import './site.scss'; import { h, Component } from 'preact'; import Input from './ui/input'; import SearchForm from './form/search-form'; import KeymapsForm from './form/keymaps-form'; import BlacklistForm from './form/blacklist-form'; import PropertiesForm from './form/properties-form'; import * as properties from 'shared/settings/properties'; import * as settingActions from 'settings/actions/setting'; import * as validator from 'shared/settings/validator'; import * as settingsValues from 'shared/settings/values'; const DO_YOU_WANT_TO_CONTINUE = 'Some settings in JSON can be lose on migrating. ' + 'Do you want to continue ?'; class SettingsComponent extends Component { constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); this.state = { settings: { json: '', }, errors: { json: '', } };; } componentDidMount() {; } stateChanged() { let settings =; this.setState({ settings: { source: settings.source, json: settings.json, form: settings.form, } }); } renderFormFields() { return <div> <fieldset> <legend>Keybindings</legend> <KeymapsForm value={this.state.settings.form.keymaps} onChange={value => this.bindForm('keymaps', value)} /> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Search Engines</legend> <SearchForm value={} onChange={value => this.bindForm('search', value)} /> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Blacklist</legend> <BlacklistForm value={this.state.settings.form.blacklist} onChange={value => this.bindForm('blacklist', value)} /> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Properties</legend> <PropertiesForm types={properties.types} value={} onChange={value => this.bindForm('properties', value)} /> </fieldset> </div>; } renderJsonFields() { return <div> <Input type='textarea' name='json' label='Plane JSON' spellCheck='false' error={this.state.errors.json} onChange={this.bindValue.bind(this)} value={this.state.settings.json} /> </div>; } render() { let fields = null; if (this.state.settings.source === 'form') { fields = this.renderFormFields(); } else if (this.state.settings.source === 'json') { fields = this.renderJsonFields(); } return ( <div> <h1>Configure Vim-Vixen</h1> <form className='vimvixen-settings-form'> <Input type='radio' id='setting-source-form' name='source' label='Use form' checked={this.state.settings.source === 'form'} value='form' onChange={this.bindSource.bind(this)} /> <Input type='radio' name='source' label='Use plain JSON' checked={this.state.settings.source === 'json'} value='json' onChange={this.bindSource.bind(this)} /> { fields } </form> </div> ); } validate(target) { if ( === 'json') { let settings = JSON.parse(target.value); validator.validate(settings); } } validateValue(e) { let next = Object.assign({}, this.state); next.errors.json = ''; try { this.validate(; } catch (err) { next.errors.json = err.message; } next.settings[] =; } bindForm(name, value) { let next = Object.assign({}, this.state, { settings: Object.assign({}, this.state.settings, { form: Object.assign({}, this.state.settings.form) }) }); next.settings.form[name] = value; this.setState(next);; } bindValue(e) { let next = Object.assign({}, this.state); let error = false; next.errors.json = ''; try { this.validate(; } catch (err) { next.errors.json = err.message; error = true; } next.settings[] =; this.setState(this.state); if (!error) {; } } migrateToForm() { let b = window.confirm(DO_YOU_WANT_TO_CONTINUE); if (!b) { this.setState(this.state); return; } try { validator.validate(JSON.parse(this.state.settings.json)); } catch (err) { this.setState(this.state); return; } let form = settingsValues.formFromJson( this.state.settings.json, KeymapsForm.AllowdOps); let next = Object.assign({}, this.state); next.settings.form = form; next.settings.source = 'form'; next.errors.json = ''; this.setState(next);; } migrateToJson() { let json = settingsValues.jsonFromForm(this.state.settings.form); let next = Object.assign({}, this.state); next.settings.json = json; next.settings.source = 'json'; next.errors.json = ''; this.setState(next);; } bindSource(e) { let from = this.state.settings.source; let to =; if (from === 'form' && to === 'json') { this.migrateToJson(); } else if (from === 'json' && to === 'form') { this.migrateToForm(); } } } export default SettingsComponent;