--- title: Keymaps --- # Keymaps The following descriptions are the default keymaps. You can configure keymaps in the add-on's preferences by navigating to `about:addons` and selecting "Extensions". In the following descriptions, <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>x</kbd> means "press <kbd>x</kbd> with <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>", and <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>x</kbd> means "press <kbd>g</kbd>, then press <kbd>x</kbd>". Some commands may be preceded by a decimal number, such as <kbd>3</kbd><kbd>d</kbd> deletes three tabs. ## Scrolling - <kbd>k</kbd>: scroll up - <kbd>j</kbd>: scroll down - <kbd>h</kbd>: scroll left - <kbd>l</kbd>: scroll right - <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>u</kbd>: scroll up half a page - <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>d</kbd>: scroll down half a page - <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>b</kbd>: scroll up a page - <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>f</kbd>: scroll down a page - <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>g</kbd>: scroll to the top of a page - <kbd>G</kbd>: scroll to the bottom of a page - <kbd>0</kbd>: scroll to the leftmost part of a page - <kbd>$</kbd>: scroll to the rightmost part of a page - <kbd>m</kbd>: set a mark for the current position - <kbd>'</kbd>: jump to a marked position Lowercase marks (`[a-z]`) store the position of the current tab. Uppercase and numeric marks (`[A-Z0-9]`) store the position and the tab. ## Select and manage tabs - <kbd>d</kbd>: delete the current tab and select the tab to its right - <kbd>D</kbd>: delete the current tab and select the tab to its left - <kbd>!</kbd><kbd>d</kbd>: delete a pinned tab - <kbd>u</kbd>: reopen a closed tab - <kbd>r</kbd>: reload the current tab - <kbd>R</kbd>: reload the current tab, bypassing the cache - <kbd>K</kbd> or <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>T</kbd>: select the previous tab - <kbd>J</kbd> or <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>t</kbd>: select the next tab - <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>0</kbd>: select the first tab - <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>$</kbd>: select the last tab - <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>6</kbd>: open the previously-selected tab - <kbd>z</kbd><kbd>p</kbd>: pin the curent tab tab - <kbd>z</kbd><kbd>d</kbd>: duplicate the current tab ## Console - <kbd>:</kbd>: open the console - <kbd>o</kbd>, <kbd>t</kbd>, <kbd>w</kbd>: open a page in the current tab, a new tab, or new window - <kbd>O</kbd>, <kbd>T</kbd>, <kbd>W</kbd>: similar to <kbd>o</kbd>, <kbd>t</kbd>, <kbd>w</kbd>, but using the current URL - <kbd>b</kbd>: select tabs by URL or title - <kbd>a</kbd>: add the current page to your bookmarks See the [console commands](./console_commands.md) section for a more detailed description. ## Zoom - <kbd>z</kbd><kbd>i</kbd>: zoom in - <kbd>z</kbd><kbd>o</kbd>: zoom out - <kbd>z</kbd><kbd>z</kbd>: zoom neutral (reset) ## Navigation - <kbd>f</kbd>: follow links in the page in the current tab - <kbd>F</kbd>: follow links in the page in a new tab - <kbd>H</kbd>: go back in history - <kbd>L</kbd>: go forward in history - <kbd>[</kbd><kbd>[</kbd>, <kbd>]</kbd><kbd>]</kbd>: find a link to the previous/next page and open it - <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>u</kbd>: go to the parent directory - <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>U</kbd>: go to the root directory - <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>i</kbd>: focus the first input field Vim Vixen can be configured to follow links opened in tabs in the background instead of switching to a new tab immediately. To do this, you'll need to update the config file: change the `"background"` property of the `"follow.start"` action to `true`, e.g.: ```json { "keymaps": { "F": { "type": "follow.start", "newTab": true, "background": true } } } ``` ## Misc - <kbd>y</kbd>: copy the URL of the current tab to the clipboard - <kbd>p</kbd>: open the clipboard's URL in the current tab - <kbd>P</kbd>: open the clipboard's URL in new tab - <kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Esc</kbd>: enable or disable the add-on in the current tab - <kbd>/</kbd>: start searching for text in the page - <kbd>n</kbd>: find the next search result in the page - <kbd>N</kbd>: find the previous search result in the page - <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>f</kbd>: view the source of the current tab