diff options
6 files changed, 203 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Compile.hs b/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Compile.hs
index dfa52a0..409239f 100644
--- a/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Compile.hs
+++ b/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Compile.hs
@@ -28,12 +28,14 @@ import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
import Data.Version
+import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType(OtherError))
import Text.Printf
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.Process
import System.Exit
import System.IO
+import System.IO.Error
import System.IO.Temp
import Prelude
@@ -48,8 +50,8 @@ import CabalHelper.Shared.Common
import CabalHelper.Shared.Sandbox (getSandboxPkgDb)
data Compile = Compile {
- compCabalSourceDir :: Maybe FilePath,
- compPackageDb :: Maybe FilePath,
+ compCabalSourceDir :: Maybe CabalSourceDir,
+ compPackageDb :: Maybe PackageDbDir,
compCabalVersion :: Either String Version,
compPackageDeps :: [String]
@@ -91,8 +93,10 @@ compileHelper opts cabalVer projdir distdir = do
-- | Check if this version is available in the project sandbox
compileSandbox :: MaybeT IO (Either ExitCode FilePath)
compileSandbox = do
- sandbox <- MaybeT $ getSandboxPkgDb projdir (display buildPlatform) =<< ghcVersion opts
- ver <- MaybeT $ logSomeError opts "compileSandbox" $
+ let ghcVer = ghcVersion opts
+ mdb_path = getSandboxPkgDb projdir (display buildPlatform) =<< ghcVer
+ sandbox <- PackageDbDir <$> MaybeT mdb_path
+ ver <- MaybeT $ logIOError opts "compileSandbox" $
find (== cabalVer) <$> listCabalVersions' opts (Just sandbox)
vLog opts $ logMsg ++ "sandbox package-db"
liftIO $ compileWithPkg (Just sandbox) ver
@@ -102,12 +106,13 @@ compileHelper opts cabalVer projdir distdir = do
-- package-db
cachedCabalPkg :: MaybeT IO (Either ExitCode FilePath)
cachedCabalPkg = do
- db_exists <- liftIO $ cabalPkgDbExists opts cabalVer
+ db_exists <- liftIO $ cabalVersionExistsInPkgDb opts cabalVer
case db_exists of
False -> mzero
True -> do
- db <- liftIO $ getPrivateCabalPkgDb opts (Right cabalVer)
- vLog opts $ logMsg ++ "private package-db in " ++ db
+ db@(PackageDbDir db_path)
+ <- liftIO $ getPrivateCabalPkgDb opts (Right cabalVer)
+ vLog opts $ logMsg ++ "private package-db in " ++ db_path
liftIO $ compileWithPkg (Just db) cabalVer
-- | See if we're in a cabal source tree
@@ -115,18 +120,19 @@ compileHelper opts cabalVer projdir distdir = do
compileCabalSource = do
let cabalFile = projdir </> "Cabal.cabal"
cabalSrc <- liftIO $ doesFileExist cabalFile
+ let projdir' = CabalSourceDir projdir
case cabalSrc of
False -> mzero
True -> liftIO $ do
vLog opts $ "directory above distdir looks like cabal source tree (Cabal.cabal exists)"
ver <- cabalFileVersion <$> readFile cabalFile
vLog opts $ "compiling helper with local Cabal source tree"
- compileWithCabalTree ver projdir
+ compileWithCabalTree ver projdir'
-- | Compile the requested cabal version into an isolated package-db
compilePrivatePkgDb :: IO (Either ExitCode FilePath)
compilePrivatePkgDb = do
- db <- installCabal opts cabalVer `E.catch`
+ db <- fst <$> installCabal opts (Right cabalVer) `E.catch`
\(SomeException _) -> errorInstallCabal cabalVer distdir
compileWithPkg (Just db) cabalVer
@@ -150,7 +156,8 @@ compileHelper opts cabalVer projdir distdir = do
compile :: FilePath -> Options -> Compile -> IO (Either ExitCode FilePath)
compile distdir opts@Options {..} Compile {..} = do
- cnCabalSourceDir <- canonicalizePath `traverse` compCabalSourceDir
+ cnCabalSourceDir
+ <- (canonicalizePath . cabalSourceDir) `traverse` compCabalSourceDir
appdir <- appCacheDir
let (outdir, exedir, exe, mchsrcdir) =
@@ -187,7 +194,7 @@ compile distdir opts@Options {..} Compile {..} = do
\|| (major1) == "++show mj1++" && (major2) < "++show mj2++"\
\|| (major1) == "++show mj1++" && (major2) == "++show mj2++" && (minor) <= "++show mi++")"
- maybeToList $ ("-package-conf="++) <$> compPackageDb,
+ maybeToList $ ("-package-conf="++) <$> packageDbDir <$> compPackageDb,
map ("-i"++) $ nub $ "":compCabalHelperSourceDir:maybeToList cnCabalSourceDir,
if isNothing cnCabalSourceDir
@@ -208,11 +215,7 @@ compile distdir opts@Options {..} Compile {..} = do
- vLog opts $ intercalate " " $ map (("'"++) . (++"'")) $ ghcProgram:ghc_opts
- -- TODO: touch exe after, ghc doesn't do that if the input files didn't
- -- actually change
- rv <- callProcessStderr' Nothing ghcProgram ghc_opts
+ rv <- callProcessStderr' opts Nothing ghcProgram ghc_opts
return $ case rv of
ExitSuccess -> Right exe
e@(ExitFailure _) -> Left e
@@ -227,30 +230,45 @@ exeName (Right compCabalVersion) = intercalate "-"
, "Cabal" ++ showVersion compCabalVersion
-callProcessStderr' :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ExitCode
-callProcessStderr' mwd exe args = do
+ :: Options -> Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ExitCode
+callProcessStderr' opts mwd exe args = do
+ let cd = case mwd of
+ Nothing -> []; Just wd -> [ "cd", formatProcessArg wd++";" ]
+ vLog opts $ intercalate " " $ cd ++ map formatProcessArg (exe:args)
(_, _, _, h) <- createProcess (proc exe args) { std_out = UseHandle stderr
, cwd = mwd }
waitForProcess h
-callProcessStderr :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
-callProcessStderr mwd exe args = do
- rv <- callProcessStderr' mwd exe args
+callProcessStderr :: Options -> Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
+callProcessStderr opts mwd exe args = do
+ rv <- callProcessStderr' opts mwd exe args
case rv of
ExitSuccess -> return ()
ExitFailure v -> processFailedException "callProcessStderr" exe args v
processFailedException :: String -> String -> [String] -> Int -> IO a
processFailedException fn exe args rv =
- panic $ concat [fn, ": ", exe, " "
- , intercalate " " (map show args)
- , " (exit " ++ show rv ++ ")"]
-installCabal :: Options -> Version -> IO FilePath
-installCabal opts ver = do
+ ioError $ mkIOError OtherError msg Nothing Nothing
+ where
+ msg = concat [ fn, ": ", exe, " "
+ , intercalate " " (map formatProcessArg args)
+ , " (exit " ++ show rv ++ ")"
+ ]
+formatProcessArg :: String -> String
+formatProcessArg xs
+ | any isSpace xs = "'"++ xs ++"'"
+ | otherwise = xs
+data HEAD = HEAD deriving (Eq, Show)
+installCabal :: Options -> Either HEAD Version -> IO (PackageDbDir, Either String Version)
+installCabal opts ever = do
appdir <- appCacheDir
- let sver = showVersion ver
- hPutStr stderr $ printf "\
+ let message ver = do
+ let sver = showVersion ver
+ hPutStr stderr $ printf "\
\cabal-helper-wrapper: Installing a private copy of Cabal because we couldn't\n\
\find the right version in your global/user package-db, this might take a\n\
\while but will only happen once per Cabal version you're using.\n\
@@ -265,24 +283,36 @@ installCabal opts ver = do
\Installing Cabal %s ...\n" appdir sver sver sver
withSystemTempDirectory "cabal-helper-Cabal-source" $ \tmpdir -> do
- let
- mpatch :: Maybe (FilePath -> IO ())
- mpatch = snd <$> find ((ver`elem`) . fst) patchyCabalVersions
- msrcdir <- sequenceA $ unpackPatchedCabal opts ver tmpdir <$> mpatch
- db <- createPkgDb opts (Right ver)
- cabalInstall opts db (maybe (Right ver) Left msrcdir)
- return db
-installCabalHEAD :: Options -> IO (FilePath, String)
-installCabalHEAD opts = do
- withSystemTempDirectory "cabal-helper-CabalHEAD-source" $ \tmpdir -> do
- (srcdir, commit) <- unpackCabalHEAD tmpdir
- db <- createPkgDb opts (Left commit)
- cabalInstall opts db (Left srcdir)
- return (db, commit)
-cabalInstall :: Options -> FilePath -> Either FilePath Version -> IO ()
-cabalInstall opts db e_ver_msrcdir = do
+ (srcdir, e_commit_ver) <- case ever of
+ Left HEAD -> do
+ second Left <$> unpackCabalHEAD tmpdir
+ Right ver -> do
+ message ver
+ let patch = fromMaybe nopCabalPatchDescription $
+ find ((ver`elem`) . cpdVersions) patchyCabalVersions
+ (,) <$> unpackPatchedCabal opts ver tmpdir patch <*> pure (Right ver)
+ db <- createPkgDb opts e_commit_ver
+ runCabalInstall opts db srcdir
+ return (db, e_commit_ver)
+TODO: If the Cabal version we want to install is less than or equal to one we
+have available, either through act-as-setup or in a package-db we should be able
+to use act-as-setup or build a default Setup.hs exe and patch the Cabal source
+to say build-type:simple. This will sidestep bugs in c-i>=1.24
+See conversation in
+Otherwise we might be able to use the shipped Setup.hs
+runCabalInstall :: Options -> PackageDbDir -> CabalSourceDir -> IO ()
+runCabalInstall opts (PackageDbDir db) (CabalSourceDir srcdir) = do
cabalInstallVer <- cabalInstallVersion opts
cabal_opts <- return $ concat
@@ -290,46 +320,88 @@ cabalInstall opts db e_ver_msrcdir = do
, "--package-db=global"
, "--package-db=" ++ db
, "--prefix=" ++ db </> "prefix"
- , "--with-ghc=" ++ ghcProgram opts
+ , cabalOptions opts
, if cabalInstallVer >= Version [1,20,0,0] []
then ["--no-require-sandbox"]
else []
- , if ghcPkgProgram opts /= ghcPkgProgram defaultOptions
- then [ "--with-ghc-pkg=" ++ ghcPkgProgram opts ]
+ , [ "install", srcdir ]
+ , if verbose opts
+ then ["-v"]
else []
- ,
- case e_ver_msrcdir of
- Right ver ->
- [ "install", "Cabal-"++showVersion ver ]
- Left srcdir ->
- [ "install", srcdir ]
+ , [ "--only-dependencies" ]
- vLog opts $ intercalate " "
- $ map (("\""++) . (++"\""))
- $ cabalProgram opts:cabal_opts
+ callProcessStderr opts (Just "/") (cabalProgram opts) cabal_opts
+ setupProgram <- compileSetupHs opts db srcdir
+ runSetupHs opts setupProgram db srcdir
- callProcessStderr (Just "/") (cabalProgram opts) cabal_opts
hPutStrLn stderr "done"
-patchyCabalVersions :: [([Version], FilePath -> IO ())]
-patchyCabalVersions = [
- ( [ Version [1,18,1] [] ]
- , fixArrayConstraint
- ),
+cabalOptions :: Options -> [String]
+cabalOptions opts =
+ concat [ [ "--with-ghc=" ++ ghcProgram opts ]
+ , if ghcPkgProgram opts /= ghcPkgProgram defaultOptions
+ then [ "--with-ghc-pkg=" ++ ghcPkgProgram opts ]
+ else []
+ ]
+runSetupHs :: Options -> SetupProgram -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+runSetupHs opts SetupProgram {..} db srcdir = do
+ let run = callProcessStderr opts (Just srcdir) setupProgram
+ run $ [ "configure", "--package-db", db, "--prefix", db </> "prefix" ] ++ cabalOptions opts
+ run [ "build", "-j" ]
+ run [ "copy" ]
+ run [ "register" ]
+newtype SetupProgram = SetupProgram { setupProgram :: FilePath }
+compileSetupHs :: Options -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO SetupProgram
+compileSetupHs opts db srcdir = do
+ ver <- ghcVersion opts
+ let no_version_macros
+ | ver >= Version [8] [] = [ "-fno-version-macros" ]
+ | otherwise = []
+ file = srcdir </> "Setup"
+ callProcessStderr opts (Just srcdir) (ghcProgram opts) $ concat
+ [ [ "--make"
+ , "-package-conf", db
+ ]
+ , no_version_macros
+ , [ file <.> "hs"
+ , "-o", file
+ ]
+ ]
+ return $ SetupProgram file
+data CabalPatchDescription = CabalPatchDescription {
+ cpdVersions :: [Version],
+ cpdUnpackVariant :: UnpackCabalVariant,
+ cpdPatchFn :: FilePath -> IO ()
+ }
+nopCabalPatchDescription :: CabalPatchDescription
+nopCabalPatchDescription = CabalPatchDescription [] LatestRevision (const (return ()))
- ( [ Version [1,18,0] [] ]
- , \dir -> do
+patchyCabalVersions :: [CabalPatchDescription]
+patchyCabalVersions = [
+ let versions = [ Version [1,18,1] [] ]
+ variant = Pristine
+ patch = fixArrayConstraint
+ in CabalPatchDescription versions variant patch,
+ let versions = [ Version [1,18,0] [] ]
+ variant = Pristine
+ patch dir = do
fixArrayConstraint dir
fixOrphanInstance dir
- ),
+ in CabalPatchDescription versions variant patch,
- -- just want the pristine version
- ( [ Version [1,24,1,0] [] ]
- , \_ -> return ()
- )
+ let versions = [ Version [1,24,1,0] [] ]
+ variant = Pristine
+ patch _ = return ()
+ in CabalPatchDescription versions variant patch
fixArrayConstraint dir = do
@@ -364,30 +436,37 @@ patchyCabalVersions = [
renameFile versionFileTmp versionFile
-unpackPatchedCabal ::
- Options -> Version -> FilePath -> (FilePath -> IO ()) -> IO FilePath
-unpackPatchedCabal opts cabalVer tmpdir patch = do
- dir <- unpackCabal opts cabalVer tmpdir
+ :: Options
+ -> Version
+ -> FilePath
+ -> CabalPatchDescription
+ -> IO CabalSourceDir
+unpackPatchedCabal opts cabalVer tmpdir (CabalPatchDescription _ variant patch) = do
+ res@(CabalSourceDir dir) <- unpackCabal opts cabalVer tmpdir variant
patch dir
- return dir
+ return res
-unpackCabal ::
- Options -> Version -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
-unpackCabal opts cabalVer tmpdir = do
+data UnpackCabalVariant = Pristine | LatestRevision
+newtype CabalSourceDir = CabalSourceDir { cabalSourceDir :: FilePath }
+ :: Options -> Version -> FilePath -> UnpackCabalVariant -> IO CabalSourceDir
+unpackCabal opts cabalVer tmpdir variant = do
let cabal = "Cabal-" ++ showVersion cabalVer
dir = tmpdir </> cabal
- callProcessStderr (Just tmpdir) (cabalProgram opts)
- [ "get", "--pristine", cabal ]
- return dir
+ variant_opts = case variant of Pristine -> [ "--pristine" ]; _ -> []
+ args = [ "get", cabal ] ++ variant_opts
+ callProcessStderr opts (Just tmpdir) (cabalProgram opts) args
+ return $ CabalSourceDir dir
-unpackCabalHEAD :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath, String)
+unpackCabalHEAD :: FilePath -> IO (CabalSourceDir, String)
unpackCabalHEAD tmpdir = do
let dir = tmpdir </> "cabal-head.git"
url = "https://github.com/haskell/cabal.git"
ExitSuccess <- rawSystem "git" [ "clone", "--depth=1", url, dir]
commit <-
withDirectory_ dir $ trim <$> readProcess "git" ["rev-parse", "HEAD"] ""
- return (dir </> "Cabal", commit)
+ return (CabalSourceDir $ dir </> "Cabal", commit)
withDirectory_ :: FilePath -> IO a -> IO a
withDirectory_ dir action =
@@ -396,8 +475,8 @@ unpackCabalHEAD tmpdir = do
(liftIO . setCurrentDirectory)
(\_ -> liftIO (setCurrentDirectory dir) >> action)
-errorInstallCabal :: Version -> FilePath -> a
-errorInstallCabal cabalVer _distdir = panic $ printf "\
+errorInstallCabal :: Version -> FilePath -> IO a
+errorInstallCabal cabalVer _distdir = panicIO $ printf "\
\Installing Cabal version %s failed.\n\
\You have the following choices to fix this:\n\
@@ -442,19 +521,19 @@ listCabalVersions :: Options -> IO [Version]
listCabalVersions opts = listCabalVersions' opts Nothing
-- TODO: Include sandbox? Probably only relevant for build-type:custom projects.
-listCabalVersions' :: Options -> Maybe FilePath -> IO [Version]
+listCabalVersions' :: Options -> Maybe PackageDbDir -> IO [Version]
listCabalVersions' Options {..} mdb = do
- let mdbopt = ("--package-conf="++) <$> mdb
+ let mdbopt = ("--package-conf="++) <$> packageDbDir <$> mdb
opts = ["list", "--simple-output", "Cabal"] ++ maybeToList mdbopt
catMaybes . map (fmap snd . parsePkgId . fromString) . words
<$> readProcess ghcPkgProgram opts ""
-cabalPkgDbExists :: Options -> Version -> IO Bool
-cabalPkgDbExists opts cabalVer = do
- db <- getPrivateCabalPkgDb opts (Right cabalVer)
- dexists <- doesDirectoryExist db
- case dexists of
+cabalVersionExistsInPkgDb :: Options -> Version -> IO Bool
+cabalVersionExistsInPkgDb opts cabalVer = do
+ db@(PackageDbDir db_path) <- getPrivateCabalPkgDb opts (Right cabalVer)
+ exists <- doesDirectoryExist db_path
+ case exists of
False -> return False
True -> do
vers <- listCabalVersions' opts (Just db)
@@ -476,18 +555,21 @@ cabalInstallVersion Options {..} = do
trim :: String -> String
trim = dropWhileEnd isSpace
-createPkgDb :: Options -> Either String Version -> IO FilePath
+createPkgDb :: Options -> Either String Version -> IO PackageDbDir
createPkgDb opts@Options {..} cabalVer = do
- db <- getPrivateCabalPkgDb opts cabalVer
- exists <- doesDirectoryExist db
- when (not exists) $ callProcessStderr Nothing ghcPkgProgram ["init", db]
+ db@(PackageDbDir db_path) <- getPrivateCabalPkgDb opts cabalVer
+ exists <- doesDirectoryExist db_path
+ when (not exists) $ callProcessStderr opts Nothing ghcPkgProgram ["init", db_path]
return db
-getPrivateCabalPkgDb :: Options -> Either String Version -> IO FilePath
+getPrivateCabalPkgDb :: Options -> Either String Version -> IO PackageDbDir
getPrivateCabalPkgDb opts cabalVer = do
appdir <- appCacheDir
ghcVer <- ghcVersion opts
- return $ appdir </> exeName cabalVer ++ "-ghc" ++ showVersion ghcVer ++ ".package-db"
+ let db_path = appdir </> exeName cabalVer
+ ++ "-ghc" ++ showVersion ghcVer
+ ++ ".package-db"
+ return $ PackageDbDir db_path
-- "Cabal" ++ ver ++ "-ghc" ++ showVersion ghcVer
diff --git a/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Log.hs b/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Log.hs
index 6931fa9..ec38f88 100644
--- a/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Log.hs
+++ b/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Log.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module CabalHelper.Compiletime.Log where
import Control.Monad
@@ -14,8 +16,8 @@ vLog Options { verbose = True } msg =
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr msg
vLog _ _ = return ()
-logSomeError :: Options -> String -> IO (Maybe a) -> IO (Maybe a)
-logSomeError opts label a = do
- a `E.catch` \se@(SomeException _) -> do
- vLog opts $ label ++ ": " ++ show se
+logIOError :: Options -> String -> IO (Maybe a) -> IO (Maybe a)
+logIOError opts label a = do
+ a `E.catch` \(ex :: IOError) -> do
+ vLog opts $ label ++ ": " ++ E.displayException ex
return Nothing
diff --git a/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Types.hs b/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Types.hs
index 138baa7..da6eb4d 100644
--- a/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Types.hs
+++ b/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Types.hs
@@ -25,8 +25,10 @@ data Options = Options {
, ghcPkgProgram :: FilePath
, cabalProgram :: FilePath
, cabalVersion :: Maybe Version
- , cabalPkgDb :: Maybe FilePath
+ , cabalPkgDb :: Maybe PackageDbDir
+newtype PackageDbDir = PackageDbDir { packageDbDir :: FilePath }
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = Options False "ghc" "ghc-pkg" "cabal" Nothing Nothing
diff --git a/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Wrapper.hs b/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Wrapper.hs
index 7325654..8546e9e 100644
--- a/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Wrapper.hs
+++ b/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Wrapper.hs
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ globalArgSpec =
reqArg "VERSION" $ \p o -> o { cabalVersion = Just $ parseVer p }
, option "" ["with-cabal-pkg-db"] "package database to look for Cabal library in" $
- reqArg "PKG_DB" $ \p o -> o { cabalPkgDb = Just p }
+ reqArg "PKG_DB" $ \p o -> o { cabalPkgDb = Just (PackageDbDir p) }
diff --git a/CabalHelper/Shared/Common.hs b/CabalHelper/Shared/Common.hs
index 588cd03..b4c9e46 100644
--- a/CabalHelper/Shared/Common.hs
+++ b/CabalHelper/Shared/Common.hs
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ instance Exception Panic
panic :: String -> a
panic msg = throw $ Panic msg
+panicIO :: String -> IO a
+panicIO msg = throwIO $ Panic msg
handlePanic :: IO a -> IO a
handlePanic action =
action `E.catch` \(Panic msg) -> errMsg msg >> exitFailure
diff --git a/tests/CompileTest.hs b/tests/CompileTest.hs
index b408788..6385f9e 100644
--- a/tests/CompileTest.hs
+++ b/tests/CompileTest.hs
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import Data.Function
import qualified Distribution.Compat.ReadP as Dist
import Distribution.Version hiding (Version, showVersion)
import Distribution.Text
-import Control.Exception as E
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Prelude
@@ -119,31 +118,18 @@ main = do
isLeft' (Left _) = True
isLeft' (Right _) = False
-data HEAD = HEAD deriving (Eq, Show)
compilePrivatePkgDb :: Either HEAD Version -> IO (Either ExitCode FilePath)
-compilePrivatePkgDb (Left HEAD) = do
- res <- (Right <$> installCabalHEAD defaultOptions { verbose = True })
- `E.catch` \(SomeException ex) -> return $ Left $
- "ERROR: Installing cabal HEAD failed: " ++ show ex
- case res of
- Left err -> do
- hPutStrLn stderr err
- return $ Left $ ExitFailure 1
- Right (db, commit) ->
- compileWithPkg (Just db) (Left commit)
-compilePrivatePkgDb (Right cabalVer) = do
- db <- installCabal defaultOptions { verbose = True } cabalVer `E.catch`
- \(SomeException _) -> do
- errorInstallCabal cabalVer "/does-not-exist"
- compileWithPkg (Just db) (Right cabalVer)
-compileWithPkg :: Maybe FilePath
+compilePrivatePkgDb eCabalVer = do
+ (db, e_commit_ver)
+ <- installCabal defaultOptions { verbose = True } eCabalVer
+ compileWithPkg (Just db) e_commit_ver
+compileWithPkg :: Maybe PackageDbDir
-> Either String Version
-> IO (Either ExitCode FilePath)
-compileWithPkg mdb ver =
+compileWithPkg mdb eCabalVer =
compile "/does-not-exist" defaultOptions { verbose = True } $
- Compile Nothing mdb ver [cabalPkgId ver]
+ Compile Nothing mdb eCabalVer [cabalPkgId eCabalVer]
cabalPkgId :: Either String Version -> String
cabalPkgId (Left _commitid) = "Cabal"