Name | Description | Owner | Idle |
Redirector.git | Firefox redirector extension.
| | 18 months |
adventofcode2017.git | Solutions to Advent of Code 2017.
| | 3 years |
bom.el.git | An Emacs package and webapp retrieving and serving Australian Weather forecast.
| | 17 months |
buildbot.el.git | A buildbot client for emacs
| | 20 months |
cabal-helper.git | Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
| | 3 years |
dictionary-el.git | Emacs package for talking to a dictionary server
| | 21 months |
directory.git | FSD import script.
| | 3 years |
docshack.git | docshack is a set of tools to get docs for projects for Emacs browsing.
| | 2 years |
dotted.git | Yuchen Pei's dotfiles
| | 30 hours |
emacs-hnreader.git | Emacs hnreader - Read Hacker News in Emacs
| | 21 months |
emms.git | fork of emms emacs multimedia system
| | 2 years |
exitter.git | An emacs x/twitter client
| | 7 weeks |
f2md.git | f2md: a command line utility fetching new items from news feeds and write them t... | | 3 years |
fsd.git | FSD import script.
| | 3 years |
generic-search.el.git | generic-search.el - a simple search result UI library for emacs
| | 20 months |
git-email.git | Work with git and email in Emacs
| | 18 months |
gnus-desktop-notify.el.git | Gnus Desktop Notification global minor mode
| | 21 months |
h-source.git | server program of h-node, mirror of | | 2 years |
haddock.git | Haddock with an org backend (haddorg).
| | 3 years |
haskell-code-explorer.git | Web application for exploring and understanding Haskell codebases
| | 3 years |
hc.el.git | An emacs package for exploring haskell code.
| | 2 years |
hcel.git | Server program for indexing and serving Haskell package source code info
| | 2 years |
hmm.el.git | Emacs Universal Handling System
| | 9 weeks |
irc-dialog-graph.git | Converting an irc chat log to a dialog graph.
| | 4 years | | LibreAustralia website source.
| | 3 years |
librejs.git | Mirror of LibreJS at
| | 18 months |
librejserver.git | A server program serving librejs compliance info for webpages.
| | 2 years |
librejsites.git | Collection of librejs-compliant sites.
| | 17 months |
limit-tabs.git | Limit Tabs firefox extension, imported from
| | 19 months |
luwak.git | a text-only Emacs web browser based on lynx -dump
| | 2 years |
mastodon.el.git | Emacs client for fediverse servers that implement the Mastodon API.
| | 3 months |
mathkell.git | Experimental mathematics with Haskell, mainly covering some algebraic / enumerat... | | 3 years |
nand2tetris.git | nand2tetris
| | |
nov.el.git | epub reader
| | 3 months |
org-recoll.git | an emacs wrapper for the recoll full-text file search program
| | 21 months |
pactl.el.git | A simple pulseaudio client for emacs.
| | 2 years |
ptv.el.git | Elisp client to Public Transport Victoria timetable API.
| | 18 months |
ptvtt.git | Python/WSGI client to Public Transport Victoria timetable API.
| | 21 months |
rtliber.git | An Emacs interface to Request Tracker aka RT. Homepage: < | | 4 years |
servall.git | serve them all
| | 21 months |
sx.el.git | SX -- Stack Exchange for Emacs
| | 21 months |
traclicker.git | traclicker: fight email click trackers
| | 17 months |
tree-sitter-wiki.git | tree-sitter grammar for wikitext
| | |
url-rewrite.git | url-rewrite is an elisp library for rewriting URLs
| | 17 months |
vicmap2osm.git | Convert VicMap Address data to OpenStreetMap, forked from | | 17 months |
vim-vixen.git | vim-vixen: keyboard driven firefox navigation
| | 18 months |
weather.git | A simple server serving Victorian weather in both html and json.
| | 3 years |
wiki.el.git | emacs wiki mode
| | 2 months | | Code and text for the website
| | 5 months |