dotted.gitYuchen Pei's dotfiles 3 weeks and text for the website 3 months
url-rewrite.giturl-rewrite is an elisp library for rewriting URLs 6 months
traclicker.gittraclicker: fight email click trackers 6 months
hmm.el.gitEmacs Universal Handling System 6 months
bom.el.gitAn Emacs package and webapp retrieving and serving Australian Weather forecast. 6 months
vicmap2osm.gitConvert VicMap Address data to OpenStreetMap, forked from months
librejsites.gitCollection of librejs-compliant sites. 6 months
git-email.gitWork with git and email in Emacs 7 months
librejs.gitMirror of LibreJS at 8 months
wiki.el.gitemacs wiki mode 8 months
vim-vixen.gitvim-vixen: keyboard driven firefox navigation 8 months
Redirector.gitFirefox redirector extension. 8 months
ptv.el.gitElisp client to Public Transport Victoria timetable API. 8 months
limit-tabs.gitLimit Tabs firefox extension, imported from 8 months
buildbot.el.gitA buildbot client for emacs 9 months
generic-search.el.gitgeneric-search.el - a simple search result UI library for emacs 9 months
org-recoll.gitan emacs wrapper for the recoll full-text file search program 10 months
sx.el.gitSX -- Stack Exchange for Emacs 10 months
servall.gitserve them all 10 months
gnus-desktop-notify.el.gitGnus Desktop Notification global minor mode 10 months
dictionary-el.gitEmacs package for talking to a dictionary server 10 months
emacs-hnreader.gitEmacs hnreader - Read Hacker News in Emacs 10 months
ptvtt.gitPython/WSGI client to Public Transport Victoria timetable API. 10 months
luwak.gita text-only Emacs web browser based on lynx -dump 17 months
librejserver.gitA server program serving librejs compliance info for webpages. 17 months
pactl.el.gitA simple pulseaudio client for emacs. 18 months
hc.el.gitAn emacs package for exploring haskell code. 18 months
docshack.gitdocshack is a set of tools to get docs for projects for Emacs browsing. 19 months
emms.gitfork of emms emacs multimedia system 19 months
h-source.gitserver program of h-node, mirror of months
hcel.gitServer program for indexing and serving Haskell package source code info 19 months
haddock.gitHaddock with an org backend (haddorg). 19 months
haskell-code-explorer.gitWeb application for exploring and understanding Haskell codebases 22 months
cabal-helper.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. 23 months
fsd.gitFSD import script. 23 months
directory.gitFSD import script. 23 months
f2md.gitf2md: a command line utility fetching new items from news feeds and write them t...23 months
weather.gitA simple server serving Victorian weather in both html and json. 23 months website source. 2 years
adventofcode2017.gitSolutions to Advent of Code 2017. 2 years
mathkell.gitExperimental mathematics with Haskell, mainly covering some algebraic / enumerat...3 years
irc-dialog-graph.gitConverting an irc chat log to a dialog graph. 3 years
rtliber.gitAn Emacs interface to Request Tracker aka RT. Homepage: < years
tree-sitter-wiki.gittree-sitter grammar for wikitext