#+title: vicmap2osm #+author: Yuchen Pei * Introduction :PROPERTIES: :UPDATED: [2023-10-21 Sat 12:05] :END: vicmap2osm is a project to import addresses from [[https://www.land.vic.gov.au/maps-and-spatial/spatial-data/vicmap-catalogue/vicmap-address][Vicmap Addresses]] dataset to openstreetmap. This project is a fork from , and changes there will be merged here whenever possible. * Contributing :PROPERTIES: :UPDATED: [2023-10-21 Sat 13:14] :END: Comments, bug reports and patches for this project can be sent to [[mailto:~ycp/vicmap2osm@lists.sr.ht][~ycp/vicmap2osm@lists.sr.ht]] ([[https://lists.sr.ht/~ycp/vicmap2osm][list info and archive]]), and discussions on any projects with the goal of importing VIC addresses are on topic there too. This project is also mirrored at . For any discussions on Aussie mapping, you may want to try [[https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-au][talk-au@openstreetmap.org]] first. * Licenses :PROPERTIES: :UPDATED: [2023-10-21 Sat 13:15] :END: The original project hosted at is licensed under the expat license, see the =LICENSE= file. Changes made by Yuchen Pei are licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3 or later, see the =COPYING.agpl3= file.