import * as path from 'path'; import * as assert from 'assert'; import TestServer from './lib/TestServer'; import { Builder, Lanthan } from 'lanthan'; import { WebDriver } from 'selenium-webdriver'; import Page from './lib/Page'; import SettingRepository from "./lib/SettingRepository"; import Settings from "../src/shared/settings/Settings"; describe("blacklist test", () => { const server = new TestServer().receiveContent('/*', `<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body style="width:10000px; height:10000px"></body></html>`, ); let lanthan: Lanthan; let webdriver: WebDriver; let browser: any; before(async() => { lanthan = await Builder .forBrowser('firefox') .spyAddon(path.join(__dirname, '..')) .build(); webdriver = lanthan.getWebDriver(); browser = lanthan.getWebExtBrowser(); await server.start(); const url = server.url('/a').replace('http://', ''); await new SettingRepository(browser).saveJSON(Settings.fromJSON({ keymaps: { j: { type: "scroll.vertically", count: 1 }, }, blacklist: [ url ], })); }); after(async() => { await server.stop(); if (lanthan) { await lanthan.quit(); } }); it('should disable add-on if the URL is in the blacklist', async () => { const page = await Page.navigateTo(webdriver, server.url('/a')); await page.sendKeys('j'); const scrollY = await page.getScrollY(); assert.strictEqual(scrollY, 0); }); it('should enabled add-on if the URL is not in the blacklist', async () => { const page = await Page.navigateTo(webdriver, server.url('/ab')); await page.sendKeys('j'); const scrollY = await page.getScrollY(); assert.strictEqual(scrollY, 64); }); });