import { Lanthan } from "lanthan"; import { WebDriver, WebElement, By, error } from "selenium-webdriver"; export default class FormOptionPage { private webdriver: WebDriver; constructor(lanthan: Lanthan) { this.webdriver = lanthan.getWebDriver(); } async setBlacklist(nth: number, url: string): Promise<void> { const fieldset = await this.getFieldsetByLegend("Blacklist"); const rows = await fieldset.findElements(By.css("[role=listitem]")); if (rows.length <= nth) { throw new RangeError("Index out of range to set a blacklist"); } const input = rows[nth].findElement(By.css("[aria-label=URL]")); await input.sendKeys(url); await this.blurActiveElement(); } async setPartialBlacklist( nth: number, url: string, keys: string ): Promise<void> { const fieldset = await this.getFieldsetByLegend("Partial blacklist"); const rows = await fieldset.findElements(By.css("[role=listitem]")); if (rows.length <= nth) { throw new RangeError("Index out of range to set a partial blacklist"); } const urlInput = rows[nth].findElement(By.css("[aria-label=URL]")); await urlInput.sendKeys(url); await this.blurActiveElement(); const keysInput = rows[nth].findElement(By.css("[aria-label=Keys]")); await keysInput.sendKeys(keys); await this.blurActiveElement(); } async setSearchEngine(nth: number, name: string, url: string) { const fieldset = await this.getFieldsetByLegend("Search Engines"); const rows = await fieldset.findElements(By.css("[role=listitem]")); if (rows.length <= nth) { throw new RangeError("Index out of range to set a search engine"); } const nameInput = rows[nth].findElement(By.css("[aria-label=Name")); await nameInput.sendKeys(name); await this.blurActiveElement(); const urlInput = rows[nth].findElement(By.css("[aria-label=URL]")); await urlInput.sendKeys(url); await this.blurActiveElement(); } async addBlacklist(): Promise<void> { const fieldset = await this.getFieldsetByLegend("Blacklist"); const rows = await fieldset.findElements(By.css("[role=listitem]")); const addButton = await fieldset.findElement(By.css("[aria-label=Add]")); await; await this.webdriver.wait(async () => { const newRows = await fieldset.findElements(By.css("[role=listitem]")); return newRows.length == rows.length + 1; }); } async addPartialBlacklist(): Promise<void> { const fieldset = await this.getFieldsetByLegend("Partial blacklist"); const addButton = await fieldset.findElement(By.css("[aria-label=Add]")); const rows = await fieldset.findElements(By.css("[role=listitem]")); await; await this.webdriver.wait(async () => { const newRows = await fieldset.findElements(By.css("[role=listitem]")); return newRows.length == rows.length + 1; }); } async removeBlackList(nth: number): Promise<void> { const fieldset = await this.getFieldsetByLegend("Blacklist"); const deleteButtons = await fieldset.findElements( By.css("[aria-label=Delete]") ); if (deleteButtons.length <= nth) { throw new RangeError("Index out of range to remove blacklist"); } await deleteButtons[nth].click(); } async removePartialBlackList(nth: number): Promise<void> { const fieldset = await this.getFieldsetByLegend("Partial blacklist"); const deleteButtons = await fieldset.findElements( By.css("[aria-label=Delete]") ); if (deleteButtons.length <= nth) { throw new RangeError( `Index out of range ${deleteButtons.length} to remove partial blacklist ${nth}` ); } await deleteButtons[nth].click(); } async addSearchEngine(): Promise<void> { const fieldset = await this.getFieldsetByLegend("Search Engines"); const rows = await fieldset.findElements(By.css("[role=listitem]")); const addButton = await fieldset.findElement(By.css("[aria-label=Add]")); await; await this.webdriver.wait(async () => { const newRows = await fieldset.findElements(By.css("[role=listitem]")); return newRows.length == rows.length + 1; }); } async setDefaultSearchEngine(nth: number): Promise<void> { const fieldset = await this.getFieldsetByLegend("Search Engines"); const radios = await fieldset.findElements( By.css("[name=default][type=radio]") ); if (radios.length <= nth) { throw new RangeError("Index out of range to set a default search engine"); } await radios[nth].click(); } private async getFieldsetByLegend(legendText: string): Promise<WebElement> { const fieldsets = await this.webdriver.findElements(By.tagName("fieldset")); for (const fieldset of fieldsets) { const legend = await fieldset.findElement(By.tagName("legend")); if ((await legend.getText()) === legendText) { return fieldset; } } throw new error.NoSuchElementError( `Unable to locate fieldset with legend: ` + legendText ); } private async blurActiveElement(): Promise<void> { await this.webdriver.executeScript(`document.activeElement.blur()`); } }