import '../console/console-frame.scss'; import * as consoleFrames from '../console/frames'; import * as scrolls from '../content/scrolls'; import * as navigates from '../content/navigates'; import Follow from '../content/follow'; import operations from '../operations'; import messages from '../messages'; consoleFrames.initialize(window.document); const startFollows = (newTab) => { let follow = new Follow(window.document); follow.onActivated((element) => { switch (element.tagName.toLowerCase()) { case 'a': if (newTab) { // getAttribute() to avoid to resolve absolute path let href = element.getAttribute('href'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-script-url if (!href || href === '#' || href.startsWith('javascript:')) { return; } return browser.runtime.sendMessage({ type: messages.OPEN_URL, url: element.href, newTab }); } if (element.href.startsWith('http://') || element.href.startsWith('https://') || element.href.startsWith('ftp://')) { return browser.runtime.sendMessage({ type: messages.OPEN_URL, url: element.href, newTab }); } return; case 'input': switch (element.type) { case 'file': case 'checkbox': case 'radio': case 'submit': case 'reset': case 'button': case 'image': case 'color': return; default: return element.focus(); } case 'textarea': return element.focus(); case 'button': return; } }); }; window.addEventListener('keypress', (e) => { if ( instanceof HTMLInputElement || instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement || instanceof HTMLSelectElement) { if (e.key === 'Escape' && {; } return; } browser.runtime.sendMessage({ type: messages.KEYDOWN, code: e.which, ctrl: e.ctrlKey }); }); const execOperation = (operation) => { switch (operation.type) { case operations.SCROLL_LINES: return scrolls.scrollLines(window, operation.count); case operations.SCROLL_PAGES: return scrolls.scrollPages(window, operation.count); case operations.SCROLL_TOP: return scrolls.scrollTop(window); case operations.SCROLL_BOTTOM: return scrolls.scrollBottom(window); case operations.SCROLL_LEFT: return scrolls.scrollLeft(window); case operations.SCROLL_RIGHT: return scrolls.scrollRight(window); case operations.FOLLOW_START: return startFollows(operation.newTab); case operations.NAVIGATE_HISTORY_PREV: return navigates.historyPrev(window); case operations.NAVIGATE_HISTORY_NEXT: return navigates.historyNext(window); case operations.NAVIGATE_LINK_PREV: return navigates.linkPrev(window); case operations.NAVIGATE_LINK_NEXT: return navigates.linkNext(window); case operations.NAVIGATE_PARENT: return navigates.parent(window); case operations.NAVIGATE_ROOT: return navigates.root(window); } }; const update = (state) => { if (!state.console.commandShown) { window.focus(); consoleFrames.blur(window.document); } }; browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener((action) => { switch (action.type) { case messages.STATE_UPDATE: return update(action.state); case messages.CONTENT_OPERATION: execOperation(action.operation); return Promise.resolve(); default: return Promise.resolve(); } });