#+title: jst #+date: <2015-04-02> jst = juggling skill tree If you have ever played a computer role playing game, you may have noticed the protagonist sometimes has a skill "tree" (most of the time it is actually a directed acyclic graph), where certain skills leads to others. For example, [[http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/diablo.gamepedia.com/3/37/Sorceress_Skill_Trees_%28Diablo_II%29.png?version=b74b3d4097ef7ad4e26ebee0dcf33d01][here]] is the skill tree of sorceress in [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diablo_II][Diablo II]]. Now suppose our hero embarks on a quest for learning all the possible juggling patterns. Everyone would agree she should start with cascade, the simplest nontrivial 3-ball pattern, but what afterwards? A few other accessible patterns for beginners are juggler's tennis, two in one and even reverse cascade, but what to learn after that? The encyclopeadic [[http://libraryofjuggling.com/][Library of Juggling]] serves as a good guide, as it records more than 160 patterns, some of which very aesthetically appealing. On this website almost all the patterns have a "prerequisite" section, indicating what one should learn beforehand. I have therefore written a script using [[http://python.org][Python]], [[http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/][BeautifulSoup]] and [[http://pygraphviz.github.io/][pygraphviz]] to generate a jst (graded by difficulties, which is the leftmost column) from the Library of Juggling (click the image for the full size):