## Checklist for testing Vim Vixen ### Keybindings in JSON settings Test operations with default key maps. #### Scrolling - [ ] <kbd>k</kbd>, <kbd>j</kbd>: scroll up and down - [ ] <kbd>h</kbd>, <kbd>l</kbd>: scroll left and right - [ ] <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>U</kbd>, <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>D</kbd>: scroll up and down by half of screen - [ ] <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>B</kbd>, <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>F</kbd>: scroll up and down by a screen - [ ] <kbd>0</kbd>, <kbd>$</kbd>: scroll to leftmost and rightmost - [ ] <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>g</kbd>, <kbd>G</kbd>: scroll to top and bottom #### Console The behaviors of the console are tested in [Console section](#consoles). - [ ] <kbd>:</kbd>: open empty console - [ ] <kbd>o</kbd>, <kbd>t</kbd>, <kbd>w</kbd>: open a console with `open`, `tabopen`, `winopen` - [ ] <kbd>O</kbd>, <kbd>T</kbd>, <kbd>W</kbd>: open a console with `open`, `tabopen`, `winopen` and current URL - [ ] <kbd>b</kbd>: open a consolw with `buffer` #### Tabs - [ ] <kbd>d</kbd>: delete current tab - [ ] <kbd>u</kbd>: reopen close tab - [ ] <kbd>K</kbd>, <kbd>J</kbd>: select prev and next tab - [ ] <kbd>g0</kbd>, <kbd>g$</kbd>: select first and last tab - [ ] <kbd>r</kbd>: reload current tab - [ ] <kbd>R</kbd>: reload current tab without cache - [ ] <kbd>zd</kbd>: duplicate current tab - [ ] <kbd>zp</kbd>: toggle pin/unpin state on current tab #### Navigation - [ ] <kbd>H</kbd>, <kbd>L</kbd>: go back and forward in history - [ ] <kbd>[</kbd><kbd>[</kbd>, <kbd>]</kbd><kbd>]</kbd>: Open next/prev link in `<link>` tags. - [ ] <kbd>[</kbd><kbd>[</kbd>, <kbd>]</kbd><kbd>]</kbd>: find prev and next links and open it - [ ] <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>u</kbd>: go to parent directory - [ ] <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>U</kbd>: go to root directory #### Misc - [ ] <kbd>z</kbd><kbd>i</kbd>, <kbd>z</kbd><kbd>o</kbd>: zoom-in and zoom-out - [ ] <kbd>z</kbd><kbd>z</kbd>: set zoom level as default - [ ] <kbd>y</kbd>: yank current URL and show a message - [ ] Toggle enabled/disabled of plugin bu <kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Esc</kbd> ### Following links - [ ] <kbd>f</kbd>: start following links - [ ] <kbd>F</kbd>: start following links and open in new tab - [ ] open link with target='_blank' in new tab by <kbd>f</kbd> - [ ] open link with target='_blank' in new tab by <kbd>F</kbd> - [ ] Show hints on following on a page containing `<frame>`/`<iframe>` - [ ] Show hints only inside viewport of the frame on following on a page containing `<frame>`/`<iframe>` - [ ] Show hints only inside top window on following on a page containing `<frame>`/`<iframe>` - [ ] Select link and open it in the frame in `<iframe>`/`<frame`> on following by <kbd>f</kbd> - [ ] Select link and open it in new tab in `<iframe>`/`<frame`> on following by <kbd>F</kbd> - [ ] Select link and open it in `<area>` tags, for <kbd>f</kbd> and <kbd>F</kbd> ### Consoles #### Exec a command - [ ] `<EMPTY>`, `<SP>`: do nothing <br> - [ ] `open an apple`: search with keywords "an apple" by default search engine (google) - [ ] `open github.com`: open github.com - [ ] `open https://github.com`: open github.com - [ ] `open yahoo an apple`: search with keywords "an apple" by yahoo.com - [ ] `open yahoo`,`open yahoo<SP>`: search with empty keywords; yahoo redirects to top page - [ ] `open`,`open<SP>`: open default search engine <br> - [ ] `tabopen`: do avobe tests replaced `open` with `tabopen`, and verify the page is opened in new tab - [ ] `winopen`: do avobe tests replaced `open` with `winopen`, and verify the page is opened in new window <br> - [ ] `buffer`,`buffer<SP>`: do nothing - [ ] `buffer <title>`, `buffer <url>`: select tab which has an title matched with - [ ] `buffer 1`: select leftmost tab - [ ] `buffer 0`, `buffer <a number more than count of tabs>`: shows an error - [ ] select tabs rotationally when more than two tabs are matched ### Completions #### History and search engines - [ ] `open`: show no completions - [ ] `open<SP>`: show all engines and some history items - [ ] `open g`: complete search engines starts with `g` and matched with keywords `g` - [ ] `open foo bar`: complete history items matched with keywords `foo` and `bar` - [ ] also `tabopen` and `winopen` - shortening commands such as `o` are not test in this release - [ ] Show competions for `:open`/`:tabopen`/`:buffer` on opning just after closed #### Buffer command - [ ] `buffer`: show no completions - [ ] `buffer<SP>`: show all opened tabs in completion - [ ] `buffer x`: show tabs which has title and URL matches with `x` #### Misc - [ ] Select next item by <kbd>Tab</kbd> and previous item by <kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Tab</kbd> ### Settings #### JSON Settings ##### Validations - [ ] show error on invalid json - [ ] show error when top-level keys has keys other than `keymaps`, `search`, and `blacklist` ###### `"keymaps"` section - [ ] show error on unknown operation name in `"keymaps"` ###### `"search"` section - validations in `"search"` section are not tested in this release ##### `"blacklist"` section - [ ] `github.com/a` blocks `github.com/a`, and not blocks `github.com/aa` - [ ] `github.com/a*` blocks both `github.com/a` and `github.com/aa` - [ ] `github.com/` blocks `github.com/`, and not blocks `github.com/a` - [ ] `github.com` blocks both `github.com/` and `github.com/a` - [ ] `*.github.com` blocks `gist.github.com/`, and not `github.com` ##### Updating - [ ] changes are updated on textarea blure when no errors - [ ] changes are not updated on textarea blure when errors occurs - [ ] keymap settings are applied to open tabs without reload - [ ] search settings are applied to open tabs without reload #### Form Settings <!-- validation on form settings does not implement in 0.7 --> ##### Search Engines - [ ] able to change default - [ ] able to remove item - [ ] able to add item ##### `"blacklist"` section - [ ] able to add item - [ ] able to remove item - [ ] `github.com/a` blocks `github.com/a`, and not blocks `github.com/aa` - [ ] `github.com/a*` blocks both `github.com/a` and `github.com/aa` - [ ] `github.com/` blocks `github.com/`, and not blocks `github.com/a` - [ ] `github.com` blocks both `github.com/` and `github.com/a` - [ ] `*.github.com` blocks `gist.github.com/`, and not `github.com` ##### Updating - [ ] keymap settings are applied to open tabs without reload - [ ] search settings are applied to open tabs without reload ### Settings source - [ ] show confirmation dialog on switched from json to form - [ ] state is saved on source changed - [ ] on switching form -> json -> form, first and last form setting is equivalent to first one ### For certain sites - [ ] scroll on Hacker News - [ ] able to scroll on Gmail and Slack - [ ] Focus text box on Twitter or Slack, press <kbd>j</kbd>, then <kbd>j</kbd> is typed in the box - [ ] Focus the text box on Twitter or Slack on following mode - [ ] Tha pages is shown in https://pitchify.com/ - [ ] Open console in http://www.espncricinfo.com/ ## Find mode - [ ] open console with <kbd>/</kbd> - [ ] highlight a word on <kbd>Enter</kbd> pressed in find console - [ ] Search next/prev by <kbd>n</kbd>/<kbd>N</kbd> - [ ] Wrap search by <kbd>n</kbd>/<kbd>N</kbd> - [ ] Find with last keyword if keyword is empty ## Misc - [ ] Work after plugin reload - [ ] Work on `about:blank` - [ ] Able to map `<A-Z>` key. - [ ] Open file menu by <kbd>Alt</kbd>+<kbd>F</kbd> (Other than Mac OS)