export type PropertiesJSON = { hintchars?: string; smoothscroll?: boolean; complete?: string; }; export type PropertyTypes = { hintchars: string; smoothscroll: string; complete: string; }; type PropertyName = 'hintchars' | 'smoothscroll' | 'complete'; type PropertyDef = { name: PropertyName; description: string; defaultValue: string | number | boolean; type: 'string' | 'number' | 'boolean'; }; const defs: PropertyDef[] = [ { name: 'hintchars', description: 'hint characters on follow mode', defaultValue: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', type: 'string', }, { name: 'smoothscroll', description: 'smooth scroll', defaultValue: false, type: 'boolean', }, { name: 'complete', description: 'which are completed at the open page', defaultValue: 'sbh', type: 'string', } ]; const defaultValues = { hintchars: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', smoothscroll: false, complete: 'sbh', }; export default class Properties { public hintchars: string; public smoothscroll: boolean; public complete: string; constructor({ hintchars, smoothscroll, complete, }: { hintchars?: string; smoothscroll?: boolean; complete?: string; } = {}) { this.hintchars = hintchars || defaultValues.hintchars; this.smoothscroll = smoothscroll || defaultValues.smoothscroll; this.complete = complete || defaultValues.complete; } static fromJSON(json: any): Properties { let defNames: Set<string> = new Set(defs.map(def => def.name)); let unknownName = Object.keys(json).find(name => !defNames.has(name)); if (unknownName) { throw new TypeError(`Unknown property name: "${unknownName}"`); } for (let def of defs) { if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(json, def.name)) { continue; } if (typeof json[def.name] !== def.type) { throw new TypeError( `property "${def.name}" is not ${def.type}`); } } return new Properties(json); } static types(): PropertyTypes { return { hintchars: 'string', smoothscroll: 'boolean', complete: 'string', }; } static def(name: string): PropertyDef | undefined { return defs.find(p => p.name === name); } static defs(): PropertyDef[] { return defs; } toJSON(): PropertiesJSON { return { hintchars: this.hintchars, smoothscroll: this.smoothscroll, complete: this.complete, }; } }