import * as tabs from '../background/tabs'; import * as histories from '../background/histories'; import * as consoleActions from './console'; const DEFAULT_SEARCH_ENGINES = { default: 'google', engines: { 'google': '{}', 'yahoo': '{}', 'bing': '{}', 'duckduckgo': '{}', 'twitter': '{}', 'wikipedia': '{}' } }; const normalizeUrl = (string, searchConfig) => { try { return new URL(string).href; } catch (e) { if (string.includes('.') && !string.includes(' ')) { return 'http://' + string; } let query = encodeURI(string); let template = searchConfig.engines[ searchConfig.default ]; for (let key in searchConfig.engines) { if (string.startsWith(key + ' ')) { query = encodeURI(string.replace(key + ' ', '')); template = searchConfig.engines[key]; } } return template.replace('{}', query); } }; const openCommand = (url) => { return browser.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }).then((gotTabs) => { if (gotTabs.length > 0) { return browser.tabs.update(gotTabs[0].id, { url: url }); } }); }; const tabopenCommand = (url) => { return browser.tabs.create({ url: url }); }; const bufferCommand = (keywords) => { return browser.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }).then((gotTabs) => { if (gotTabs.length > 0) { if (isNaN(keywords)) { return tabs.selectByKeyword(gotTabs[0], keywords); } let index = parseInt(keywords, 10) - 1; return tabs.selectAt(index); } }); }; const getOpenCompletions = (command, keywords) => { return histories.getCompletions(keywords).then((pages) => { let historyItems = => { return { caption: page.title, content: command + ' ' + page.url, url: page.url }; }); let engineNames = Object.keys(DEFAULT_SEARCH_ENGINES.engines); let engineItems = engineNames.filter(name => name.startsWith(keywords)) .map(name => ({ caption: name, content: command + ' ' + name })); let completions = []; if (engineItems.length > 0) { completions.push({ name: 'Search Engines', items: engineItems }); } if (historyItems.length > 0) { completions.push({ name: 'History', items: historyItems }); } return completions; }); }; const doCommand = (name, remaining) => { switch (name) { case 'o': case 'open': // TODO use search engined and pass keywords to them return openCommand(normalizeUrl(remaining, DEFAULT_SEARCH_ENGINES)); case 't': case 'tabopen': return tabopenCommand(normalizeUrl(remaining, DEFAULT_SEARCH_ENGINES)); case 'b': case 'buffer': return bufferCommand(remaining); } throw new Error(name + ' command is not defined'); }; const getCompletions = (command, keywords) => { switch (command) { case 'o': case 'open': case 't': case 'tabopen': return getOpenCompletions(command, keywords); case 'b': case 'buffer': return tabs.getCompletions(keywords).then((gotTabs) => { let items = => { return { caption: tab.title, content: command + ' ' + tab.title, url: tab.url, icon: tab.favIconUrl }; }); return [ { name: 'Buffers', items: items } ]; }); } return Promise.resolve([]); }; const exec = (line) => { let name = line.split(' ')[0]; let remaining = line.replace(name + ' ', ''); return doCommand(name, remaining).then(() => { return consoleActions.hide(); }); }; const complete = (line) => { let command = line.split(' ', 1)[0]; let keywords = line.replace(command + ' ', ''); return getCompletions(command, keywords).then(consoleActions.setCompletions); }; export { exec, complete };