody") nil t))) (defun rt-liber-next-ticket-in-browser () "Move point to the next ticket." (interactive) (let ((next (next-single-property-change (point) 'rt-ticket))) (when next (goto-char next)))) (defun rt-liber-previous-ticket-in-browser () "Move point to the previous ticket." (interactive) (let ((prev (previous-single-property-change (point) 'rt-ticket))) (when prev (goto-char prev)))) (defun rt-liber-display-ticket-at-point () "Display the contents of the ticket at point." (interactive) (let ((ticket-alist (get-text-property (point) 'rt-ticket))) (rt-liber-display-ticket-history ticket-alist (current-buffer)))) (defun rt-liber-browser-search (id) "Return point where ticket with ID is displayed or nil." (let ((p nil)) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (let ((point-id (rt-liber-ticket-id-only (get-text-property (point) 'rt-ticket)))) (if ;; (predicate) looks for the exceptional situation (and point-id (string= id point-id)) ;; (consequent) we're done (setq p (point)) ;; (alternative) continue looking (while (and (not p) (rt-liber-next-ticket-in-browser)) (let ((point-id (rt-liber-ticket-id-only (get-text-property (point) 'rt-ticket)))) (when (string= id point-id) (setq p (point)))))))) p)) (defun rt-liber-browser-move-point-to-ticket (id) "Move point to the beginning of ticket with ID." (let ((p (rt-liber-browser-search id))) (if p (progn (goto-char p) (recenter-top-bottom)) (error "ticket #%s not found" id)))) ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Ticket browser sorting ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- (defun rt-liber-lex-lessthan-p (a b field) "Return t if A is lexicographically less than B in FIELD." (let ((field-a (cdr (assoc field a))) (field-b (cdr (assoc field b)))) (if (and field-a field-b) (string-lessp field-a field-b) (error "\"%s\" is not a valid ticket field" field)))) (defun rt-liber-time-lessthan-p (a b field) "Return t if A is chronologically less than B in FIELD." (let ((field-a (cdr (assoc field a))) (field-b (cdr (assoc field b)))) (if (and field-a field-b) (time-less-p (date-to-time field-a) (date-to-time field-b)) (error "\"%s\" is not a valid ticket field" field)))) (defun rt-liber-sort-ticket-list (ticket-list sort-f) "Return a copy of TICKET-LIST sorted by SORT-F." (let ((seq (copy-sequence ticket-list))) (sort seq sort-f))) (defun rt-liber-sort-by-owner (ticket-list) "Sort TICKET-LIST lexicographically by owner." (rt-liber-sort-ticket-list ticket-list #'(lambda (a b) (rt-liber-lex-lessthan-p a b (rt-liber-get-field-string 'owner))))) (defun rt-liber-sort-by-time-created (ticket-list) "Sort TICKET-LIST in reverse chronological order." (reverse (rt-liber-sort-ticket-list ticket-list #'(lambda (a b) (rt-liber-time-lessthan-p a b "Created"))))) ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Ticket browser filtering ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- ;; See the fine manual for example code. (defun rt-liber-default-filter-f (_ticket) "The default filtering function for the ticket browser This function is really a placeholder for user custom functions, and as such always return t." t) ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Entry points ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- (defun rt-liber-browse-query (query &optional new) "Run QUERY against the server and launch the browser. NEW if non-nil create additional browser buffer. If NEW is a string then that will be the name of the new buffer." (interactive "Mquery: ") (condition-case nil (rt-liber-browser-startup (rt-liber-rest-run-show-base-query (rt-liber-rest-run-ls-query query)) query new) (rt-liber-no-result-from-query-error (rt-liber-browser-with-message "no results from query" query new)))) (defun rt-liber-print-query (query &optional ticket-redraw-f) "Run QUERY against the server and return a string. The optional function TICKET-REDRAW-F will be bound to `rt-liber-custom-ticket-redraw-function' for the duration of the query output. Note that unlike the browser output, the string returned as no associated text properties." (let ((rt-liber-custom-ticket-redraw-function (or ticket-redraw-f rt-liber-custom-ticket-redraw-function)) (out "")) (condition-case nil (with-temp-buffer (rt-liber-ticketlist-browser-redraw (rt-liber-rest-run-show-base-query (rt-liber-rest-run-ls-query query)) query) (setq out (buffer-substring-no-properties 1 (- (point-max) 1)))) (rt-liber-no-result-from-query-error (rt-liber-browser-with-message "no results from query" query))) out)) ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Major mode definitions ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- (defun rt-liber-browser-mode-quit () "Bury the ticket browser." (interactive) (bury-buffer)) (defconst rt-liber-browser-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map (kbd "q") 'rt-liber-browser-mode-quit) (define-key map (kbd "n") 'rt-liber-next-ticket-in-browser) (define-key map (kbd "p") 'rt-liber-previous-ticket-in-browser) (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'rt-liber-display-ticket-at-point) (define-key map (kbd "g") 'revert-buffer) (define-key map (kbd "G") 'rt-liber-browser-refresh-and-return) (define-key map (kbd "a") 'rt-liber-browser-assign) (define-key map (kbd "r") 'rt-liber-browser-resolve) (define-key map (kbd "o") 'rt-liber-browser-open) (define-key map (kbd "N") 'rt-liber-browser-new) (define-key map (kbd "t") 'rt-liber-browser-take-ticket-at-point) (define-key map (kbd "A") 'rt-liber-browser-ancillary-text) (define-key map (kbd "SPC") 'scroll-up) (define-key map (kbd "DEL") 'scroll-down) (define-key map (kbd "M") 'rt-liber-mark-ticket-at-point) (define-key map (kbd "P") 'rt-liber-browser-prioritize) map) "Key map for ticket browser.") (define-derived-mode rt-liber-browser-mode nil "RT Liberation Browser" "Major Mode for browsing RT tickets. \\{rt-liber-browser-mode-map}" (set (make-local-variable 'revert-buffer-function) #'rt-liber-browser-refresh) (set (make-local-variable 'buffer-stale-function) (lambda (&optional _noconfirm) 'slow)) (run-hooks 'rt-liber-browser-hook)) (defun rt-liber-setup-browser-name (new) (setq rt-liber-browser-buffer (get-buffer-create (if new (generate-new-buffer-name (if (stringp new) new rt-liber-browser-buffer-name)) (if (and (boundp 'rt-liber-query) rt-liber-query) (buffer-name) rt-liber-browser-buffer-name))))) (defun rt-liber-browser-with-message (message &optional query new) "Start the RT ticket browser and display MESSAGE." (interactive) (rt-liber-setup-browser-name new) ;; setup stage (invisible to user) (with-current-buffer rt-liber-browser-buffer (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (rt-liber-browser-mode) (goto-char (point-min)) (rt-liber-ticketlist-browser-redraw nil query) (newline 2) (insert message) (set (make-local-variable 'rt-liber-query) query))) ;; display stage (user can see updates) (switch-to-buffer rt-liber-browser-buffer) (setq buffer-read-only t)) (defun rt-liber-browser-startup (ticket-list &optional query new) "Start the RT ticket browser." (interactive) (rt-liber-setup-browser-name new) ;; setup stage (invisible to user) (with-current-buffer rt-liber-browser-buffer (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (rt-liber-ticketlist-browser-redraw ticket-list query) (goto-char (point-min)) (rt-liber-next-ticket-in-browser) (rt-liber-browser-mode) ;; store the ticket-list and the query which produced the buffer ;; as buffer local variables (set (make-local-variable 'rt-liber-ticket-list) ticket-list) (set (make-local-variable 'rt-liber-query) query))) ;; display stage (user can see updates) (switch-to-buffer rt-liber-browser-buffer) (setq buffer-read-only t)) (defun rt-liber-browser-ancillary-text () "Wrapper function around storage backend." (interactive) (when (not (featurep 'rt-liberation-storage)) (error "rt-liberation-storage isn't loaded")) (let ((initial-contents "")) (rt-liber-set-ancillary-text (read-from-minibuffer "Text: " initial-contents)))) ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Command module ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- (defun rt-liber-command-get-dictionary-value (sym dic) "Utility function for retrieving alist values." (let ((value (cdr (assoc sym dic)))) (if value value (error "%s not a key in dictionary %s" sym dic)))) (defun rt-liber-command-get-command-string (command-symbol) "Return value associated with key COMMAND-SYMBOL." (rt-liber-command-get-dictionary-value command-symbol rt-liber-command-dictionary)) (defun rt-liber-command-get-status-string (status-symbol) "Return value associated with key STATUS-SYMBOL." (rt-liber-command-get-dictionary-value status-symbol rt-liber-status-dictionary)) (defun rt-liber-command-runner-parser-f () "Display command return status from the server to the user." (message (buffer-string))) (defun rt-liber-command-set-status-deleted (id) "Set the status of ticket ID to `deleted'." (rt-liber-rest-command-set id (rt-liber-get-field-string 'status) (rt-liber-command-get-status-string 'deleted))) (defun rt-liber-command-set-status-new (id) "Set the status of ticket ID to `new'." (rt-liber-rest-command-set id (rt-liber-get-field-string 'status) (rt-liber-command-get-status-string 'new))) (defun rt-liber-command-set-status-resolved (id) "Set the status of ticket ID to `resolved'." (rt-liber-rest-command-set id (rt-liber-get-field-string 'status) (rt-liber-command-get-status-string 'resolved))) (defun rt-liber-command-set-status-open (id) "Set the status of ticket ID to `open'." (rt-liber-rest-command-set id (rt-liber-get-field-string 'status) (rt-liber-command-get-status-string 'open))) (defun rt-liber-command-set-owner (id new-owner) "Set the owner of ticket in TICKET-ALIST to NEW-OWNER." (rt-liber-rest-command-set id (rt-liber-get-field-string 'owner) new-owner)) (defun rt-liber-browser-prioritize (n) "Assigng current ticket priority N." (interactive "nPriority (number): ") (rt-liber-rest-command-set (rt-liber-browser-ticket-id-at-point) (rt-liber-get-field-string 'priority) ;; Work around the strangeness of RT. RT doesn't accept "0" as ;; string to set priority to 0, but does accept "00". (if (< 0 n) (format "%s" n) "00")) (rt-liber-browser-refresh-and-return)) (defun rt-liber-browser-assign (name) "Assign current ticket to a user NAME." (interactive "sAssign to: ") (let ((taken-p (rt-liber-ticket-taken-p (get-text-property (point) 'rt-ticket)))) (when (or (not taken-p) (and taken-p (y-or-n-p "Ticket already assigned! Are you sure?"))) (rt-liber-command-set-owner (rt-liber-browser-ticket-id-at-point) name) (rt-liber-browser-refresh-and-return)))) (defun rt-liber-browser-resolve () "Resolve the current ticket." (interactive) (rt-liber-command-set-status-resolved (rt-liber-browser-ticket-id-at-point)) (rt-liber-browser-refresh-and-return)) (defun rt-liber-browser-open () "Open the current ticket." (interactive) (rt-liber-command-set-status-open (rt-liber-browser-ticket-id-at-point)) (rt-liber-browser-refresh-and-return)) (defun rt-liber-browser-new () "Change the current ticket's status to `new'." (interactive) (rt-liber-command-set-status-new (rt-liber-browser-ticket-id-at-point)) (rt-liber-browser-refresh-and-return)) (defun rt-liber-browser-take-ticket-at-point () "Assign the ticket under point to `rt-liber-username'." (interactive) (when (not rt-liber-username) (error "`rt-liber-username' is nil")) (rt-liber-browser-assign rt-liber-username)) ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Viewer ;;; -------------------------------------------------------- (defun rt-liber-display-ticket-history (ticket-alist &optional assoc-browser) "Display history for ticket. TICKET-ALIST alist of ticket data. ASSOC-BROWSER if non-nil should be a ticket browser." (let* ((ticket-id (rt-liber-ticket-id-only ticket-alist)) (contents (rt-liber-rest-run-ticket-history-base-query ticket-id)) (new-ticket-buffer (get-buffer-create (concat "*RT Ticket #" ticket-id "*")))) (with-current-buffer new-ticket-buffer (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (erase-buffer) (insert contents) (goto-char (point-min)) (rt-liber-viewer-mode) (set (make-local-variable 'rt-liber-ticket-local) ticket-alist) (when assoc-browser (set (make-local-variable 'rt-liber-assoc-browser) assoc-browser)) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (setq buffer-read-only t))) (switch-to-buffer new-ticket-buffer))) ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; viewer mode functions ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------ (defun rt-liber-refresh-ticket-history (&optional _ignore-auto _noconfirm) (interactive) (if rt-liber-ticket-local (rt-liber-display-ticket-history rt-liber-ticket-local rt-liber-assoc-browser) (error "not viewing a ticket"))) (defun rt-liber-jump-to-latest-correspondence () "Move point to the newest correspondence section." (interactive) (let (latest-point) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-max)) (when (re-search-backward rt-liber-correspondence-regexp (point-min) t) (setq latest-point (point)))) (if latest-point (progn (goto-char latest-point) (rt-liber-next-section-in-viewer)) (message "no correspondence found")))) (defun rt-liber-viewer-visit-in-browser () "Visit this ticket in the RT Web interface." (interactive) (let ((id (rt-liber-ticket-id-only rt-liber-ticket-local))) (if id (browse-url (concat rt-liber-base-url "Ticket/Display.html?id=" id)) (error "no ticket currently in view")))) (defun rt-liber-viewer-mode-quit () "Bury the ticket viewer." (interactive) (bury-buffer)) (defun rt-liber-viewer-show-ticket-browser () "Return to the ticket browser buffer." (interactive) (let ((id (rt-liber-ticket-id-only rt-liber-ticket-local))) (if id (let ((target-buffer (if rt-liber-assoc-browser (buffer-name rt-liber-assoc-browser) (buffer-name rt-liber-browser-buffer-name)))) (if target-buffer (switch-to-buffer target-buffer) (error "associated ticket browser buffer no longer exists")) (rt-liber-browser-move-point-to-ticket id)) (error "no ticket currently in view")))) (defun rt-liber-next-section-in-viewer () "Move point to next section." (interactive) (forward-line 1) (when (not (re-search-forward rt-liber-content-regexp (point-max) t)) (message "no next section")) (goto-char (point-at-bol))) (defun rt-liber-previous-section-in-viewer () "Move point to previous section." (interactive) (forward-line -1) (when (not (re-search-backward rt-liber-content-regexp (point-min) t)) (message "no previous section")) (goto-char (point-at-bol))) (defconst rt-liber-viewer-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map (kbd "q") 'rt-liber-viewer-mode-quit) (define-key map (kbd "n") 'rt-liber-next-section-in-viewer) (define-key map (kbd "N") 'rt-liber-jump-to-latest-correspondence) (define-key map (kbd "p") 'rt-liber-previous-section-in-viewer) (define-key map (kbd "V") 'rt-liber-viewer-visit-in-browser) (define-key map (kbd "m") 'rt-liber-viewer-answer) (define-key map (kbd "M") 'rt-liber-viewer-answer-this) (define-key map (kbd "t") 'rt-liber-viewer-answer-provisionally) (define-key map (kbd "T") 'rt-liber-viewer-answer-provisionally-this) (define-key map (kbd "F") 'rt-liber-viewer-answer-verbatim-this) (define-key map (kbd "c") 'rt-liber-viewer-comment) (define-key map (kbd "C") 'rt-liber-viewer-comment-this) (define-key map (kbd "g") 'revert-buffer) (define-key map (kbd "SPC") 'scroll-up) (define-key map (kbd "DEL") 'scroll-down) (define-key map (kbd "h") 'rt-liber-viewer-show-ticket-browser) map) "Key map for ticket viewer.") (define-derived-mode rt-liber-viewer-mode nil "RT Liberation Viewer" "Major Mode for viewing RT tickets. \\{rt-liber-viewer-mode-map}" (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults) '((rt-liber-viewer-font-lock-keywords))) (set (make-local-variable 'revert-buffer-function) #'rt-liber-refresh-ticket-history) (set (make-local-variable 'buffer-stale-function) (lambda (&optional _noconfirm) 'slow)) (when rt-liber-jump-to-latest (rt-liber-jump-to-latest-correspondence)) (run-hooks 'rt-liber-viewer-hook)) ;; wrapper functions around specific functions provided by a backend (declare-function rt-liber-gnus-compose-reply-to-requestor "rt-liberation-gnus.el") (declare-function rt-liber-gnus-compose-reply-to-requestor-to-this "rt-liberation-gnus.el") (declare-function rt-liber-gnus-compose-reply-to-requestor-verbatim-this "rt-liberation-gnus.el") (declare-function rt-liber-gnus-compose-provisional "rt-liberation-gnus.el") (declare-function rt-liber-gnus-compose-provisional-to-this "rt-liberation-gnus.el") (declare-function rt-liber-gnus-compose-comment "rt-liberation-gnus.el") (declare-function rt-liber-gnus-compose-comment-this "rt-liberation-gnus.el") (defun rt-liber-viewer-answer () "Answer the ticket." (interactive) (cond ((featurep 'rt-liberation-gnus) (rt-liber-gnus-compose-reply-to-requestor)) (t (error "no function defined")))) (defun rt-liber-viewer-answer-this () "Answer the ticket using the current context." (interactive) (cond ((featurep 'rt-liberation-gnus) (rt-liber-gnus-compose-reply-to-requestor-to-this)) (t (error "no function defined")))) (defun rt-liber-viewer-answer-verbatim-this () "Answer the ticket using the current context verbatim." (interactive) (cond ((featurep 'rt-liberation-gnus) (rt-liber-gnus-compose-reply-to-requestor-verbatim-this)) (t (error "no function defined")))) (defun rt-liber-viewer-answer-provisionally () "Provisionally answer the ticket." (interactive) (cond ((featurep 'rt-liberation-gnus) (rt-liber-gnus-compose-provisional)) (t (error "no function defined")))) (defun rt-liber-viewer-answer-provisionally-this () "Provisionally answer the ticket using the current context." (interactive) (cond ((featurep 'rt-liberation-gnus) (rt-liber-gnus-compose-provisional-to-this)) (t (error "no function defined")))) (defun rt-liber-viewer-comment () "Comment on the ticket." (interactive) (cond ((featurep 'rt-liberation-gnus) (rt-liber-gnus-compose-comment)) (t (error "no function defined")))) (defun rt-liber-viewer-comment-this () "Comment on the ticket using the current context." (interactive) (cond ((featurep 'rt-liberation-gnus) (rt-liber-gnus-compose-comment-this)) (t (error "no function defined")))) ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; viewer2 ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------ (defface rt-liber-ticket-emph-face '((((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "gray53")) (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "gray65")) (((type tty) (class mono)) (:inverse-video t)) (t (:background "Blue"))) "Face for important text.") (defconst rt-liber-viewer2-font-lock-keywords `(("^$" 0 'rt-liber-ticket-subdued-face)) "Expressions to font-lock for RT ticket viewer.") (defun rt-liber-viewer-reduce (section-list f acc) "A Not Invented Here tail-recursive reduce function." (cond ((null (cdr section-list)) acc) (t (rt-liber-viewer-reduce (cdr section-list) f (append acc (list (funcall f (car section-list) (cadr section-list)))))))) ;; According to: ;; "https://rt-wiki.bestpractical.com/wiki/REST#Ticket_History_Entry" ;; id: ;; Ticket: ;; TimeTaken: <...> ;; Type: <...> ;; Field: <...> ;; OldValue: <...> ;; NewValue: <...> ;; Data: <...> ;; Description: <...> ;; Content: ;; ;; ... ;; ;; Creator: <...> ;; Created: <...> ;; Attachments: <...> (defun rt-liber-viewer-parse-section (start end) (goto-char start) (when (not (re-search-forward rt-liber-viewer-section-header-regexp end t)) (error "invalid section")) (forward-line 2) (let (section-field-alist (rt-field-list '(id Ticket TimeTaken Type Field OldValue NewValue Data Description Creator Created))) ;; definitely error out if any of this doesn't work (setq section-field-alist (mapcar (lambda (field-symbol) (re-search-forward (format "^%s:" (symbol-name field-symbol)) end nil) (cons field-symbol (buffer-substring (1+ (point)) (point-at-eol)))) rt-field-list)) ;; content (goto-char start) (let ((content-start (re-search-forward "^Content: " end nil)) (content-end (progn (re-search-forward "^Creator: " end nil) (point-at-bol)))) (append section-field-alist `(,(cons 'Content (buffer-substring content-start content-end))))))) ;; According to: ;; "https://rt-wiki.bestpractical.com/wiki/REST#Ticket_History" is of ;; the form: "# / (id//total)" (defun rt-liber-viewer-parse-history (ticket-history) "Parse the string TICKET-HISTORY." (when (not (stringp ticket-history)) (error "invalid ticket-history")) (with-temp-buffer (insert ticket-history) (goto-char (point-min)) ;; find history detail sections and procude a list of section ;; (start . end) pairs (let (section-point-list section-list) (while (re-search-forward rt-liber-viewer-section-header-regexp (point-max) t) (setq section-point-list (append section-point-list (list (point-at-bol))))) (when (not section-point-list) (error "no history detail sections found")) (setq section-point-list (append section-point-list (list (point-max))) section-point-list (rt-liber-viewer-reduce section-point-list #'cons nil)) ;; collect the sections (setq section-list (mapcar (lambda (section-points) (rt-liber-viewer-parse-section (car section-points) (cdr section-points))) section-point-list)) section-list))) (defun rt-liber-viewer2-format-content (content) (with-temp-buffer (insert content) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward "[[:graph:]]" (point-max) t) (forward-line -1) (flush-lines "^[[:space:]]+$" (point-min) (point))) ;; Convert the 9 leading whitespaces from RT's comment lines. (goto-char (point-min)) (insert " ") (while (re-search-forward "^ " (point-max) t) (replace-match " ")) (fill-region (point-min) (point-max)) (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))) (defun rt-liber-viewer2-display-section (section) (let ((ticket-id (alist-get 'Ticket section)) (creator (alist-get 'Creator section)) (date (alist-get 'Created section)) (type (alist-get 'Type section)) (content (alist-get 'Content section)) (oldvalue (alist-get 'OldValue section)) (newvalue (alist-get 'NewValue section)) (field (alist-get 'Field section))) (let ((start (point))) (insert (format "Ticket %s by %s on %s (-N- days ago) (%s)%s\n" ticket-id creator date type (if (and (string= type "Set") (string= field "Owner")) " (owner change)" ""))) (add-text-properties start (point) `(font-lock-face rt-liber-ticket-emph-face)) (add-text-properties start (point) `(rt-liberation-viewer-header t))) (cond ((or (string= type "CustomField") (string= type "EmailRecord") (string= type "Set") (string= type "SetWatcher")) (insert (format "\n" field oldvalue newvalue))) ((string= type "Status") (insert (format "\n%s: %s -> %s\n" field oldvalue newvalue))) ((or (string= type "Create") (string= type "Comment") (string= type "CommentEmailRecord")) (insert (format "\n%s\n" (rt-liber-viewer2-format-content content))))))) (defun rt-liber-viewer2-display-history (contents) (let ((section-list (rt-liber-viewer-parse-history contents))) (mapc (lambda (section) (rt-liber-viewer2-display-section section)) section-list))) (defun rt-liber-viewer2-display-ticket-at-point () "Display the contents of the ticket at point." (interactive) (let ((ticket-alist (get-text-property (point) 'rt-ticket))) (rt-liber-viewer2-display-ticket-history ticket-alist (current-buffer)))) (defun rt-liber-viewer2-display-ticket-history (ticket-alist &optional assoc-browser) "Display history for ticket. TICKET-ALIST alist of ticket data. ASSOC-BROWSER if non-nil should be a ticket browser." (let* ((ticket-id (rt-liber-ticket-id-only ticket-alist)) (contents (rt-liber-rest-run-ticket-history-base-query ticket-id)) (new-ticket-buffer (get-buffer-create (concat "*RT (Viewer) Ticket #" ticket-id "*")))) (with-current-buffer new-ticket-buffer (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (erase-buffer) (rt-liber-viewer2-display-history contents) (goto-char (point-min)) (rt-liber-viewer2-mode) (set (make-local-variable 'rt-liber-ticket-local) ticket-alist) (when assoc-browser (set (make-local-variable 'rt-liber-assoc-browser) assoc-browser)) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (setq buffer-read-only t))) (switch-to-buffer new-ticket-buffer))) (defun rt-liber-viewer2-refresh-ticket-history (&optional _ignore-auto _noconfirm) (interactive) (if rt-liber-ticket-local (rt-liber-viewer2-display-ticket-history rt-liber-ticket-local rt-liber-assoc-browser) (error "not viewing a ticket"))) (defun rt-liber-viewer2-next-section-in () (interactive) (forward-line) (let ((next (next-single-property-change (point) 'rt-liberation-viewer-header))) (when next (goto-char next)))) (defun rt-liber-viewer2-previous-section-in () (interactive) (forward-line -1) (let ((prev (previous-single-property-change (point-at-bol) 'rt-liberation-viewer-header))) (when prev (goto-char prev) (forward-line -1)))) (defconst rt-liber-viewer2-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map (kbd "q") 'rt-liber-viewer2-mode-quit) (define-key map (kbd "n") 'rt-liber-viewer2-next-section-in) (define-key map (kbd "N") 'rt-liber-viewer2-jump-to-latest-correspondence) (define-key map (kbd "p") 'rt-liber-viewer2-previous-section-in) (define-key map (kbd "V") 'rt-liber-viewer2-visit-in-browser) (define-key map (kbd "m") 'rt-liber-viewer2-answer) (define-key map (kbd "M") 'rt-liber-viewer2-answer-this) (define-key map (kbd "t") 'rt-liber-viewer2-answer-provisionally) (define-key map (kbd "T") 'rt-liber-viewer2-answer-provisionally-this) (define-key map (kbd "F") 'rt-liber-viewer2-answer-verbatim-this) (define-key map (kbd "c") 'rt-liber-viewer2-comment) (define-key map (kbd "C") 'rt-liber-viewer2-comment-this) (define-key map (kbd "g") 'revert-buffer) (define-key map (kbd "SPC") 'scroll-up) (define-key map (kbd "DEL") 'scroll-down) (define-key map (kbd "h") 'rt-liber-viewer-show-ticket-browser) map) "Key map for ticket viewer2.") (define-derived-mode rt-liber-viewer2-mode nil "RT Liberation Viewer" "Major Mode for viewing RT tickets. \\{rt-liber-viewer-mode-map}" (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults) '((rt-liber-viewer2-font-lock-keywords))) (set (make-local-variable 'revert-buffer-function) #'rt-liber-viewer2-refresh-ticket-history) (set (make-local-variable 'buffer-stale-function) (lambda (&optional _noconfirm) 'slow)) (run-hooks 'rt-liber-viewer-hook)) (provide 'rt-liberation) ;;; rt-liberation.el ends here.