import { injectable } from 'tsyringe'; const NOTIFICATION_ID_UPDATE = 'vimvixen-update'; const NOTIFICATION_ID_INVALID_SETTINGS = 'vimvixen-update-invalid-settings'; @injectable() export default class NotifyPresenter { async notifyUpdated(version: string, onclick: () => void): Promise<void> { const title = `Vim Vixen ${version} has been installed`; const message = 'Click here to see release notes'; const listener = (id: string) => { if (id !== NOTIFICATION_ID_UPDATE) { return; } onclick(); browser.notifications.onClicked.removeListener(listener); }; browser.notifications.onClicked.addListener(listener); await browser.notifications.create(NOTIFICATION_ID_UPDATE, { 'type': 'basic', 'iconUrl': browser.extension.getURL('resources/icon_48x48.png'), title, message, }); } async notifyInvalidSettings(onclick: () => void): Promise<void> { const title = `Loaded settings is invalid`; // eslint-disable-next-line max-len const message = 'The default settings is used due to the last saved settings is invalid. Check your current settings from the add-on preference'; const listener = (id: string) => { if (id !== NOTIFICATION_ID_INVALID_SETTINGS) { return; } onclick(); browser.notifications.onClicked.removeListener(listener); }; browser.notifications.onClicked.addListener(listener); await browser.notifications.create(NOTIFICATION_ID_INVALID_SETTINGS, { 'type': 'basic', 'iconUrl': browser.extension.getURL('resources/icon_48x48.png'), title, message, }); } }