--- template: oldpost title: Symmetry property of \(q\)-weighted Robinson-Schensted algorithms and branching algorithms date: 2014-04-01 comments: true archive: false tags: RS, growth_diagrams --- In [this paper](http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10801-014-0505-x) a symmetry property analogous to the well known symmetry property of the normal Robinson-Schensted algorithm has been shown for the \\(q\\)-weighted Robinson-Schensted algorithm. The proof uses a generalisation of the growth diagram approach introduced by Fomin. This approach, which uses "growth graphs", can also be applied to a wider class of insertion algorithms which have a branching structure. ![Growth graph of q-RS for 1423](../assets/resources/1423graph.jpg) Above is the growth graph of the \\(q\\)-weighted Robinson-Schensted algorithm for the permutation \\({1 2 3 4\\choose1 4 2 3}\\).