const express = require('express'); const lanthan = require('lanthan'); const path = require('path'); const assert = require('assert'); const eventually = require('./eventually'); const settings = require('./settings'); const Console = require('./lib/Console'); const Key = lanthan.Key; const newApp = () => { let app = express(); app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.send(` ok `); }); return app; }; describe("completion on open/tabopen/winopen commands", () => { const port = 12321; let http; let firefox; let session; let browser; let body; before(async() => { firefox = await lanthan.firefox({ spy: path.join(__dirname, '..'), builderf: (builder) => { builder.addFile('build/settings.js'); }, }); session = firefox.session; browser = firefox.browser; http = newApp().listen(port); await{ settings, }); // Add item into hitories await session.navigateTo(``); }); after(async() => { http.close(); if (firefox) { await firefox.close(); } }); beforeEach(async() => { await session.navigateTo(`${port}`); body = await session.findElementByCSS('body'); }); it('should show completions from search engines, bookmarks, and histories by "open" command', async() => { await body.sendKeys(':'); await session.switchToFrame(0); let c = new Console(session); await c.sendKeys('open '); await eventually(async() => { let completions = await c.getCompletions(); assert(completions.find(x => x.type === 'title' && x.text === 'Search Engines')); assert(completions.find(x => x.type === 'title' && x.text === 'Bookmarks')); assert(completions.find(x => x.type === 'title' && x.text === 'History')); }); }); it('should filter items with URLs by keywords on "open" command', async() => { await body.sendKeys(':'); await session.switchToFrame(0); let c = new Console(session); await c.sendKeys('open https://'); await eventually(async() => { let completions = await c.getCompletions(); let items = completions.filter(x => x.type === 'item').map(x => x.text); assert(items.every(x => x.includes('https://'))); }); }) it('should filter items with titles by keywords on "open" command', async() => { await body.sendKeys(':'); await session.switchToFrame(0); let c = new Console(session); await c.sendKeys('open getting'); await eventually(async() => { let completions = await c.getCompletions(); let items = completions.filter(x => x.type === 'item').map(x => x.text); assert(items.every(x => x.toLowerCase().includes('getting'))); }); }) it('should filter items with titles by keywords on "tabopen" command', async() => { await body.sendKeys(':'); await session.switchToFrame(0); let c = new Console(session); await c.sendKeys('tabopen https://'); await eventually(async() => { let completions = await c.getCompletions(); let items = completions.filter(x => x.type === 'item').map(x => x.text); assert(items.every(x => x.includes('https://'))); }); }) it('should filter items with titles by keywords on "winopen" command', async() => { await body.sendKeys(':'); await session.switchToFrame(0); let c = new Console(session); await c.sendKeys('winopen https://'); await eventually(async() => { let completions = await c.getCompletions(); let items = completions.filter(x => x.type === 'item').map(x => x.text); assert(items.every(x => x.includes('https://'))); }); }) });