'use strict'; var validate = (function() { var pattern0 = new RegExp('.*'); var refVal = []; return function validate(data, dataPath, parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData) { 'use strict'; var vErrors = null; var errors = 0; if ((data && typeof data === "object" && !Array.isArray(data))) { var errs__0 = errors; var valid1 = true; var data1 = data.keymaps; if (data1 === undefined) { valid1 = true; } else { var errs_1 = errors; if ((data1 && typeof data1 === "object" && !Array.isArray(data1))) { var errs__1 = errors; var valid2 = true; for (var key1 in data1) { if (pattern0.test(key1)) { var data2 = data1[key1]; var errs_2 = errors; if ((data2 && typeof data2 === "object" && !Array.isArray(data2))) { if (true) { var errs__2 = errors; var valid3 = true; if (data2.type === undefined) { valid3 = false; validate.errors = [{ keyword: 'required', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.keymaps[\'' + key1 + '\']', schemaPath: '#/properties/keymaps/patternProperties/.*/required', params: { missingProperty: 'type' }, message: 'should have required property \'type\'' }]; return false; } else { var errs_3 = errors; if (typeof data2.type !== "string") { validate.errors = [{ keyword: 'type', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.keymaps[\'' + key1 + '\'].type', schemaPath: '#/properties/keymaps/patternProperties/.*/properties/type/type', params: { type: 'string' }, message: 'should be string' }]; return false; } var valid3 = errors === errs_3; } } } else { validate.errors = [{ keyword: 'type', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.keymaps[\'' + key1 + '\']', schemaPath: '#/properties/keymaps/patternProperties/.*/type', params: { type: 'object' }, message: 'should be object' }]; return false; } var valid2 = errors === errs_2; if (!valid2) break; } else valid2 = true; } } else { validate.errors = [{ keyword: 'type', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.keymaps', schemaPath: '#/properties/keymaps/type', params: { type: 'object' }, message: 'should be object' }]; return false; } var valid1 = errors === errs_1; } if (valid1) { var data1 = data.search; if (data1 === undefined) { valid1 = true; } else { var errs_1 = errors; if ((data1 && typeof data1 === "object" && !Array.isArray(data1))) { if (true) { var errs__1 = errors; var valid2 = true; if (data1.default === undefined) { valid2 = false; validate.errors = [{ keyword: 'required', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.search', schemaPath: '#/properties/search/required', params: { missingProperty: 'default' }, message: 'should have required property \'default\'' }]; return false; } else { var errs_2 = errors; if (typeof data1.default !== "string") { validate.errors = [{ keyword: 'type', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.search.default', schemaPath: '#/properties/search/properties/default/type', params: { type: 'string' }, message: 'should be string' }]; return false; } var valid2 = errors === errs_2; } if (valid2) { var data2 = data1.engines; if (data2 === undefined) { valid2 = true; } else { var errs_2 = errors; if ((data2 && typeof data2 === "object" && !Array.isArray(data2))) { var errs__2 = errors; var valid3 = true; for (var key2 in data2) { if (pattern0.test(key2)) { var errs_3 = errors; if (typeof data2[key2] !== "string") { validate.errors = [{ keyword: 'type', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.search.engines[\'' + key2 + '\']', schemaPath: '#/properties/search/properties/engines/patternProperties/.*/type', params: { type: 'string' }, message: 'should be string' }]; return false; } var valid3 = errors === errs_3; if (!valid3) break; } else valid3 = true; } } else { validate.errors = [{ keyword: 'type', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.search.engines', schemaPath: '#/properties/search/properties/engines/type', params: { type: 'object' }, message: 'should be object' }]; return false; } var valid2 = errors === errs_2; } } } } else { validate.errors = [{ keyword: 'type', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.search', schemaPath: '#/properties/search/type', params: { type: 'object' }, message: 'should be object' }]; return false; } var valid1 = errors === errs_1; } if (valid1) { var data1 = data.properties; if (data1 === undefined) { valid1 = true; } else { var errs_1 = errors; if ((data1 && typeof data1 === "object" && !Array.isArray(data1))) { var errs__1 = errors; var valid2 = true; if (data1.hintchars === undefined) { valid2 = true; } else { var errs_2 = errors; if (typeof data1.hintchars !== "string") { validate.errors = [{ keyword: 'type', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.properties.hintchars', schemaPath: '#/properties/properties/properties/hintchars/type', params: { type: 'string' }, message: 'should be string' }]; return false; } var valid2 = errors === errs_2; } if (valid2) { if (data1.smoothscroll === undefined) { valid2 = true; } else { var errs_2 = errors; if (typeof data1.smoothscroll !== "boolean") { validate.errors = [{ keyword: 'type', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.properties.smoothscroll', schemaPath: '#/properties/properties/properties/smoothscroll/type', params: { type: 'boolean' }, message: 'should be boolean' }]; return false; } var valid2 = errors === errs_2; } if (valid2) { if (data1.complete === undefined) { valid2 = true; } else { var errs_2 = errors; if (typeof data1.complete !== "string") { validate.errors = [{ keyword: 'type', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.properties.complete', schemaPath: '#/properties/properties/properties/complete/type', params: { type: 'string' }, message: 'should be string' }]; return false; } var valid2 = errors === errs_2; } } } } else { validate.errors = [{ keyword: 'type', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.properties', schemaPath: '#/properties/properties/type', params: { type: 'object' }, message: 'should be object' }]; return false; } var valid1 = errors === errs_1; } if (valid1) { var data1 = data.blacklist; if (data1 === undefined) { valid1 = true; } else { var errs_1 = errors; if (Array.isArray(data1)) { var errs__1 = errors; var valid1; for (var i1 = 0; i1 < data1.length; i1++) { var data2 = data1[i1]; var errs_2 = errors; var errs__2 = errors; var valid2 = false; var errs_3 = errors; if (typeof data2 !== "string") { var err = { keyword: 'type', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.blacklist[' + i1 + ']', schemaPath: '#/properties/blacklist/items/anyOf/0/type', params: { type: 'string' }, message: 'should be string' }; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; } var valid3 = errors === errs_3; valid2 = valid2 || valid3; if (!valid2) { var errs_3 = errors; if ((data2 && typeof data2 === "object" && !Array.isArray(data2))) { if (true) { var errs__3 = errors; var valid4 = true; if (data2.url === undefined) { valid4 = false; var err = { keyword: 'required', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.blacklist[' + i1 + ']', schemaPath: '#/properties/blacklist/items/anyOf/1/required', params: { missingProperty: 'url' }, message: 'should have required property \'url\'' }; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; } else { var errs_4 = errors; if (typeof data2.url !== "string") { var err = { keyword: 'type', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.blacklist[' + i1 + '].url', schemaPath: '#/properties/blacklist/items/anyOf/1/properties/url/type', params: { type: 'string' }, message: 'should be string' }; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; } var valid4 = errors === errs_4; } if (valid4) { var data3 = data2.keys; if (data3 === undefined) { valid4 = false; var err = { keyword: 'required', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.blacklist[' + i1 + ']', schemaPath: '#/properties/blacklist/items/anyOf/1/required', params: { missingProperty: 'keys' }, message: 'should have required property \'keys\'' }; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; } else { var errs_4 = errors; if (Array.isArray(data3)) { var errs__4 = errors; var valid4; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < data3.length; i4++) { var errs_5 = errors; if (typeof data3[i4] !== "string") { var err = { keyword: 'type', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.blacklist[' + i1 + '].keys[' + i4 + ']', schemaPath: '#/properties/blacklist/items/anyOf/1/properties/keys/items/type', params: { type: 'string' }, message: 'should be string' }; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; } var valid5 = errors === errs_5; if (!valid5) break; } } else { var err = { keyword: 'type', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.blacklist[' + i1 + '].keys', schemaPath: '#/properties/blacklist/items/anyOf/1/properties/keys/type', params: { type: 'array' }, message: 'should be array' }; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; } var valid4 = errors === errs_4; } } } } else { var err = { keyword: 'type', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.blacklist[' + i1 + ']', schemaPath: '#/properties/blacklist/items/anyOf/1/type', params: { type: 'object' }, message: 'should be object' }; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; } var valid3 = errors === errs_3; valid2 = valid2 || valid3; } if (!valid2) { var err = { keyword: 'anyOf', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.blacklist[' + i1 + ']', schemaPath: '#/properties/blacklist/items/anyOf', params: {}, message: 'should match some schema in anyOf' }; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; validate.errors = vErrors; return false; } else { errors = errs__2; if (vErrors !== null) { if (errs__2) vErrors.length = errs__2; else vErrors = null; } } var valid2 = errors === errs_2; if (!valid2) break; } } else { validate.errors = [{ keyword: 'type', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + '.blacklist', schemaPath: '#/properties/blacklist/type', params: { type: 'array' }, message: 'should be array' }]; return false; } var valid1 = errors === errs_1; } } } } } else { validate.errors = [{ keyword: 'type', dataPath: (dataPath || '') + "", schemaPath: '#/type', params: { type: 'object' }, message: 'should be object' }]; return false; } validate.errors = vErrors; return errors === 0; }; })(); validate.schema = { "type": "object", "properties": { "keymaps": { "type": "object", "patternProperties": { ".*": { "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "type": "string" } }, "required": ["type"] } } }, "search": { "type": "object", "properties": { "default": { "type": "string" }, "engines": { "type": "object", "patternProperties": { ".*": { "type": "string" } } } }, "required": ["default"] }, "properties": { "type": "object", "properties": { "hintchars": { "type": "string" }, "smoothscroll": { "type": "boolean" }, "complete": { "type": "string" } } }, "blacklist": { "type": "array", "items": { "anyOf": [{ "type": "string" }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "url": { "type": "string" }, "keys": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } } }, "required": ["url", "keys"] }] } } } }; validate.errors = null; module.exports = validate;