// @license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8e4f440f4c65981c5bf93c76d35135ba5064d8b7&dn=apache-2.0.txt Apache-2.0 /************************************************************* * * [Contrib]/a11y/explorer.js * * Implements expression exploration via the SRE explorer. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (c) 2016-2017 The MathJax Consortium * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook('Sre Ready', function() { var FALSE, KEY; var SETTINGS = MathJax.Hub.config.menuSettings; var COOKIE = {}; // replaced when menu is available MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook('MathEvents Ready', function() { FALSE = MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Event.False; KEY = MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Event.KEY; }); var Assistive = MathJax.Extension.explorer = { version: '1.6.0', dependents: [], // the extensions that depend on this one // // Default configurations. // defaults: { walker: 'table', highlight: 'none', background: 'blue', foreground: 'black', speech: true, generation: 'lazy', subtitle: false, ruleset: 'mathspeak-default' }, eagerComplexity: 80, prefix: 'Assistive-', hook: null, locHook: null, oldrules: null, addMenuOption: function(key, value) { SETTINGS[Assistive.prefix + key] = value; }, addDefaults: function() { var defaults = MathJax.Hub.CombineConfig('explorer', Assistive.defaults); var keys = Object.keys(defaults); for (var i = 0, key; key = keys[i]; i++) { if (typeof(SETTINGS[Assistive.prefix + key]) === 'undefined') { Assistive.addMenuOption(key, defaults[key]); } } Assistive.setSpeechOption(); Explorer.Reset(); }, setOption: function(key, value) { if (SETTINGS[Assistive.prefix + key] === value) return; Assistive.addMenuOption(key, value); Explorer.Reset(); }, getOption: function(key) { return SETTINGS[Assistive.prefix + key]; }, speechOption: function(msg) { if (Assistive.oldrules === msg.value) return; Assistive.setSpeechOption(); Explorer.Regenerate(); }, setSpeechOption: function() { var ruleset = SETTINGS[Assistive.prefix + 'ruleset']; var cstr = ruleset.split('-'); sre.System.getInstance().setupEngine({ locale: MathJax.Localization.locale, domain: Assistive.Domain(cstr[0]), style: cstr[1] }); Assistive.oldrules = ruleset; }, Domain: function(domain) { switch (domain) { case 'chromevox': return 'default'; case 'clearspeak': return 'clearspeak'; case 'mathspeak': default: return 'mathspeak'; } }, hook: null, locHook: null, Enable: function(update, menu) { SETTINGS.explorer = true; if (menu) COOKIE.explorer = true; MathJax.Extension.collapsible.Enable(false, menu); if (MathJax.Extension.AssistiveMML) { MathJax.Extension.AssistiveMML.config.disabled = true; SETTINGS.assistiveMML = false; if (menu) COOKIE.assistiveMML = false; } this.DisableMenus(false); if (!this.hook) { this.hook = MathJax.Hub.Register.MessageHook( 'New Math', ['Register', this.Explorer]); } if (!this.locHook) { this.locHook = MathJax.Hub.Register.MessageHook( 'Locale Reset', ['RemoveSpeech', this.Explorer]); } if (update) MathJax.Hub.Queue(['Reprocess', MathJax.Hub]); }, Disable: function(update, menu) { SETTINGS.explorer = false; if (menu) COOKIE.explorer = false; this.DisableMenus(true); if (this.hook) { MathJax.Hub.UnRegister.MessageHook(this.hook); this.hook = null; } for (var i = this.dependents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var dependent = this.dependents[i]; if (dependent.Disable) dependent.Disable(false, menu); } // Reprocess on update? I don't think it is necessary // (now that we check for being enabled in the event handlers) }, DisableMenus: function(state) { if (MathJax.Menu) { var menu = MathJax.Menu.menu.FindId('Accessibility', 'Explorer'); if (menu) { menu = menu.submenu; var items = menu.items; for (var i = 2, item; item = items[i]; i++) item.disabled = state; if (!state && menu.FindId('SpeechOutput') && !SETTINGS[Assistive.prefix + 'speech']) { menu.FindId('Subtitles').disabled = true; } } } }, // // Register a dependent // Dependent: function(extension) { this.dependents.push(extension); } }; var LiveRegion = MathJax.Object.Subclass({ div: null, inner: null, Init: function() { this.div = LiveRegion.Create('assertive'); this.inner = MathJax.HTML.addElement(this.div, 'div'); }, // // Adds the speech div. // Add: function() { if (LiveRegion.added) return; document.body.appendChild(this.div); LiveRegion.added = true; }, // // Shows the live region as a subtitle of a node. // Show: function(node, highlighter) { this.div.classList.add('MJX_LiveRegion_Show'); var rect = node.getBoundingClientRect(); var bot = rect.bottom + 10 + window.pageYOffset; var left = rect.left + window.pageXOffset; this.div.style.top = bot + 'px'; this.div.style.left = left + 'px'; var color = highlighter.colorString(); this.inner.style.backgroundColor = color.background; this.inner.style.color = color.foreground; }, // // Takes the live region out of the page flow. // Hide: function(node) { this.div.classList.remove('MJX_LiveRegion_Show'); }, // // Clears the speech div. // Clear: function() { this.Update(''); this.inner.style.top = ''; this.inner.style.backgroundColor = ''; }, // // Speaks a string by poking it into the speech div. // Update: function(speech) { if (Assistive.getOption('speech')) { LiveRegion.Update(this.inner, speech); } } }, { ANNOUNCE: 'Navigatable Math in page. Explore with enter or shift space and arrow' + ' keys. Expand or collapse elements hitting enter.', announced: false, added: false, styles: {'.MJX_LiveRegion': { position: 'absolute', top: '0', height: '1px', width: '1px', padding: '1px', overflow: 'hidden' }, '.MJX_LiveRegion_Show': { top: '0', position: 'absolute', width: 'auto', height: 'auto', padding: '0px 0px', opacity: 1, 'z-index': '202', left: 0, right: 0, 'margin': '0 auto', 'background-color': 'white', 'box-shadow': '0px 10px 20px #888', border: '2px solid #CCCCCC' } }, // // Creates a live region with a particular type. // Create: function(type) { var element = MathJax.HTML.Element( 'div', {className: 'MJX_LiveRegion'}); element.setAttribute('aria-live', type); return element; }, // // Updates a live region's text content. // Update: MathJax.Hub.Browser.isPC ? function(div, speech) { div.textContent = ''; setTimeout(function() {div.textContent = speech;}, 100); } : function(div, speech) { div.textContent = ''; div.textContent = speech; }, // // Speaks the announce string. // Announce: function() { if (!Assistive.getOption('speech')) return; LiveRegion.announced = true; MathJax.Ajax.Styles(LiveRegion.styles); var div = LiveRegion.Create('polite'); document.body.appendChild(div); LiveRegion.Update(div, LiveRegion.ANNOUNCE); setTimeout(function() {document.body.removeChild(div);}, 1000); } }); MathJax.Extension.explorer.LiveRegion = LiveRegion; var A11Y_PATH = MathJax.Ajax.fileURL(MathJax.Ajax.config.path.a11y); var Explorer = MathJax.Extension.explorer.Explorer = { liveRegion: LiveRegion(), walker: null, highlighter: null, hoverer: null, flamer: null, speechDiv: null, earconFile: A11Y_PATH + '/invalid_keypress' + (['Firefox', 'Chrome', 'Opera'].indexOf(MathJax.Hub.Browser.name) !== -1 ? '.ogg' : '.mp3'), expanded: false, focusoutEvent: MathJax.Hub.Browser.isFirefox ? 'blur' : 'focusout', focusinEvent: 'focus', ignoreFocusOut: false, jaxCache: {}, messageID: null, // // Resets the explorer, rerunning methods not triggered by events. // Reset: function() { Explorer.FlameEnriched(); }, // // Registers new Maths and adds a key event if it is enriched. // Register: function(msg) { if (!Assistive.hook) return; var script = document.getElementById(msg[1]); if (script && script.id) { var jax = MathJax.Hub.getJaxFor(script.id); if (jax && jax.enriched) { Explorer.StateChange(script.id, jax); Explorer.liveRegion.Add(); Explorer.AddEvent(script); } } }, StateChange: function(id, jax) { Explorer.GetHighlighter(.2); var oldJax = Explorer.jaxCache[id]; if (oldJax && oldJax === jax.root) return; if (oldJax) { sre.Walker.resetState(id + '-Frame'); } Explorer.jaxCache[id] = jax.root; }, // // Adds Aria attributes. // AddAria: function(math) { math.setAttribute('role', 'application'); math.setAttribute('aria-label', 'Math'); }, // // Add hook to run at End Math to restart walking on an expansion element. // AddHook: function(jax) { Explorer.RemoveHook(); Explorer.hook = MathJax.Hub.Register.MessageHook( 'End Math', function(message) { var newid = message[1].id + '-Frame'; var math = document.getElementById(newid); if (jax && newid === Explorer.expanded) { Explorer.ActivateWalker(math, jax); math.focus(); Explorer.expanded = false; } }); }, // // Remove and unregister the explorer hook. // RemoveHook: function() { if (Explorer.hook) { MathJax.Hub.UnRegister.MessageHook(Explorer.hook); Explorer.hook = null; } }, AddMessage: function() { return MathJax.Message.Set('Generating Speech Output'); }, RemoveMessage: function(id) { if (id) MathJax.Message.Clear(id); }, // // Adds a key event to an enriched jax. // AddEvent: function(script) { var id = script.id + '-Frame'; var sibling = script.previousSibling; if (!sibling) return; var math = sibling.id !== id ? sibling.firstElementChild : sibling; Explorer.AddAria(math); Explorer.AddMouseEvents(math); if (math.className === 'MathJax_MathML') { math = math.firstElementChild; } if (!math) return; math.onkeydown = Explorer.Keydown; Explorer.Flame(math); math.addEventListener( Explorer.focusinEvent, function(event) { if (!Assistive.hook) return; if (!LiveRegion.announced) LiveRegion.Announce(); }); math.addEventListener( Explorer.focusoutEvent, function(event) { if (!Assistive.hook) return; // A fix for Edge. if (Explorer.ignoreFocusOut) { Explorer.ignoreFocusOut = false; if (Explorer.walker.moved === 'enter') { event.target.focus(); return; } } if (Explorer.walker) Explorer.DeactivateWalker(); }); // if (Assistive.getOption('speech')) { Explorer.AddSpeech(math); } // }, // // Add speech output. // AddSpeech: function(math) { var id = math.id; var jax = MathJax.Hub.getJaxFor(id); var mathml = jax.root.toMathML(); if (!math.getAttribute('haslabel')) { Explorer.AddMathLabel(mathml, id); } if (math.getAttribute('hasspeech')) return; switch (MathJax.Hub.config.explorer.generation) { case 'eager': Explorer.AddSpeechEager(mathml, id); break; case 'mixed': var complexity = math.querySelectorAll('[data-semantic-complexity]'); if (complexity.length >= Assistive.eagerComplexity) { Explorer.AddSpeechEager(mathml, id); } break; case 'lazy': default: break; } }, AddSpeechLazy: function(math) { var generator = new sre.TreeSpeechGenerator(); generator.setRebuilt(Explorer.walker.getRebuilt()); generator.getSpeech(Explorer.walker.rootNode, Explorer.walker.getXml()); math.setAttribute('hasspeech', 'true'); }, // // // Adds speech strings to the node using a web worker. // AddSpeechEager: function(mathml, id) { Explorer.MakeSpeechTask( mathml, id, sre.TreeSpeechGenerator, function(math, speech) {math.setAttribute('hasspeech', 'true');}, 5); }, // // Attaches the Math expression as an aria label. // AddMathLabel: function(mathml, id) { Explorer.MakeSpeechTask( mathml, id, sre.SummarySpeechGenerator, function(math, speech) { math.setAttribute('haslabel', 'true'); math.setAttribute('aria-label', speech);}, 5); }, // // The actual speech task generator. // MakeSpeechTask: function(mathml, id, constructor, onSpeech, time) { var messageID = Explorer.AddMessage(); setTimeout(function() { var speechGenerator = new constructor(); var math = document.getElementById(id); var dummy = new sre.DummyWalker( math, speechGenerator, Explorer.highlighter, mathml); var speech = dummy.speech(); if (speech) { onSpeech(math, speech); } Explorer.RemoveMessage(messageID); }, time); }, // // Event execution on keydown. Subsumes the same method of MathEvents. // Keydown: function(event) { var code = event.keyCode; if (code === KEY.ESCAPE) { if (!Explorer.walker) return; Explorer.RemoveHook(); Explorer.DeactivateWalker(); FALSE(event); return; } // If walker is active we redirect there. if (Explorer.walker && Explorer.walker.isActive()) { // Maps the return key to dash for SRE v3. code = code === KEY.RETURN ? KEY.DASH : code; if (typeof(Explorer.walker.modifier) !== 'undefined') { Explorer.walker.modifier = event.shiftKey; } var move = Explorer.walker.move(code); if (move === null) return; if (move) { if (Explorer.walker.moved === 'expand') { Explorer.expanded = Explorer.walker.node.id; // This sometimes blurs in Edge and sometimes it does not. if (MathJax.Hub.Browser.isEdge) { Explorer.ignoreFocusOut = true; Explorer.DeactivateWalker(); return; } // This does not blur in FF, IE. if (MathJax.Hub.Browser.isFirefox || MathJax.Hub.Browser.isMSIE) { Explorer.DeactivateWalker(); return; } } Explorer.liveRegion.Update(Explorer.walker.speech()); Explorer.Highlight(); } else { Explorer.PlayEarcon(); } FALSE(event); return; } var math = event.target; if (code === KEY.SPACE && !event.shiftKey) { MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Event.ContextMenu(event, math); FALSE(event); return; } if (Assistive.hook && (code === KEY.RETURN || (code === KEY.SPACE && event.shiftKey))) { var jax = MathJax.Hub.getJaxFor(math); Explorer.ActivateWalker(math, jax); Explorer.AddHook(jax); FALSE(event); return; } }, GetHighlighter: function(alpha) { Explorer.highlighter = sre.HighlighterFactory.highlighter( {color: Assistive.getOption('background'), alpha: alpha}, {color: Assistive.getOption('foreground'), alpha: 1}, {renderer: MathJax.Hub.outputJax['jax/mml'][0].id, browser: MathJax.Hub.Browser.name} ); }, // // Adds mouse events to maction items in an enriched jax. // AddMouseEvents: function(node) { sre.HighlighterFactory.addEvents( node, {'mouseover': Explorer.MouseOver, 'mouseout': Explorer.MouseOut}, {renderer: MathJax.Hub.outputJax['jax/mml'][0].id, browser: MathJax.Hub.Browser.name} ); }, MouseOver: function(event) { if (Assistive.getOption('highlight') === 'none') return; if (Assistive.getOption('highlight') === 'hover') { var frame = event.currentTarget; Explorer.GetHighlighter(.1); Explorer.highlighter.highlight([frame]); Explorer.hoverer = true; } FALSE(event); }, MouseOut: function(event) { if (Explorer.hoverer) { Explorer.highlighter.unhighlight(); Explorer.hoverer = false; } return FALSE(event); }, // // Activates Flaming // Flame: function(node) { if (Assistive.getOption('highlight') === 'flame') { Explorer.GetHighlighter(.05); Explorer.highlighter.highlightAll(node); Explorer.flamer = true; return; } }, UnFlame: function() { if (Explorer.flamer) { Explorer.highlighter.unhighlightAll(); Explorer.flamer = null; } }, FlameEnriched: function() { Explorer.UnFlame(); for (var i = 0, all = MathJax.Hub.getAllJax(), jax; jax = all[i]; i++) { Explorer.Flame(jax.SourceElement().previousSibling); } }, // // Activates the walker. // Walkers: { 'syntactic': sre.SyntaxWalker, 'table': sre.TableWalker, 'semantic': sre.SemanticWalker, 'none': sre.DummyWalker }, ActivateWalker: function(math, jax) { var speechOn = Assistive.getOption('speech'); var constructor = Assistive.getOption('walker') ? Explorer.Walkers[MathJax.Hub.config.explorer.walker] : Explorer.Walkers['none']; var speechGenerator = speechOn ? new sre.DirectSpeechGenerator() : new sre.DummySpeechGenerator(); var options = sre.System.getInstance().engineSetup(); speechGenerator.setOptions({ locale: options.locale, domain: options.domain, style: options.style, modality: 'speech'}); Explorer.GetHighlighter(.2); Explorer.walker = new constructor( math, speechGenerator, Explorer.highlighter, jax.root.toMathML()); if (speechOn && !math.getAttribute('hasspeech')) { Explorer.AddSpeechLazy(math); } Explorer.walker.activate(); if (speechOn) { if (Assistive.getOption('subtitle')) { Explorer.liveRegion.Show(math, Explorer.highlighter); } Explorer.liveRegion.Update(Explorer.walker.speech()); } Explorer.Highlight(); // A fix for Edge. if (Explorer.ignoreFocusOut) { setTimeout(function() {Explorer.ignoreFocusOut = false;}, 500); } }, // // Deactivates the walker. // DeactivateWalker: function() { var setup = sre.System.getInstance().engineSetup(); var domain = setup.domain; var style = domain === 'clearspeak' ? 'default' : setup.style; Assistive.setOption('ruleset', setup.domain + '-' + style); Explorer.liveRegion.Clear(); Explorer.liveRegion.Hide(); Explorer.Unhighlight(); Explorer.currentHighlight = null; Explorer.walker.deactivate(); Explorer.walker = null; }, // // Highlights the focused nodes. // Highlight: function() { Explorer.Unhighlight(); Explorer.highlighter.highlight(Explorer.walker.getFocus().getNodes()); }, // // Unhighlights the old nodes. // Unhighlight: function() { Explorer.highlighter.unhighlight(); }, // // Plays the earcon. // // Every time we make new Audio element, as some browsers do not allow to // play audio elements more than once (e.g., Safari). // PlayEarcon: function() { var audio = new Audio(Explorer.earconFile); audio.play(); }, // // Toggle speech output. // SpeechOutput: function() { Explorer.Reset(); var speechItems = ['Subtitles']; speechItems.forEach( function(x) { var item = MathJax.Menu.menu.FindId('Accessibility', 'Explorer', x); if (item) { item.disabled = !item.disabled; }}); Explorer.Regenerate(); }, // // Remove speech and resets SRE options. // RemoveSpeech: function() { Assistive.setSpeechOption(); for (var i = 0, all = MathJax.Hub.getAllJax(), jax; jax = all[i]; i++) { var math = document.getElementById(jax.inputID + '-Frame'); if (math) { math.removeAttribute('hasspeech'); math.removeAttribute('haslabel'); } } }, // // Regenerates speech. // Regenerate: function() { for (var i = 0, all = MathJax.Hub.getAllJax(), jax; jax = all[i]; i++) { var math = document.getElementById(jax.inputID + '-Frame'); if (math) { math.removeAttribute('hasspeech'); Explorer.AddSpeech(math); } } }, Startup: function() { var Collapsible = MathJax.Extension.collapsible; if (Collapsible) Collapsible.Dependent(Assistive); Assistive.addDefaults(); } }; MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook('End Extensions', function() { Assistive[SETTINGS.explorer === false ? 'Disable' : 'Enable'](); MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post('Explorer Ready'); MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook('MathMenu Ready', function() { COOKIE = MathJax.Menu.cookie; var Switch = function(menu) { Assistive[SETTINGS.explorer ? 'Enable' : 'Disable'](true, true); MathJax.Menu.saveCookie(); }; var ITEM = MathJax.Menu.ITEM, MENU = MathJax.Menu.menu; var reset = {action: Explorer.Reset}; var speech = {action: Assistive.speechOption}; var explorerMenu = ITEM.SUBMENU(['Explorer', 'Explorer'], ITEM.CHECKBOX(['Active', 'Active'], 'explorer', {action: Switch}), ITEM.RULE(), ITEM.CHECKBOX(['Walker', 'Walker'], 'Assistive-walker'), ITEM.SUBMENU(['Highlight', 'Highlight'], ITEM.RADIO(['none', 'None'], 'Assistive-highlight', reset), ITEM.RADIO(['hover', 'Hover'], 'Assistive-highlight', reset), ITEM.RADIO(['flame', 'Flame'], 'Assistive-highlight', reset) ), ITEM.SUBMENU(['Background', 'Background'], ITEM.RADIO(['blue', 'Blue'], 'Assistive-background', reset), ITEM.RADIO(['red', 'Red'], 'Assistive-background', reset), ITEM.RADIO(['green', 'Green'], 'Assistive-background', reset), ITEM.RADIO(['yellow', 'Yellow'], 'Assistive-background', reset), ITEM.RADIO(['cyan', 'Cyan'], 'Assistive-background', reset), ITEM.RADIO(['magenta', 'Magenta'], 'Assistive-background', reset), ITEM.RADIO(['white', 'White'], 'Assistive-background', reset), ITEM.RADIO(['black', 'Black'], 'Assistive-background', reset) ), ITEM.SUBMENU(['Foreground', 'Foreground'], ITEM.RADIO(['black', 'Black'], 'Assistive-foreground', reset), ITEM.RADIO(['white', 'White'], 'Assistive-foreground', reset), ITEM.RADIO(['magenta', 'Magenta'], 'Assistive-foreground', reset), ITEM.RADIO(['cyan', 'Cyan'], 'Assistive-foreground', reset), ITEM.RADIO(['yellow', 'Yellow'], 'Assistive-foreground', reset), ITEM.RADIO(['green', 'Green'], 'Assistive-foreground', reset), ITEM.RADIO(['red', 'Red'], 'Assistive-foreground', reset), ITEM.RADIO(['blue', 'Blue'], 'Assistive-foreground', reset) ), ITEM.RULE(), ITEM.CHECKBOX(['SpeechOutput', 'Speech Output'], 'Assistive-speech', {action: Explorer.SpeechOutput}), ITEM.CHECKBOX(['Subtitles', 'Subtitles'], 'Assistive-subtitle', {disabled: !SETTINGS['Assistive-speech']}), ITEM.RULE(), ITEM.SUBMENU(['Mathspeak', 'Mathspeak Rules'], ITEM.RADIO(['mathspeak-default', 'Verbose'], 'Assistive-ruleset', speech), ITEM.RADIO(['mathspeak-brief', 'Brief'], 'Assistive-ruleset', speech), ITEM.RADIO(['mathspeak-sbrief', 'Superbrief'], 'Assistive-ruleset', speech) ), ITEM.RADIO(['clearspeak-default', 'Clearspeak Rules'], 'Assistive-ruleset', speech), ITEM.SUBMENU(['Chromevox', 'ChromeVox Rules'], ITEM.RADIO(['chromevox-default', 'Verbose'], 'Assistive-ruleset', speech), ITEM.RADIO(['chromevox-alternative', 'Alternative'], 'Assistive-ruleset', speech) ) ); var submenu = (MENU.FindId('Accessibility') || {}).submenu, index; if (submenu) { index = submenu.IndexOfId('Explorer'); if (index !== null) { submenu.items[index] = explorerMenu; } else { index = submenu.IndexOfId('CollapsibleMath'); submenu.items.splice(index + 1, 0, explorerMenu); } } else { index = MENU.IndexOfId('CollapsibleMath'); MENU.items.splice(index + 1, 0, explorerMenu); } if (!SETTINGS.explorer) Assistive.DisableMenus(true); },20); // Between collapsible and auto-collapse extensions },20); }); // // Patch problem with SVG getJaxForMath when used from explorer // (can be removed after the next release of MathJax). // MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("SVG Jax Ready",function () { MathJax.Hub.Config({SVG: {addMMLclasses: true}}); var SVG = MathJax.OutputJax.SVG; if (parseFloat(SVG.version) < 2.7) { var JAXFROMMATH = SVG.getJaxFromMath; SVG.Augment({ getJaxFromMath: function (math) { if (math.parentNode.className.match(/MathJax_SVG_Display/)) math = math.parentNode; return JAXFROMMATH.call(this,math); } }); } }); // // Set up the a11y path,if it isn't already in place // if (!MathJax.Ajax.config.path.a11y) { MathJax.Ajax.config.path.a11y = MathJax.Hub.config.root + "/extensions/a11y"; } MathJax.Ajax.Require('[a11y]/collapsible.js'); MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook('Collapsible Ready', function() { MathJax.Extension.explorer.Explorer.Startup(); MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete('[a11y]/explorer.js'); }); // @license-end