Here are some links I find interesting or helpful, or both. Listed in no particular order.
- Bret Victor
- Peter Krautzberger
- Chris Piech
- SciLag
- Scandinavia and the World
- Arxiv Sanity Preserver
- Papers with Code
- Distill
- CodaLab
- HaskellForMaths
- Open Problem Garden
- AMS open notes
- Macdonald polynomials webpage
- Hacker News
- Armin Straub
- Bill Cherowitzo
- Richard Stallman
- Aaron Swartz - The Internet’s own boy
- False, Misleading, Clickbait-y, and/or Satirical “News” Sources
- Differential Equations & Linear Algebra - Lecture notes on the web
- William Stein - William Stein, the creator of SageMath
- The origins of SageMath Stein’s BP centenary talk at Harvard
- SageMath - Open-source maths software system
- Project Euler
- Blockly games
- Math ∩ Programming
- Authorea
- Big Data
- Fermat’s Library
- Tricki
- AMS Feature Column
- arXiv
- What’s new - Terence Tao’s blog
- Gowers’s weblog - Timothy Gowers’s blog
- Polymath - MMO maths research
- OEIS - The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences® (OEIS®)
- Vi IMproved - the one true text editor. Plugins:
- vim-latex - for latexing
- vimwiki - a wiki tool with google wiki-like markup
- neocomplete - for auto-completion
- vimperator - turn your Firefox into Vim
- muttator - turn your Thunderbird into Vim
- zathura - turn your pdf reader into Vim
- i3wm - turn your window manager into Vim
- VimGolf
- Regex Golf
- Regex Crossword
- Arch Linux
- Jupyter notebook - An open-source notebook
- Stackexchange sites
- Mathoverflow
- Mathematics
- Codegolf - The most fun corner of Stackexchange.
- Danial Bump
- Bill Casselman