import os import re import yaml import pypandoc import logging from lxml import etree from pyatom import AtomFeed def item_from_path(path): with open(path) as f: text = p = re.compile(r'---\n(.*?)\n---(.*)', re.DOTALL) matchres = res = yaml.load( x, ext = os.path.splitext(path) res.setdefault('name', os.path.basename(x)) if ext in ['.md', '.markdown']:'Converting {}...'.format(path)) res['body'] = pypandoc.convert_text(, 'html', format='md') elif ext == '.wiki':'Converting {}...'.format(path)) res['body'] = pypandoc.convert_text(, 'html', format='vimwiki') elif ext == '.html': res['body'] = res.setdefault('synlen', 1) paras = etree.HTML(res['body']).xpath('//p') res['synopsis'] = ''.join([etree.tostring(p, encoding='unicode') for p in paras[:res['synlen']]]) return res def combine(item, template): resbody = template for k, v in item.items(): resbody = resbody.replace('${}$'.format(k), str(v)) res = dict(item) res['body'] = resbody return res def main(): basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/../' pagesdir = basedir + 'pages/' postsdir = basedir + 'posts/' micropostsdir = basedir + 'microposts/' sitedir = basedir + 'site/' templatesdir = basedir + 'templates/' homepostnum = 5 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') posts = get_all_items(postsdir) posts.sort(key=lambda x: x['date'], reverse=True) for post in posts: post.setdefault('url', 'posts/{}.html'.format(post['name'])) with open('{}{}.html'.format(templatesdir, post['template'])) as f: template = post = combine(post, template) save_to_html(post, sitedir) with open(templatesdir + 'barepost.html') as f: template = #headposts is the list of the first few posts, to be displayed on blog.html headposts = {'body': ''} for post in posts[:homepostnum]: headposts['body'] += combine(post, template)['body'] with open(templatesdir + 'blog.html') as f: template = headposts = combine(headposts, template) headposts['url'] = 'blog.html' save_to_html(headposts, sitedir) with open(templatesdir + 'postlistitem.html') as f: template = postlist = {'body': ''} for post in posts: postlist['body'] += combine(post, template)['body'] with open(templatesdir + 'postlist.html') as f: template = postlist = combine(postlist, template) postlist['url'] = 'postlist.html' save_to_html(postlist, sitedir) pages = get_all_items(pagesdir) for page in pages: page.setdefault('url', page['name'] + '.html') with open('{}{}.html'.format(templatesdir, page['template'])) as f: template = page = combine(page, template) save_to_html(page, sitedir) microposts = get_all_items(micropostsdir) microposts.sort(key=lambda x: x['date'], reverse=True) with open(templatesdir + 'micropost.html') as f: template = allmposts = {'body':''} for micropost in microposts: allmposts['body'] += combine(micropost, template)['body'] with open(templatesdir + 'microblog.html') as f: template = allmposts = combine(allmposts, template) allmposts['url'] = 'microblog.html' save_to_html(allmposts, sitedir) blog_feed = AtomFeed(title="Yuchen Pei's Blog", feed_url="", url="", author="Yuchen Pei") for post in posts: blog_feed.add(title=post["title"], content=post["body"], content_type="html", author="Yuchen Pei", url=post["url"], updated=post["date"]) blog_feed_item = {'body':blog_feed.to_string(), 'url': 'blog-feed.xml'} save_to_html(blog_feed_item, sitedir) microblog_feed = AtomFeed(title="Yuchen Pei's Microblog", feed_url="", url="", author="Yuchen Pei") for micropost in microposts: microblog_feed.add(title=micropost["date"], content=micropost["body"], content_type="html", author="Yuchen Pei", url="microblog.html", updated=micropost["date"]) microblog_feed_item = {'body':microblog_feed.to_string(), 'url': 'microblog-feed.xml'} save_to_html(microblog_feed_item, sitedir) def save_to_html(item, sitedir): path = sitedir + item['url'] os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True)'Saving to {}...'.format(path)) with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(item['body']) def get_all_items(dir_): items = [] for filename in os.listdir(dir_): ext = filename.split('.')[-1] path = dir_ + filename item = item_from_path(path) items.append(item) return items if __name__ == "__main__": main()