title: Properties

# Properties

Vim Vixen can be configured by defining settings in a JSON document, e.g.:

   "properties": {
       "smoothscroll": true,
       "hintchars": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
       "complete": "sbh"
If a property is not set, it will be used the default.
Properties can be temporarily overridden by using the `:set` command in the

The following properties are available:

## `smoothscroll`

Enable/disable smooth scrolling.

:set smoothscroll   " enable smooth scrolling
:set nosmoothscroll " disable smooth scrolling

## `hintchars`

Set hint characters. They will be used to follow links in the page.

:set hintchars=0123456789

## `complete`

Set completion items on `open`, `tabopen`, and `winopen` commands.
The allowed value is character sequence of `s`, `b`, or `h`.
Hit <kbd>Tab</kbd> or <kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Tab</kbd> to select an item from the completion list.
Each character represents the following:

- `s`: search engines
- `b`: bookmark items
- `h`: history items.

:set complete=sbh