import Blacklist, { BlacklistItem, } from "../../../src/shared/settings/Blacklist"; import { expect } from "chai"; import Key from "../../../src/shared/settings/Key"; describe("BlacklistItem", () => { describe("#fromJSON", () => { it("parses string pattern", () => { const item = BlacklistItem.fromJSON(""); expect(item.pattern).to.equal(""); expect(item.partial); }); it("parses partial blacklist item", () => { const item = BlacklistItem.fromJSON({ url: "", keys: ["j", "k"], }); expect(item.pattern).to.equal(""); expect(item.partial); expect(item.keys).to.deep.equal(["j", "k"]); }); }); describe("#matches", () => { it('matches by "*"', () => { const item = BlacklistItem.fromJSON("*"); expect(item.matches(new URL(""))); }); it("matches by hostname", () => { const item = BlacklistItem.fromJSON(""); expect(item.matches(new URL(""))); expect(item.matches(new URL(""))); expect(item.matches(new URL(""))); expect(item.matches(new URL(""))); expect(item.matches(new URL(""))).to .be.false; }); it("matches by hostname with wildcard", () => { const item = BlacklistItem.fromJSON("*"); expect(item.matches(new URL(""))); expect(item.matches(new URL(""))); }); it("matches by path", () => { const item = BlacklistItem.fromJSON(""); expect(item.matches(new URL(""))); expect(item.matches(new URL(""))); expect(item.matches(new URL(""))); }); it("matches by path with wildcard", () => { const item = BlacklistItem.fromJSON("*"); expect(item.matches(new URL(""))); expect(item.matches(new URL(""))); expect(item.matches(new URL(""))); }); it("matches address and port", () => { const item = BlacklistItem.fromJSON(""); expect(item.matches(new URL(""))); expect(item.matches(new URL(""))); }); it("matches with partial blacklist", () => { const item = BlacklistItem.fromJSON({ url: "", keys: ["j", "k"], }); expect(item.matches(new URL(""))); expect(item.matches(new URL(""))); }); }); describe("#includesPartialKeys", () => { it("matches with partial keys", () => { const item = BlacklistItem.fromJSON({ url: "", keys: ["j", "k", "<C-U>"], }); expect( item.includeKey(new URL(""), Key.fromMapKey("j")) ); expect( item.includeKey( new URL(""), Key.fromMapKey("<C-U>") ) ); expect( item.includeKey(new URL(""), Key.fromMapKey("z")) ); expect( item.includeKey(new URL(""), Key.fromMapKey("u")) ); expect( item.includeKey(new URL(""), Key.fromMapKey("j")) ); }); }); }); describe("Blacklist", () => { describe("#fromJSON", () => { it("parses string list", () => { const blacklist = Blacklist.fromJSON(["", ""]); expect(blacklist.toJSON()).to.deep.equals(["", ""]); }); it("parses mixed blacklist", () => { const blacklist = Blacklist.fromJSON([ { url: "", keys: ["j", "k"] }, "", ]); expect(blacklist.toJSON()).to.deep.equals([ { url: "", keys: ["j", "k"] }, "", ]); }); it("parses empty blacklist", () => { const blacklist = Blacklist.fromJSON([]); expect(blacklist.toJSON()).to.deep.equals([]); }); }); describe("#includesEntireBlacklist", () => { it("matches a url with entire blacklist", () => { const blacklist = Blacklist.fromJSON(["", "*"]); expect(blacklist.includesEntireBlacklist(new URL(""))); expect(blacklist.includesEntireBlacklist(new URL(""))); expect( blacklist.includesEntireBlacklist(new URL("")) ); }); it("does not matches with partial blacklist", () => { const blacklist = Blacklist.fromJSON([ "", { url: "", keys: ["j", "k"] }, ]); expect(blacklist.includesEntireBlacklist(new URL(""))); expect(blacklist.includesEntireBlacklist(new URL(""))).to .be.false; }); }); describe("#includesKeys", () => { it("matches with entire blacklist or keys in the partial blacklist", () => { const blacklist = Blacklist.fromJSON([ "", { url: "", keys: ["j", "k"] }, ]); expect( blacklist.includeKey(new URL(""), Key.fromMapKey("j")) ); expect( blacklist.includeKey(new URL(""), Key.fromMapKey("j")) ); expect( blacklist.includeKey(new URL(""), Key.fromMapKey("a")) ); }); }); });