import * as operations from './operations'; import * as PropertyDefs from './property-defs'; export type Keymaps = {[key: string]: operations.Operation}; export interface Search { default: string; engines: { [key: string]: string }; } export interface Properties { hintchars: string; smoothscroll: boolean; complete: string; } export default interface Settings { keymaps: Keymaps; search: Search; properties: Properties; blacklist: string[]; } const DefaultProperties: Properties = PropertyDefs.defs.reduce( (o: {[name: string]: PropertyDefs.Type}, def) => { o[] = def.defaultValue; return o; }, {}) as Properties; export const keymapsValueOf = (o: any): Keymaps => { return Object.keys(o).reduce((keymaps: Keymaps, key: string): Keymaps => { let op = operations.valueOf(o[key]); keymaps[key] = op; return keymaps; }, {}); }; export const searchValueOf = (o: any): Search => { if (typeof o.default !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('string field "default" not set"'); } for (let name of Object.keys(o.engines)) { if ((/\s/).test(name)) { throw new TypeError( `While space in the search engine not allowed: "${name}"`); } let url = o.engines[name]; if (typeof url !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('"engines" not an object of string'); } let matches = url.match(/{}/g); if (matches === null) { throw new TypeError(`No {}-placeholders in URL of "${name}"`); } else if (matches.length > 1) { throw new TypeError(`Multiple {}-placeholders in URL of "${name}"`); } } if (!, o.default)) { throw new TypeError(`Default engine "${o.default}" not found`); } return { default: o.default as string, engines: { ...o.engines }, }; }; export const propertiesValueOf = (o: any): Properties => { let defNames = new Set( =>; let unknownName = Object.keys(o).find(name => !defNames.has(name)); if (unknownName) { throw new TypeError(`Unknown property name: "${unknownName}"`); } for (let def of PropertyDefs.defs) { if (!, { continue; } if (typeof o[] !== def.type) { throw new TypeError(`property "${}" is not ${def.type}`); } } return { ...DefaultProperties, ...o, }; }; export const blacklistValueOf = (o: any): string[] => { if (!Array.isArray(o)) { throw new TypeError(`"blacklist" is not an array of string`); } for (let x of o) { if (typeof x !== 'string') { throw new TypeError(`"blacklist" is not an array of string`); } } return o as string[]; }; export const valueOf = (o: any): Settings => { let settings = { ...DefaultSetting }; for (let key of Object.keys(o)) { switch (key) { case 'keymaps': settings.keymaps = keymapsValueOf(o.keymaps); break; case 'search': = searchValueOf(; break; case 'properties': = propertiesValueOf(; break; case 'blacklist': settings.blacklist = blacklistValueOf(o.blacklist); break; default: throw new TypeError('unknown setting: ' + key); } } return settings; }; export const DefaultSetting: Settings = { keymaps: { '0': { 'type': 'scroll.home' }, ':': { 'type': '' }, 'o': { 'type': '', 'alter': false }, 'O': { 'type': '', 'alter': true }, 't': { 'type': '', 'alter': false }, 'T': { 'type': '', 'alter': true }, 'w': { 'type': '', 'alter': false }, 'W': { 'type': '', 'alter': true }, 'b': { 'type': '' }, 'a': { 'type': '', 'alter': true }, 'k': { 'type': 'scroll.vertically', 'count': -1 }, 'j': { 'type': 'scroll.vertically', 'count': 1 }, 'h': { 'type': 'scroll.horizonally', 'count': -1 }, 'l': { 'type': 'scroll.horizonally', 'count': 1 }, '': { 'type': 'scroll.pages', 'count': -0.5 }, '': { 'type': 'scroll.pages', 'count': 0.5 }, '': { 'type': 'scroll.pages', 'count': -1 }, '': { 'type': 'scroll.pages', 'count': 1 }, 'gg': { 'type': '' }, 'G': { 'type': 'scroll.bottom' }, '$': { 'type': 'scroll.end' }, 'd': { 'type': 'tabs.close' }, 'D': { 'type': 'tabs.close', 'selectLeft': true }, 'x$': { 'type': 'tabs.close.right' }, '!d': { 'type': 'tabs.close.force' }, 'u': { 'type': 'tabs.reopen' }, 'K': { 'type': 'tabs.prev' }, 'J': { 'type': '' }, 'gT': { 'type': 'tabs.prev' }, 'gt': { 'type': '' }, 'g0': { 'type': 'tabs.first' }, 'g$': { 'type': 'tabs.last' }, '': { 'type': 'tabs.prevsel' }, 'r': { 'type': 'tabs.reload', 'cache': false }, 'R': { 'type': 'tabs.reload', 'cache': true }, 'zp': { 'type': '' }, 'zd': { 'type': 'tabs.duplicate' }, 'zi': { 'type': '' }, 'zo': { 'type': 'zoom.out' }, 'zz': { 'type': 'zoom.neutral' }, 'f': { 'type': 'follow.start', 'newTab': false, 'background': false }, 'F': { 'type': 'follow.start', 'newTab': true, 'background': false }, 'm': { 'type': 'mark.set.prefix' }, '\'': { 'type': 'mark.jump.prefix' }, 'H': { 'type': 'navigate.history.prev' }, 'L': { 'type': '' }, '[[': { 'type': '' }, ']]': { 'type': '' }, 'gu': { 'type': 'navigate.parent' }, 'gU': { 'type': 'navigate.root' }, 'gi': { 'type': 'focus.input' }, 'gf': { 'type': 'page.source' }, 'gh': { 'type': 'page.home', 'newTab': false }, 'gH': { 'type': 'page.home', 'newTab': true }, 'y': { 'type': 'urls.yank' }, 'p': { 'type': 'urls.paste', 'newTab': false }, 'P': { 'type': 'urls.paste', 'newTab': true }, '/': { 'type': 'find.start' }, 'n': { 'type': '' }, 'N': { 'type': 'find.prev' }, '.': { 'type': 'repeat.last' }, '': { 'type': 'addon.toggle.enabled' } }, search: { default: 'google', engines: { 'google': '{}', 'yahoo': '{}', 'bing': '{}', 'duckduckgo': '{}', 'twitter': '{}', 'wikipedia': '{}' } }, properties: { hintchars: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', smoothscroll: false, complete: 'sbh' }, blacklist: [] };